already been used to sign up dr. oz to tell his viewers to, quote, get educated, get engaged and get enrolled. and there s even a plan for a tv reality show to talk about leving without living without health care in california. $16 billion deficit in the state, megyn, the estimates are it s going to cost $2 billion of state money a year to get this thing enacted, and if governor brown s tax rate increase doesn t pass in november, this is going to be a tough deal to get going on time.gyn: all righk you. well, a reminder for you now, we re waiting for the state department briefing. it was supposed to start about 25 minutes ago after sources in the intention community offered a serious challenge to the administration s version of events in libya, actually, it is a source it is a libyan intelligence source who was challenging the administration, and now we are getting pushback from a senior administration official. we ll bring that to you, and we will hear from ed henry who is with t