3 3 map fiber map 3 3 & first on fox.a daycare worker accused of assaulting a one year old boy. and it s all caught on camera. league learring center in northeast baltimore. you can sse on the right side of the screen a little boy being grabbed by the face and pushed out of the frame. that boy s apparently onneyear old dominick chhrles. his mother found out about the incident after a co-worker heard the bby s cries and called his mother.that co-worker. leverne brunson. as firrdd. while he wooan who did this is still workinggat - (brunson) she ssstill there the child and i m gone for speaking up for the chhld. and it doesn t seem fair to me. so, i m pretty upset about that. (charles) too grab his face and ii head and ddong how you do it was just in inappropriate. police have reviewed the video. and say this could be assault.repeated school havv gone unreturned, this morning, the pprson in charge had no omment. more testimony today in the researcher.just yysterday.. the mot