Did you know? Did you know that potentially more Russian soldiers have died in the battle for Bakmut in the Ukraine than we (U.S.) forces lost in the Korean Conflict? Did you know that potentially more Russian soldiers have died in the first year of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine than we lost during the […]
2021 Primary Election: Here’s a look at the contested races in Perry County
Posted May 11, 2021
One seat on the Court of Common Pleas for the 41st Judicial District, which includes both Perry and Juniata counties will be on the ballot this year. There are three candidates to fill the court vacancy of former President Judge Kathy Morrow. File photo of the Perry County Courthouse. DAN GLEITER/The Patriot-NewsDan Gleiter/The Patriot-News
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Beyond statewide elections and ballot questions, Perry County residents won’t see many contested races, but there are a few.
One seat on the Court of Common Pleas for the 41st Judicial District, which includes both Perry and Juniata counties will be on the ballot this year. There are three candidates running for judge to fill the court vacancy of former President Judge Kathy Morrow.
Zagurskie runs for judge of Common Pleas PennLive.com 3/13/2021 Jim T. Ryan, pennlive.com
Don Zagurskie, a long-time attorney from Juniata County, is adding his name to the list of candidates running for the open judgeship in the Court of Common Pleas of the 41st Judicial District, which includes both Juniata and Perry counties.
“I hope to be the candidate who shares the vision with Perry and Juniata,” said Zagurskie, who for the past 30 years has been a practicing attorney with Johnston & Zagurskie in Mifflin.
He started his legal career in Mifflin in 1991 and was made a partner with the firm a year later. Since then, Zagurskie has been active in both counties representing clients for civil and criminal matters, as well as representing municipalities in the counties. Zagurskie listed criminal defense, family law matters, wrongful death, personal injury, business, and gun rights restoration as some of the areas he’s been involved with over the decades.
Local experienced attorney announces candidacy
Mar 2, 2021
MIFFLINTOWN – Local attorney Don Zagurskie has announced his candidacy for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 41st Judicial District (Juniata and Perry Counties) to serve along with President Judge Kenneth Mummah and fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Kathy A. Morrow.
Zagurskie said he has decided to announce his candidacy “to offer voters the opportunity to have a judicial candidate with a broad and extensive experience in all aspects of the law.”
Zagurskie has 30 years of courtroom experience that includes litigating criminal cases, civil matters, family law matters, wrongful death, personal injury, restoration of gun rights and more. In addition to his courtroom experience Zagurskie has advised local municipal and county governments in many legal aspects.