The Verkhovna Rada adopts the long-awaited law on the corporate governance of SOEs. Establishing the exclusive power of the SOE’s supervisory board to appoint and dismiss the CEO, even in SOEs owned or overseen by the Cabinet of Ministers (such as Naftogaz and Ukrzaliznytsia), and to approve the SOE’s strategic and financial plans.
Cabinet completes the composition of Naftogaz’s supervisory board. This completes the board, Naftogaz said. Marievich had already served as a state representative on Naftogaz’s supervisory board from June 26-Sept. 11, 2019 when his powers were terminated early.
Oschadbank and Ukreximbank had no supervisory boards for almost seven months. As we reported in December 2023 (see Issue 113), even though the Cabinet of Ministers appointed the new independent members of Ukreximbank’s supervisory board on May 30, the same ordinance appears to have blocked the board’s work. Under the ordinance, independent members serve for three years from the date on which all independent members officially assume their roles.
According to the Finance Ministry’s fiscal risk statement for 2024, Ukrainian SOEs and state-owned banks’ contributed Hr 46.9 billion ($1.3 billion) in dividends to the state budget in 2022. Over this period, that share has generally decreased from 5-6% to 2-3%, constituting a minor contribution to the state budget.
Law No. 3293-IX was known earlier as Draft Law No. 9311-1-d. This is most likely because it has not yet been published in one of the official gazettes: Ofitsiyny visnyk Ukrayiny, Uryadovy kuryer, Holos Ukrayiny, or Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady. After being appropriately adopted and signed, laws of Ukraine must be promulgated in the official language in official printed gazettes within fifteen days, according to a relevant Presidential Decree.