Credit Wikimedia Commons GP Reimer
The Lakeland Union High School board of education has offered a one-year contract to District Administrator Rob Way, who is also the director of curriculum.
The board met in closed session Monday, coming out in open session to vote 7-1 to make the offer. Voting yes were Barry Seidel, Jim Wescott, Gary Smith, Heidi Fink, Barb Peck, Matt Kock and Shari Nimsgern. Pam Carroll voted no.
The motion also lists “performance expectations and a review timeline as identified in closed session.” What those expectations are has not been released. Under state law, Way has until March 31 to accept or reject the offer.
Credit Wikimedia Commons GP Reimer
The Lakeland Union High School District board of education has issued a preliminary nonrenewal notice to District Administrator Rob Way following Monday’s special school board meeting.
The board has until Feb. 28 to issue a written notice of nonrenewal by registered mail to Way. If it doesn’t then his contract, which expires June 30, would roll over for another two years.
After Monday’s closed session the board voted 8-1 to issue the preliminary notice. New board member James Wescott voted “nay.” Voting “aye” were Barry Seidel, Gary Smith, Heidi Fink, Barb Peck, Pamela Carroll, Shawn Umland, Matt Kock and board president Shari Nimsgern.