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Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20180810 23:00:00

trump trying to make a joke of bob mueller. the president's top two attorneys, jay sekulow and rudy giuliani taking three hours out of their day, not to work on the serious investigation itself, an investigate that giuliani has explicitly said he fears could lead to possible impeachment proceedings against the president of the united states. no, taking three hours to guest host a radio show and to be specific i'm talking about sean hannity of fox news radio show. >> hey, welcome to the sean hannity show. jay sekulow and mayor rudy giuliani. how about that? giuliani and sekulow. >> isn't that nice? >> that is. we can start all kind of speculation. >> sure, speculation that the president's lawyers are trying to become the next famous duo like an abbott and costello. listen to some of the questions that rudy and jay decided to take from callers. >> speaking in regards to hillary clinton, we have proof of that. and why are we not pursuing that? why is not ag sessions pursuing those criminal acts? >> you got a little ring going on there? either you're keeping a really steady beat or you got -- right, or a click or you got your wipers on, it's one of the two. >> i just got to know that after this is over, that you guys are really going to drop the hammer on some of these people. i mean, comey, mila, all these other people. >> look, i have some experience with government officials that have not done appropriate conduct. >> they should be looking and investigating and charging barack obama with abuse of power. >> what do you think? >> i want to jump -- i would agree with you, it is crying out for an investigation. >> crying out for an investigation. happen to entertain all those sorts of questions, right? and even when rudy and jay were A news and interview program, anchored by Erin Burnett. giuliani to set the tone for the white house. while the special counsel is not saying much but through their actions are not responding on their own to giuliani. >> their actions showing they are the ones who control the timetable here and in fact they do. democratic senator richard blumenthal who sits on the armed services and judiciary committees. frank bruni, "new york times" columnist. senator, okay, as ridiculous as it was, whether you see it as offensively ridiculous or hilariously ridiculous is almost not even the point. the trump team has said this is about public relations. then they do three hours of filling in for sean hannity with the trump base. is this actually going to help them? could they win in the court of public opinion by doing what they did today? >> they may win with their base. i doubt they are scoring very many points in the broader court of public opinion. what they are succeeding in doing, bit by bit, point by point, joke by joke, is trying the law. he can be subpoenaed. and that subpoena will be upheld, jake sekulow notwithstanding. >> harry, when you hear all this, again, let's go back to this when they say hoax and witch hunt. they said that today, right, that's just par for the course at this point. 32 individuals have been charged. this investigation has been far from a hoax, if you look at it from any measurable -- >> absolutely right. we've seen now, even as the manafort trial of the president's former campaign manager proceeds towards the end of the government's case, we see parallel to it the investigators continuing to look at roger stone, subpoenaing one of his close associates today. another of his associations has been subpoenaed and has said he'd rather take contempt then testify. that will be appealed from a district judge to an appeals judge. even while he's working on the trial, mueller team, the mueller team's also pursuing all these other leads. it's far from a witch hunt. there are many open leads of the investigation. >> you have the top two attorneys. we have the raskin couple working on this. this is how they spent three hours of their day, joking around, talking about obama being -- or hillary, whatever it was, right? >> as mentioned earlier, this is a public relations campaign. rudy giuliani is not doing much lawyering at all. he's doing a lot of spokesman duties. he's out there, day after day, hour after hour, with the most jock lar manner possible. he's trying to say what, we have nothing to worry about here. the way you knew that mueller's investigation would not wrap up, nor findings be announced by september 1st was the moment rudy giuliani said that must be the deadline. he was setting up something fake that could not possibly be met so they have a new club to bang mueller with. the same deal goes with the questions they said he won't answer. they're exactly the questions that mueller would want to ask him. so they're sort of setting these tests, these deadlines -- >> sort of why did you fire jim the most serious indictments that robert mueller has issued against those russians. >> right. >> intelligence operatives. deployed by vladimir putin. he was not identified by name. but he was, in effect, named. so he faces so many very serious exposure. frank's absolutely right. the developments of this last week, even though we tend to focus on the circus and the side shows that giuliani/sekulow showed today, andrew miller was held in contempt of court. >> which is very significant. >> for refusing to appear in the grand jury. he has, as far as i can see, very little grounds for asserting any sort of privilege or any basis to not cooperate. plus there are those other associates who are close to roger stone and where roger stone's exposure is, very seriously, is his contacts with guccifer and the other russian fronts and what it means going forward. this is not only about what how many things did he say he'd show us, we'd never seen the context of? >> other women he's vetting. >> right, avenatti has a lot of donald trump in him. >> and now what do you make of this as a senior democratic senator? would you support avenatti? >> i would not support avenatti for president of the united states. i'm not sure i'd support him for any political office unless he can demonstrate some knowledge of the issues. and something other than just showmanship. which perhaps he has done very well for his client. but less so maybe on the legal front. but the point here is that the trump team is relying on showmanship and circus, to bring down the investigation, to degrade and demean the process. and i think the court of public opinion's going to be very harsh on him. >> quick final word, how long do you think it goes? is mueller really almost done? >> i don't think he's done. he's going to go quiet because he doesn't want to upset the election. so at some point in the fall, he's not going to charge anyone. but that doesn't mean his team is going to stop interviewing people, putting people in the grand jury, collecting efld evidence. getting ready for whatever comes next year. >> all right, thank you all very much. next, omarosa says she was offered $15,000 a month in hush money after leaving the white house. guess what, there's a document to prove it. and our next guest has seen it. plus, an eye-opening story. can a klansman who opened fire in last year's rally in charlottesville literally be reformed? >> some klans had a history of terrorizing black folks but not all klans did. >> and democratic candidate ben jealous drops the "f" bomb when asked is he a socialist. >> do you identify with the term socialist? >> are you [ bleep ] kidding me? >> and jealous will be "outfront" tonight. e-commerce deliveriesle we to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you you shouldn't be rushed into booking a hotel. with expedia's add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. add-on advantage. only when you book with expedia. it's a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999... intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. to help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, no interest until january 2021. ends wednesday. now t-mobile has unlimited for the rest of us. unlimited ways to be you. unlimited ways share with others. unlimited ways to live for the moment. all for as low as 30 bucks a line. unlimited for you. for them. for all. get unlimited for as low at 30 bucks per line for four lines at t-mobile. omar, check this out. uh, yeah, i was calling to see if you do laser hair removal. for men. notice that my hips are off the ground. [ engine revving ] and then, i'm gonna pike my hips back into downward dog. [ rhythmic tapping ] hey, the rain stopped. -a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. -tell me about that dental procedure again! -i can still taste it in my mouth! -progressive helps keep you out there. -i can still taste it in my mouth! rewards me basically so why am i hosting a dental convention after party in my vegas suite? because lets me do me. who wants to floss me? you do you and get rewarded. new tonight, omarosa says she was offered $15,000 a month, a month, in exchange for her silence after she was fired from her job at the white house. this is according to "the washington post." it's just one of many bombshell allegations in omarosa's new book. the white house hitting back today, saying, quote, instead of telling the truth about all the good president trump and his administration are doing to make america safe and prosperous, this book is riddled with lies and false accusations. dossy wh broke the story for "the washington post." $15,000. i have to make sure everyone understands. adds up to $180,000 a year. omarosa says this cash offer was made by trump, the preseidents n daughter-in-law who has not responded to our request for comment. >> that was her salary also in the white house, $180,000. the offer came right after she left around january 20th. her last day in the white house was, you know, right around the 20th. a one-year mark of the presidency. she wanted to make it to the year mark. there was an extensive nondisclosure agreement that the "washington post" has reviewed independently that showed $15,000 a month for her in exchange to do some diversity outreach and fund-raising to the campaign and not make any negative comments about president trump, vice president pebs, any members of his family, any of his businesses or any comments that would hurt the president in anyway. it's somewhat analogous here, the $15,000 a month that the rnc was paying the president's former body guard on retainer and a number of trump associations at the superpac america first, sean spicer, corey lewin douse ski for a while, no longer, are all on retainers as well. >> you've seen it. >> yes, i've seen it. >> you know this to be true this $15,000 a month offer was there. >> yes, i've reviewed it with my own eyes. the retainer is interesting because what it came after is john kelly comes in and fires her and says, you know, there are all these ethical issues, all these reasons you shouldn't be in the white house. these are serious issues, you must go. and then all of a sudden she's offered a similar job on the campaign. >> right. ethical issues a problem here, but not there. obviously that does not make sense. the other thing, there are tapes. omarosa recorded some of her conversations. and you have listened. you personally, josh dossy, to some of these recordings. >> she's recorded extensively the conversations in the white house. and some of the recordings i have listened to as well. what i heard in the recordings are a lot of the exchanges in the book, some of the ones th t we quote from in the story. now, that said, everything is not, you know, fully vetted. not every claim she makes in the vet is fully vetted. but a lot of the claims in the book are backed up by tapes. omarosa had a tendency in the white house to record her conversations widely with aides, even with the president. people familiar with the tapes have told zblus did she hear anything with the president or any conversation you can check? >> can't disclose too much but i can tell you there are many of them and a lot of the book will be backed up by tapes. >> the book, briefly, josh, also mentioned a tanning bed in the white house. she says there's one there. obviously other aides tell you there isn't. a lot of people are shooting at omarosa right now. >> well, she was not necessarily popular in the white house. she was a polarizing aide. for months even before she left, many of her colleagues thought she was taping them and they were correct. she -- a lot of folks in the white house didn't really know what she did all day. but she was popular in the president's eyes. a lot of her colleagues did not want her in senior staff meetings. wanted her gone. reince priebus didn't like her, john kelly didn't like her. at the same time, she still has the respect of the president and his family. i think now she's doing what a lot of her former colleagues feared she would do, write a scathing tell-all, where part of it is likely true, part of it may not be true, and it puts the white house on the defensive because she was makie ining $18 a year, she was one of the most prominent people in the government. you can't just say she's a nobody. >> thank you so much, josh, i appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> next an "outfront" exclusive. a kkk imperial wizard who was arrested last year at charlottesville rally, a year later speaking to cnn. >> why the ku klux klan? >> plus, first lady melania trump's parents came american citizens through what's called chain migration even as president trump has slammed it again and again and again. the attorney for the first lady and her parents is going to speak "outfront" tonight. 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>> no, because i protected -- no, because i protected people on the steps. that's all i was doing. >> reporter: you did say the "n" word. why, why? >> if you're standing in a group of 1,000 black folks. >> reporter: there wasn't 1,000 black folks around you. >> okay, a large group of black people, okay, how do you get one black man's attention in a crowd full of black people? >> reporter: you say hey, you with the torch. there's a thousand ways. he said he went to protect a confederate statue as a member of a militia, but he also wears another hat. >> the heck with all these illegals. >> reporter: that of an imperial wizard of a ku klux klan. do you hate black people? >> no, i have friends that are black. >> reporter: but you're an imperial wizard of a ku klux klan group. and the klan has a history of terrorizing black folks. how can you say that. >> some klans did but not all klans did. i've never terrorized a black person in my life. >> reporter: why not join the kiwanis club? why not call it something different? why the ku klux klan? >> i want to see the klan become what it once was. >> reporter: he references this, the second rising of the klan, when thousands marched through washington in 1925. >> at that time, that march was about the fact that our country was allowing imgrant ining img here, change their names, no documentation. if your name was schwarschwarzk you could come here and call yourself schwartz, and nobody cared. >> reporter: he fails to mention it was about keeping blacks jews and immigrants from rising socially or politically. he says his plan is different. >> it's not about a black man, a white man, a red man and a yellow man. it's about a red, white and blue. >> reporter: he's still awaiting sentencing in charlottesville. while he waits, something remarkable is happening because of this man. r&b musician errol davis has spent decades engaging with klan members and challenging their beliefs. he and preston have talked for years via phone. suddenly, davis was standing up for preston in court. what do you say to the judge? >> testified on his behalf. i also paid part of his bail money to get him out. >> reporter: you paid part of his bail money? >> i did. >> reporter: is he taking you for a fool? using you? >> no, not at all. not at all. >> reporter: how do you know? >> because he and i were already friends. i said, i'm willing to take mr. preston and he has agreed to go down to this museum with me and take a tour of it and learn something. >> reporter: he's referring to the national museum of african-american history. >> seeing what he's going to see there is going to plant a seed. the seed may not blossom today, tomorrow, the next day. but eventually, he'll come out. because the truth never -- can never be squashed. >> reporter: the two men bonding over history and returning to davis' home to find another shared passion. his track record speaks volumes. davis says 200 of the klansmen he's befriended over the years have left the group. more than 40 of them with a simple gesture. relinquishing their klan robes to him. you don't think you'll ever give up your robe? >> no, i'll be buried in it. >> reporter: then this happened. richard preston who had never been married, had daryl davis at his klan wedding. >> as you stand in the presence of god. >> reporter: this time, it was david giving something away. the bride. >> his friendship has been something really special to me. >> he wanted me to be a part of this wedding. that's beautiful. that's a seed planted. >> reporter: considering their relationship and the fact that the white nationalists unite the right rally is scheduled to be here in d.c., i asked both men where they thought race relations in this country were headed. they both said they thought it would get worse before it gets better. erin. >> all right, sara, thank you very much. another incredible report there from sara. now, let's go to the national affairs correspondent at the nation. and paris denard, member of the president re-elect council. let's just play an exchange here from the piece, between her and preston. here it is. >> do you hate black people? >> no, i have friends who are black. >> he's an imperial wizard with the kkk. he says but don't worry, i've never terrorized a black person. says he'll be buried in his robe though. >> he shot a gun at a black person while using the "n" word, so we actually saw something that proved that he's lying. >> do you think that daryl davis can change his mind? >> i don't know, god bless him, i hope he does, but he hasn't so far. he's going to be married -- or buried, he's going to be buried in his robe. you know, people are entitled to spend their lives that way. i really respect mr. davis for making that effort. but i don't see it coming too much when it comes to richard preston. that was a disturbing report actually. >> paris, what's your reaction? >> well, you know, one of the things i just -- that made me pause is we've been dealing with this issue of racism for so many years in this country. many since the foundation, if you want to go back that far. but from a point of a 19 25 rally, going down street, where we've seen presidents and their co funerals and we've seen all the things we've been proud about as a nation and we've seen -- we've seen that happening in 1925. tells me that while we've made a lot of progress, significant progress, in terms of race relations and the plight of african-americans in america, we still have a long way to go. and i just think that this klansman is just doing what i believe all of these white supremacists and kkk members do, is manipulate the media to spread their platform. and it's unfortunate that they try to mask it and say he's really a friend and david duke does this every campaign season and it's unfortunate because all they want to do is have a platform to spread hate. it's a terrible thing to do. >> okay. of course, you know, this is -- let's just remember the president of the united states has said there are good people on both sides when it comes to these white supremacists and imperial wizards. i want to give you a chance to listen to what the charlottesville mayor said on cnn when asked if the president is responsible for the racial division and tension we're seeing now. here's the response. >> well, you know, when you are comfortable with spewing that kind of hate, as 45 appears to be, then it definitely is causing turmoil within the community and making people feel very comfortable with subjecting others to that level of hate. >> paris. >> i can understand how the mayor, mayor walker, of charlottesville is trying to search for an answer, trying to find a reason, a rationale, as to why something so disgusting could happen in 2017, united states of america, in a city she runs. everyone wants to find the reason, the rationale, to point their finger at somebody. >> do you agree, paris, there's good people on both sides? like the president said? >> erin burnett, don't ask me ridiculous questions. >> why is it a ridiculous question? you're saying it's going on since the beginning of the country, acting like the president of the united states has nothing to do with it. i am asking you, as a supporter of him, do you agree? >> i'm saying, again, that's a ridiculous question. >> why is it a ridiculous question, you should be able to answer it, paris. >> erin, it's a ridiculous question because you know that the president was not talking about the 1925 rally. >> no, he was talking about the white supremists, one of whom killed someone at a rally one year ago this weekend, that's who he was talking about. >> it's a very simple yes or no question. were there good people in charlottesville protesting as nazis and white supremacists? >> first of all, i didn't know this was the joan walsh show -- >> joan is allowed to ask a question. you can ask one too, paris, but right now, i'd appreciate if you'd answer. >> i'll answer your ridiculous question by saying the president could have been talking about mayor walker, if she was there, and actually the woman who was tragically killed by that racist was somebody who i believe was and will always be a good person that was there. >> but she was on one side -- >> we're talking about the na s nazis. >> heather heyer was on one side. they were on the same side, paris. >> let's be clear, joan, joan, joan -- >> asked about the other side, the nazis and the white supremacists. >> joan, when you get a show, i'll come on it, but until then -- >> i'm a guest on this show. erin's fine with what i'm doing. >> i'm not going to be accosted by you. >> i'm not accosting you. i'm having a conversation. >> i'm not having a conversation with you, joan. >> we're on the same show together. we're both cnn contributors. it's your job actually. >> paris, i feel like you're being needlessly belligerent. >> i'm not being belligerent. >> i asked you if there were good people on both sides. the answer is yes, i agree, or no, there is not. why is it hard to answer? >> because i'm not going to let you do and try and do what you all do regularly in the media, which make it seem as if president trump is by any means responsible for what happened in charlottesville or to make it seem like the president feels that the murder of that woman was somehow good or justified or that -- >> i said nothing about what he thought about the murder of that woman. i simply am quoting what he said and asking you if you agree. >> it's a simple question. >> that is what he said. that's a fact, paris. >> you know what else is a fact, the president denounced hatred, violence and bigotry. denounced them before charlottesville. it doesn't matter how long it took him to do it but he did it multiple times. >> paris, you really thing it doesn't matter how long it took him to do it? i'm kind of shocked how long it's taking you to say that you think there aren't good people on both sides. >> because i'm not going to take the bait and do what you all do here in the media. >> all you needed to say is i don't agree with that. there's so many ways you could have answered the question. >> i don't agree with what you do. don't tell me how -- just because you don't like my answer, doesn't mean it's not the right answer. >> i'm calling you out for not answering. >> i'm calling you out for asking ridiculous questions and making inferences about the president and about me and it's inappropriate and it's wrong. you could have had a conversation, which i tried to do, about the video that you played, but what you did end up doing is try to make a correlation between that charlottesville and the president of the united states, just because the mayor was searching for a person to blame for it. if you want to blame somebody, blame the racist. if you want to find somebody to blame, blame the racist who killed that poor woman. but those people are evil. those people are horrible. and the president denounced it and i have denounced it. and i'm going to do it again. >> okay there you go. now you've done it. paris, to be clear, it is the mayor who said -- it is the person that is 45, by the way, she refuses to call the president by his name, which is a separate issue, and i think a big problem that people do that. >> a huge problem, it's disrespectful. >> she is the one who said he is causing this. okay. >> i said -- >> she's not alone. the nazi yesterday that sara interviewed said it was november 2016 -- >> erin, you're an accomplished journalist, you know full well what they're trying to do. >> that's just factual -- >> no, david duke comes on every presidential campaign and he endorses and supports the republican because that's the only way he can get credibility. so what you all do is fall for it, hook line and sinker every time. the white supremacist and the racist wants to come on. they say we support donald trump. we like donald trump. >> i wonder why. do they say that about romney? i don't remember that. i don't remember david duke saying i love john mccain. i don't remember david duke saying i love mitt romney, i'll all for mitt romney. i just don't remember that, paris. i'm not sure it happened. >> it's a media ploy and you fall for it -- >> is it? >> yes, it is. >> so you're tell meg that happened and i forgot it? >> erin, to answer your question, because it's not joan's show, i believe what's happening is the media is the media is allowed to be played by these racists and you all give them a platform and you feed into the narrative by asking me ridiculous questions. when he's denounced racism, bigotry and violence multiple times back in 2016 -- >> somebody of mexican heritage wouldn't be able to weigh in on his case because he called mexicans rapists -- these are fair questions and that's the -- >> you can make whatever arguments you want but they're fair and important questions and they matter to a whole heck of a lot of people in this country. thank you both very much for being with me. i want to end it there. >> -- what i believe as well, the platform you give to racists, and you're drawing insincere and ridiculous conclusions about a narrative about this president because you hate them -- >> have a great weekend, erin. >> you do the same. and joan, it's not your show. get one if you -- >> i'm well aware. >> no, you act like it's not, but you have a great day and god bless you. >> god bless you. >> thank you, both. >> erin, that was to you. next, trump insults nfl player's intelligence. why is it such a familiar line of attack? >> she is a low iq individual, maxine waters. >> plus -- >> china may grigs >> chain migration is a disaster for this country. >> the first lady's parents just became american citizens through that exact program and their attorney will be "outfront." tell your healthcare provider if you've had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. i can't tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. talk to your doctor about chantix. ♪ ♪ ♪ raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ♪ ♪ bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens ♪ ♪ brown paper packages tied up with strings ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favorite things ♪ ♪ ♪ new tonight, president trump going on offense again against nfl players protesting during the national anthem. tweeting, the nfl players are at it again, taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the national anthem. numerous players wanted to show their outrage at something most of them are unable to define. after several players took a knee or raised a fist or stayed off the field for the first preseason games. joining me now, the former naacp president ben jealous. i appreciate your time tonight. so the president says these p y players are protesting something that, quote, most of them are unable to define. does -- is that questioning their intelligence and understanding of why they're doing something or would that interpretation go too far in your view? >> yes, i'm not sure. what i know is that he came out and he said what he said about our great basketball player, lebron james. we know -- we heard on the tease what he said about maxine waters, congressman waters. so it's certainly within the realm of possibility. >> you mentioned that. let me just share some of this with people. if people are not familiar. the president does have a history of accusing some of his african-american critics of lacking intelligence. you mentioned lebron james. that was mentioned in the context of my colleague don lemon here at cnn. the president tweeting lebron james was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television. don lemon. he made lebron look smart, which wasn't easy to do. >> has he ever met don? >> the president? yes, he has met don. he said positive things about him at times too. but that was what he said. i'll play again for you, ben, the -- what he said about maxine waters so people can understand the broader context of why this question's being asked. here's the president. >> she is a low iq individual, mack se maxine waters. honestly, she's somewhere in the mid-60s. i believe that. >> so don lemon's the dumbest man on television. and, don is, you know, so dumb he made -- >> don is brilliant and lebron is brilliant. >> is this racism from the president? >> this president -- what is real, and we feel it here in the dmv, as coming into d.c. this weekend, we have all of these very hateful people who are clearly inspired by this president. whether he's hateful or whether he just inspires hateful people, either way, he's not the one who should be leading our country. and we frankly need to be led by people who are going to pull us together, not tear us apart. >> as you're running, you know, you had a >> as you were run, you had a passionate moment. you were asked yesterday whether you would define yourself as a socialist, after your opponent in maryland larry hogan used that term to describe your politics in a negative way. here's how the exchange unfolded. >> not to put too fine a point on it, but do you identify with the term social -- >> are you [ bleep ] kidding me? is that a fine enough point? >> you were laughing. you have apologized obviously for dropping the f-bomb there. but my question to you, ben, why did you speak out so passiona passionately against socialism. it seemed what you were saying there is no f-ing way i'm a socialist and don't put that on me. am i wrong? >> no, that's absolutely right. even when i campaigned for bernie sanders, i was very clear. i'm a venture capitalist, a practicing capitalist. one of frankly not that many black men in our country who actually have the responsibility of investing in early stage companies. and i'm proud of that. and what happened right before that, the reason i felt so passionately, that's what you asked was quite frankly, these types of labels have a long history of being used against black people to discredit us. it was what barry goldwater call king, what the tea party called obama socialist, now maryland governor is using to smear these vicious attack ads he's been running for weeks. we know why he has been doing it. we said if he runs attack ads near labor day, he is worry head might lose. he started running them before t the fourth of july. he is clearly, clearly worried. but what the people of our state deserve is a real debate. why is it our schools on his watch have dropped from first to sixth? why is our economy dead last in the region as far as growth? why is it the overwhelming majority of us feel like we're no better off and many feel worse off than four years ago, and what are we going to do to finally get health care costs under control? that's what we don't get to talk about. >> well, ben, i appreciate your time. this is a race we're watching very closely. i was born and bred on the eastern shore of maryland. so it is a race of utmost interest and importance to me. thank you very much i appreciate the time. >> appreciate you. i was down in salisbury last night. >> that's where i'm from. >> they're very proud of you. >> thank you. and next, trump in-laws using a system the president wants to get rid of in order to become legal citizens. their attorney speaking out tonight, next. hair. that's why pantene has the perfect conditioners for everyone. from air-light foam, to nourishing 3 minute miracle, to the moisture-infusing gold series. we give more women great hair days - every day. pantene. metastatic breast cancer is relentless, but i'm relentless too. mbc doesn't take a day off, and neither will i. and i treat my mbc with new everyday verzenio- the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. in fact, verzenio is a cdk4 & 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- mbc, approved, with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease. verzenio + an ai is proven to help women have significantly more time without disease progression, and more than half of women saw their tumors shrink vs an ai. diarrhea is common, may be severe, and may cause dehydration or infection. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. serious liver problems can occur. symptoms may include tiredness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising more easily than normal. blood clots that can lead to death have also occurred. talk to your doctor right away if you notice pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain or rapid breathing or heart rate. tell your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include nausea, infections, low red and white blood cells and platelets, decreased appetite, headache, abdominal pain, tiredness, vomiting, and hair thinning or loss. i'm relentless. and my doctor and i choose to treat my mbc with verzenio. be relentless. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. is not a marathon. it's a series of smart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. (burke) so we know how to cover almost anything.en almost everything even "vengeful vermin." not so cute when they're angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ rewards me basically so why am i sliding into this ski lodge with my mini horse? because lets me do me. sorry, the cold makes him a little horse. you do you and get rewarded. new tonight, melania trump's immigration lawyer speaking out. a source telling cnn that the first lady sponsored her parents for their citizenship, which was granted yesterday. now that is considered family-based migration. it is something president trump repeatedly slams. he calls it chain migration. "outfront" now, the immigration lawyer for melania trump and her parents, michael wilds. he is also the author of "safe haven in america: battles to open the golden door." michael, i appreciate your time tonight and your willingness to speak out. the bottom line here, just so everyone understands, melania, who wants to spend time with her parents and be able to spend time with her family, she sponsored them to become american citizens, correct? >> absolutely. look, let's put things in perspective here. at a best, the president's intention is to protect us from terrorists and isis and to have a better vetting system to make sure qualified people come to the united states. melania trump is not president of the united states. she's married to the president of the united states, and, yes, years ago she began the process as an american citizen following millions of others in trying to bring her parents to the united states. they got green cards and eventually when they were interested and eligible, they on their own then applied lawfully for citizenship and obtained the great privilege yesterday. mrs. trump effectively, and i spoke to her this afternoon, has given great comfort as she does the nation's work knowing that her parent, the grandparents of her child can actually work and look after her son while she's traveling with the president. this is a tradition that happens in all rank, in all files of life, whether you're president of the united states, and that is the first naturalized first lady that we have, or people who eventually navigate through the waters into america. this is a tradition where we have hinged doors, those golden doors have been hinged and the whole idea of calling this chain migration is really outside of the ethos of what was intended. >> you speak of this eloquently. her love of her parents is someone everyone hopefully can connect with, right? something everyone would want to do, bring your parents to a country if you moved there. but family members bringing in family members just because they are family members is something the president opposes. and when say opposes, i don't need to tell you this, michael, but i'll tell our viewers. i mean he vehemently opposes it. i want to play how strongly he feels so our viewers can understand. >> chain migration is a disaster for this country. chain migration is terrible. chain migration is a killer. >> chain migration, it's horrible, it's horrible. >> the chain is like a disaster. you bring one person in, you end up with 32 people. you come in, and now you can bring your family. and then you can bring your mother and your father, you can bring your grandmother. we have to end chain migration. we have to end chain migration. >> your client, including the first lady clearly don't agree. >> well, tell us how you think, mr. president. let me take off one-half as the first lady's immigration lawyer and her family and put on my own personal hat. it's unconscionable to scare people into bringing that you cannot bring nephews. you cannot bring uncles. you can't bring 32 people. this whole notion of chain migration is a beautiful notion called family reunification. imagine this. people will work harder and love more and do more for america knowing that their loved ones, their immediate relatives, their parents, their children, to say you can bring one relative and not another relative, i can understand that some of them may be in jeopardy, and you may want to retool and ancient migration system. but chain migration. no family reunification. >> and you're talking about a policy the president despises. you're doing it on cnn, a network the president publicly despises. you said you talked to the first lady today. obviously she knows you're on the show tonight, right? you're on cnn. you're here. you're talking about it. she know, right? >> absolutely. and to the first lady's credit, from day one she knew i'm a former mayor in new jersey. i just succeeded in a primary as i hope to be mayor of my city again, that i'm a very proud democrat. i'm a second generation immigration lawyer. my father represented john lennon in a celebrated case


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