Good morning this hearing will come to order. Today is the day that we are going to do the interior environment subcommittee and examine the president s fiscaleat year 2021 budget request for the admire Environmental Protection agency. Officer welc administrator andrew wheeler, with him is david bloom. Welcome to both of you. The fiscal year 2021, the president s request of 6. 66 billion dollars for the epa isy a 27 cut below f why 2020 and active level of 9. 06 billion dollars. This request from the president seeks to undo all the progress we were able to achieve on a broad we bipartisan basis in te fy 2020. For example, request eliminates the pro 39 million in new fundg we provided to the epa to address requests regarding climate and Energy Funding grants by 47 , that is a 409 Million Dollar cut below fy 2020. The request also slashes 100 17 million from the 3 billion we invested in fy 2020 to rebuild our nations crumbling Water Infrastructure. I recently held a listening section ses
Wheeler testify before House Appropriations subcommittee on the agencies 21 2021 budget request. Several asked the epas effort to police and regulate what our call forever chemicals. A subcommittee chair opened the hearing. Wi good morning this hearing will come to order. Today is the day that we are going to do the interior environment subcommittee and examine the president s fiscaleat year 2021 budget request for the admire Environmental Protection agency. Officer welc administrator andrew wheeler, with him is david bloom. Welcome to both of you. The fiscal year 2021, the president s request of 6. 66 billion dollars for the epa isy a 27 cut below f why 2020 and active level of 9. 06 billion dollars. This request from the president seeks to undo all the progress we were able to achieve on a broad we bipartisan basis in te fy 2020. For example, request eliminates the pro 39 million in new fundg we provided to the epa to address requests regarding climate and Energy Funding grants by 47
Wheeler testified before a House Appropriations subcommittee on the agencys 2021 budget request. Several members asked about the epas efforts to regulate what are called forever chemicals. Congresswoman Betty Mccollum opened the hearing. Good morning. This hearing will come to order. Today is the day that were going to do the interior environment subcommittee and examine the president s fiscal year 2021 budget request for the Environmental Protection agency. Joining with us this morning is administrator Andrew Wheeler and david blum. Welcome to both of you. For fiscal year 2021, the president s request of 6. 66 billion for the epa is a 27 cut below fy 2020, an active level of 9. 06 billion. This request from the president seeks to undo all the progress we were able to achieve on a broad bipartisan basis in the fy 2020. For example, request eliminates the 39 million in new funding we provided to the epa to address pfas. Requests Clean Energy Funding grants by 47 . Thats a 409 million cu
On their own comprehensive pfas action plan. And we must listen to science rather than regulating new devices and dreams out of existence. Heres the bottom line. We cannot ignore the benefits that some pfas chemicals have given to humankind. I strongly urge the adoption of the balderson amendment and i yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman yields. The gentleman from ohio is ecognized. I thank my friend for his words. Madam chair, i reserve. The chair the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Tonko i yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I am prepared to close. The chair the gentleman is recognized to close. Thank you. Madam chair, my closing statement would be the administration has demonstrated that one of its Top Priorities is the research and necessary regulation of pfas. Its ongoing commitment to Public Safety is
The people of the gaza strip, especially the children , were martyred due to the lack of medicine and food, so i must say that the lack of food and safe water to drink is one of the other factors that cause the martyrs to die and the illness of the residents of the gaza strip in connection with the resistance. I must say that the Resistance Continues to defend the gaza strip in a completely unfailing and truly brave manner, especially in the northern and western and southern areas of gaza city , the conflicts are intense, and especially in the areas where the zionists are present in the areas of elwsta and stansta. These conflicts are intense and the attacks and conflicts have continued until now the Resistance Forces are targeting zionist gatherings. These were asra people who were in the hands of hamas and in the presence of the resistance and died due to the fire and attacks of the zionist regime. About 12 people, in fact , the qassam band and the qassam battalions have announced th