a collapse in the livestock markets because this might get big and hurt the meat markets. agriculture is one of the biggest industries in iowa. it supports a of the lot of jobs, our economy. in our community it s not just the pork producer that relies on the money coming out of the pig. we have the people building the barns, the electricians, the maintenance on the roads. everything. without that, the people working for a cement contractor or a readyi mix place or a construction company will be out of a job. there are nearly 500 small towns like here in diora around the state where agricultural in many of them are key foundational economic foundations. g7 summit is later this week. a lot of these trade issues are expected to come to a head. thank you for going teacher
coming up, we are heading to iowa. the front lines of president trump s trade war. many farmers there are backing maxx mexico and canada to he have the president in the battle over tariffs. first embattled epa chief scat pruitt is back in the spotlight after it was revealed that he tasked an aide with a rather unusual request, find him used trump hotel mattress to purchase. for someone who had more than a $40,000 soundproof phone booth installed in his office buying a used holt mtress is an interesting way to save a few bucks. you are watching msnbc. thought i could de-stress with some zen gardening. at least we don t have to worry about homeowners insurance. just call geico. geico helps with homeowners insurance? good to know. been doing it for years. that s really good to know. i should clean this up. i ll get the dustpan. behind the golf clubs. get to know geico. and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be.
dent trump s tariffs have landed us right in the s made some unlikely . enemies along the way. cnbc reports charles and david koch have pledged to spend millions opposing the tariffs in their highest profile split with the president so far. and farmers in america s rural heartland thought of as the president s base are concerned with what the mounting trade war means for them. for more i m joined by vaughn hillyard leave in decora, iowa. what s the situation there? ali, the situation here is you have a lot of farmers across the state that are high on i think estate. we are here on a farm. bob is a fourth generation farmer here outside of decora. i want to play you a little bit
on this for us. it matters to a lot of people. vaughn hillyard in diora iowa. as vaughn was saying they have real consequences for you and your wallet. i want to look atome of the tariffs that our allies and china are placing on u.s. exports in retaliation for trump s poll see. let s start with motocross ceo as you justice heard had it s causing problems with their propose 20d% tariff on u.s. pork. mexico also proposed tariffs on a number of additional exports, including cheese, fruit, and even u.s.-made lamps. canada s response to the plan is perhaps the strongest. in addition to mirroring the 20% tariffs on steel and 10% on aluminum, canada targeted a long list of american products including playing cards, pens and inflatable boats. i bet you didn t know we had a big industry in inflatable boats. across the ocean, the european
benefits that we get from certainly allies. for instance america imports so much of its energy from canada. other of these allies in europe we count on when there are tensions around the world and we need military, strategic assistance. tell me what the danger of a is. as donald trump says, we have negotiated bad deals and everybody is cheating us. tell me more about how to think about this. first of all you are right. i think the example in iowa was great where they talked about the cement workers and the collateral damage of how one act can sort of ripple its way through a an entire economy, a local economy that s true. at a national scale that s true, at the borders when you are dealing with mexico and canada. it s important in mexico and canada when you are talking about the supply chain. steel and aluminum, and 40% of every car that comes in from mexico has u.s. content in it.