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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180912 09:00:00

quickly went to make mention we have an area of low pressure that could develop and bring rain along the coast of texas, this is separate from florence, several systems we are watching but the bottom line is we are uncertain. we are uncertain thursday and friday what happens. that cone of uncertainty getting wider. bottom line north carolina, south carolina, georgia. if it stalls this is going to be a prolonged impact along the coast. >> remember harvey when it stalls. rob: if it stalls over the ocean it could be good news in the wind department because it might lean less powerful winds. >> going back to diana a couple decades ago. it stalls, moved southward before making landfall and it weakened to a category one. that would be awesome. however we want people to still keep your eye on the ball. this is a category 4, still a major hurricane. we have to fine-tune the forecast. along the coast, carolinas, georgia, virginia, keep watching. jillian: people who live along the north carolina shoreline are facing an evacuation deadline to escape florence's fury. rob: let's get to griff jenkins in atlantic beach. we have 24, 36 hours ago people need to be getting out. >> reporter: that is right. good morning. yesterday mandatory evacuations begin. they have to be gone by 8:00 pm today. tomorrow morning at 7:00 :00 am, the bridge will be closed. you cannot get in, cannot get out. people remember hurricane hazel ripped the island apart. when janice dean talks about the uncertainty let me talk about why this is so dangerous in this area. not only hurricane winds and category for but storm surge expected to be 9 to 13 feet, guaranteed flooding if you have the rainfall in excess of 25 inches if that does indeed stall, looks like it will, it was two years ago hurricane matthew which was a catastrophic flooding event brought that, a little bit him and, 25, 30 miles, entire rivers, the situation where people were underwater 15 or 20 feet and couldn't get out. the mayor here in atlantic beach, richard porter, his message for residents very clear. >> get off the island, don't put our first responders in harm's way. don't put yourself in harm's way. get off the island. honors a mandatory evacuation and get out. >> if you do try to stay here and survive the wind, it is likely this story will be one of flooding. we talk to some of the residents who decided to stick around like this gentleman from jacksonville. chris davis. >> we were going to evacuate but now we decided to stay it out. don't want to get trapped in the gridlock. we have generators and all that stuff, coolers, it is about boarding up last-minute windows. >> reporter: the problem is the storm surge, 150 yards behind me, this area will be underwater. that is guaranteed. a quick note, when you see two or three feet of storm surge at that point it becomes deadly because cars and other large objects move. we saw that in harvey and irma and we will see it here again. heather: we will see it there. rob: south carolina hwy. grews working around the clock to clear people from coastal areas amid a new warning the shelters there are not strong enough to withstand hurricane florence's wrath. jillian: many refusing to leave. todd pyro live in myrtle beach. are you surprised when you hear people don't want to leave? >> reporter: yes and no. i think during all sorts of storms you get different opinions from different people in certain people are tougher than others or think they are. i went to show you the road, a lot of people in myrtle beach have evacuated. not a ton of cars on the road at 5:00 in the morning. i am sure griff sees the same thing in south carolina. a lot of boarded-up buildings, people preparing for what is to come. that said despite the warnings, a lot of people we spoke with say they are going nowhere. >> i'm going to stay at my dad's house and see what happens. it is home. this is where i feel comfortable and right now i don't see a reason to leave. >> we are staying here. we stayed during matthew and had a ball. i think it will go up north further than down here. we will stay right here, we are not scared to leave. >> reporter: those that heeded the advice alleviate the roads yesterday leading to huge backups on the south carolina coast. at noon the state reversed direction of many roads allowing all traffic to move out of the area. an area from middle beach is in the crosshairs right now. the sheer size of florence is why. besides the hurricane force winds a life-threatening storm surge ranging from 2 to 9 feet on the south carolina coast is a huge concern. with the exact path still uncertain even after the 5:00 am update officials say people need to stay on high alert. >> information about this storm changes hourly and daily and we will continue to track that and communicate in the emergency management centers. >> reporter: people in charleston have another thing to worry about, the shelters are only able to withstand a category 3 storm. as janice has alluded to this thing could be up to a 5. at this point expected to be a 4 but could reach 5 at some point. they expect to move people from charleston county to shelters in other counties which are able to withstand a stronger hurricane. jillian: stay safe. i coming, police investigating that chilling message posted on twitter. an anonymous person threatening a mass shooting at a make america great again event at the trump international hotel in washington dc. and they wanted, quote, numerous bloodstained m a g a hat as trophies, reporting democratic socialist has been removed. the electrical compound suspects, muslim extremist accused of transporting firearms and ammunition's from georgia to new mexico in 2017. all five were arrested in early august and briefly released after prosecutors missed a deadline to present evidence. the group is accused of training starving children to carry out the shootings. the remains of the 3 mcavoy found at the compound. rob: andrew cuomo and cynthia nixon pushing for votes ahead of the democratic primary days after cuomo helped open the new bridge which the new york times says was no coincidence, the timing of it. the admin station pushed the contractor to speed up construction and said it would not be responsible for accidents or damage. cuomo denies the claim. donald trump and the first lady attending a ceremony in shanksville, pennsylvania is one of the victims of the september 11th terror attack, 40 john bolton threatening to sanction the international criminal court after they accused the us of war crimes in afghanistan. morgan ortegas joins us next with what this means for our country on the global stage. >> joe scarborough using 9/11 to take a shot at donald trump. putting the nbc host on notice. ♪ should i stay or should i go ♪ should i stay or should i go ♪ own. after all, for all intents and purposes the icc is already dead to us. jillian: the icc was created in 2002 but the united states never joined or ratified it. how will this end. joining us is morgan atretgeus. weiss is a big deal than people realize? >> theoretically the administration did not challenge it. of the icc were to go against individual members of the military or diplomats, most likely members of the military, for war crimes, if that member of the service was vacationing with their family and a country that is party to the icc we are not then theoretically they could be detained. there are real-world consequences to what the icc is doing. it is not something where we are reeling at the un because of a judgment we don't like. real-world consequences, bolton was right to cut this off at the head. the icc was founded for countries that don't have full of law. we are a sophisticated rule of law nation with military tribunals where we hold people accountable if there are any crimes committed. we have a system in afghanistan for retribution if payments are made to families or any sort of bomb or something that hit civilian life. we have very particular, icc was found for mature rule of law countries so this is incredibly important that the administration is working to head this off right away. rob: people who are angry about this would say the icc is overseeing a us government watchdog systems that might not be working right in afghanistan. they say that the icc is doing a better job watching things we are not watching. >> i'm vehemently opposed to that line of thinking. we have a military tribunal system, we hold people accountable if they don't follow the rules of engagement in afghanistan or elsewhere. what is truly egregious is the icc should be in some people in the organization recommended this, let's go after the taliban and parts of afghanistan where they committed atrocious war crimes against their own people. this is a joke. rob: it is worse than the alleged -- the united states is alleged to have done. >> doesn't get more brutal than that. jillian: the taliban preparing for peace talks against the us. >> donald trump and his ministry into their credit for getting the taliban to the table. how do they do that? a few years ago under the obama administration the taliban and was not considered an enemy combatant, hard to believe. met with of the military could not engage the doing that effec that is the negotiating table. defense confirmed. saying that, we are in a position of strength and need to be careful we don't negotiate for the sake of getting a deal and getting out of afghanistan. >> negotiating with the taliban and sounds crazy in itself. thank you so much for coming in this morning, 19 after the hour, top democrats blasted for politicizing 9/11. >> when we had 9/11 and the commission was formed. >> the closest i will have in my life to and i am spartacus moment. jillian: wait until you hear one victim's son calling them out on the national stage. ♪ it's time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don't die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. so let's promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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[ male announcer ] superbeets from humann. order your superbeets today. call... or visit... >> the storm is a monster. it is big, and it is vicious. >> sand bags and suitcases millions battened down the hatches and packing their bags as hurricane florence rolls toward shore. >> is this monster storm maintain strength it would be the fourth storm to hit the east coast as a category for and that warning hitting home for others. jillian: other storms like hugo are on everybody's mind. >> reporter: people are looking back at all the storms to hit this island community in the past, no stranger to storms, they know a severe one when they see one and most resident plans to follow the mandatory evacuations which take effect at 8:00 this morning. the barrier island community is used to storms like hannah which struck in 2008 and fran which caused significant damage in 1996. yesterday we spoke with the mayor who is worried about what will happen long-term. how long it will take to repair the damage, how long it will take to repair the power. until the power goes back on, island communities can become quite isolated. the historic storm people in this community are most comparing florence to as hurricane hazel which devastated this town in 1954 and required significant rebuilding. here is one survivor. >> hurricane hazel's wave action destroyed those beachfront houses. a foot, two feet of sand. we had sand in our house. everybody, heading straight for us, pretty much taking it seriously. >> reporter: mandatory evacuation at 8:00 am, just 21/2 hours from now and this evening officials plan to begin shutting down the town's water system to protect it during the storm and local officials predict power will go out shortly after the winds pick up. rob: thank you so much. people who live in the evacuation zone in north carolina are being urged to listen and leave. jillian: lieutenant governor dan forrest, thank you for being here this morning. you know as well as we do whenever we see big storms like this there are always people who decide they are stronger than the storm and decide to stay, don't listen to the warnings, what is your message for them? >> same as yours, time to leave. anyone thinking they can ride this out this may well be the strongest storm that ever hit our coast. it may not be. one of the things we know is you can't predict these things. you always absolutely have to prepare for the worst. rob: talking about this storm potentially stalling out right before the art comes ashore. somewhere around south carolina, north carolina, major storm surge, this could be a big water event. what did several feet of storm surge plus 30 inches of rain leave you within north carolina? >> obviously we have low-lying areas around the coast as most people do but they go far inland as well with water tributaries in north carolina. we could see distractions far inland from the coast, not just coastal communities if this hurricane sits out and churns for 2 or 3 days as it looks like it may do right off the coast, that could be a devastating water and wind event but we have to remember you mentioned hugo in the start of your segment, hugo hit charleston, south carolina and did massive destruction in charlotte, 220 miles inland so you could see destruction far inland from the coast. the message for everybody is get prepared. be ready no matter where you are. one thing we know for sure is forecasters as hard as they try can't predict these things which we saw this storm moved 250 miles north, south and back again over the last week. the inland track, 250 miles as well. you might think i'm not in the path of the storm today, two days ago the storm could hit anywhere. jillian: are your shelters able to withstand what could be making landfall as a category for? >> the answer is yes but if you get far enough inland. the trick is if you are leaving the coast, far enough inland those shelters are going to be able to withstand that. we haven't had a category 4 like you mentioned with hazel in a long time. it hasn't been since the 50s. we know that regardless whether it is category 4 or not, you have significant damage far inland from the coast. we urge people to get to shelters, get as far away from danger as possible. make sure people are not driving through water, most problems are caused by people driving through floodwaters and get swept away. we want to make sure that doesn't happen and people are starting to prepare for the cleanup as well and if you want to volunteer, there are organizations, you can fall and tear, you can give and they are standing ready to sweep into north carolina, south carolina, virginia, preparing for the need that will exist after the storm. rob: thank you for your time. jillian: the woman who helped kidnap elizabeth smart will be released from prison next week. the utah board of pardons will set her free september 19th, six years earlier than expected after failing to give her credit for time served in federal prison. she and her husband were convicted of can kidnapping smart in 2002 and holding the teen hostage for tween 9 months. smart calls this release in comprehensible. >> secondary defense jim met the is issuing a stern warning against the use of chemical weapons. >> you have been warned. 17% of this, you have been warned. >> there is, growing concern the bashar al-assad regime could use chlorine gas, in syria. mattis announcing plans to travel to macedonia as the country continues joining nato. making clear the us will help protect against russian interference. peter stzrok striking back, the fired fbi agent's attorney insisting the bureau is trying to stop leaks to the media and not coordinate them. the text message to lisa page coming under fire, quote, i had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you to talk to you about media leak strategy with doj before you go. donald trump tweeting his frustration, so terrible nothing is being done, the world is watching and they get it completely. jillian: bush 43 looking for w in november hitting the campaign trail today to rally support for republican candidates. he will be in texas stumping for bill heard who is seeking reelection. he heads to florida friday for rick scott who hopes to win a senate seat in november. rob: 37 after the hour, joe scarborough saying donald trump is worse than 9/11. eric trump giving morning joe history. jillian: apple and feeling new iphones in a few hours but could put a serious dent in your wallet. kurt the cyber guy telling us about the most expensive model yet. >> msnbc's joe scarborough blasted for using the anniversary of 9/11 to take a cheap shot at donald trump, an op-ed in the washington post titled trump is harming the dream of america more than any foreign adversary ever could. >> what a stupid comment. -- and compare that to giving up his life to better this country. >> scarborough backtracking saying showing more care and the wording of the op-ed. rob: the phrase illegal alien is considered hate speech on twitter. center for immigration studies saying twitter is not allowing us to promote any tweets including illegal alien or aliens citing it as hateful content. the phrase has been used in federal law and by the supreme court's just days after jack dorsey testified insisting twitter does not censor anybody based on political views. jillian: in just hours the next generation of apple products will be unveiled. rob: the cyber guy has been to every apple announcement from california. great timing. i need a new phone. >> that is the question you will be asking, it is apparently three new iphones being introduced and if bigger is better apple may had a home run with this one, 6.8 inch screen is expected on the largest iphone and that is rumored as the iphone express or is it the 10 so the iphone 10s. kind of silly names, iphone 10s? will the word plus they always use >> with max? despite the marketing hoopla, expect to have phones that are substantially larger and some that go cheaper. but price tag for the higher end phones are expected to go much higher. it now takes the spot away from samsung as the world's most expensive cell phone. >> the price of these phones is getting ridiculous. we don't have an exact number on that yet. >> reporter: we don't. holding that tight from 10:00 pacific to 1:00 pm eastern. that is when tim cook, ceo, walks to the stage to reveal those ideas and to talk about potentially new ipad pros where the screens are larger but the fourth version of apple's watch out of that one, and apple, a much better design on the face and if you own an apple watch the design of the interface will put more real estate in the corners of the watch. we are looking forward to seeing what that means and a refresh of the mac books, an update. the bottom line is apple's most interested in coming out with phones that are more affordable and the ones that hit the high end audience where they realize our lives are captured in these phones so much that we are willing to spend the extra money because what apple really want us to do is subscribe to a lot of stuff they are earning a lot of money from, apps, music, video content. jillian: you have been on the phone, you drop it and break it after a week. rob: the company is doing very well. thank you so much. don't drop that phone. jillian: eyedrop every phone. rob: let's check with ed henry to what is coming up on "fox and friends". >> reporter: you need to make sure it doesn't break. i will get direct deposit from fox to apple to cut out the middleman, just keep buying new phones, subscribing to every apple in the world. the storm barreling to the east coast, steve scalise, house majority whip and eric trump will be joining us as well, the son of foreman who died in the 9/11 terror attacks, scolding democrats for politicizing the terror attacks. >> please stop using the bones and ashes of our loved ones as props in a political theater. their lives, sacrifices and death are worth so much more. >> he will join us with his inspiring message. that storm which you have been all over we will stay on top of barreling towards the east coast as we speak. jillian: be right back. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ with a range of suv's perfect for any adventure, you can be in your element, in any element. ♪ experience amazing at your lexus dealer. no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy? that's because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. so, try febreze fabric refresher. febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. jillian: lauren blanchard in north carolina with more on those heroes driving into the storm's path. >> reporter: good morning. the national weather service, 5.4 million people under a hurricane warning or watch. this is a board in wilmington. someone wrote this on a business, information on shelters and scripture. emergency management want people finish those storm preps by tonight because that is when the weather will get worse. boards from all of the past storms they have been through, they are bracing for this 500 mile wide category for hurricane. >> we are escaping what could be a disaster for us. we are protecting our family. >> i'm scared about this hurricane and that is why we are leaving. jillian: many are leaving but there are those who are heading in. the national guard activating state along the east coast and florida which was just a year ago dealing with hurricane irma sending first responders to help with evacuations and the flooding aftermath. >> the state of florida has reached out to other states for assistance. this is our opportunity to return the favor. this is what a firefighter trains for. this is their super bowl. >> reporter: first responders are helping to move patients from hospitals and assisted-living homes from areas that are at risk to areas safer inland. a big job ahead of them as the weather and the storm continues to move closer to the coast. rob: thank you so much. jillian: time to prepare. definitely good news. corporal punishment making a come back, a georgia school reinstated a policy they can spank students with a paddle. >> one third of parents have agreed to it. jillian: carly shimkus with serious xm 115 here with a surprising response to this. >> a georgia school, bringing back peddling is a form of punishment. the georgia school of innovation asking parents to sign a consent form explaining the new policy. that forms is a student will be taken into the office behind closed doors, and a piece of furniture and will be struck on the buttocks with a panel. it says no more than three licks will be given. the superintendent says 100 parents have sent back forms and one third have given permission. that is 33 parents. social media reaction is pouring in. kim says used inappropriate situations and don't abuse their power. it is about discipline and respect but rachel on twitter says this is ridiculous and can't believe 30% of parents agreed. nothing wrong with paddling as long as parents agree. they cannot out of the paddling but their kids better not get in trouble because they face a 5 day suspension. three licks. rob: like we went back to 1955. jillian: anyway let's talk about household tax, prepping for a hurricane, amazing every time. >> all about people helping people on social media. those who've lived through a hurricane in the past are sharing helpful tips that might make all the difference. here are the ones we saw on social media, ziploc bags with water in your freezer will keep your freezer cold if you lose power. your washing machine with ice, you can keep food and drinks cold, create your own soft glow light by taking a flashlight to a jug and fill your bathtub with water. the best plan is to evacuate if you are in an evacuation zone but sometimes you lose power even when you are not. that is where these tips in preparation is key. jillian: put valuables in the dishwasher. >> also a good one. put all the stuff that is small you still need and didn't have time to get out in the dishwasher. rob: great advice. i love that. this is really special. a bald eagle landed on a 9/11 memorial. jillian: amazing thing happened at a 9/11 memorial in minnesota as you can see on your screen. a bald eagle landed on the extended latter of a fire truck that was being used to hang a flag. footage of this has been used 1 million times on social media. the fire chief reacted saying there is no better symbol to represent america today than a flag. for any eagle to land a fire truck holding a flag doesn't get more symbolic than that. how incredible. rob: incredible birds and beautiful story. jillian: be right back. . . emotions after walking off the plane in st. petersburg, florida. one of 73 hoes who toured the capital as part of this program. jillian: next the bad author of an essay how to murder your husband now accused of, you guessed it, murdering her husband. nancy just arrested in oregon. police say she shot and killed her husband but she hasn't entered a plea. rob: well, she would know, in the book. finally the ugly this cat is so fat that it needs and under. george tipped the scales at 17 pounds. veterinarian is worried he could get diabetes. they hope to get him back in purrrfecf shape in about six months. i doesn't look that fat with the coat on. george, you are not looking too bad. jillian: a little big boned


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Critical Role has announced the first Bells Hells novel, which will focus on Marisha Ray’s Laudna and be published by Penguin Random House.


Transcripts for MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20220306 00:57:00

that comes at a time when the international community was already not getting enough resources to take care of 80 million people around the world whose situations look exactly like the woman you just had. i lost everything. >> right, i see those images, my heart breaks. i don't know how you see those images and your heartbreak doesn't break. at the same time, i want to remind people that when we talk about the refugee crisis, we are also talking about the context of it being too political. we talked very often about syria and this idea of a lost generation, right. if you have a generation that leaves the country, that does not properly and adequately educated, who will ever go back and rebuild the country? i think it's applicable around the world in very situations where we see these refugees. what is the geopolitical reality of the refugee crisis that we are now seeing coming out of ukraine? >> so the terrible reality is that even before ukraine, we had refugee fatigue all over


Transcripts for MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20220306 00:55:00

exactly, we are homeless in this moment. and we should handle basic things. we have no stuff, we have no money. we have no anything now. >> story of heartbreak shared by millions as the first shipment of unicef humanitarian supplies arrive today in lviv, including medical equipment and medicine to treat the wounded. more help will be needed in ukraine. it's a latest on what is already an unprecedented refugee crisis globally. an estimated 80 million people are displaced around the world. with me now, had their whole bird, she's the director of new models of policy change for new america. heather, as we have talked a lot over the course of the last two hours were on humanitarian aid, we are focused on the crisis unfolding on the ground in ukraine for obvious reasons. when you zoom out, there is a long tailed humanitarian element to this crisis. it's not just the people who are leaving now, heather, it's


Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Five 20190903 21:50:00

really seems organic to me. it doesn't seem like he is going to get sharper going forward. he doesn't seem to me that this is just the warming up, that he is going to get in there and he is going to be more articulate and more competent than his presentation. nor eloquent. more presidential in a sense. he seems tentative to me. and the people that are around him like they hope he doesn't break, you know. and. >> brian: trump wants to make sure he doesn't break. i think trump wants him to be his opponent. >> katie: brian, the argument with joe biden being the frontrunner is that he is strong he is the one who has this in the bag. when it comes down to going against the trump campaign juggernaut and joe biden clearly not really wanting it considering that he is saying that he maybe wouldn't be in it if it wasn't president trump. his wife having a hard time selling his plan saying, you know, his plan might not be the best one. he might not be the best candidate but you should elect him to beat donald


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20190613:20:57:00

republicans could senator cotten ever go to the pentagon, would that up up a senate seat. the president is talking about a possible gubernatorial race. >> kellyanne conway, her firing was recommended by an independent watchdog agency for repeated violations of the hatch act. i imagine they are busy dodging collusion, conspiracy and corruption and the little hatch act doesn't break anyone out into hives or a suiweat at this white house? >> it will be a test for president trump. the president has to make a choice about whether to pursue some kind of action based on hatch act violations that have been recommended by these independent watchdog groups within the federal apparatus. based on my reporting the president remains close to miss conway and not going to pursue any punitive action on her part. >> you're shaking your head. >> in the administration that i worked in, you might have had a


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20181206:14:23:00

baker, the president's best friend. and i covered him extensively when he was secretary of state, white house chief of staff. i got to know him. i traveled with him when he was secretary of state. and he was a powerful figure. but when he broke down, we saw him crying yesterday because his best friend was gone, that was a surprise to me because that side of james baker i have never seen. >> i agree. i had never seen him cry either all these years. he's a tough man. i was surprised at that. i interviewed him for 41 on 41. he never broke down. when i interviewed bob gates, he broke down, and he's another guy that doesn't break down easily. he said i would walk-through fire for george bush. that's this feeling of comradedy and lifting up his friends when times get tough. he's right there. >> it was a beautiful moment.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20181118:02:21:00

independent law enforcement. and that tradition does come under pressure all the time, but it doesn't break. we tend to find out when presidents do that, and they tend to get in trouble for it. they at least tend to get caught. so there are a few ways in which this sort of untenable situation with matthew whitaker is going to end at the justice department. one of them is the long, slow painful which, which is that they're going to leave him in there as long they can, and he will manage whatever wrecking ball routine he can in there when it comes to the russia investigation. but, you know, thereafter, very soon thereafter, the democrats will take control of congress, in just a few weeks. and then they will unspool and unravel all of that, and they will hold people to account for whatever happened in the interim. so that's the long, slow painful way this could happen. the less long way, right, is that the white house could recognize that the long, slow painful way would actually be a


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20181117:05:21:00

ask me history trivia questions about them trying. i have a pretty good grasp on that at this point. but it's hard to get away with in the end in this country because we do have a robust tradition of nonpartisan independent law enforcement. and that tradition does come under pressure all the time. but it doesn't break. we tend to find out when presidents do that and they tend to get in trouble for it. they at least tend to get caught. so there are a few ways in which this sort of untenable situation with matthew whitaker is going to end at the justice department. one of them is the long, slow painful way, which is that they're going to leave them in there as long as they can and he will manage whatever wrecking ball routine he can in there when it comes to the russia investigation. but, you know, thereafter, very soon thereafter the democrats will take control of congress in just a few weeks and then they will unspool and unravel all of that. and they will hold people to account for whatever happened in


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20181117:02:21:00

tradition of nonpartisan independent law enforcement. and that tradition does come under pressure all the time, but it doesn't break. we tend to find out when presidents do that, and they tend to get in trouble for it. they at least tend to get caught. so there are a few ways in which this sort of untenable situation with matthew whitaker is going to end at the justice department. one of them is the long, slow painful which, which is that they're going to leave him in there as long they can, and he will manage whatever wrecking ball routine he can in there when it comes to the russia investigation. but, you know, thereafter, very soon thereafter, the democrats will take control of congress, in just a few weeks. and then they will unspool and unravel all of that, and they will hold people to account for whatever happened in the interim. so that's the long, slow painful way this could happen. the less long way, right, is that the white house could recognize that the long, slow


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