about so, this decision is going to gut, literally, decades of 100 years of precedents. we have to fight. i will tell you that i ve been hearing from people all over the country, not just in number nine, who are ready to go. they are ready to take this to the polls in november. and we will win it. and do you fear that republicans will make good on their promises that some senators have already made? that if they take over the united states senate they will pass a national ban on abortion? i do fear that. because they have been as good as their word when it comes to the state legislatures. think of all the states that have those trigger laws, just waiting for road to be overturned. and then they would amount a decades long campaign to stack the supreme court. i mean, you have everything from president obama to seat a supreme court justice in his last year, all the way to the seating of amy coney barrett,
evil does, whether it be, know, sexual assault, corruption, what have you as long as he is their tribal strong man, right? joy, it is when when people feel this sort of fear of the other and that they are losing something and they really do think they are losing this country and this country is their country, nothing else matters. they will cling to their tribal strong man as long as he does not offend them in that tribal and nationalistic matter. they will forgot almost anything and we ve seen it time and time again in our politics as of late. you know, and i think that s absolutely true. one of the issues that i ve even known people who have been trumpch, dogmatic trumpists, but because they like trump, because they like abortion. they will forgive anything. i know a couple originally from an african nation, they are with trump even though they said their country was an s-hole
fictionalized version of how it can play out in the handmaid s tale. when they smothered congress, we didn t wake up. when they blamed terrorists and blamed the constitution we didn t wake up then either. they said it would be temporary. nothing changes instantaneously, and gradually you ll be bled to death before you know about it. we re all awake. this newer post-world war order is just as dark, if not darker that our dispopian nightmares. she notes post-roe america will not look like pre-roe america. before roe women were rarely prosecuted for abortion though they were sometimes threatened for prosecution po get them to testify against abortion providers. roe meant fetal endangerment and
if you re in a state like texas and you even get the pill at home, you take one of these pills to indues an abortion and you don t feel well and go to your doctor for care they can report you and collect a bounty. that s exactly what happens. that s what happened in the texas case and the woman who was prosecuted for self-managing her case was reported by a hospital when she went to seek care but the reality is it s black and brown women who are going to suffer when that happens because the prosecutors, the rogue prosecutors are much more likely to target them than they are other white women and that s a big problem. cat ring, you know, in your piece you talk about this underground. if there s a national ban and it s very clear that the religious right and their elected officials works you know, come into that belief
affects them. every time something goes on, every time women of color get something that makes them more equal, then it or something else is taken away. these people, they want to control everything with all women, they want to control women, period, but women of color are the ones that will be most affected by it. according to the kaiser family foundation people of cole knorr mississippi comprise 44% of the population but 821% of the people receiving abortions in the state. if the court overturns overturns roe, these women, often poor, will have a hard time traveling to another state to terminate a pregnancy and it will become more difficult where all states have a ban an abortion. take, for example, louisiana. there s a trigger law there that will ban all abortions if roe is overturned in all circumstances regardless of rape or incest.