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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20140608

>> axelrod: good evening. i'm jim axelrod. and this is a western edition of the broadcast. the prosecutor in new brunswick, new jersey, is charging a truck driver with death by auto. death by auto after a crash that left the comedian, tracy morgan, in critical condition and killed another comic who was traveling with him. just after 1:00 this morning, he was airlifted from the scene of the accident on the new jersey turnpike just north of trenton. he was on his way home from performing when his limo was hit from behind by a tractor trailer. vinita nair picks up the story. >> reporter: police say a tractor trailer park slammed into the back of morgan's chauffeured limo bus, overturning it and causing a chain reaction that involved six vehicles. comedian james mcnair, one of morgan's writers, was killed. four other bus passengers are in critical condition, including morgan, who was taken by helicopter to a hospital in new brunswick, new jersey. his publicist released this statement to cbs news. "his family is now with him and he is receiving excellent care. we don't anticipate much of a change in his condition today." morgan was returning from a live performance in delaware, part of a multi-city stand-up tour. comedian ardie fuqua who was traveling with morgan posted this photo of the bus about 30 minutes before the accident. he is also in critical condition. >> reporter: morgan, who began his career doing stand-up on the streets in brooklyn is best known for his seven years on "saturday night live" and his lead role in the comedy "30 rock." >> live every week like a shark week. >> reporter: this past april, he appeared on "cbs this morning" to talk about his new comedy tour. >> reporter: how could you feel up there on the stage by yourself? >> it's exhilarating. there's nothing in the world like live entertainment. >> reporter: the 45-year-old actor also spoke about his family. he has three grown sons a previous relationship, and a one-year-old daughter with fiance megan wollover. >> that's my baby. that's my girl. she has given me a different perspective on being a dad so i see things a little bit different, you know. i have a beautiful baby daughter, you know, and i also have a shotgun, a shovel and an alibi. >> reporter: wal-mart owns the tractor trailer involved in the accident. in a statement the company's c.e.o. bill simon said he was praying for the victims and if it's determined our truck caused the accident wal-mart will take full responsibility." >> axelrod: hft was not made at today's it bell monsstakes. california chrome missed his chance to become the first horse in 35 years to win the triple crown. >> tonalist, it won't be a triple crown this year. it's going to be close. it's going to be very close! and tonalist got there! tonalist has won the belmont stakes. >> reporter: and with that call, california chrome placed fourth in the 146th running of the belmont stakes, disappointing a crowd of 100,000 fans hoping to witness racing history at belmont. >> i got a lot of losers here. so i'm just going to throw these away. >> you know, whatever. >> reporter: thousand more watched from yiewba city, california, the home town of co-owners steve and carolyn coburn. coburn complaind the winner, tonalist, came in totally fresh after not running in the kentucky derbero preakness. >> we'll never see another triple crown winner because of the way they do this. this is the coward's way out. >> reporter: the three-year-old cresthree-year-ot stole fans' heartses with a rags to riches story. >> we know that we were blessed and that it doesn't happen to very many people upo the way it happened to us. >> reporter: until today, chrome had won six straight races and was poised to bottom the 12t 12th triple crown winner and the first in 36 years. fans haven't seen the last of california chrome. his owners say they'll continue to race him. as for the future of the triple crown, co-owner steve coburn says he hopes racing officials change the rules and make it mandatory that all horses running the belmont stakes also run the kentucky derby and the preakness. alexis christoforous, cbs news, >> axelrod: there is a surge that's been developing in the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border from mexico into the u.s., and it is creating dire conditions at a makeshift holding center in southern arizona where food, water, and medical supplies are now running low. as jonathan lowe of our phoenix station k.p.h.o. reports california's governor is putting the blame squarely on the white house. >> reporter: behind this gate of the u.s. border patrol is a converted warehouse where the children are staying. today there are at least 750 of them living here, ranging in age from three to 18, all of them alone. these are the photos taken of the kids last night, wrapped in marathon runner-type blankets, sleeping in tubs and being monitored by d.h.s. border patrol agents. they shouldn't be here. this facility only houses adults who cross the border illegally, but in the last 11 days, the department of homeland security says it's been overwhelmed with the flood of children crossing into the rio grande valley in texas. 48,000 just last month. as many as 200 children a day. most are from central america. christa works at baptist child and family services in san antonio. >> these are really good conditions, certainly better than most of the children have come from, and without question better than the conditions in which they traveled here from. >> reporter: d.h.s. says it's trying to fix the problem but right now, has nowhere else to put them. today, some of the children were en route to facilities still being prepared in california, texas, and oklahoma. for those still here, a representative from the federal emergency management agency arrived and is providing health care. arizona governor jan brewer says she is disturbed and outraged that the federal government is implementing what she calls a dangerous and inhumane policy. d.h.s. has ordered 2,000 mattresses in a building that's only supposed to hold 1,500 people. today, the consul general of el salvador said the kids are getting showers and appropriate nutrition. last night, the department of justice announced it is looking for young lawyers and paralegals to provide legal assistance to all of the families. as for the children, that el salvador official says some of them are beginning to miss their families and get depressed so border patrol agents are creating a play area. jim? >> axelrod: jonathan lowe, thank you. we're learning more tonight about a dramatic rescue in the mediterranean sea made by the u.s. navy when one of six boats full of people trying to flee africa and get to europe started to sink. two u.s. navy ships made a bee line for all six boats. hundreds were saved. some had already gone overboard. here's alan pizzey. >> reporter: search-and-rescue helicopters hovered over a disaster in the making. an italian patrol plane spotted six rickety boats jammed with illegal migrants, one of them sinking. the u.s. navy ships bataan and elrod, in the area in case americans needed to escape from libya, came to the rescue. thousands of migrants risk the perilous crossing from north africa to europe every month fleeing poverty, war, and in some cases, persecution, with no idea who their passengers were, the u.s. sailors frisked everyone who came on board. among those saved were a mother and her baby, a sign of just how desperate people are for a new life. for many, the crossing is just another leg of a journey that has taken months and in some cases, years. the check-up on the ship would be the first time many of them have had any medical care. the migrants set sail in unsea worthy boats with virtually no safety equipment. for the final leg of the voyage, they were put on a real boat and given lifejackets, safe at last. alan pizzey, cbs news, rome. >> axelrod: ukraine's new president poroshenko took the oath of office today. he offered amnesty to pro-russian separatists in the each provided "they don't have blood on their hands. in winston-salem, north carolina, today they gathered for a memorial service in which speakers described how god put a rainbow in the clouds. this is the theme as speakers like michelle obama, oprah winfrey, and bill clinton considered the legacy of maya angelou, who died last week at the age of 86. chip reid has more on the celebration of one life that touched so many others. >> when i think about maya angelou, i think about the affirming power of her words. >> reporter: first lady michelle obama said maya angelou's writings first inspired her as a young woman. >> i was struck by how she celebrated black women's beauty like no one had ever dared to before and oh, how desperately black girls needed that message. >> reporter: angelou's words, she said, still give her strength today. >> through long years on the campaign trail where at times my very womanhood was dissected and questioned, for me, that was the power of maya angelou's words. words so powerful that they carried a little black girl from the south side of chicago all the way to the white house. ( applause ) >> reporter: angelou read one of her poems at bill clinton's first inauguration. >> come. you may stand up on my back and face your distant destiny. >> she had enough experiences for five lifetimes. >> reporter: clinton recalled that angelou was raped as a young child and refused to speak for five years. >> god loaned her his voice. she had the voice of god. and he decided he wanted it back for a while. >> reporter: oprah winfrey described angelou as her spiritual queen mother. >> she was my anchor, so it's hard to describe to you what it means when your anchor shifts. but i realized this morning, i really don't have to put this into words. what i have to do is live it because that's what she would want. she would want me, you, us to live her legacy. >> reporter: a legacy of words, wisdom, and spirit that has inspired millions. chip reid, cbs news, washington. >> axelrod: later, california's iconic joshua trees under threat from climate change. when the cbs evening news continues. try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. ♪ i'm a loving husband and a real good dad ♪ ♪ but weeds just make me rattlesnake mad ♪ ♪ well roundup has a sharp-shootin' wand ♪ ♪ i'm sendin' them weeds to the great beyond ♪ ♪ roundup yeha! 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