Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has announced a special package of Rs 3,500 crore for people affected by rain-related disasters in the state. The package includes Rs 1,000 crore for the construction of retaining walls under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
moore prevents itself here. not only did we need to maintain our the impending floods and damage that will occur here. the agricultural products can be lost in california s department of food and agriculture. department of representatives are pushing for a disaster relief package. earlier, spoke with congresswoman of the house committee of how the severe weather could impact american s ability to put food on the table. here it is. california produces 98% of the processed tomatoes. you know, that is tomato sauce for pasta, for pizza, all those wonderful things we enjoy. 85% of the citrus. we are still
as a consequence we not only need to maintain our vigilance, but we can t be impatient in terms of the impending floods and the damage that will occur here. billions of dollars in agricultural products can be lost to flooding according to california s department of food and agriculture. california representatives are pushing for disaster relief package to combat just that. for more on this i m joined by congressman jim costa, representing the 21st, congressional district, and also a senior member of the house agriculture committee. thank you so much congressman for being here with us. so normally, as you know in california, we re talking about severe drought, but over the last year it s been storms and flooding. we saw on many farms equipment swept away by water. employees out of work for weeks, economic losses. what effect have the storms had on farms and ranches? well, we ve had a devastating effect, and we re still at the same timing to determine the
the effects of hurricane ian. but here is what he said last sunday about how he would vote on a potential disaster relief package. are you telling me that if hurricane ian relief contains anything that smells like port, you will vote no? sure. i will fight against having port in it. your reaction? you know, quite frankly, it is disappointing. jonathan, let me say this. in order to do your job, first, you have to show up for work. and marco rubio has one of the worst attendance records of any senator in the united states senate. our primary responsibility is to protect the health, safety and well-being of the people that we serve. florida was hit hard, as we all know from hurricane ian. there are people still in central florida trying to recover. certainly, there are people in
help theirs? oh, i ve always voted for hurricane and disaster relief. i ve even voted for it without pay-fors. in sandy they included a roof for a museum in washington, d.c., for fisheries in alaska. it had been loaded up with things that had nothing to do with disaster relief. i would never put out there we should use a disaster relief package for florida as a way to pay for other things people want around the country. i think that s the key. in sandy, unfortunately, they lloyded it up with a punch of things that had nothing to do with sandy. i voted for every disaster relief package especially that s clean. and i ll continue to do so. when it comes to florida, we ll do that again and make sure the package is clean and doesn t have stuff for other people in there. i read the congressional research report. the roof was damaged in any event, my question is about the future. are you telling me that if