it was technical, i disavow these people. he gets angrier about the new york times than white is y supremacis supremacists. the only thing they will believe is if he goes on twitter, but that is unfiltered trump. they want to know it comes from his android phone and they will start to believe he is pushing back against them. i don t think it works at all. it is like the godfather saying i don t want anything to happen to this person. it is still a dog whistle. you brothers want to go on a plane with me and ask people how many people on this plane support the water protection? they will run us off the plane. he should have been taken off the plane. i also curious, they left him on the plane. i wonder if he ordered drink service on the plane and if they gave it to him. if they did, that s more dangerous. frankly to me and you may be right, he was not drunk.
they landed. i think because we were told in london yesterday. that we couldn t get on a plane yesterday. and we might have to wait three, four days before we get on another plane. there was sort of relief that made this a lot more giving, and we might have been otherwise, but it there was no drink service, if you asked for water, they would give it to you. they collected all of the head phones, so they didn t turn the entertainment back on. because i guess they didn t want to hand out used head foams to people. go on the board for a second. i want to see your tweets. start with this right here. this came in. about six hours ago. at last, 7:35 after landing at jfk. british airlines landed at the gate now a brief wait for the start of immigration early shift. when i said brief wait for