Frogs are funny creatures. They have two strong hind legs and a strong tongue. That gives them strength on the rear and at the front. Front legs are used only to keep their mouth clear.
Happily married and how
“Oh. You must not be married.” I commented.
“We are married.” They replied in unison.
“Then you must be married to different people.” I was sure.
“We are married to each other.”
“Newly married?” I asked even though they did not look that young. May be they married late.
“Ten years.” They were smiling as if facing the press cameras after winning the Wimbledon mixed doubles.
Something is wrong here, I wonder. After ten years they should be practicing WWE.
What are they still trying to explore in each other? Ten years is long enough to find each and every, plus imaginary faults and stamp ‘Tested Not OK’.
I was taught at length, for almost six years, about the structure and functioning of human body in medical college. Half of it made sense to me and helped me become a good doctor. Other.
Who stopped my evolution, Mr Darwin? April 23, 2021, 1:55 PM IST
Darwin saw humans.
Darwin thought hard and worked even harder. Finally he declared – humans have evolved from monkeys. We don’t know what monkeys think about the theory, but humans are not amused. Some monkeys evolved into humans, rest of them decided to stay monkeys only. May be they saw the outcome of evolution – kindness getting diluted with deceit, crime, war, hatred and what not.
Many of the humans evolved physically but failed to attain the human intelligence, they retained monkey habits and brains. No offence to monkeys, please.
I wonder if the evolution is still happening. Mr Darwin is not around to quell my doubts. I don’t see something in between monkey and man, Giraffe with small or medium necks, or the present day humans developing some new character. They are actually losing all the character. No need to specify that the pun is intended.
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