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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20180824 18:00:00

we begin with breaking news on this friday. just 70 some days since the president's meeting with the north korean dictator and he is conceding that things are not going as he had hoped. he just tweeted this, quote, i have asked secretary of state mike pompeo not to go to north korea at this time because i feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. additionally because of our much tougher trading stance with china, i do not believe they are helping with the process of denuclearization as they once were despite the u.n. sanctions which are in place. secretary pompeo looks forward to going to north korea in the near future. most likely after our trading relationship with china is resolved. in the meantime, i would like to send my warmest regards and respects to chairman kim. i look forward to seeing him soon. remember right after the summit with kim jung-un, trump praised himself saying that there was no longer a nuclear threat from north korea. joining us now, elise labott, barbara starr and julian barnes. this trip, this upcoming trip for pompeo, was just announced yesterday and now a flip. why the about-face? >> that's right, secretary pompeo announced that he was going to north korea as he was rolling out the announcement of his new envoy. a former adviser under george w. bush to secretary of state condoleezza rice and others, no necessarily north korean experience, but a lot of experience in asia. he said he was going to north korea. but curiously the state department said he had no expectations of meeting with kim jung-un. so there was obviously a lot of consternation why the secretary of state would be making another trip he was just there about a month ago, kim jung-un did not meet with him, and there is a lot of concern in the meantime about north korea continuing to develop its nuclear weapons program. barbara can go into that in more detail. but most recently the iaea just recently came out with a report saying that it had very grave concerns. so obviously the president called in secretary pompeo just moments ago, he was with andrew kim, the director of the cia that deals with north korea, one of secretary pompeo's closest advisers on north korea. obviously the assessment was made that now is not a good time for secretary pompeo to go there. i love how at the end though president trump gives husband warmehusband --is warmest wishes to the north korean leader. but obviously this is a real slap to the north koreans who were expecting him. >> julian, this is the president admitting it is not going well and all signs had been pointing to a lack of progress, but the president in the past has continued to sort of put on a happy face about all of this. so his change in tone is also noteworthy. >> it is. i mean, what is noteworthy about this is trump's change of tone. you know, north korea experts have been predicting something like this. you know, there has been a big difference between the north korean actions. they have continued to make icbms, they continue to work on nuclear fuel. there has not been a real change in posture there. but nor did they agree to that after the singapore summit. so there has been a lot of signs that we were headed toward a setback like this. >> barbara, more can you tell us? >> u.s. military and intelligence officials looking at it have been very sober minded the entire time. i don't think anybody expected mike pompeo to go to pyongyang and get a clean win out of this. perhaps the way mr. trump wanted. what we do know is the u.n. international nuclear inspectors,ment iaea, issued a report, grave concern about north korea's weapons program, detailing site by site in their weapons program what was going on. their continued work on he reactors, on nuclear fuel, no indication that they were giving up any of that. and they have not promised to at this point with any kind of specificity. commercial satellite imagery just coming out showing that some minimal dismantlement activity at a launch station had apparently been halted. and things were just very status go there, no further dismantlement. it was this kind of thing that was beginning to cause some concern and beginning to make people ask the critical question, has kim jung-un made the strategic decision in his own mind to give up his nuclear weapons in the irreversible verifiable way that president trump has said he must do. and there is no indication that he has. nothing has really been signed that would lead to that. for that to happen, kim has to make a lot of decisions and foremost, he lets international inspectors in, he lets th s thek at everything, unannounced, they can just show up. he makes honest declarations about what his inventory is. the u.s. thinks he is likely working on nuclear tipped missiles. so would he agree to all of this. we're miles away from that ever happening and a lot of concern that right now this is, you know, a big detour on the road to that. >> all right. thank you all. on top of this, the week is ending with what the president will likely view as another bombshell betrayal from his inner circle. the week started with his former lawyer michael cohen pleading guilty to eight criminal counts implicating trump in some of them. now a source says federal prosecutors granted immunity to allen weisselberg in the case against cohen. weisselberg is the chief financial officer of the trump organization and he becomes the third known high level trump ally to work with federal investigators. he joins cohen and david pecker the head of the company that publishes the "national enquirer" who reportedly was granted immunity as well. pecker and weisselberg were both mentioned in that secret recording cohen made as he talked to trump week before the 2016 election. they were discussing setting up an account to pay off on a playboy model who alleged an affair with trump. the hush money was one of the campaign finance crimes cohen The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin. is that he said that he would be willing to work on with prosecutors, but it is possible that we could think that maybe there is something larger here than just the issues surrounding michael cohen and the stormy daniels payment. but even then, you know, i think one thing that is also sort of key here is that those payments right before the election are in themselves -- i think we almost minimize or -- we really treat those with less gravity than they ought to be treated. if the russia probe with mueller didn't exist, this would itself be something that we would be thinking is very legally and politically important. if bill clinton had done these things back in the '90s, if he had been accused of giving hush money to women with whom he had affairs on the eve of the election, he would have -- i mean, he would have been impeached over that, he would have been convicted over that he might have resigned over that. it would have dwarfed what actually ended up happening. because of the russia probe, this almost looks like a side show, but it itself, i mean this actually could have arguably influenced the 2016 election if those affairs had come out in october of 2016, there is an excellent chance that trump wouldn't have been elected. so there is a lot of gravity just around the cohen investigation even if you put the whole mueller thing a side. >> barbara, you point on out that weisselberg has been with the trump organization for a very long time. we know how much president trump then candidate trump and private trump at the top of the organization, how much he prizes loyalty. >> absolutely. >> so that speaks to weisselberg i suppose, the fact that he has been with him so lodge. but is this proof that loyalty only runs so deep? >> i think loyalty is something we should all think about what it means. you are loyal to a person for many reasons. but not for reasons that have to do with worker or anything that is illegal or even immoral, unethical. i don't think that anybody has the right to tee mademand loyal that kind of thing. certainly loyalty in terms of working together, doing the right thing, keeping secrets when needed to be kept, running the business properly, those are the kinds of things i think loyal i did should ty should be turning in someone that did something wrong. but again, in this case, i don't think that allen necessarily is in that role. i think it is more that he knows where money went and where it came from, and also he may know something about whether or not there is russian money involved in any of this and that may be of interest to the investigation. >> we did know the trump organization was subpoenaed for some specific documents and we had reported back in march that it had to do specific with russian business contacts. thank you both for joining us. appreciate it. one by one, friends and former aides of republican political operative roger stone have offered their testimony to robert mueller's special counsel, all except one. meet the pot farming house painting roger stone aide who is resisting mueller. that is coming up. also, he is an icon of the senate, john mccain making the difficult decision today to discontinue medical treatment for brain cancer a year after his diagnosis. more on his condition and reaction from lawmakers, his friends and his family next. whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? 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>> two things. one obviously what he's done in the vietnam war can never be discounted because it is so extraordinary what he went through in a way that so many people again can't comprehend end. but then the fighting spirit that he brought to the senate. having worked in the senate, quite often you thought john mccain is such a pain in the neck. and there is a reason for that because he fought tooth and nail on everything. and if you are a republican, time and time again he was willing to stand up to his own party and say no and it could be frustrating. but you knew it was because he was fighting for his state, for the country and doing what ultimately he thought was right. >> any lessons learned that other politicians should know? >> i think there is a big lesson learned, what wire seeing in the arizona senate right right now, where a lot of people on the republican side won't even talk about john mccain. certainly with this announcement that may change things. you but i think it is a sign of how poisoned or politics have become. people will tell you what good and honorable people they were, what great parents they were. and that is what we need to get back to. and if we look at why things are so functional today, maybe not having john mccain on the stage when we need him to be is one of those reasons. >> doug, thank you so much. back to the breaking news, yet another long time confidant of donald trump making a deal with the feds for immunity. are some of the president's most loyal insiders now turning on him? a trump biographer joins us next. and president trump tee parting the white house with melania trump by his side, trump who has had plenty to say on twitter about former lawyer michael cohen's deal with prosecutors choosing to ignore questions with his wife by his side, what must have been going through melania's mind this week. we'll discuss. when you start sleeping on a tempur-pedic, the difference you feel is night... and day. feel the difference at our labor day sales event, purchase a tempur-pedic luxe, elite, or breeze mattress and enjoy up to $550 off. or get a free adjustable base upgrade. find your exclusive retailer at back to our breaking news. another long time trump loyals has accepted an immunity deal and agreed to talk with federal prosecutors. this time it is allen weisselberg, cfo of the trump organization since 2000. a source familiar with the case tells cnn weisselberg's attorney negotiated an immunity deal weeks ago to speak about the michael cohen case. michael cohen admitting under oath that trump directed him to make hush payments to women to avoid damage to his 2016 campaign. and then the stunning report that david pecker ceo of the company that publishes of national inquirer has been granted immunity in the case as well. but president trump once again slamming his attorney general jeff sessions, but this time sessions pushed back, realigns his bounce unwavering loyalty to trump. and then this, former apprentice star omarosa manigault-newman scathing book against the president tops the "new york times" best several list this week not to mention her audio recording of the president and the situation room reporting of her firing by chief of staff john kelly. for someone who values loyalty above all else, this week had to have been rough for the current president of the united states. joining us now to discuss, michael dantonio, author of the truth about trump. michael, cohen and pecker and now weisselberg. how do you think this is hitting the president? >> well, he has to feel absolutely besieged right now. what is remarkable is that the keepers of the secrets, if you think of mr. pecker and mr. weisselberg and mr. cohen as being the closest confidants to businessman donald trump and now president trump could have had, they are all cooperating. and it makes one wonder if one of the trump children will become a cooperator soon. it is almost hard to believe that these three are helping prosecutors in various injuries dick s -- jurisdictions, but they are. this has to be the worst week the president has faced since taking office. >> what do you think is going on behind the scenes with the trump children with this family, how might they all be reacting to it? >> i think that they are probably all trying to figure out what may be in mr. weisselberg's records to reveal and what michael cohen may have to tell as well. you have to keep in mind that there are 500 trump organization companies. there were all sorts of applications for loans made for different entities, there were claims to reduce taxes in one case to reduce your taxes you might say a property is worth a billion dollars and then the next day to get a loan on it you would say it is worth $1.5 billion. did the president then businessman donald trump seek loans and pledge assets more than once for the same purpose. so you've got the possibility of bank fraud in many different directions. you've got also the possibility of money laundering with money coming in from russia and former soviet republics and going into these entities. the details are vast and numerous and now mr. weisselberg is practically a trusted guy for prosecutors. they could have invested thousands of man hours in to figuring things out, or dhee get someone li they could get someone like the chief financial office to literally walk them through the books. >> we know rd was up in tthe pr in the middle of the night tweeting, the lights were on at the white house at 1:00 a.m. about the same time he sent a tweet saying witch hunt when journalists saying when the president is backed into his corner, he becomes more unpredictable. and i'm also reminded of the red line he threw out there if mueller were to look into his family finances. what do you think this president will do? >> i think he is quite furious. there were suggestions early in his presidency that he was looking for head of the irs who would punish his enemies. i think he is furious at the attorney general. he could take almost any action against people he conceives to be his main opponents. we had the example a week or two ago of him taking away security clearance of mr. brennan and threatening others. so he is willing to use the power of the presidency in ways that others weren't. i think there is a diminishing return here though. he is going to be perceived as reckless and out of control if he takes actions that all of the advisers in the white house are encouraging him to delay at least until the election. one of the ironies here is that rudy giuliani seemed to challenge the federal prosecutors to go quiet after september 1. so 240u we're snow we're seeing activity that perhaps wouldn't have taken place so quickly. >> that is a good point. michael, really appreciate your time. thank you. up next, friends and former aides of republican political operative roger stone have offered their testimony to robert mueller, all sxept one. except withone. and also what does the translator sntranslate er snow? 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>> well, the argument is essentially that mueller was improperly appointed, that you know he is sort of this super attorney run amok. this is what his lawyers are arguing. that he really doesn't have the authority to be overseeing this investigation. now, we've heard a couple federal judges have heard arguments similar to this, they have not bought into it, they denied various motions to have charges dropped. but again, this is the first time that we could see this being taken up by a hier court. i was talking to one of andrew miller's attorneys about this, and he basically said look, we are doing a public service. we are going to figure this out one way or another. either this will be struck down and all of a sudden mueller's authority will no longer need to be questioned, it will be upheld, or we'll have an indication that mileler is in fact out of bounds. >> sara murray, thank you. in a week that included hush payments to women and long time loyalists flipping to take deals, it was a tough woone for the president. but what does melania trump think about all this? 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with us now, kate bennett. we just saw the first lady there departing with the president. any word from her office this week? >> no, not really. nothing on comments of what happened with michael cohen this week or the payoffs. it is sort of typical for her when these headlines come up to sort of retreat behind the scenes, be stoic, be quiet. certainly though we've seen her in the past remember she took that separate motorcade to the state of the union after the stormy daniels story broke. and then after the karen mcdougal story, she also sort of peeled off, took her own car to andrews air force base rather than do the actual walk that we're seeing right now with the president to marine one and ride with him. she did that again in march the morning after anderson cooper's interview with karen mcdougal. so certainly she has expressed her streak of independence when the headlines are tough. i think behind the scenes it must be difficult for her certainly to have the story not go away all these months later. people questioning what is happening behind the scenes in her marriage, her private life. both of these women have alleged affairs to have happened just months after she gave birth to their son barron. nonof this can be easy for her as she tries do things like talk about cyber bullying or move forward with her "be best" platform. today she and the president go together to a neonatal hospital unit to talk when neonatal syndrome which is one of her causes. so maybe an awkward day for the two of them to be together. we're not watching any handed holding and again the first lady is quiet. >> i was noticing the lack of hand holding too because often times we do see them holding hands when they are coming and going from whether the car or air force one. the first lady did have a big announcement this week about her solo international trip coming up. tell us about that. >> she has announced that in october she will be visiting africa, it will be sort of an extensive trip, a number of countries. she hasn't throughout xwrou-- outlined her objective. but this is the first time that she is venturing out solo. everyone is saying considering the president's past comments on africa, that this is an interesting choice for her and it certainly is. we have to remember michelle obama she went to sout africah as one of her first trips. laura bush was very much associated with africa as well. so certainly melania is following in their footsteps and she is going in october. >> all right. thank you for that. another long time confidant making a deal with the feds for immunity, this time it is the man who has handled the trump organization finances for years. really nearly two decades. we'll discuss the significance of this and moments ago president trump telling his secretary of state to cancel an upcoming trip to north korea citing a lack of progress on nuclear talks. back in a moment. federal investigators. he joins cohen and david pecker, head of the company that publishes the "national enquirer" who reportedly was granted immunity as well. pecker and weisselberg were both mentioned in a secret recording cohen made as he talked to week before the 2016 election. they were discussing setting up an account to pay off a playboy model who alleged an affair with trump. the hush money because one of the campaign finance crimes cohen pleaded guilty to tuesday. >> i need to open up a company for on the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend david, you know, so that -- i'm going to do that right away. i've spoken to allen weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up -- >> so what are we -- >> funding with -- yes. and it is all the stuff. all the stuff. because you never know where that company -- never know what he -- >> maybe he gets hit by -- >> correct. >> joining us now, kara scannell. you've been all over the cohen stuff. you say weisselberg knows anything and everything when it comes to the trump organization money. what did he tell prosecutors? >> our sources tell us that when he met with prosecutors a few week ago, the questions were focused on michael cohen and the payments the trump organization made to cohen, of course that was to reimburse cohen for paying stormy daniels, one of the crimes that he admitted that he committed. so we know that then the questions were very much focused on the payments and in the information, the document that michael cohen pled guilty to, he describes how -- or they describe how it was the trump family trust where the money came from that paid cohen. so there is a lot of he questions there and you can see why weisselberg would have done this under immunity deal because it raises questions about why the money was coming from the trust, why is the trump


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Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning 20240604 10:31:00

turns out they have a setback now. >> no progress on this one. cnn's senior space geek fred pleitgen. thank you so much. >> coveted title. new overnight, former president trump says he's not going to go. he's going to skip the first republican debate and he'll turn himself in to the ferreras-copeland county jail this week. how does it play out. >> new report from dick's that americans could run out of any money they saved during the pandemic. ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour one and twice as hard


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240604 16:59:00

taco bell says we do not provide hair and make-up, emily. >> totally fine. >> changes your whole budget. >> i love this idea. two best weddings in terms of food, number one, food trucks, so pick your own, same concept and 2, 1 where after the tennis club catering we went out and the sister went out and got dick's, dick's drive-in in seattle, burgers, and everyone cleared it out and food left on the plates, the food is delicious, weddings are too expensive, it's amazing. >> chick-fil-a has one as well. >> i did have a happy meal yesterday, got a little toy -- >> sounds amazing. >> grimace shake? >> i should have. >> i've been to all kinds of weddings, and the food is still not good. because you can't mass produce a perfect steak for however -- can't --


Transcripts for CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240604 09:47:00

futures right now leaning a little bit lower. they've been jumping after this dramatic turn around for stocks on wall street. "the wall street journal" notes it was the first day in history. the dow plunged at least 500 points and rose at least 800 points in the same day. stocks dove on that report showing core inflation accelerating. it shook it off and meantime the fed's crusade to crush the inflation has driven mortgage rates to the highest since george w bush was in office. the average coming in at 6.92%. investors on pins and needles. several big companies including dick's, jpmorgan chase. and gas prices overnight fell a penny at $3.90 a gallon. let's bring in scott graves. scott, i mean, stock markets do not reflect, of course, what's happening in the economy, but


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240604 18:56:00

>> representative cheney, proud of all of her work, back of the people here by the january 6 at a gas is always good to answer questions with the question but why wouldn't you, why wouldn't she. reporter: this is an overwhelming weight republic is a date wyoming also allows the voters to change their affiliations and take a look at these numbers here, in january, there were 116,000 registered republicans in this month, after 270,000 registered republicans gain of 11000, while there are now 6600 fewer registered democrats and also part of the dick's and makes here come the voters have been able to cast their ballots since mailing running started six weeks ago. anita: live in triana thank you so much american, to be with you this hour. eric: and will be back in one hour 4:00 p.m. eastern.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20180824:18:32:00

think of mr. pecker and mr. weisselberg and mr. cohen as being the closest confidants to businessman donald trump and now president trump could have had, they are all cooperating. and it makes one wonder if one of the trump children will become a cooperator soon. it is almost hard to believe that these three are helping prosecutors in various injuries dick s -- jurisdictions, but they are. this has to be the worst week the president has faced since taking office. >> what do you think is going on behind the scenes with the trump children with this family, how might they all be reacting to it? >> i think that they are probably all trying to figure out what may be in mr. weisselberg's records to reveal and what michael cohen may have to tell as well. you have to keep in mind that there are 500 trump organization


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20180508:11:56:00

and it's imputed to them as an amorality or moral difference. you say we're missing the point. what is the point and they seem willing to ignore in trump? >> what they see is -- they see themselves as not having someone having their back and they decided to be pragmatic and they decided to have in the -- book has seven different ark types that make up this coalition, a variety of very different people and they decided that they were going to be more pragmatic and put the traditional silos of elections and character in a president to be about someone having their back and it doesn't mean they always stay with him. like you said, it's not about them. this book isn't about trump. this book is about them and not just how they're impacting the ballot box -- look at dick's sporting good, look at the nfl. it went from the number one like


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20180331:22:54:00

kids. they show up to protest trump, and the nra. the national review put hagg up as a demi god. and the problem with ingram, she fell into it. they pick a villain to dehumannize. completely dehumannize and jumped the rails into this weird social bullying that had nothing to do with guns. >> if you look at what the kids have done in a month since the shooting. they have literally changed the play book and create a move am. they are able to get florida to pass a state legislature to turn a bill into a law. that is amazing. nra got dropped by dealt aunited, by dick's. these kids are making things


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20180324:03:46:00

>> we enjoy hearing from voices across the spectrum, and i think it's important that you're included. all right. so if teenagers 18 and older want to buy a gun, there are retailers who will no longer sell them to them. it's an institutional right. dick's is one of them. we're going to debate that when night court convenes next. heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka seltzer... ultra strength heartburn relief chews. with more acid-fighting power than tums chewy bites. mmmmm...amazing. i have heartburn. heartburn relief from alka-seltzer. enjoy the relief.


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