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potential ebola case. what could be ebola but we are not short in the sharks are expecting to hear any night whether or not that patient does in fact have ebola. we do have a crew monitoring the situation creek of course this is an deadly outbreak from south africa. where people have died from the outbreak. the ebola outbreak something that is on everyone's mind. >> reporter: obviously, this is capp this is happening much closer to home creek. if in case this person does have ebola we will continue to monitor and update you with anything new. >> pam: the cost and size of the new levi stadium -- massive. so who would have thought that the tiniest of details -- the roots of the field turf -- would create such a >> pam: that turf was ripped out today. this is video from our helicopter parnership with abc 7. >> pam: the problem? the team could not get proper footing! >> pam: good evening, i'm pam moore. >> pam: the big question now: will the field be ready for this sunday's game against the chargers? kron 4's rob fladeboe reports. >> reporter: >> gary: >> reporter:that was 49ers head coach jim harbaugh after sunday's 1st exhibition game at levi's stadium. the coach had no problems with the new turf then, but on wednesday he abruptly cut short practice after players >> reporter:were slipping and turning up divots. also on sunday, player eric reid said the field felt a little soft. eric reid/49ers player >> reporter:this is what the field looked like from high overhead on thursday morning as much of the playing field was being removed. the 49ers did not disclose exactly what the problem is but fans who toured the stadium thursday afternoon snapped cell photos >> reporter:like this one, expressing their concern. >> i could not believe it creek i thought that it was in such great shape. >> maybe they should have done practice before >> reporter:the so called bandera bermuda grass was installed back in april and was hailed as drought-tolerant, requiring 50-percent less water and a perfect fit for levi's stadium and the warm to hot south bay weather. >> reporter:the 49ers tweeted out a message apologizing to fans for ending practice early and said the appropriate measures are being taken to correct the problem in time for sunday's game. in santa clara rob fladeboe kron 4 news >> pam: twin shooting deaths in a quiet marin county community. authorities are still trying to determine. what led to the victims' deaths. kron 4's dan kerman reports from a neighborhood near mill valley. >> reporter:authorities say around 730 wednesday night, they were called to 154 carlotta circle family members had discovered a 61 year old man down in the backyard. upon arrival sheriff's officials confirmed the man was dead but at that point they were not ready to say murder. >>-lt doug pittman/marin county sheriff's office initially no obvious indication of the cause of death, later we determined he suffered a single gunshot >> reporter:by morning the focus shifted to a homicide investigation. detectives began going door to door to see what neighbors might have heard. that's when a second body was discovered in the home next door >> reporter:sherriff's officials have confirmed the second dead man had a weapon, possibly a rifle, between his legs, but at this point they are not calling this a murder suicide we want to rebuild the days and hours leading up to these events to see if it helps us determine what the cause was. >> reporter:while the time of the two shootings has not been confirmed, those in living and working in this quiet strawberry neighborhood near mill valley say they believe they heard at least 1 gunshot around 1 yesterday afternoon. >>ian jenson/working in neighborhood "i hear one really loud bang and it sounded like a gunshot >>carlos martinez/working in neighborhood: we didn't really realize it was a gunshot until today when we came 147: authorities are not saying when the shooting occurred if one came right after the other or if there was time in between. we are hoping they will shed more light on the situation on friday. in the strawberry neighborhood of marin county, dan kerman kron 4 news. >> reporter:new surveillance video tonight.showing a guy who police say may have a role in fatally beating a man ealier this month in san francisco. >> reporter:here it is. >> reporter:polcie say this is a person of can see him approaching another person who police blaked out. >> reporter:the whole thing happened near duboce park.31-year old bryan higgins was found dead 7:30 sunday morning august 10th near the corner of duboce avenue and church street. >> reporter:the video shows a man wearing a gray sweatshirt with a red shirt underneath and a baseball cap. >> reporter:polcie say the person appears to be arguing with someone near the safeway grocery store located at church street and duboce avenue. >> reporter:anyone with info is asked to call police. >> pam: that is where we have found charles for kron4 charles clifford tonight. >> reporter: adult mosquitoes carrying the west now virus. health officials are working quickly to help keep the disease from spreading creek >> reporter:fogging 4 miskitos with a 150 a. area. this will be a ground operation. that will help of first. afterwards they will test the skills in the area to determine if the other route is necessary. thousands of birds have already died from west nile in more than 90 people have contracted the disease that will cause a variety of systems. this will be a ground fogging using trucks.. similar to these.. which have foggers mounted on the back. vector control officials say that afterwards, they will test mosquitoes in the area to determine if another round of fogging is necessary. >> reporter:across california thousands of birds have already died 90 people have contracted the disease which can cause a variety of symptoms including fever, rash, fatique and vomiting. >> reporter:health officials here in san mateo county and across the state are asking people to drain any standing water.. like the kind found in flower pots, old tires or rain gutters.. to stop the mosquitoes from breeding. and they are asking that people try to avoid mosquito bites by wearing long repellant. >> this just in to the kron 4 newsroom. >> providing an update on a patient that was admitted to our hospital and be tested for the ebola virus. condition here tonight will make a brief statement and then answer questions. officials will cure for patients privacy laws we can only provide enough information as possible to to those laws. dr. chad from the public health >>dr. ron chapman >> assisting the sacramento county public health be system to provide ebola tasting for a patient. we are happy to report that we heard from the center control disease department that the test results are negative. our advanced public health and system half eat properly placed protocol and place to negate the spread of this disease there are no cases for such cases with no high risk exposure in california. in hospital or anywhere in california or east coast is low. someone to emphasize to the public that is not spread through the air or water. ebola is spread only through contact. >> reporter: we have been listening to the live reporting that the patient has not tested for ebola. the cdc releasing the results to the california department health official. again, the good news for everyone that patients tested negative for ebola occurred will continue to monitor the if there is anything newsworthy will update you >> pam: tensions seem to be easing in ferguson, missouri following the shooting death of black teenager michael brown by a white police officer. >> pam: ordered the national guard to pull out. browns' parents are still reeling from the loss of their son. they spoke today with cnn's anderson cooper. >>he was only 18. he had a chance to make a mistake and correct it. just like the officer. you had a choice and you chose the wrong one. >>you want justice. for you, wh at is justice for your son? >>michael brown sr/michael brown's father: for this guy to go to jail. so we can have some type of peace. >> pam: the officer who shot michael brown -- darren wilson - has not been charged. a grand jury is hearing evidence on possible criminal charges - but the process could take months. >> pam: >> jacqueline: live look ucb low cloud coverage starting to move back in derrick >> pam: it's bold, illegal. everyone is talking about it. tonight. kron 4 asks some tough questions of the c-h- p. scott rates joins us live from the scene of the crime -- the golden gate bridge.scott? >> reporter: pam, and the video has become far hassling people outraged. what is the latest in the investigation? today i went to the chp and asks them. since been post on social media sunday showing a driver of a black camaro stopping traffic and spinning donuts on the golden gate bridge continues to gain growing concern. and drew berkeley with the chp >> notice traffic on the other side. there is no permanent barrier on the golden gate bridge separating both sides of traffic. so when had it amateur driver potentially losing control of his vehicle you have car stopped on one side and pedestrians walking on the other side. you have a very small margin of error here >> reporter: closed its pcs be to of tracking this driver down? >> also, within the last few days and with having members in the area at the time and may have seen something related have called to provide information has been very helpful >> reporter: and that's to get a said it will continue to follow all leads. to the very thing and their power to make sure nothing like this happens again derric >> watching and the future to make sure that this does not happen and get every man diligent. >> reporter: he did not go too far into detail because he did not want to compromise their investigation. they are again, hoping if they can't, make it all rests here pretty soon. >> pam: in a follow up story to one we first brought you wednesday night. >> pam: two bay area schools are mourning the sudden loss of a teacher. gregory muck's body was found yesterday in kings canyon national park. >> pam: it appears that he may have fallen in a very steep and rocky area. kron 4's j.r. stone is live in fremont tonight where school starts in just one week. >> reporter: this is 46 year-old gregory an school teacr body that was discovered on wednesday. >> was a nature diapered he loved the outdoors he was a first person he was really good about recycling >> reporter: teaching second graders in fremont brett students are referred to him as the boy teacher. >> reporter: this was the classroom where he taught. it is being rearranged since he was assigned to in school for this coming year because it was less second graders attend the madrid he was a class act. >> we enjoyed having him. he had been a good way with children creek you could just tell those kind of thing, give me an teacher with attitude. someone like him like a great or what a great attitude. he had it with him, already. he was there with the children and knew how to handle and talk with them. >> reporter: survived by his wife and five year-old daughter . tech buses are already loathed for clogging city streets. >> pam: now they're under fire for speeding on freeways. stanley roberts rides along with the c-h-p as they try to crack down. >> pam: robin williams final resting place. plus -- the official death certificate. >> pam: new tonight at 8: >> jacqueline: 86 degrees in antioch and napa, and 82 in san rafael in egypt and the south bay. it was a lot warmer today it away from the coast line creek with 16 degrees warmer in concord. we were up 10 degrees in livermore. a live look outside it has become too dark to see what the low clouds are moving back end. notice at 2:00 is not quite wide spread quite patchy. clearing faster by 8:00 p.m.. through the afternoon we will see fewer some breaks. running largely in the '80s tomorrow. 85 in los gatos and column valley. also in the '80s inland valleys not 90 degree temperatures tomorrow. 774 san leandro and 70 degrees for hayward creek 70 degrees for downtown san francisco and 080 degree temperatures for the inland valleys tomorrow creek temperatures will remain virtually the same over the next several days we will start one as we get into next week with the purchase back to the 18 eighties and low 90s. >> pam: a call to action ! >> reporter: people behaving badly next! >> reporter: still ahead in sports will show you highlights of all the games plus, it is at the end of the line for monet davis little league baseball. more on that story street and >> pam: a stills and sneezes and another student says bless you and then what is to spend it. suspended >> jacqueline: live look at tam cam moving over the city with more fog tonight coming up! female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to 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(male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: and violent collision yesterday as one man calling on the city to make changes. he spoke with the kron4 and shared his my story is my kron4 story. >> what i saw was a car on the side or on the sidewalk. >> reporter: stuck after slamming into a pole. it is the intersection that neighbors say has been accident prone. this crash happened early afternoon just a few homes down from where these people have lived for years. and in that time how many accidents have happened on been sent and a row? >> ellis' one everyone and that half month. >> reporter: leading to confusion >> this corner need to be cut into to allow cars making turns to do so and give another plant lanes for space in the middle. with a light to indicate perot turns. >> reporter: has reached out to the city for this issue with multiple times with no results creek he tells me that investigators investigating collisions at this intersection is one of the oldest intersections in santa clara and looking into the possibility of adding more lanes and turn signals and the near future. >> pam: bart riders near concord. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> reporter: there have been complaints about tour buses since speeding. >> reporter: speed limit for buses are the same as cars. since the passengers are not see delta if the car was the crash as 70 mi. per hour, guess what? everyone in the bus will continue to move as 70 mi. per hour spirit that i paint a clearer picture for you? >> reporter: this is something called a textbooks should they shantou workers from work. with laptops, smart phones and will you get it. it will have a chat with the driver. >> you know what the speed limit is on the freeway? it is 65. >> know. >> were as 72 mi. per hour. with a bus full of passengers. you need to be the one at least 65 mi. per hour. >> reporter: the recovery at least 37 passengers. >> reporter: there were also in the carpool lane going faster than the current speed limit. >> he asked tam. looking at him and i will put on lights. >> reporter: the fast as bus was not attack a bus at all if it was this tour bus. the driver was paced at... >> you were doing 75 mi. per hour. when you were on 85 you have been doing this speech. >> reporter: the driver was issued a ticket for speed and it was not his first career he was issued with the same ticket two years ago. >> reporter: stanley roberts kron4 newsletter i >> you must be punished by the you must be punished for the crime for your irresponsibility >> reporter: invisibly trembling and sobbing print those cries heard outside the court as well from family members who want some family members released. >> i want my family. please give me my family that. >> reporter: lee said she watched as she walked to the middle of the street against the pedestrian like and left her there to go back to decide what to get the tallest when brother. that is with a car going through the green light hit and killed the toddler. the driver never stopped. >> i do not believe is correct to have someone else in present when there is someone else out there accused of the crime. >> she committed atragedy. she a horrible tragedy. >> reporter: friends and family will have started a online funding effort. >> reporter: this is to the cassettes because of death is pending investigation. it appears that robin williams has committed suicide. there is still no word on any plans for a public memorial for the oscar winner who was suffering from parkinson's disease. in the early stages. just click on this story and you will see here at kron4 telecom. >> pam: the new report making the dropped out look even more bleak tonight. >> jacqueline: warmer today than what we saw yesterday. it will carry over to your friday? times the speed. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. >> pam: a new kind of love! >> reporter: the idea is to find love for you and your best friend. the web site is like match that, or other similar web sites. it is a different approach for a cat and dog lover to by others who are just as passionate about their pets. if there are going to making the connection in turn into dating and marriage bay and will have the clout or love their pet. it is kind of the sense that you are picking the type of animal the to like and see the owner who is behind that pat. pat it is different i do not want and to anyone currently using the web site separate quite a few people have not heard of the web site. >> i have never heard of it. >> i've never heard of it. >> to each his own. (laughter) >> i guess there are more ridiculous web sites out there. >> reporter: gabe slate kron 4 news. >> reporter: >> jacqueline: we will wake up to fog. sh patchy. it is kind of broken. by 6 a little bit more widespread and broken. back to the coast by tan. in the morning tomorrow to purchase occurred in the upper 50s and 60s for the most part creek the afternoon bringing the '70s and '80s. for our inland valleys in will be in the 80 degree temperatures but not 90 temperatures. 74 in oakland and up and the north bay low 80 degree temperatures. not a whole lot of change tomorrow but a little cooler in certain spot. as we head into next week we will see more warming temperatures. back into the 90 degree temperatures by wednesday. >> pam: jason has that story in all of the sport's >> reporter:synopsis : a young claims "bless you" after a classmate sneezes a young girl, who claims she was standing up for her religious beliefs in the classroom, was suspended after breaking a class rule of saying "bless you" after a classmate sneezed. >> reporter:when dyer county high school senior kendra turner said bless you to her classmate, she says her teacher told her that was for church. >> reporter:"she said that we're not going to have godly speaking in her class and that's when i said we have a constitutional right," said turner. >> reporter:turner says when she defended her actions, she was told to see an administrator. she says she finished the class period in in-school suspension. >> reporter:students sent wmc action news 5's michael clark a photo of the teacher's white board that lists 'bless you' and other expressions that are banned as part of class rules. >> reporter:it sparked discussion with turner's youth pastor becky winegardner last week at >> reporter:"there were several students that were talking about this particular faculty member there that was very demeaning to them in regard to their faith," pastor becky winegardner said. >> reporter:turner's parents say the school leaders claim the outburst was a classroom distraction and that she shouted "bless you" across the room. >> reporter:"this was something that had come up previously in the last few weeks just since the beginning of school and i shared with all of those students what their rights were," added winegardner. >> reporter:turner's family met with say the teacher claimed and aggressive. some classmates showed support tuesday by wearing hand made bless you shirts. >> reporter:turner said she doesn't want says she'll stand up for her faith. >>"it's alright to defend god right because we have a freedom of religion and freedom of speech," said turner. >> reporter:wmc's contacted the dyer county schools story, but he has not yet heard back at this time. tennessee student expelled for a classroom return to bloom (male announcer): now, the orchard supply sports report with gary radnich. >> reporter:welcome back everyone. >> reporter:another long day in chicago for the san francisco giants. >> reporter:in fact there still playin' >> reporter:the half game was due to the giants winning their protest of tuesday's night's rain- shortened game.when the cubs grounds crew failed to get the tarp on properly.causing a four and a half hour rain delay. >> reporter:after another two hour rain delay six and a half hours total.the giants and cubs picked up the suspended game in the bottom of the 5th with the cubs leading 2-0. >> reporter:giants/cubs finish game >> reporter:tuesday night the cubs growds crew can't get the tarp on properly the game was called with the cubs ahead 2-0 the giants protested and it was upheld so the game resumed today in the bottom of the 5th >> reporter:but more rain today delayed the beginning of the game resulting in a very sparse crowd at wrigley field >> reporter:top 6th/ 2-0 cubs >> reporter:pinch-hitter joe panik singles to right adam duvall scores 2-1 cubs >> reporter:bottom 6th/ 2-1 cubs >> reporter:yusmiero petit only pitched 2 innings but struck out 5 of the 6 batters he faced he gets anthony rizzo here >> reporter:top 9th/ 2-1 cubs. 2 on & 2 outs >> reporter:angel pagan grounds one to the pitcher hector rondon who makes a nice stop and throws to first to end the game >> reporter:final: 2-1 cubs >> reporter:dodgers play in a few minutes the giants currently 3 ½ games out in the n.l. >> reporter:the a's trail the angels by a game and a half heading into their big three game series at the coliseum beginning tomorrow night >> reporter:the angels were dealt a major blow last night. >> reporter:richards out 6-9 months >> reporter:garrett richardsthe los angeles angels ace starting pitcher sufferered a torn patellar tendon last night and will be out the next 6-9 months ending his season and severly damagng the angels hopes of beating out the a's for the a.l. west title >> reporter:richards was 13- 4 with a 2.61 era this year he crumbled to the ground last night against boston and was taken off the field on a stretcher he was flown to los angeles this morning, where he had an mri that revealed the torn tendon in the kneecap area richards will have surgery next week. return to index >> reporter:and at the yankees astros game in the bronx. >> reporter:check out who ended up with the foul ball! >>'s chris rock. >> reporter: does. >> reporter:.he does the right the ball to the kid. >> reporter:earns some points from the crowd. >> reporter:yankees beat the astros 3-0 >> reporter:marquee matchup at the little league world series. >> reporter:sports illustrated cover girl mo'ne davis leading philadelphia against chicago's jackie robinson west team. return to index >> reporter: last night making a great backhanded catch. what a fantastic cat to buy a 13 year old creek monet cannot believe it. grant congratulations ultimate highlight >> reporter: major field issues at the brand new stadium and this is what levi still look like earlier today. all provided by abc seven creek it has been completely torn up from goal line to goal line. the forty-niners, they felt that it was necessary to replace the soccer coach harbaugh cut apart the short yesterday. causing them to slip with a serious injury risk to rid the 49ers have not said much but they did issue this statement yesterday creek " we have decided to appropriate measures necessary to have the field ready for sunday in look forward to hosting the san diego chargers ". >> pam: that is a bomb all right. (laughter) >> pam: hull a home owner said she was trying to save the battle against the drought. >> reporter: dan news for the bay area drug crisis. drought crisis >> reporter: on the right here, low precipitation for the bay area although the southern part of the state is graeme. but not the bay area. >> reporter: 1 sliver of good news from the farmer's almanac. next january and february we will have more participation precipitation in the bay area. i >> pam: replacing it with drought resistant landscaping living in her home for more than 30 years. she was only trying to do her part to adhere to mandated statewide restrictions. a representative of the home owners' association told us that it was the board of directors decision to find her to >> reporter: take a look at district a short taking down a fishing line. what happens next is incredible. >> all my god. all i got the decedent. >> reporter: that is right! an enormous and grouper! weighing almost 700 lbs.. >> pam: wow! >> pam: ♪ ♪ ♪ [door opens] [gasps] who are you? what are you doing? get out of here! mom! [growling] [choking] lue? lue? you okay? [gasping] okay, honey.


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