menendez. this week a first for america. seeing a president of the united states arraigned on federal criminal charges. today a bronchial prediction from trump s former attorney general saying his former boss is quote toast. we are going to unpack that in just a second. trump s arraignment will go down tuesday in miami he will face a judge on 37 counts of mishandling classified documents. today, trump announced he would illiberal about his arraignment in miami from his golf club in new jersey tuesday evening. the indictment the united states versus donald de trump, and walt nada, his alleged coconspirator lays out a damning case. 31 counts for violating the espionage act, which pars willful retention of national defense information, well laws of a witch hunt spew from trump and the elected republicans who have anointed themselves as backup singers, one member of trump s cabinet, we ll, thinking otherwise. if even half of it is true, then he is toast. i mean it s a very de
tuesday. we ve got all the details and what to expect and what to watch for this week. plus we will dive deep into the question of why, why was donald trump so hell-bent on holding on to these documents? alaska former deputy national security adviser been rose that question. also tonight, how concerned is the ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee about trump s reckless handling of our national security secrets? congressman jim hines joins me in just a few minutes. and later, a dividing line is forming between trump s republican opponents when it comes to the messaging around this indictment. a couple are calling him out but most sound more like his defense team than his rivals for the nomination. we on tuesday donald trump will be arraigned for the second time in three months. this time at a federal courthouse in miami you will be facing 37 federal criminal counts then include willful retention of national defense information and conspiracy to obstruct justic
because the progress happens in small steps, what it s happening. in palpable ways. this evening was interesting, the speech by president biden, they address from the white house, i thought what was interesting about it was it s quiet, normalcy. the idea that there are as a lack of superlatives, there s punditry all over the place. twitter is not, i mean it could be a tree falling in the woods. the president of the united states given important address and it s okay. and it said nice things about republicans, and nobody said their hair on fire. you pointed out that even in the obama days, it would ve been hard pressed to pay a compliment to the speaker of the house. and that s what joe biden did tonight. it was the normalcy that the part of amazing me today. it was paid by the, and welcoming refreshing change for a lot of people. yes, have a good night, see you next week. you two ali! think about this, do you remember where you are the first time you heard about