Divya Agarwal has revealed that she was not happy with Varun Sood and meeting Apurva Padgaonkar, whom she knew for the past seven years and was also in a relationship with for a few years, made her feel good.
Late Monday night, Divya took to her Instagram and dropped a series of pictures announcing her engagement with an engineer-turned-businessman Apurva Padgaonkar.
Varun and Divya were friends before participating in the reality show Ace of Space . Their love for each other grew in the house and Varun proposed to Divya in the show.
Varun Sood and Divya Agarwal started dating in the year 2018. Varun proposed to Divya Vikas Gupta s reality show Ace of Space. The actress was previously dating Priyank Sharma. Divya announced her split with Varun in an Instagram post.