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Rep Baker urging farmers to apply for new ag tax exemption number

Farmers encouraged to apply for new agricultural exemption number

Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Ryan Quarles is reminding agricultural producers about the upcoming deadline to apply for Kentucky s new agriculture exemption number. The deadline to apply for current farmers

Farmers must apply for new tax exemption number

FRANKFORT, Ky. (KT) – All Kentucky farmers need to apply for their new sales and use tax exemption number by the end of the year, according to the state’s Department

매출 30兆 2분기 깜짝실적 현대차…3분기도 잘 달릴까

매출 30兆 2분기 깜짝실적 현대차…3분기도 잘 달릴까 코로나19 기저 효과·글로벌 판매 회복세…영업익 전년比 219.5% ↑ 3분기 컨센서스 매출액 29조7336억·영업익 1조8222억 (서울=뉴스1) 권혜정 기자 | 2021-07-26 06:50 송고 | 2021-07-26 09:27 최종수정 현대자동차 본사. (자료사진)  © News1 송원영 기자 현대자동차가 전세계를 강타한 차량용 반도체 대란과 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 장기화에도 올 2분기 또 한번의 깜짝 실적 을 냈다. 매출액이 분기 기준 역대 최대치를 찍는 등 실적 행진 이 이어지자 다가올 3분기 성적에도 관심이 쏠린다.  26일 업계에 따르면 현대차의 2분기 실적은 매출액은 전년 동기 대비 38.7% 증가한 30조3261억원, 영업이익은 무려 219.5% 증가한 1조8860억원이다. 매출액의 경우 시장의 컨센서스(추정치)를

Rinse & Return, Field Day on local agriculture calendars

The annual Rinse & Return plastic pesticide container recycling program is scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Aug. 3, at the Hardin County Garage on Bacon Creek Road. Plastic pesticide containers less than five gallons, that have been triple rinsed or pressure rinsed, with labels and caps removed, that are clean on the outside as well, will be accepted for recycling after an inspection. The program is free of charge to all Hardin County residents. This program is a cooperative effort by Hardin County Farm Bureau, local ag retailers, Hardin Fiscal Court and the County Extension Service. Also on Aug. 3, a drone technology field day is being planned at Chuck Crutcher’s Farm on Berrytown Road in Rineyville as well as some neighboring farms.

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