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Transcripts For MSNBCW Meet The Press 20170424 00:00:00

reagan. >> the repeal and replace obamacare act. >> inpenetrable, physical,tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall. >> we will cancel every illegal obama executive order. >> but though republicans control the white house and both chambers of commerce, they have failed to pass any significant piece of legislation. the obamacare repeal republicans promised for seven years was yanked from the house floor. and the treasury secretary has pushed the deadline for tax reform from the summer to the end of the year. the president's one big accomplishment, the confirmation of supreme court justice neil gorsuch was largely delivered by senate leader mitch mcconnell. in a new nbc news wall street journal poll, confidence has eroded. even on the attributes where he performed best. he's down by seven points since february on being firm and decisive, down six on changing business as usual in washington, that's what we have the white house for. >> and joining me now, president trump's chief of staff reince priebus. welcome back to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> good to have you here. the president did tweet this, on friday, no matter how much i accomplish during the ridiculous standard ohe first 100 days, it has been a lot, including sc, media will kill. and maybe that will be a response to my question here. just before the election, i want to put a -- he made these legislative promises in the first 100 days, tax reform, offshoring of jobs, infrastructure, school choice, health care, child care, immigration, ethics reform. more funding for the military and dealing with crime and drugs. all of them supposed to be legislative action that was announced, not necessarily the expectation that anybody passed. but only one of those legislative priorities has even come close to a vote. health care. why does he say it is a ridiculous standard and yet promise all this action before leading pundits have said is inexcusable, which is to hold up one nominee after the next to fill secretary positions, wait a second -- >> no, no, no. these are nominated. you haven't nominated. you have slowed down. if you had 190 nominations -- >> let me finish. i know what the question is, let me finish. even on david shulkin who passed 100 to 0 in the senate, schumer still took up to 30 hours of debate. i'll get to that. we have hundreds of people in the queue. here is what happens when you slow down the nominations. when you slow down a nomination, you can't actually clearomeone for a nomination into the senate. so when you talk about who we have for assistant of secretary at hud or the state department, those people have been chosen. when you choose one of those people, the process is you have to send that person to og clearance, office of government ethics clearance and they have to get an fbi background check. you can't get the clearance for 30 or 40 days after you choose the person. those people are in queue. when they get clearance, they get sent to the senate. we're behind because of unbelievable obstruction from u.s. senators that are acting inappropriately. >> i don't understand how the democrats have anything to do with who you nominate? >> the president said, you look at a guy like rex tillerson. the president said the secretary of state has direct authority over the people he chooses to fill the positions within the department of state. if rex tillerson gets picked -- he gets submitted back in december, he doesn't get confirmed until later in the year or, for example, we have a secretary of commerce that was -- that was chosen in november, not confirmed until february, that person is going to take the time to choose who his undersecretaries are, those undersecretaries that are chosen need 30 days to go through clearance. >> i got to move on -- >> this is very easy. >> it doesn't make a lot of sense. >> how doesn't it make sense? you don't have a nominee -- >> you don't have these folks aren't preparing for their own staff to who they're going to decide to bring in office. let me move on here. let me ask you about the government shutwn, run out of money, if a bill isn't passe by the end of the week, your budget director said you want a down payment on the border wall in the government funding bill. if you don't get it, will the president veto the government funding bill? >> we're already -- we already have seen progress in regard to getting money for border security within the cr. i'm pretty confident we're going to get something that is satisfactory to the president in regard to border security within -- >> may not be the wall itself? >> it will be enough -- it will be enough in the negotiation for us to move forward with either the construction or the planning or enough for us to move forward through the end of september to get going on the border wall and border security in regard to -- >> speaker ryan signed off on this saying it is not going to gum up getting this funding bill done? >> no. we expect the priorities of the president to be reflective in the cr. so we expect a massive increase in military spending. we expect money for border security in this bill. and it ought to be. because the president went overwhelmingly and -- >> are you okay -- are you okay if the money is not designated specifically for the border wall. if it is zeg zdesignated for bo security. >> as long as we get moving with an increase in military spending and rebuilding of our military as he promised in one of your bullet points and there is enough as far as flexibility for the border wall and border security, i think we'll be okay with it. we're still negotiating this weekend with the appropriators in the house and the senate. >> health care, do you have to have a vote this week, are you comfortable if speaker ryan says i need more time to find the votes. >> i would like to have a vote this week. i think the leadership knows we would like a vote this week. on monday, we're still going to be here working for the american people. whether health care repeal and replace comes on friday or saturday, or on monday, and the grand scheme of things, you know, it is a marathon, not a sprint. we're hopeful for this week. but, again, it is not something that has to happen in order for it to define our success. >> has the president taken sides in the french election, officially -- is he unofficially hoping marie le pen gets in the runoff? >> not at all. he is going to support whoever the winner is, we have a long-term relationship that is historical, with the french people and the french government. and no matter who wins, that relationship is going to continue. >> he's not -- his tweet should not be interpreted as him showing preference for le pen? >> not at all. he may have some opinions as far as who he thinks might win, but certainly doesn't have a preference. >> and finally, on mar-a-lago -- >> other than a right of center person who believes in free markets. >> can i ask you this? it costs you $200,000 to be a member of mar-a-lago, shouldn't the american people know about anybody that bought a membership to one of those two clubs where they could get access to you when you're with the president on a work trip or the president himself, shouldn't the american people know who those people are, if they bought memberships since the president took office? >> i don't think it is -- this is a private business, a private organization, a private club. i don't think that has anything to do -- >> somebody decides this is best way to get access to you or the president, there is nothing the american people can do about it. >> one thing the american people know about president trump is that he is the boss. and, you know, people -- if you saw in the new york times article today, they listed out 20 different people that have all this access, some folks, president doesn't even talk to. but the president talks to a lot of people. doesn't change his ultimat views. if you go on youtube and look at trade in the 1980s and 1990s, this ishe same person today, he's no different. so while a lot of people like to talk about and argue about who is talking to president trump and who is influencing him to make decisions, it is donald trump. it is his agenda, always his agenda and always will be his agenda. over time, people are going to see he's a guy that will deliver to the american people, putting america first, and making the future better for and across the country. >> reince priebus, i'll leave it there. a busy week ahead of you. government will stay open? >> i believe it will. >> all right. we'll hold you to it. thank you, sir. joining me now is the democratic leader in the house, nancy pelosi of california, leader pelosi, welcome back to "meet the press." >> good morning. my pleasure to be with you, from texas. >> let me ask you, since you are in a -- coming from a state that might be impacted by a border wall, is there any scenario that you will support or that democrats will help keep the government open if there is money designated to build the wall? >> the democrats do not support the wall. and i think the republicans on the border states do not support the wall. the republicans have the votes in the house and the senate. and the white house to keep government open. the burden to keep it open is on the republicans. the wall is in my view immoral, expansive, unwise, and when president says i promised a wall during my campaign, i don't think he said he would pas billions of dollars of cost of the wall on to the taxpayer. >> let me ask you this, the budget director of the united states said elections have consequences, republicans are in charge. as you just pointed out. there are some democratic spending priorities you want to push for including help make sure that while obama care is still law, it is fully functioning. what is wrong with giving the president his money for a border wall and in exchange for a priority that is not his, keeping obamacare fully functional and funded. as a priority that is important to you. what is wrong with that kind of horse trading in washington? >> what is wrong with it, that scenario, is the wall. the president talks about how tall it is, who is going to pay for it and all the rest of that. you have to understand this part of the country. there is a community with a border going through it. the president, i think, talking about this wall is expressing a sign of weakness. he's saying i can't control our borters. i have to build a wall. we certainly would like to -- we as a -- have a responsibility to control our borders. building a wall is not an answer, not here, or any place. >> let me move on to the state of the democratic party now. i think there is obviously depends on where you sit on the georgia result, on whether it is a good thing or bad thing for the party, but let me ask you this. is the energy inside the democratic party a bit overstated if john gets the same number that hillary clinton got in that district? >> not at all. hillary clinton is a famous person, running for president of the united states in a high profile election. john is running in an off year elecon. low turnout and the rest. the enthusiasm for him, young man, georgetown, 2009, very proud of that, and really just someone who has attracted personally such support. he made a remarkable showing. it is about him and the commitment he has made to the people of that district. >> let me ask you -- what should unify the democratic party? what should make somebody a democrat and not a democrat? i ask it in this way. there has been a lot of back and forth, especially among abortion right activists about a decision of the democratic party to support a candidate for mayor in omaha, a democrat, who happens to be pro life. and there are some that, at some point, the democratic national committee chairman actually had to put out the following statement, after three days of back and forth, he said, i fundamentally disagree with heath mellow's personal beliefs about women's reproductive health. it is a promising step that the candidate now shares the democratic party's position on women's fundamental rights. each candidate should do the same because every woman should be able to make her own health choices, period. >> why don't you interview tom perez. >> can you be a democrat and the support of the democratic party if you're pro-life? >> of course. i have served many years in congress with members who have not shared my very positive, my family would say, aggressive position on promoting a woman's right to choose. but what you asked the first part of the question before you went off was about what unifies democrats. and what unifies -- people say all the time, you do such a good job unifying the house democrats. i say, i don't. our values unify us. we are unified with our commitment to america's working families. job creation, about budget policies that invest in the future. good paying jobs. and that's what we would like to see a debat on, vis-a-vis the president of the united states. he promised jobs. show us the jobs. where is his infrastructure bill? there are many promises made, promises broken, and here is the thing, where is the infrastructure bill. president was supposed to have a strong infrastructure bill coming up. infrastructure bill is one of the biggest secrets in washington, d.c. second only to the president's not showing us his tax returns. we need to see those so we can see how his tax policy will affect his own tax situation. we need to see them, so we can see what is the hold that the russians have on him politically, financially, and personally. >> let me -- >> this is about -- this is about job creation, job creation for the middle class, and working families who aspire to it, that's what unifies democrats. >> very quickly, i want to show two clips of tv ads that were run against democrats in georgia and montana. take a look. >> nancy pelosi's liberal agenda put america $20 trillion in debt and jon ossoff is on her side. >> rob quist talks folksy, but his record is more nancy pelosi than montana. can you trust quist and pelosi with your money? >> are you at all concerned that you could play an outsized role, that if you're more unpopular in a specific district you could contribute to the loss of a democrat? >> well, when republicans put forth these ads it shows the bankruptcy of their own initiatives. they should be -- voters in their district want to know what they are going to do for them. but since you brought item, a u i'm glad you did, i think it is important for voters to know who the candidates will be voting with. will they be voting with paul ryan who wants to eliminate the guarantee of medicare? who has voted to privatize social security who is there to dismantle medicaid? and so it is not a question of the person, just as it isn't about the president. it is a question of the policy. so if you want to vote for someone like paul ryan, for speaker, and that is a vote to dismantle medicaid, a vote to eliminate the guarantee of medicare, medicare is a guarantee. you take away the guarantee, you eliminate medicare as we know it. and to move on to private -- by the way, that -- those views are shared by the president's appointees to his cabinet. >> i will leave it there. i have more questions, but never enough time. i appreciate you coming on and sharing your views, coming from texas. thank you. >> thank you. coming up, russia, syria, north korea and elections in france. how is president trump doing on foreign policy? going to talk to somebody who is a bit of a foreign policy hawk in the senate, marco rubio. later, that tight congressional race in georgia, they say close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. we may want to add special elections to that. why democrats do have some reasons to be optimistic. welcome to holiday inn! ♪ ♪ whether for big meetings or little getaways, there are always smiles ahead at holiday inn. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even a coupe soup. 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>> i think, look, for one thing, we all love politics, we focus on it every day. so we're watching literally every day he is up, down, on the side. we're seeing lots of trends. i think it's fair to say of those that support the president, they're event horizon is longer, they're taking the long view. i didn't find the poll today to be that dramatic. i kind of thought after the first 100 days he had, not so bad. the big thing was in the tape opening the show. neil gorsuch worked brilliantly, went straight through. implications for a generation. big win. failure legislatively of the health care, obama care replacement. a bit disastrous. now i think what is most threatening at the end of 100 days is the sense of confusion. is the white house talking to congress? is there a tax bill being put together. a sense of wow, what is going on here. >> i was shocked by those numbers. you look at these unprecedented numbers in a honeymoon period, there is time to recover, but historically no, we don't have their numbers getting better after the honey moon period. majority of americans don't think he's accomplished very much. 44% polarity think that he is less effective than other presidents, and you have a real erosion of his brand, some of his brand and decisiveness and strength. all of those numbers are down, chuck, and if i'm the white house, i'm looking and i'm shocked. and the 25% honesty number, we have never seen that before. let me point to something that you eded to here, paul cain, you will enjoy this. he writes this about the idea of what issue. the model of strategic chaos, worked well in the campaign, but in government it doesn't work. there is a good chance that the week ahead becomes a lot of sound and theory. but not much productivity. >> that is the issue, and bob can speak to it better than i can, but is he talking to congress? do they have a legislative path out there? it is kind of shocking, but nothing is shocking any more that on friday he says a big tax reform deal, and according to reports surprised even people in the administration. that gets me back to the 100 days of the obama administration or frankly any administration. they say don't hold us to this stupid standard. these 100 days. count it as another flip-flop, but it is ridiculous standard. too bad for him he embraced it all through the campaign up until and including when neil gorsuch was sworn in and he said this was in 100 days. >> they're all grumbling. they're trying to move on taxes, health care, and trying to keep the government funded. on health care the white house is negotiating with the hardline freedom caucus. on tax reform, they're probably just looking at tax cuts. and government funding, that alone is a major issue for this coming week. >> peggy, let's say -- i heard flexible in reince. he was very careful what he said about the border wall. border security. it was clear to me he would never say the word wall. >> they don't want to add to their problems in the government shut down. it would make no sense for anybody. i don't think that will happen. can i say however that part of the context here, you mentioned it is extraordinary that mr. trump has these numbers in these honeymoon, i don't think he ever had a honeymoon. this was brace yourself. it was nutty from the beginning. and it is a most historical moment and i will just say it doesn't compare well poll wise with other previous moments, that's all i will say. >> i think that is fair, but we're in a unique unpopular president. he has not been helping and expanding his base. his base is sticking with him, but we agree that he needs to expand that. >> okay, we will pause the conversation, we have a lot to get to. we'll get to it after the break. when we come back, the president's record on foreign policy and we'll speak with senator marco rubio on that in florida. foreign foreign policy and we'll speak with yeah, at first i thought it was just the stress of moving. 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"the miami herald" said you were involved in setting it up. you since denied it. >> no, you'll have to ask the white house if there was even a white house, and the former presidents. one who is now is sitting senator. i met with foreign heads of state in my travel abroad. i'm not sure what the big deal was. you'll have to ask them. i didn't even know they were in florida. >> is it something the u.s. government should play a role in deciding whether or not this deal is approved or not in colomb colombia? >> no, that belongs to the vote in columbia. they have elections in that country and it was accountable to those people there. that's not our issue. what part of it are we being asked to pay for. i have concerns about us, american funds winding up in the hands of farc or former farc officials. i have concerns about farc officials becoming members of congress. those are the things i care about. but ultimately our relationship with colombia is an important one, one i strongly and will continue to strongly support. it is a democracy. their leaders make decisions. that's an internal matter for them. >> i want to move on here. i want to -- curious, your colleague, democratic colleague, on the intelligence committee, mark warner, said this earlier this week of trump's foreign policy. in beijing, moscow, tehran, they are recalibrating their strategies, they don't have any idea how trump will respond. that might be great in the short-term. but it is not really a long-term strategy for asserting leadership in a world desperate for american leadership. do find anything to disagree with senator warner on that? >> well, i disagree in the sense that i guess from that statement it implies there isn't going to be a long-term strategy. i know there is and they're working on it and they have great people working on it. the national security council is going back to the appropriate role, like an internal think tank that designs big strategyive objectives. friday i had a conversation with the folks at the security council about the western hemisphere and their strategy toward it. we had a lot of debates over the last few years about tactics. what is important to understand is you need a strategy and tactics should be driven by the strategy. and i know they're working through it. and i do not anticipate that a year from now, you're going to be able to state same thing and if we are, that will be obviously opportune for criticism. i don't think that's where we're going to be. >> on this reversal on whether it is nato, the issue of currency manipulation, decision to strike syria, these reversals are in some ways probably comforting to you, on the specifics. but how do you know he won't reverse himself again. if -- do you just take more comfort in the fact he's coming to the status quo, or are you concerned he could flip again? >> i said this during the campaign. i think when you're running for president, someone who never held elected office, there is one set of things you may view the world through, the lens you may view the world through. you get elected and get good people and those people bring you the facts, here is what is going on, here are the options, here is what happens if you did this, when you do that. that reality begins to assert itself and you have to react to that you're the president. no longer a candidate, not a pundit, you have to make decisions that have real impact and consequence. i think that's what you're seeing here. >> you think moving away from the isolationist rhetoric and tendencies as a candidate. >> i think he's dealing with the reality of our options oftentimes on foreign policy are not a choice between a good one and bad one. you're trying to figure out which is the least harmful of the two. i think that's something we should be encouraged by. not something we should be critical of. this whole flip-flop thing is a political thing, something people use in campaigns. in every other aspect of our life, people change their minds or make different decisions when presented with a set of facts that are different from what they thought. why should that not be the case, especially for something as important as the presidency. >> does that mean you'll never run a flip-flop ad against an opponent never again? >> i didn't hear -- >> i'm half teasing, but if you're saying you'll never use flip-flopping to attack an opponent again. >> depends on the opponent. >> fair enough. let me ask about the french elections. it appears that both president trump and former president obama have expressed a preference unofficially if you will. you talked about, look, you're a senator, you meet with foreign leaders, you have an opinion. is there a point that goes too far? >> i haven't heard the president express a preference. i heard the belief that the terrorists attacks may help a particular candidate. the people of france will decide it. i doubt whether my opinion or the president's opinion or the former president's opinion is going to have an influence over how they vote. there will be a runoff and a runoff between two candidates, looks like, very different points of view, and then the french people wi make a decision and we'll need to react to that one way or the other in terms of how it impacts our relationship with them. but i'm not sure that the views of an american policymaker will have much sway. >> you're the chairman of the intelligence committee, richard burr said there is a lot of evident that the russians are playing a role in the french election, in the same way they did in the u.s. election. are you investigating that as well in the intelligence committee, this overall role that the russians are trying to do in western democracies beyond the united states? >> i think there is plenty of open source reporting to reach that conclusion and the french will tell you that. i was in france two months ago and they said they're involved particularly in undermining macron, the independent candidate running there. and they're trying to prop up le pen. that is open source as well. taking out massive loans to fund her campaign and political operations. as far as the general behavior of the russians, sure, that's something we're focused on in both foreign relations and in the intelligence committee on an ongoing basis. that's not new. that's always. let me say that -- i don't think i had any doubt that the active measures have existed for a long period of time. they have been weaponized to a greater extent over the last two or three years because of the ability to use the internet and fake media. multiple committees are looking at that. >> marco rubio, would love to have gotten to more, but time is of the essence. i appreciate you coming on and sharing your views. >> thanks. >> good to talk to you. coming up, you've probably seen this picture of the new england patriots at the white house this week. a lot was made over who wasn't there, including a number of african-american players. how fans of different sports view president trump. and this question, in which of these two places are you most likely to find trump supporters? we'll be right back. e pollen co, flonase allergy relief keeps your eyes and nose clear. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. for relief beyond the nose. flonase. welcome to holiday inn! ♪ ♪ whether for big meetings or little getaways, there are always smiles ahead at holiday inn. [bullfighting music] [burke] billy-goat ruffians. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ they open on a game show set in the 70's, in my johnsonville commercial, today we have a new smoked sausage from johnsonville. made with 100% premium pork. some brands mix meats and add fillers, but not johnsonville! contestant #1 bids the closet, so he wins a boat. and he says " i don't want that boat, i want the sausage." what if i told you that boat is filled with johnsonville smoked sausage? and that's a smoked sausage commercial made the johnsonville way. (healthy weight becausel the first ingredient is chicken. (riley) man, this chicken is spectacular! (jessica) i feel like when he eats beneful, he turns into a puppy again. you love it, don you? you ve it so much! (vo) and now try new beneful grain free, simply made with wholesome ingredients, and no grain. fans who are most opposed to president trump's travel ban. by the way, nascar fans are the most in favor. so what does your fan dom say about your politics? if you're a basketball fan, chances are you are a democrat, more likely to live in a major urban or suburban center. nascar fan, probably part of president trump's base? more likely to be or live in rural, southern or conservative america. and most surprising, it is football. it has the broadest fan base and looks the most like america now. it is slightly leans democratic, which may make some sense given hillary clinton slightly won the popular vote. all of it is great news for political reporters. why? especially if you're a football fan. the best way to measure president trump's support this fall, may just simply be to show up at football stadiums. you know that that means? we'll be taking "meet the press" to lambeau. little frozen tundra action. when we come back, what is more important to democrats, economic justice or abortion rights? it is actually a big fight inside the party now. and good old bernie sanders is right in the middle of it. welcome to holiday inn! ♪ ♪ whether for big meetings or little getaways, there are always smiles ahead at holiday inn. new republic, why bernie sanders tour failed. why is the chairman of the democratic party appearing with somebody who is not a democrat? >> well, because they share a lot of the democrat? >> because they share the same ideals and values. there is disconconnect of what you will see between the grass roots uprising and the energy on the left, and you know, p.p. put out a poll this week showing an 11-point enthusiasm for the democrats, but there is a disconnect, and the democratic party, and the dnc in particular has to work hard to reach out and bring in some of the younger voters and not necessarily democratic voters, but obama voters and bring them back n and it is not an easy job. >> and they are fighting over the omaha mayor. tom perez spent his entire week having to backtrack on it. you heard nancy pelosi, no, no, no, we welcome pro-life democrats. >> tom perez takes the position that is something close to a purity test or litmus test saying if you want to be a democrat you have to hold these pro-choice views. nancy pelosi didn't go there. democrats have to work out these politics for themselves. they're going through something the republicans have gone through and arguably are still going through where you have the grassroots, all the energy is on the far left, just as on the right the energy's on the far right. but are you going to win elections like that? that's the big question. >> there's donor/voter split, too, peggy. >> it is the real story. i mean, if i can put it this way, those who profit from abortion or health services, women's health services, however you put it, they give a lot of money to the democratic party. democratic party should say thank you very much, but you know what, we're going back to be a big tent party, broad on social issues like this. we are declaring to with your heart, if you truly feel that you can be -- that you are pro-life, you want to be pro-life and a democrat, go for it. the democratic party has i think been hurt very badly in terms of its national reputation with this narrow sort of you can't be in our party if you don't hold the right views on abortion. it would be a brilliant political move if they opened up. >> the challenge for the democrats, and i saw this up close when i was in atlanta this week covering the special house election, is how to win over suburban voters, some of these moderate republicans and inpendents in places like chamblee, georgia, where there are young professional going to starbucks, young parents and they're maybe skittish about president trump. at the same time, though, if the democrats want to win over and win back wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, they need that bernie sanders populism energy. so it is a balance a hehead in 2018, the suburban outreach versus the populist pitch. >> southern suburbia is the battleground for american politics in 2018. >> it is, and the democrats -- really quickly, in 2006 when we had a sea change election, we had a lot of pro-choice democrats. >> you mean pro-life. >> pro-life democrats. that's going -- this is an absurd argument for the democratic party to be having now. if democrats are going to have success in these districts where you have, you know, an affluent, college-educated white group of voters, because those are the voirts quite frankly, hillary did better among them and donald trump did worse. if you look at kansas and georgia, there's a double-digit swing and from republican to democrat. now, there's still republican districts and i think we'll do well in georgia, but this ten-point swing should be really troubling going into the midterm. >> we saw in 2010 there were a lot of fights inside the republican party on purity, and while there were fights inside the republican party, it didn't take away from the bigger win, and maybe that's what democrats end up with, they all have a fight and win. >> i just think it's better for the country when each party looks like it stands for something serious for some big things but they're not narrow and they're not bought. >> i agree. please, can someone speak up for the radical middle here? i think it's great if we have competitive districts that could swing back via election. >> swing voters, you want them back? >> i want them back. >> when the republicans won all these state legislatures in 2010 they lost a lot of their farm team. looking ahead, who are the candidates? where is the recruitment? >> if you shut the door, then you limit maybe people who want to come and run. >> and the gerrymander conversation. >> we will talk to dr. mander at some point. we're back in 45 seconds with "end game" and "the o'reilly factor". what does the departure of bill o'reilly and roger ails mean for the conservative movement going forward? what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. at angie's list, we believe there are certain things you can count on, like what goes down doesn't always come back up. ♪ [ toilet flushes ] ♪ so when you need a plumber, you can count on us to help you find the right person for the job. discover all the ways we can help at angie's list. because your home is where our heart is. think sexual harassment took it right on the chin with the fall of bill o'reilly and i'm happy about it. >> there are some that say that all that money means he didn't pay a price. >> you mean the money he got -- >> the payout. the golden chute for it. >> if you are against sexual harassment, you have to take your victories where you can. i'll quote peggy too. she said pigishness is not conservative. we have to get past where being against sexual harassment -- >> is somehow part of the political correctness -- >> some partisan category. can we just be against it? i think to quote peggy again, i think that's what the victory was this week. >> you cannot, though, not look at what's going on over at fox and say, look, bill o'reilly and roger ailes, jim pinkerton writes a provocative article at breitbart. he essentially said they understand how to talk to the trump voter before trump figured it out and now they're not there. >> when you look at barry goldwater and so many conservatives coming up with ronald reagan in the '60s, '70 '80s, the republican party, conservatives were ideological. it's become in many parts because of fox news a grievance politics oriented movement, more about political correctness railing against the media than any kind of ideology, and that's where the republican party has found its trouble in recent years. it doesn't have this cohesive ideology anymore. >> and the question is will that be there anymore. i wish we had more time, but we don't. sorry. before we go, you'll get it on twitter, i promise, we'd like to mention that new york women in communications are going to honor my pal over here, savannah guthrie, tomorrow weather the matrix award. >> thank you. >> other winners have included meryl streep and gwen ifill. congratulations. >> thank you. >> that's all we have for today. we'll be back next week. thanks for coming in. if it's sunday, it's "meet the press." >> you can see more "end game


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20170831:15:39:00

a centralized command center for volunteer drone pilots you can come in and get information, so we're using an app right now called drone up. if there are people up there who want to volunteer and are in the disaster area, they should get on drone on, donald the app and this is where we're talking about coordinating our drone efforts and providing messages to folks to let them know, this is where you can go to help out and bring your drones. this is information on the faa and essentially, all the information that's needed to help coordinate and create a centralized system for these guys. we can tell where drone operators are and where they need to be. we exited to go and do this and we just want to help where we can and do the best thing we know how to do. >> molly: thank you so much for that, we appreciate it. very much, good luck down there. >> leland: a fox news alert as


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170424:00:37:00

this week of trump's foreign policy. in beijing, moscow, tehran, they are recalibrating their strategies, they don't have any idea how trump will respond. that might be great in the short-term. but it is not really a long-term strategy for asserting leadership in a world desperate for american leadership. do find anything to disagree with senator warner on that? >> well, i disagree in the sense that i guess from that statement it implies there isn't going to be a long-term strategy. i know there is and they're working on it and they have great people working on it. the national security council is going back to the appropriate role, like an internal think tank that designs big strategyive objectives. friday i had a conversation with the folks at the security council about the western hemisphere and their strategy toward it. we had a lot of debates over the last few years about tactics. what is important to understand is you need a strategy and tactics should be driven by the strategy. and i know they're working through it. and i do not anticipate that a year from now, you're going to be able to state same thing and


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170423:18:07:00

care. why does he say it's a ridiculous standard and then make all these promises for day 100? >> first of all, if you look at the promises he made on immigration, border crossings down by 70%. you look at tpp, one of the first executive orders he signed, look at ethics. every employee of the west wing signing annett ethics pledge. you're never going to lobby when you leave this place and never for a foreign country. look at neil gorsuch. first time a supreme court judge has been sworn in since 1881. i won't drone on, but this idea about major legislation not being passed within the first 100 days, barack obama had a pretty vague stimulus package that started in october of the election year which was passed in february. it was prebaked. george bush didn't get any major legislation until june.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170423:18:07:00

all of them were supposed to be legislative action that was announced, not necessarily passed, but only one of those legislative priorities has even come close to a vote, health care. why does he say it's a ridiculous standard and then make all these promises for day 100? >> first of all, if you look at the promises he made on immigration, border crossings down by 70%. you look at tpp, one of the first executive orders he signed, look at ethics. every employee of the west wing signing annett ethics pledge. you're never going to lobby when you leave this place and never for a foreign country. look at neil gorsuch. first time a supreme court judge has been sworn in since 1881. i won't drone on, but this idea about major legislation not being passed within the first 100 days, barack obama had a pretty vague stimulus package that started in october of the election year which was passed


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20161223:19:48:00

demonstrate that they are not going to take this sitting down, so to speak. they may accelerate their activities on the ground and finally it may well be -- and this is what we do not know -- is what the putative trump administration policies on settlement activity will be but the appointment of mr. friedman suggests it's going to be a lot less muscular, to say the least, than the current administration. it's very difficult -- final point, sorry to drone on. >> no, i'm hanging on your every word. >> it's very difficult five minutes to midnight four weeks from the inauguration of another president to basically engage in an action which has not been taken probably since the bush 41 administration in terms of allowing such a resolution to pass, however balanced, whatever ingredients the administration succeeded in pushing for.


Transcripts for CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20150801 17:09:00

than 400 feet. the problem is that when you get around an airport and this maybe kids, it maybe aircraft people trying to get a video of an airplane, but in law enforce fo ment we have to assume the worst first. i think that it's something that we have to look at. we have to remember that a terrorist is always a step of us. they see our v-- >> do we need a drone. it say that is they can not be five miles within the airport. >> i would like to see that. drone on drone. maybe you could have some type of a camera that picks up the heat signature off the engines or the battery or camera, and then you literally have other


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - KGO - 20120315:10:49:00

♪ so skinny ♪ so there are millions of devotees of abc's "bachelor" and "bachelorette" series that have been going on for a very long time. well, one of those that's not a huge fan is barbara walters. >> no. say it isn't so. >> yeah. on "the view" -- yeah, barbara, surprising, right? she says, "i lost an hour of the rest of my life watching the last hour of 'the bachelor.' i didn't know we were going to have to talk about it. say whatever you want and then i will drone on." she is deeply offended by some of the misogynistic undertones. >> no kidding. >> we want you to hear what wawa has to say. >> first of all, "the bachelor" has been on for ten years. not a single bachelor has married the woman he chose in the finale. [ laughter ] so it's a crock. listen, i just have to say that i love abc. i'm very happily employed. i think this show is such a degradation to women. [ applause ] >> what about to the men, too, that sign up to be on "the bachelorette"?


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170424:00:07:00

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170424:00:07:00 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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