<p><span>The European Association of CCP Clearing Houses (EACH) has today </span><a href="https://www.eachccp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/EACH-response-European-Commission-targeted-consultation-on-the-review-of-central-clearing-in-the-EU-March-2022.pdf" target=" blank">responded</a><span> to the European Commission ‘Targeted consultation on the review of the central clearing framework in the EU’. CCPs aim to contribute to the safety and efficiency of financial markets with independent and robust risk management capabilities. In our response we make amongst others the following proposals to address the existing regulatory barriers to further improve CCPs risk management and making CCPs more competitive:</span></p>
CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime ("SDR") is planned to enter into force on 1st
of February 2022. As part of preparation, Nasdaq Clearing provides additional
information in relation to SDR. Euronext
CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime ("SDR") is planned to enter into force on
1st of February 2022. As part of preparation, Nasdaq Clearing provides
additional information in relation to SDR. Euronext
In conjunction with the CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime entering into force
on Tuesday, 1 February 2022, Nasdaq Clearing AB ("the Clearing House") will
make amendmends to the delay fees in connection
In conjunction with the CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime entering into force
on Tuesday, 1 February 2022, Nasdaq Clearing AB ("the Clearing House") will
make amendmends to the delay fees in connection