A new speaker series, hosted by the YW Kitchener-Waterloo, offers insights from extraordinary women leaders like Dr. Dorothy Nyambi, Mandy Bujold, Fauzia Mazhar, Cait Glasson and Ajoa Mintah.
About 7,000 women and youth in Honduras will benefit from an $11.9-million funding boost to support the local agricultural industry. Global Affairs Canada announced the funds which will be managed by the Kitchener-Waterloo Mennonite Economic Development Associates.
The Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund (MFAGF), a Fund of Funds that works through African investment vehicles to support early-stage, growth-oriented SMEs on the continent, launched today with a committed $200 million (USD).
/CNW/ - The Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund (The Fund), a Fund-of-Funds of African investment vehicles (IVs) to support early-stage, growth-oriented.
Machine s content marketing team took home multiple wins and awards at the 2022 SA Publication Forum Awards for work with its long-standing clients, Sanlam and Sanlam Reality.