By Mike Johnson on 2020-12-26 23:19:00
This shouldn’t be happening. I shouldn t be writing this article and you shouldn’t be reading it, but here we are. The announcement today that Jonathan Huber, known to independent fans as Brodie Lee, WWE fans as Luke Harper and then once again as Brodie Lee to fans of All Elite Wrestling has passed away at the age of 41 is unfathomable.
It was only a few months ago as the leader of the Dark Order that Lee captured the AEW TNT title, his first major singles championship on a national level beyond a tiny run with the WWE Intercontinental title that seemed to be all but forgotten. He had left WWE and landed on his feet with a major role in AEW, one that provided him a consistent, larger push than he had received in WWE in forever. Lee was well liked by everyone who came across him, was known as a family man and mentored others and worked hard, happy to finally have the chance to showcase himself as the talent he knew he could