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ask them what more they are going to do to help the community. do you know someone with the go and do spirit? tweet us with the hashtag go and do. that will wrap it up for me. tolls back on monday. tomorrow catch me at 2:00 eastern right here on msnbc. now with alex wagner up next. , not double-talk. if you have the nerve to believe that in a puzzling financial world, clarity is king. [ man ] if you believe nothing beats a sit-down for knowing where you stand. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] for 90 years, it s how edward jones has made sense of investing. it guides you to a number that will change it guides you to a number your life: your sleep number setting. it even knows you by name. now it s easier than ever to experience deep, restful sleep with the sleep number bed s dualair technology. at the touch of a button, the sleep number bed adjusts to each person s id
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unnecessary. what some of the commentators in germany are saying, using another adjective dumb. why? just because they had the technology that allows them to do this. so what needs to happen is that people in congress who are supposed to be exercising oversight but are actually overlooking all this business, they need to write her and the intelligence agencies which really, as one german common tarlt commented this morning, they re out of control. the question is why one would have to wonder that the information should be pretty valuable, from whatever one could get from an angela merkel private cell phone. but it s already admitted by the u.s. government that nothing substantial came fraugom that. there are other ways to collect this information. you know, my major concern, since as an army officer, i took a solemn oath to protect and defend the constitution of the