All these great discoveries happened by accident?
The world of radiation and atomic power sprang from an unexpected observation of the element radium. When a footballer curves a free kick around the wall, she is using a physical force that popped into Newton s mind when observing a tennis match one day (though it was later named the Magnus effect). And phosphorous was discovered by an alchemist who thought he was distilling gold out of urine!
Many great scientific discoveries seem to have been stumbled over rather than carefully planned – but that s what makes top scientists different. The rest of us might brush off the inexplicable and focus on the task in hand. But a scientist s nose for the unusual and restless imagination allow revolutionary ideas to blossom. A mountaineer heading for the top of Mt Everest could try just walking in a straight line – but the attempt would surely fail. The best way to the top actually involves lots of detours and exploration.