trump . so particularly embarrassingo to them because they figure thishis is is home now. we ll never deal with trump again. and now they re invitingy. trump . i have to think it s going to go the other way on . these networks are going do to have to sit down and interview donald trump . my point is they don t know how because folks take it to the bank. we never truly, deeply examine that which we trump truly, deeply disdain about. ask him a question.u don let him answer and have a follow up. you don t like some of what he said . how dare you geu t the lastth word? s yeah, j and as woe be said , we wish joe biden would answer some questions. and maybe if joe biden wasn tde already asleep, he couldn was n that cnn town hall with donald trump taking some notes, some lessons. i would like to see that. well said , tommy. see y tommy, thankou you , kellyanne.c thank you , joe . great to see you . coming up, with less than three hours until title forty two expires, there is abs
dollars worth of free media coverage is called earned media . they ll never get thatba t backc they ll never get back. the fact that he won that timed . but, sean , they should stop and just learn what is vexing wv and perplexing the seventy four million people who voted for him in 202ot0. instead, they re trying to embarrass and harass him. for so cnn got criticized for doing what they should do, which is give an audience and a platform to the front runneram for one of the parties. i bet they do the same for joe biden. the problem is we don t see unde we don t understand and he doesn t understand us . rstand us hehe s not awake. ttlt he doesn t he doesn t meeto i e press, let alone do a whole hour s worth of a town hall. and i think this is going to cost the press in a way they don t see it. they re so supercilious. they re so condescending. uney re so unanimous, no.t unified. d. means ot unity. we have unity. they have unanimity. unanimity means you keep that ge monopoly going. you d
their colleagues, their friends . they live in a liberal bubble . they sin liberg liberal kumbayas together. thn one big, far left echo chamber. and so hearing from any conservative is jarring to them, triggering to them, t esespecially if that conservatie is not always politically correct and not easilyr intimidated or silenced by their insultssults or, their accusations. and as we al l know by now, donald trump is going to be real donald trump . but here is what really make s those so-called journalists soir mad . despite all of their diree predictions, donald trump was a very successful president wayn ,way, way more competent than this guy. that s president today. that doesn t know it s thursday night now. that s whythat s biden is now la to trump by a large amount in a brand new poll. as it turns out, when your livelihood and your retirementety and and your safet and your security is at riskk in when china s taking on america s role as theance
he was likable, extremely funny. the crowd loved him, not er w the anchor. ordsin other words, a nightmare come to life for the producers and contributor at fake news, cnn, they invited donaldnald tru trump to this town hall. and what a shock donald now p showed up and they weren t ready for donald trump . now, immediately following the debate, well, fake news, air cnn, they had their on air power panel spending hours and hours despondent in shock and some look close to tears even behind the scenes, there is an apparent revolt among fake news. cnn s emotionally fragile fr employees, especially their leftees especi wing woke , by the way, most of whom themselves live for three long years about trump russia collusion that never of happent and as we speak, an all out temper tantrum is underwayo inside the company from top toie bottom bottom. can you believe this? a leading presidential the idate, former president ,
president . the cost to themr perhapfuture i they re going to look silly alls again. and they already do. we are less thans than 18 nex 1e next presidential election. they don t know how to stop this guy. and look, 60% of americans sayer that they have great faith in the mainstream media. 74% of americans tell pollstersr they think the media aree ng currently polarizing and dividing thi andg thiss couh and you say w in front, front and center exactly why that, you know, is it, tommy, that the contempt that they have for donald trump also extends to those seventy four million americans have voted for him in? 2020 eight because i believe it does extend to them. sure it does, because justthey as kellyanne rightly pointed out, they don t wantnt to ge toe to know us . they don t want to speakhe to uu they don t want to acknowledgenh fo .e they wanrgotten amert us to rem. the forgotten americans . but i ll tell you this, thatwaro man, donald trump , is atime warrior. they come after hi, m ti