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Transcripts For RT News 20221025

the free trade agreements between india and the u. k. stalls of the anti migrant remarks made by british minister and new delhi. and egypt buttons to unpack is national pound from the us dollar and rely on golden other currency. a welcome to r t international. my name is peter scott taken over from rachel blevins bringing you the latest news from our headquarters here in moscow. welcome to the program. we start this out with some breaking news though from this upper osha beach and that's where 5 people. busy have reportedly been injured in an attack on a local t v station in the city of mallet for pal. now this video footage shows the aftermath of an explosion near the building housing, the station which occurred our staff arrived at work. the local administration says that the blast which damaged the exterior of the building on some offices was the result of a car bomb which exploded with the force of 2 kilograms of dynamite knots. in addition to at least 7 overnight strikes or military suburbs is not only is a foreclosure that says felt the bronze or recent attacks by ukrainian forces in another border region. brands a railway line was targeted by an explosive device, damaging a cargo train. under the separate incidents over the we can see people were killed in a sack on the shopping mall in neighboring b. l grid even has done it. this is the sides of the latest showing this small russian town on the very border with ukraine has now a frontline town that lives in constant anticipation over yet another ukrainian strike akin to the one that destroyed this shopping mood. all that remains of it is its charred skeleton. you can still though, make out and tell wood shorter shops used to be here, like judging by the carcasses where the burn carcass is here. this used to be some sort of a tech supermarket. and if you look in the corner over there, there used to be a pet store, but given enough money is spent, all of this can be rebuilt, a new of course, but people's lives, those who were killed in the strike. well, they can't be brought back. ukrainian shells had 2 moves and a discount store at noon this saturday, a fireworks shop and one of them worsened both the blaze and the panic among victims and bystanders alike. so also chalet, when we heard the whistle for the 1st time in the distance we left the building. as soon as we did it a shall immediately landed. a girl sitting here. her leg was covered in blood near the market stole a man's leg, was blown off the printer when i was inside the store. when the shell landed, i saw through the windows that had came from over there, whistling and there, and there was a hit. the building immediately caught fire, then i heard pops fy walked started. exploding glass fell down. people was screaming and running away. before official rescue crews had a chance to arrive. first responders who witnessed the attack helped the wounded, evacuate away from the scene. here. these 2 civilians have in killed more than a dozen needed medical treatment. it all started as a regular weekly shopping trip for this family. as the parents left the vehicle to go to the shopping mall, their teenage son stayed inside. he died on this very spot. the shell landed just about 3 meters away from the car. it's been weeks since ukraine stepped up its attacks from the region on this tiny town alone. key of forces have indiscriminately dropped dozens of bombs. but despite the threat, the streets here still bustle with life or should i am 41. we are getting used to the whistling because they were nearby and were selling regularly when there was a big bang. i came out of the garage and saw that the explosions were somewhere in the city. then there was another shot, a screech and a shell fell again. i'm already used to counting seconds. it's only been 5, so the distance was very small. well, does this, can i see no point in leaving the town? where would we go and why? we're not planning to leave. i'm a gosh darn of reporting from the russia ukraine border r t which is called for you and security council meeting on choose dates of voice is concerned. the key of may use a dirty bomb as part of a false flight operation. no moscow said it would consider any such action to be an act of nuclear terrorism. the russian defense miniature said the key of could launch an attack with help from its western allies, claiming care if had requested help with nuclear weapons tech from the u. k. i provided no evidence to back up those allegations. meanwhile, russia's foreign minister said gale of rav has dismiss claims by some western states, the moscow's actually wanting to use a dirty bomb. a little noon for a month so, so cousin rode to detailed information indicating the institution that can do this was transmitted through the minister and defensive with his colleagues from the united states. great britain, france and turkey, the unfounded claims for western colleagues, that this is all fiction and russia itself, plans to do something like that to blame these zalinski regime later is not a serious conversation. some of our into lucas suggested discussing information we have at a professional military level. this is an approach that we've supported, foreign minister, a lover of sad that russia is eager to do whatever possible to bring a cranes western partners into the discussions about the potentially very dangerous, if not the book elliptic consequences of such a false flag attack. if it indeed is carried out and some of the lover of school it's, for example, the your secretary said anthony, blinking dismissed those allegations asked quote, transparent with false. foreign minister also indicated that such allegations were met with some professional interests and some of the colleagues he didn't specify who as far as we know, russia has reached out from the united states, the united kingdom and turkey. some of those countries have expressed an interest in discussing the evidence that russia has in the professional form that is among the intelligence officers and military experts. this is essentially the way that russia has learned to counteract them to, to try to be preemptive whenever it has any intelligence on the potential acquisition of dangerous materials. it tries to bring attention of their world wide audience to it. and i have to say that it's really understandable that there, westwood tried to exonerate ukraine and accused rational of all the possible crimes . but there is already a track record, an official track record of the ukrainian officials expressing direct interest in acquiring nuclear weapons. for example, present landscape one, speaking of the munich security conference earlier this year, he expressly sad that ukraine was looking into that possibility. and what a surprise russia at that point is that despite the fact that non proliferation is a stated policy in the world, it's, it's stated goal, nonetheless, non of ukraine's western partners said anything against that possibility. that's why russia is indeed taking it seriously. for me, us marine john mcdoogan, physics of could try to escalate the war. we've seen what they have been doing up to now their acts of terrorism, starting with the bombing of dory doogan and bullying up the bridges. and they are escalating things in tell the point in no return they want, i can understand why they want west to be involved in making their war. they have that much hatred towards russia. the west has been engaging in a lot of very dirty tactics lately. and everything that they've been engaging like the pipeline, the tax on this app rose and the nuclear power plant. everything they've been engaging in then they have been pointing the finger is blaming on russia when we all know that it's, it's not russia. i mean, everybody was half a brain, understand this, and they're going to do the same thing with this. so the, the question is, is the west going to help them? the ton biden is being pushed to change his approach to the ukranian conflict by his own party. while the 2 dozen congress democrats have signed a letter calling on the president of course, agreed to receive fire and a negotiated solution that's coming up just a little bit later in the program. and moving on. now the u. k. has missed mondays deadline for striking as a free trade deal with india. negotiations have reportedly been in deadlock amid comments by the u. k. home secretary boys concerned over an influx of indians into the country. like a migration in this country. the largest group of people who overstay our indian migraines, i have concerns about having an open borders migration policy with india, because i don't think that's what people voted for. with breck said, the free trade source between the you can, india were launched early this year with great opportunities for indian students on professionals in the u. k. a main priority of mo, these government, you deli, slammed the now former home secretaries remarks on migration as shocking and disappointing. earlier we spoke to physical analyst and columnist, son he dro cool carney. who said that the rhetoric coming from u. k. officials shows the britain has not yet express remorse over its imperial. these minions come from the leadership of or can't feed, that is feeling increasingly insecure about so when it equally we have seen how in a spiral one. yeah, there had 3 prime ministers and you start about individuals. there is a structural problem about the politics. so the united united kingdom, outgoing prime minister did not even last months. and they call themselves the mother of democracies. basically, the western economies. they want to impose an idea of globalization on their own terms, not on equal terms with developing countries. india fossil like, are they fond of me specially that's to the family who have equitable services agreement, which is what the united kingdom and several other. busy questions please do not one, the only one that benefit them millions of them and this is not acceptable, said is this country like india? now when it comes to su, ella braverman herself, she is of course of indian origin. so how surprising was it to hear anti migrant rhetoric from a person whose parents are migrants? this is very bad and obviously she's making very controversial in fact, racist remarks. and this only shows that britain has still not completely owned up and expressed remorse, or would have sworn imperial past when it plundered, colonized and grew lower. many countries around the world, including india. if you look at the british attitude towards migrants, it is very defensive. in fact, in some ways a racist. they somewhat want to keep the white domination alive. and the historical trend is against what they believe and then what they're practicing. in finance, news, egypt is set to move its national currency away from the us dollar. instead, developing a new currency indicator according to the central banks of another country, funds to link its currency. so baskets of gold and other currencies. the u. s. is not our major trading partner. i don't know why people are always fixated on the dollar. part of our success will be and changing the culture and idea that we are pegged with a decision follows the egyptian pounds shop drop this year because of the ukraine war with around $25000000000.00 been wiped off the market in several weeks. caro's central bank had to devalue the currency with the pound today, worth only 80 percent of his previous value against the us dollar. egypt is the latest country in the global south to think similar measures. both india under run have already ditch dollar in bilateral trade with moscow. the saudi arabia considering switching to the chinese, you one in oil sales to china. the earlier we discussed the issue with our med mustafah, the director of the asia census to these on translation. and he shared with us his vision on the motives behind tyra's decision once a week, correlates with japan pounds, with a doll of since 2016 according to the recommendations of e at one bank and international on just to satisfy the creditors. so relation made honest affinity in the markets, the dollar is inflated with so much sure. a pound. and now even that by the national banks reached about quentin egyptian pounds and it has a very negative impact also concerning the inflation. also, we have international factor concerning the wising and the search that made on the interest rate. the federal reserve is fine, put face the rates in order to i extract a lot of money, a lot of funds from one of my funding to they're not to states i for the, for such a way to and now we have another problem, the interest that belongs to our indicative nestor. the credits will stay international creditors via the wallet franken, international monetary fund and serving the interest of serving the embeddedness or all of such factors altogether or. 3 was the reason why are we, why are we have to shift to be a resort? i mean, the gold or the gold bullion. and egypt became one of the biggest buyers of the gold boy orleans in the, in the vision, or maybe in the wall. it will be a safe guard at that and a center for us. oh, for a future. the asian american journalists association has called on media outlets to stop using the word kamikaze when it comes to reporting on exploding drones, used by both ukraine on russian forces in the conflicts. the organization claims that the coverage is inaccurate and encourages discrimination and hate crimes against asian people. that the tune kamikaze german is in precise, the weapons the trash is using in ukraine on man serial vehicles that are remotely piloted and designed to detonate on impact. the use of the term also risks exacerbating the racism and harassment that the asian american and pacific islander community has already faced and continues to face during the current the virus pandemic. the statement ignores the 5, the key of what it was actually the 1st to make headlines for the deployment of us supplied switchblade drones. the organization claims the reporting creates a negative historical image of kamikaze attacks by japanese fighter pilots in world war 2. earlier we spoke to legal and media analyst line all who says he can't understand why the restriction is needed. if you want to go through and unravel all of that, be my yes, let me ask you a question. do you really think? and i'm sure it's possible but, but seriously the frequency, the gent of somebody hearing, wait a minute. did you hear that was discharged? drone attacks don't offer new. that's not that they're comma causes that japanese there. who seems like this. who would hear a story about a drone attack? and we're going the etymology of the term. kamikaze 1st is the idea of the, during the day. so, i mean, i'm sorry, but these are, you know, i live in a world where we get mad at cartoons and mascot's of sports teams. we live in this micro aggression, these triggered words were somebody, i mean this, this to me or anybody can be offended if you want. but i think the last thing in the world we should worry about is anti asian hatred. that is inspired not by the use of drone attacks or a ledger drone attack up by the use of the term, comma, kazi, i mean, come on instead of people worrying about cov id, about a sharp cove it to this severe this, this, this pandemic. do you know the amount of people who worried about whether this was an f no centric sino phobic reference to this pandemic? like, would you stop this? have you ever heard of the german measles lyme disease? did we argue about, should we, will he call this to spanish flu? i mean, let's take a vote. meanwhile, people are dying and we're worried about the etymology and the labeling of something. i mean, seriously, just when i think i think we're done with this politically correct stuff, it turns out it's international. it's a new parlor game. who can be offended the most over somebody which has nothing to do with the some members of joe biden's own party, odd money that he change his approach to the ukrainian conflicts. no more than 2 dozen congress democrats have signed a letter calling on the president to push keith to agree to a ceasefire, as well as a negotiated solution. is ortiz kelly moulton with mall. while it's quite a development in the foreign policy conversation here in the united states, 30 members of the us house of representatives have signed this letter to the white house, urging them to change tactics when it comes to ukraine and pursued negotiations with russia. now this is quite a development, these are members of biden's own party, the democratic party, and they in their letter, are calling for a pro active diplomatic reproach to the situation. this is some of what the letter says, given the destruction created by this war for ukraine in the world, as well as the risk of catastrophic escalation. we also believe it is in the interests of ukraine, the united states, and the world to avoid a prolonged conflict. for this reason, we urge you to pair the military and economic support the united states has provided to ukraine with a proactive diplomatic push redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire. now this is quite an interesting turn of events. it comes as there seem to be cracks in the european coalition around biden, and his moves when it comes to ukraine as well. now, generally, any opposition to the white house's policies regarding ukraine has come from republicans. there's been approvals of up to $60000000000.00 more than $60000000000.00 approved by the u. s. congress in aid to ukraine. and the opposition to it came from republicans. 57 republicans in the house of representatives voted against it. 11 u. s. senators, but it was all republicans voted against that. this new development appears to come from democratic democrats assigned this recent letter. now we must keep in mind, november 8th, the mid term congressional elections are coming up. americans will go to the polls and elect a new congress, and it appears that within the democratic party, there are some wish to distance themselves from biden's ukraine policy. there are democrats who don't want to be associated with the policies of the white house when it comes to ukraine. now another thing that's important to note is that another member of the us house of representatives, a republican, claudia tanning has come forward and said that biden isn't really running the country. she compared him to a wax dummy. she said that his cognitive abilities are not good and that his staff is essentially running the country on his behalf, that the president of united states is not really in charge. now, that's quite a dramatic thing for a member of the federal government member, the u. s. congress to come forward and say it appears the president united states and it does not have the cognitive ability to run the country and has been affect. we removed from power, his staffers are running the country. now that's quite an accusation to be floating around mainstream u. s. media. so these are, these are all things that should be taken into account as we see that now, it's not only republicans criticizing biden for his ukraine strategy. it's now 30 democrats in the house of representatives. senior journalist, well known for his pro opposition views, has been shot dead in kenya, where he supports his said he had fled to avoid persecution. we got more details from a local reporter in nairobi. it's here in kenya where the senior pakistani, investigative journalist ashanti shouting for shot dead on sunday night by the canyon police officers under unclear circumstances. according to the police, they say it was a case of mistaken identity. after the car he was in failed to stop on the road block mounted in the area during the sound of a similar car, allegedly involved in child abduction. his dead ha, so fast, but public reaction in his country on the exact cause of his dead la shod. sure. he steph spots anger. back in pakistan, especially among journalists, many of whom touch the streets to protest. the jealous community in pakistan is a demanding her an immediate inquiry about the target killing of her should should be for in kenya, the government of august on must form a judicial commission to investigate the murder. one of the local people told us who sheriff was and why he fled pakistan to save her was pissing really serious her life threats in pakistan because he was one of the best and award winning investigative journalist ah, he left the country and then he saw that he's not getting any justice or any support from the institution state institutions to save his life. parties. dunn's former prime minister, iran con, also expressed his condolences which do com attentions rise in the country over attempts to bond con from parliaments, claims of corruption and even attempted murder resulted in con, been banned from running for parliament. his party appealed to ruling claiming the decision was biased, but was turned down. a local journalist has more about the political battle been waged in the country. farmer prime minister, the con, is facing another guest. i get the same time off from i filed by a ruling party member who says that when he appeared before the chief election commissioner in georgia, i found, i guess, another day he was attacked by non con supporters. i'm the same on the venue now. fine is focusing and reminding his campaign that there must be lectures in the country. so if i could find, when you are in a position, you have to face political cases because of legal cases. ladies another case against protecting judge. there is another case, i guess him under the anti terrorist law, the country, the government and his position is trying to engage him in a legal battle. but, but i'm kind is determined to fight for lectures in the country. and he's supporters are standing with him. i mean the last time r d t v islam about like his son. well that's the route for now. and he just called me back again at the top of the, with the latest news and views right to choose what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on a very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time to sit down and talk with who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing up in your which of the problem was to call sure, as we speak on the bill in your senior mostly mine the we're, we're sheila, we're banding all imports of russian oil and gas fuji. i know they guarantee bubbles with the little bit, and there were already given about joe biden, imposing the sanctions on russia. you know, has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang. huh. ah. with get a national fema barnett by showing up at lever roberts in the buck us. yet i dislodged fortunate id thing and then you viewed it. of course ask us about doing a plastic deacons. i thought of you just played nysha yet, and she had to shuffle to charlotte chava try later for dylan. dan, no, julie watch hulu and benny ashburn. nafrica day, i, my son, and i'm much bought on by and not to night in de union. it's been galant of the tips were done. she has shepherd to such as to live on our radar, but acting on a plane on your email in that piece and on the billboard, you and you. now you must clear, if you are not good at all, like it's done by your store, they fill that out. if they need to keep it, we'll gantski did years of work liana keenan's money leech and nico bank finance cock for my guy. important for which his goals may deal, at least i know ah, does v a d and pick long enough kiner vessel pursuits from yes and talk and mid 5 hope come beyond if ablation goes in on pivot boston does not mention those liam con buses probably may get deaf has all gone as i knew won't grade on until better. yeah. it was that was on the shop. a few yard and i'm going swoon him. got updated on vianza foolish, benton, could you do? listen, finished. ling become tape words by 1015 hobbies an analyst. come on de fargo. north dim of your head from couldn't you mentioned pollen. vinto. clay dogs colon i'll be sad to shop any day becomes of his accomplish. you're hummed in aston covey, midwinter clyde on tune as well as.


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Transcripts For RT News 20221212

every crew like this one daily gets a list of talk and dozens of crews. they're operating here every day and all the crew reports from a flash point area on the dont bass front lines ultimately observing the combat operations of a russian artillery unit. and a french news outlet publishers. a report showing that ukrainian force is hunting for so called pro russian collaborators, old traitors in this city, all out of song a. it's been a busy monday here in moscow with the headquarters as a new team. here has been fielding, a top stories. let's get straight into them right now. a senior indian government official that's confirmed to r t that the annual india russia summit won't take place due to scheduling issues. that's despite an outbreak of certain media guesswork on the current state of relations between the 2 countries. leaders details now with ortiz, but on june shot, 3 days ago noon ball flashed an exclusive scoop, saying that the annual more deep within summit has been cancelled. now, while it's true that the summit has indeed been cancelled, but nor to because the reason the western media is citing. the reason they gave was that mr. fulton threatened to use nuclear weapons in the war, new green, after which mister moore, the decided not to go to moscow. fourthly, no such threats were made. and secondly, i've spoken to senior officials in the government of india, and they have told me very categorically that on the decision old mr. moore, the not going to moscow this here has got nothing to do with any statements or comments made by mister booth. and in fact, as decision was taken weeks ago, this happened because of scheduling issues. it's been a pact. time for india, for the prime minister as well in the our saw state elections in good drop as well as the marshal prudential for the winter session of the indian parliament has just started. it's been a busy time. and therefore, because of scheduling issues, the annual summit between more the in both of which happens every year last year booth and had come down to india. this year movie was supposed to go that some, it of course has been cancelled and began we had to reading north because the reasons that the western media is trying to side. but because of scheduling issues, as india are, isn't factor is maintaining. let me also point out, feel that up, no matter what the western media is saying or the reason they are citing, they need to perhaps digest is bitter tooth that india is nor taking any fights in this war. also the level of engagement that we've seen between you deleon, moscow. after 24th, the february we've seen the health minister of india. b a with the to more school. we've also seen the national security advisor, a jeep the wall, r, as well as the foreign minister of india as j shanker. who recently was it in moscow. so that's the level of engagement between new deleon, moscow, but we are talking about perhaps that leaves a question mark on the credibility of western media. and all of these reports that are making rounds of, perhaps experts believe that this has been done to create a rift within india and russia. but it seems like that is not happening. it's a disgrace that is weakening europe. that's the damming verdict of one m. p over the latest corruption scandal to engulf the e. u. other top european officials have also condemned the corruption and misconduct if members of the european parliament and other politicians can be bought to say certain things to vote in certain ways. it's a disgrace and it makes europe weaker. this proposal scandal erupts at the heart of the european union with 4 people charged by belgian authorities, including that vice president of the european parliament. eva chi leave from greece . there was a rate on the home of a belgian euro deputy market, terra bella, who's the vice chair of the east delegation for relations with the error peninsula . belgian authorities paid another no not visit to the home of an assistant to yet another euro deputy. so 16 raids altogether resulting in reported 600000 euros in cash seized on friday by a belgian police and allegations from the belgian federal prosecutors office of quote, participation in a criminal organization, money laundering, and corruption. hey, you know, it sounds like maybe ukraine really would fit into the you right about now as the most cross country in europe per transparency international. so, i guess it's no wonder european commission, president ursula vander line isn't really sweating ukraine's corruption problems. it's like out, you know, pay come on in. yeah, you know, keep your shoes on. everyone else has there. she's on no problem here. but to be fair, vonner line did call the allegations, quote of utmost concern, very serious stations, and that's pretty measured. coming from queen ursula of europe for once. she also proposed the creation of an independent ethics body for the e. u and its institutions. you mean that didn't already exist? maybe that's part of the problem. for an institution like the european union that preaches to other countries about how to clean up their act, you think that they'd have some strong guard rails in place to prevent the kind of things that these charges allege. the western mainstream media though, is trying to frame it as a cutter problem. just check out the headlights european parliament shaken by her corruption scandal, cut our corruption, scandal, rocks, the e u. parliament, world cup a missed opportunity to protest. character corruption, morality, you, parliament, under scrutiny, as cut our corruption, prob expanse. why is this not considered 1st and foremost, a european union corruption, prob, and problem shifting blame ought to cut her only ready serves to stop looking right there, where caught her stops. but how many other countries could be enjoying similar ah lobbying arrangements with folks in positions of political power and influence in brussels. transparency international suggest that this kind of thing is actually pretty commonplace. this is not an isolated incident. over many decades, the parliament has allowed a culture of impunity to develop where the combination of lacks financial rules and controls and a complete lack of independence or indeed any ethics oversight. and this is over again. so the big question that really shouldn't be asked now the big elephants in the middle of the room is if this is that visible tip of the iceberg when it comes to shady activities at b e. u, than just how big is the actual iceberg? and is anyone truly interested in digging any deeper to find out? now to some updates from don bass, we understand 3 people confirm debt now off to let the latest ukrainian attack on the city of don. yes, that is confirmed by local officials. around a 1000 dozens of shells were launched on monday by key f on residential areas across the donuts republic. multiple residential buildings were badly damaged. some of them took direct hits in one health clinic and the capital city was also attacked as well as a number of shops. meanwhile fis battles had been raging on the front lines of bon bath between russian and ukrainian forces, backed by a number of western mercenaries. artie correspondent, eager to shine off, got access to one of those fresh points of a luck. fine weather is hardly a good omen here. cranium, theater of war. this weekend, the glue of december laid way for tentative sunshine. for russia and ukraine. it only meant they could finally take full advantage of the drones. as both armies rushed headlong into attack. these rocket miss, our systems are the backbone of the russian artillery here. ah, every crew like this one daily gets a list of targets and at least can be more than 10 targets long. i basically dozens of crews like this dozens of vehicles like this. they're operating here in the forest between criminal and lima, and spots about every day grab walketh noon. she makes an immediate escape. the slightest delay can easily turn it from predator into prey. this sunday saw both armies attack on a collision course, and russia made a point in overwhelming the enemy in artillery fire to nip every assault and the but i feel about, you know, our targets are mainly the enemies manpower. we are also targeting fortified enemy positions. if there is something more significant, we hit the headquarters, the positions of enemy artillery, our intelligence is working. so we have visual confirmations of the strikes on video one of the month. so would be great. russia glued prisoner exchange funds to the central thousands and sources on the ground. tell me over the weekend battles have muted, fresh harvest of captives for moscow. soldiers duped it out on the battlefield to the tune of caves. fresh attacks against cities under russian control, a fiery inferno engulfed a market in the next, a rare sports of civilian bustle in the otherwise battered city. the shelling followed an overnight high mars attack against a holiday recreation center in milly, topple. local officials revealed it left at least 2 people killed and 10 wounded. all expectations that russia's infamous winter frost could push both sides towards a low in the fighting, shattered against bloody reality. the endless darkness war is all that dwells in the morbid conflict between russia and ukraine. i'm a good done of reposing from the dumbass artsy so russian forces are fighting nato in ukraine. that's according to the assistant to the head of the chechen republic, who is also the deputy commander of the 2nd army corps in the lucas republic. he discussed the current situation on the ground in an exclusive interview to arty arabic correspondence. sagen had dia always thoroughly hosea, but i need it. we've built a good defensive line. i have gone on the offensive every day so that the enemy would understand that we're not going to sit in defense. on the contrary, we keep the initiative and move forward. and we're doing sort of slow pace to avoid large losses. today the entire front is advancing. not a large distance, of course, but still we're moving forward a little in all areas. was left of the withdrawal of russian troops from the right bank of the his own region. according to intelligence data, ukraine has regrouped his equipment and soldiers to other areas. how serious is it now? because you had made it for me and we realized that a large amount of their equipment and manpower were transferred. but i want to note that we have already destroyed most of them just during the last 3 weeks. we destroyed about 50 tanks in the same number of other armored vehicles. actually the ukranian regrouping did as good as it gave us an active opportunity to destroy the maximum amount of equipment and soldiers that video raymond would contest the solution. we often hear about foreign mercenaries such as polls, americans, britons, and others. is there any data about it, and what are they doing here in comparison to the ukranian soldiers? then you might weapon couple fool lana's friends. it was a issue. now we understand that both ukrainian formations and the natal block cannot stand in opposition to our units. yes, a lot of foreign weapons were thrown against us with all the help from western specialist who spoke the different languages of the world. but they were all destroyed by us and sent back either dead or wounded. it doesn't matter to us which opponent we are up against oklahoma city more. so our way, in fact, opposing nato. thus the looms look on lamp. the fact that we are fighting with nato, i shouldn't even explain that because any same person understands that. for example, the high mars artillery is just an ordinary piece of iron, but if it is corrected by navigation systems, that are the property of the u. s. than this is already highly accurate. so all the attacks terrorist attacks and technical innovations are using the forces and means supplied by the nato block liaison, good deal. well, meanwhile, at least 20 people have been killed by ukrainian forces in the city of hudson. off the russia withdrew from the area in early november. this is all confirmed by the russian civic chamber. now it comes and made a report recently broadcast by france $24.00. the showcases ukrainian soldiers in their attempts to hunt down so called pro russian collaborators parties. marina culture ever had details with me in the studio, just a little bit of yes, it's a good thing that they're talking about it so that at least people know that it is happening so that eventually, if we see pictures like what we saw coming out of ukraine with people tied, for example, to up a lamp post, which is something that we've seen. we'll get to that in a 2nd that we know where it was coming from. so let's get back to this report. so french $24.00 showed a report which featured and, and geo, and this and geo is basically tasked with find in collaborators, so called traitors. i went on the website, we can see some of the names there. it's an endless list. and this one, just politicians, they haven't journalist, they have teachers, directors of schools, they even have priests there. and these are the people, they consider traitors. and it shows the director of the st. jill being very happy about how much data they have and how much information they have about these collaborators. and then they show a guy and he's part of the cranes special forces, and he has no sympathy. and he says, we need to hunt down each and every one and punish them. derosa education takes many forms, including the hunt for collaborators or traitors as this post. the boy recalls him . alexander is a special force and soldier. hunting down. collaborators is something he does to fix on that has no sympathy for those that were tempted to work with the russians. they have to be hunted down. he said. now the problem with this is that afterwards they don't show what happens the aftermath of such activities. and we've seen what happens in what ukrainians do, not only to their own soldiers when they abandon their positions, but also to those who they consider traitors. we can see some of the photographs and some of the videos of how they punish them. so this essentially this angio, which is talking about hunting everyone down and punishing them. what do they mean exactly? is this the result that we're going to see? because the regional or one of the regional officials in can san said that over a 130 people have been arrested so far for collaborate him with russia. no files, there is no evidence that they provide and no one is looking after them and over seen what they do and how they deliver this justice. which is not that over a 130 people have been arrested. where are they? what happens to them? so these are the pictures that are not being shown on french t v and also they released and another report, for example, where they're saying that local police officers are stopping random people on the street and questioning them. in fact, this looks more like terrorized in locals. because they are inspecting their ideas, they're looking for their cell phones. they're trying to establish any lengths and connections they could have with any russian citizens or with, with russia in general. and nan sat healed to the fire. they invited guests who are calling for attacks on russian soil. if phil employ fail, dot was at dark. other attacks can be done this time, much more symbolically, for example, for regarding the range. what's been shown with their strikes is that they could have reached moscow reports. therefore, as an example, it could be easily said that the next victory parade in moscow was a military target for thank god, well, they are making a big parade. and i'm striking in the middle of the battalions that are marching. so these are some of the comments that even the viewers are pointing out. and they're saying that this encourages attacks on russian soil that were seen crimes committed by the ukrainian army, completely being ignored. and also won the even suite. it is the you trying to incite the genocide of pro russia ukraine is because less i forget the people who are hunting down these traitors. many of them are part of the as of battalion, which is notorious for it's far right ideology. it's a brutal tack stick. something that was reported in mainstream media before the conflict with ukraine began. it's only now that there really ignore in this. so we have a euro basically that's always said, oh oh, russian journalists are biased, they're not given us the full story. and now we're seeing that they themselves are given half the story and not saying what comes afterwards. yes, great that you're talking about it, but show what could happen after i guess, i mean, i guess, as you say, showing half a story is better than showing none of the story. yes. yeah. given the state of affairs in the world today, marina culture ever thank you. we're also talking earlier to author and journalist crystal nail. now she believes the media is trying to whitewash key as actions to ultimately reassure the western public about continued military and massive financial support for ukraine. of course, they do not explain what will happen to the people who are considered as for russian. they also do not explain that you can and being consider like these, just because your neighbors have perhaps a conflict with you and decide to, ah, say to the soldiers or ukraine soldiers that you are a perverse and just to get some revenge against you. the thing is that they tried to whitewash whitewashed them to whitewash their support because of course if they explained to the western people that okay, we support, we give money and we weapons to new nazis. battalions. i mean it will be a big, big scandal. so they cannot afford that. so of course they are putting all the neo nazis in all the war crimes under the carpet. russia says it will help serve you to defend his legitimate interest in cause of a let's offer a direct confrontation between serbs on cause of our police was narrowly avoided last night in the break way province. a former cause of out so minister is demanding a stop to what he called a hunt against local subs. not really. we do not need anything from others. we only want to save our own our families, the actions of the serbian people, our reaction to the unilateral steps taken by pristina. we demand peace. we demand reason from all parties. first of all, christina, and we demand that our unjustly and unconstitutionally detained citizens be released. and that albin, cutty, withdraw all the units that he sent to the north. for him to stop bullying our children and stop hunting serbs, tensions and cause of erupt at the weekend when ethnic so demonstrate has put up barricades to stop a prominence. so be a national from being taken by authorities to cause of our capital, serbian armed forces to deploy to the administrative border with cause of a report. li, in response to similar measures taken by cause of authorities because of the officials, gave the protest of the deadline to remove the barricades by sunday night. however, they do remain. and i go to court up at the latest now with all the contributor nicolo job. she has details since yesterday and on the course on the basis of been bunch of better because you know, peaceful or all day today regarding the better kids and blogs said them by subs 2 days ago. suggestion is unchanged. despite announcements from paced enough yesterday. so it must be in the underwrite. they do, they will do it by force. not nothing happened in that manner and sort of mean to gather up on the better kids. and the other hand, the rest of his lawyer said, i want to put him into custody for today's the question whether or not there is presence of any criminal activities around him, which he's been accused of. and i would like to remind all the viewers that he's the rest was the start of the barricade on their own blogs impossible 2 days ago. so in that manner, sort of have now come up with formal questions. so they have several press. one of them is the force of their fellow citizen than the other. one is that all of these special police forces from the north of course, and they request sort of the military and police forces to return to council, according to reserves and some $44.00 of security consulting admissions. $1000.00 of them. and they demanded that the demands are heard and it's not, they will continue their peaceful protest and the box and the other hand because the from nation means to, for an affair that the standard serbian, they support the cause. they expressed support for subs in council. on the other hand, still pushing k for to dismantle the better in themselves. and they threatened to do otherwise in their own matter. and gave 4 members from the german contingent were present in the better get today they were speaking to the serbs asking who in the senior to them to come and make barricades who is responsible for all of this course they talk to and why are they doing it in the 1st place and serves responded that they did it by themselves without anyone pushing or intention and that they will dismantle the better kids and go home when their demands are confirmed. and the reason why they are protesting 1st and foremost arrest them, their fellow citizen is the undertaking. so this tradition, when the barricade currently is peaceful, but pensions are still very present and both sides are on the watch. hotel, housing, chinese diplomats, and business men. and the gun capital has come under attack. we understand the explosion ripped through the building before armed men reportedly open fire. we have this report and the latest details from one local journalist. i saw her go over to the around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. a huge explosion was heard in a district cabal. later, a few armed attack is entered into a building. my chinese nationals and others were residing in a guest house. the attack as i've been fight inside the building. a few moments later, a heavy contingent of 10 of on soldiers rushed to the area and entered the compound and engaged the terrorists. now the firing has been stopped, but we can't confirm the actual number of dead and injured from independent sources . we don't know whether the dead and injured a chinese, foreigners, or local afghans. however, the taliban have claimed that they killed old 3 attackers, and no foreigner has been killed. the whole area is cordoned off. why taliban soldiers and no one is allowed to enter the area and to confirm how many people are injured. forma twitter, c, e o jack dorsey may find himself putting a go to jail cod because he's lied to congress about twitter practice of shadow banning conservatives. the coal for an official investigation was actually made by a congressman from arizona to torture falls revealed at former twits at c. o. jack dorsey may have committed perjury. he told congress under oath that towards it was not shadow banning conservatives to a to was he should be investigated by house committee on the judiciary and house oversight committee. republicans where dorothy testified under oath in 2018 that the company had never engaged in such a practice with several other executives. having said so echoed his claim. the immensity, the scandal has erupted off the new blue bird boss, ellen must cause leaked bombshell in total memos. the reveal twitters partisan censorship, limiting the visibility of tweet posted by conservative uses. i discussed it with our legal and media analyst lydel. he believed despite the global attention, the home put a scandal won't last in 2005, a number of major league baseball players basically lied about stairway news. nothing happened in 1994 before congress tobacco executives lied about whether they thought nicotine, believe it or not, was addictive. nobody ever prosecuted them, so don't hold your breath. may i provide you? the real question was their state action. this is critical in a 1st amendment analysis in our legal system did, did government seek social media to act in essence as a proxy, as an agent to quash, to quell to abrupt 1st amendment speech that the government couldn't normally get to do you use these folks as agents, why have inherited media reported one thing on this subject. now, does anybody think that facebook and instagram and google and new to the day don't censure? does anybody think that censorship is not going on right now as we speak? and who believes this idea of i hate to personally bubbles of eli mosque as this white knight in truth savior. why did elected officials, a law enforcement meet was social media platforms. how commonplace is this? who, who still banned on twitter in 1975, our own church committee, said that reveals will be called operation mockingbird, where our intelligence agency worked with media. this is nothing new, no, this is new. and where is the g o p? where are the republicans, or where, what, what happens is, i have a strong feeling, the social media absorb all of the energy. that's where all of this goes, not into the house because in 3 days this is going to be forgotten. this is the tip of the iceberg. this is so critical and it's, it's international, not just here, but do you think anybody's going to go any further? no, you're going to look at the 1st level of this and focus on this. it's low hanging fruit because you've got these interesting characters who look funny. it looks range and, and with a weird lifestyles. but the point that is being missed is simply this. what the government's around the world can't do. hell get social media to do for you. yeah, talk about the tip of the iceberg with this twitter scandal here on asi international wrapping up this house program from moscow. thank you for joining us here and sharing a time with us here in the russian capital. so good to have your company. a busy monday evening program. thanks for joining us. we are back soon with more. good. ah, who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions. today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing up in your future. my problem was to call soon as you speak on the bill in your senior, mostly mine the we'll ship, we're banding all in ports of russian, oil and gas, fuji die where you're suffering though. i know they guarantee with the letter from there were already given regarding joe biden and imposing these sanctions on russia. you know, has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang ah with get a national a fema barnett by showing up a clever rubber in the buck us. yet i did slavish. fortunately yet i did thing. and then you view it, of course, ask us about doing a breast deacons. i thought a video of leadership yet, and she had to jump to charlotte chava try liquor for dylan. dan, no, julie watch, hulu and benny ashburn. never did it on my phone. and i much bought on by and not tonight in the union. it's been galant of the tips were done, she.


Transcripts For RT The Whistleblowers 20221211

whistleblowers. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 let's start this story from the beginning. steven friend made a complaint to the f. b. i inspector general saying that the f b, i's leadership has become increasingly politicized. he offered proof that the f, b, i's washington d. c. field office was exaggerating the threat of domestic terrorism, even calling parents who complained about educational curricula in their children's schools, potential terrorists. he argued that many of the f b i's targets were having their civil rights and civil liberties violated. and even on the left, he pointed to the recent arrest of 2 protesters at an oil company who threw glitter and unfurled a banner at an oil company. those 2 protesters were charged with terrorism, but the charge was later thrown out in the specific incident that led to his whistle blowing. stephen friend was ordered to participate in a raid in daytona beach, florida, where the f b. i was going to arrest people who were alleged to have committed misdemeanors, just minor crimes. he told his leaders that this violated f b. i regulations and constituted an illegal use of force. he said that he had taken an oath to uphold the constitution, and that he would not participate in an ill legality. it was the end of his career . our guest today is former f. b. i special agent chief division council and famed whistleblower calling rally calling more than almost anybody else understands whistle blowing at the f. b i calling rally joined the f. b, i in 1981 just after finishing law school after assignments in new york and abroad, she took up a position at the f. b. i field office in minneapolis, minnesota, where she became the chief division counsel. and where she taught constitutional law to other f, b i. agents, and to police officers. following the attacks of september, 11th, 2001 calling rally wrote a paper for then f b. i director robert muller saying that f b, i personnel in the organizations headquarters in washington, d. c. had mishandled information provided by the minneapolis field office regarding zacharias massage. we a suspected terrorist who had been involved in preparations for a suicide attack. similar to september. 11th way, back in 1994. she identified failures in them with our investigation that left the united states vulnerable on september 11th. in may, 2002 rally was called to testify before congress and before the 911 commission, about the f. b. i's pre 911 counterterrorism lapses that testimony led to a major reorganization including the creation of a new f b i office of intelligence and the hiring of a significant number of f. b. i. agents with critical language skills in 2002 rally was named time magazines person of the year, along with 2 other whistleblowers. colleen, welcome to the show. let's begin with what must have gone through stephen friend's mind. his attorneys have told the media that this is not a partisan issue. friend did not even vote for donald trump in the 2020 election. instead, he had a genuine concern for protecting the civil rights and civil liberties of americans . and he took his oath to the constitution seriously. i believe that his calculations were similar to what you and i considered before blowing the whistle. what are your thoughts? well, if it's like myself and other whistleblowers, i think friend probably did not come to our quick realisation overnight, but that it was one thing after another. and actually this also falls in the context of this longstanding russia gate cover up of hunter biden. so there were preceding events that had to probably influence his thinking. and then of course, he sees a, a violation of the administrative and investigative guidelines for the f b i. why would the f b, i fire steven friend when he made a legitimate whistleblower disclosure just as he was trained to do, he didn't go to the media. he didn't even go to the congressional oversight committees. he went to the f b, i's inspector general. so why punish him like that? i think he originally went to a supervisor. so in fact he went up the chain of command and that's, that's a sign of a legitimate genuine, authentic whistleblower that they try at the lowest levels. and then when they don't get answers, they go up the chain of command, and obviously the department of justice inspector general would be the correct entity to evaluate this. i will say one thing about alleging a violation of the invest the f b. i is investigative and administrative guidelines. these are big, thick books that they show you at when you go through f b i training school, but of course no one, no one is able to get through those. those are sick manuals. and of course, if you have a question, you can look up things or you can ask your, your attorney in your office. but when i was working, it was almost a badge of honor to violate all of the rules. in fact, one of my assistance, special agent in charge in, in new york city, he wrote a book bragging that you can't get anything done. and if you follow those rules and actually says the new york way, of course, was to cut the corners and do the work without worrying about the rules. so steven friend, obviously was in the f. b i. he knows that a lot of corners get caught. and of course, he's alleging that there was a violation in this case, and we'll have to see if the inspector general evaluates it that way. compare this to your own case, colleen, or to the cases of other f. b. i whistle blowers like jean turner or fred waiters. was there something that stephen friend should have done differently? do you think actually he, i think he did it the right way and he does have, you know, many signs of being genuine. as i said, this is, this isn't a stand alone item. you have to take into context the prior, the way the f b. i was politicized after trump selection. and you know, the fact is they lied to the fight. the court about that christine dossier which has been completely debarked. so of course he's, he's using his mind to put what he now sees are happening after the january 6 where they're, they're making it look like it's a nationwide problem. by the way, this is exactly what happened with 911. if you remember that 911 was a one on one incident or 2. if you call our count the pentagon, but it still was basically one incident in new york city, washington d. c. and the plane that crashed in pennsylvania, but what happened after 911, the f b, i made it seem like it was a nationwide program by putting a lot of incentives and pressures on the field offices to come up with these cases . you know, a lot of it was really kind of almost bordering, if not actual entrapment to make it look like terrorism. l k to terrorism was a nationwide program. and our problem excuse me was a nationwide problem. and that's exactly what, what agent friend is alleging here is that by, by farming out the cases, but still controlling it from a politicized washington d. c. bureau that it was making it look like it was a national domestic terrorism, right wing domestic terrorism was nationwide problem when in fact it was confirmed to one date, january 6 and in one place washington, d. c. basically, i would say that the january, the way the f b i handled the january 6 a riot is exactly the same way that they handled the the same way that they handled the 911. and they are exaggerated and amplified it for, for political reasons, of course, for because it was, are considered to be the, the favorite program of the day. and so they amplified, it served all their careers and it is coming from washington because in washington, that's the heart of where the politicization takes place. not so much in the field . colleen, what does this case say about the progress or the lack of progress? the national security whistleblowers have made in the last 15 years or so. well, i think there were a couple of additions, maybe tweaks to the law. i noticed that steve friend claim that he made a protected disclosure to his supervisor, his immediate supervisor. and i, i know that the prior law, the prior administrative regulations did not allow a whistleblower to make a protected disclosure to their supervisor. you had to go basically to the special agent charge with or to the office of professional affairs. you know, the inspector general and it wasn't. if you just said something to your supervisor, it was not considered a project, a disclosure. so i think some things have been changed slightly, but overall not c friend was suspended fairly immediately. and the f b i it looks like they didn't take much of his concerns seriously. now again, it remains to be seen. if a more objective inspector general will do that. it's possible, obviously the department of justice inspector general did find that the f b. i violated a lot of rules and lock in going to the making those false claims to the feisty court. so. so if you would hope that maybe the inspector general would come to the other conclusion, but the f b, i suspended him immediately and it doesn't look like they gave any credence at all to his disclosure. all right, colleen stay right there. you're watching the whistleblowers. we're going to take a short break and then return to our conversation with f. b i whistle blower calling raleigh, stating. 2 2 2 2 2 ah ah ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time to sit down and talk because these are the fee i don't to screen all gone most mission funder, washington for the about sean. on out recently fun claudia with jonathan. and you play with a maintenance issue, engine remains in your deal when you come to the park, teach you show teach to go get a new owner of sheila can we do is get a minute. looks that on to remind you those now about boots from stoneleigh promotions to get a minute. those new when we stole grease ga. gov to other, but i should character, she's a new fact. he's until one ish. he says i so bad and also bushing big tier 2 doors from 2 swift uses. i'm so lazy. finish in v fan to the physical as all you could do a dead latrina son behind billing fun for by it. my daughter no police. my, me look on the ones when are spawns and dawson with bullying into isolated thought. you know, cranium, teeth, audio to anemia. idea. she ship, dr. lien, that report control in put you on board. so she'll be at the mo, the, the system really premium. did not sing the anthem. yeah, well with no chance actually jim's out of the room. there's a crazy start to lose to modern day my subway, but just dory. yes or no. i live here beliefs. get us. but we ship it with them that he has a daughter to take him over to them. i need a price quote for that, for a one. they each the one that or up with global i'm saying years about i few the college. busy he's the brought the enough liberty weekly. if you take a picture of i'll go double parade, you have to go so good on that. so you can. 2 ah, welcome back to the whistle blowers. we're speaking with f. b i whistleblower calling rally about the case of f. b. i. agents, steven friend, who complained about the politicization of the f, b i and the f b i 's, lack of respect for american civil rights and civil liberties. colleen, let's drill down a little into what steven friend has revealed. he said that he was a member of the f b. i squad that investigated and targeted pet of files and sex traffickers. but he was taken off that assignment and made to investigate people who had participated in the protest at the capital building on january 6th, 2021. i'm not talking about writers necessarily. he was told to investigate people who had participated peacefully. he told his supervisor on 2 separate occasions that he had a moral and ethical problem with this. he believed that the f b i was violating demonstrators 6th and 8th amendment rights. he told them that his previous work against pedophile and sex traffickers was more important. and so he was fired. is there a broader message here? what do you think this action says to the rest of the f b i's workforce? well i, i don't know. we only know what the news reports there are. there are some news reports that a larger segment of the f b i workforce is basically, um, a in agreement that when something happens, there is a knee jerk tendency in the f b. i to put all the resources on that issue. it again, the same thing happened with $911.00 after $911.00 and during the anthrax attacks, there were virtually no agents that were allowed to work health care fraud. and in a, in it white collar crime and all the other crime programs, the f. b, i investigates over 300, some different criminal statutes, federal criminal statutes. many of um, you know, like in the investigating child predators are very warrant. and what happens is, after some event like this, because washington, d. c is politicized. and it's, you know, for partisan purposes, there's always this push, push, pull going on between the 2 parties. and it looks like the f, b i gets caught in it. in many cases they seem to take sites, especially since, since truck trump selection, they seemed. and they, they excited with the democratic party and accepting the steel dossier as gospel truth, et cetera. so i think steve friend has a point here, which is that you, you can't allow this knee jerk reaction to take place when there's an event of any, any event at all. you have to keep, you know, should certainly devote enough resources to investigate that event. but in the case of protest, this is always been a problem. they can't separate peoples. and in a pull people's 1st amendment rights to peacefully, ah, you know, criticize they, they assume that if you're criticizing something that you must be on the terrorist side engaging in violence, there's a line between terrorism where you actually do engage in violence. and basically, just, you know, criticizing peacefully protesting outside, etc. and it's always been difficult for the f b i to, to understand that line. and especially in washington, they say, well, go get everyone and we'll sort it out later. and i think that's exactly what happened with the january 6 very basically the same way as happened after 911 with islamic this while i'm a phobia and going after claiming that there were all the sleeper cells when there wasn't it really the parallels are very great between the 2 events here, it's just that they're on slightly different part is insides, but they that the same reaction, the same knee jerk reaction. the u. s. government has a whistleblower protection law, but national security whistleblowers are notoriously exempt from its protections. when a national security whistleblower decides to report on evidence of waste fraud, abuse or illegality, he or she quite literally jeopardizes his career. stephen friend knew what he was doing. he was willing to take that risk. now that his information is public and he's lost his job. what advice would you give him? well, the, i guess the main advice is to try to hold on to the things that are most near and dear to yourself. obviously i think he has a family and that's important. i and i think is his wife has actually been punished . his wife has nothing to do with the f b i, but she lost her social media accounts because again, you talk about an over reaction and a knee jerk overreaction. this seems to be yet, so he's going to have to hold on to the things closest to him. hopefully he can get some financial support or at least in the short term until his case can be adjudicated. and hopefully he can get some support from the public at least to put some pressure on for a quicker adjudication of this by the inspector general so that it doesn't run, you know, for a, for a year or 2 when he's in limbo this entire time. maybe he can up, i don't know if you're suspended without pay. if he's able to get a 2nd job, maybe he's, he's able to support himself. i would think that he would, they'd have to let him be able to support himself some way and, and basically just keep is, you know, eyes on the, on the, on, on the truth here and, and ins be able to stick to his guns. there, there are other whistleblowers who do succumb to the pressure, and many of them do fall apart because it's just such a scary proposition to have. everyone seemed to be turning against you. if there are other agents that are have witness similar problems. this would also be the time for them to come forward to the inspector general and tell the inspector general what they no, no. in the my case about 911, there were many other agents said they actually did, you know, support the notion, the fee of the i was covering up the, the truth of 911. and that there were ways to have prevented it, et cetera. and, and there were per se features that were causing obstacles. the. 0 fights to wall, all of these things that, that were obstacles and there were, there were a lot of agents, a lot of people are afraid to speak out. but i think there were some that actually saved me because i think they did tell the truth about those such that situation. what can the rest of us do to help stephen friend or to help and encourage others considering becoming whistleblowers? it's a, it's a long and difficult road. what advice would you give them to make the experience a little bit easier? well, you know, that's, that's our $64000000.00 question. i don't know that you can make it easier if you're edward snowden and you know, look at him sacrificing his are sacrificing his basically his country as citizenship. in some ways in being, you know, pilloried largely pillory. you've got to develop thick skin, really thick skin and you have to understand who your true friends are. and i think in terms of issues, i might be that whistle blowers see issues more important as this kind of group loyalty. you know, very what people are to come to group oil t because it's, you know, it's very painful to have your friends and family turned against you. but there are other people who basically say, you know, this issue is, is that important? and they try, i will say to, to see friend eventually, a lot of people will recognize when you're right. they won't necessarily tell you that, but you know, there will be that over the years. you know, daniel ellsberg is a great example that people recognize that he was right, that the pentagon papers showed that the vietnam war should never have been started in 1st place. so even though at the time you know, people and friends turned against him, he was, was proven correct. and i think you have to have your eye on that long term goal. that's all we have for you today. we'd like to thank our guest f b i whistle blower, calling raleigh. i'm john curiosity and this has been the whistleblowers. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time. 2 2 2 2 2 2 ah, ah, a shape out becomes the african and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves, well, the part we choose to look for common ground. only 41 percent of usaa does have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical debt. in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way, like explain a basic income, is that it's like social security for the rest of us. a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached. i have out. i would like them me. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve it. and just by virtue of your being here ah with get a national fema barnett by showing up at lever roberts, in the buck us. yet i dislodged, fortunately i didn't. and then you viewed said, of course, ask us about doing a bruster. deacons. i don't know, ridiculously near shakia, and she had to sell homes to charlotte chavo try later for dylan. dan, no 1 june, watch hulu and billy eyes been, never did it, my son and i much bought on by madison i. tim de union is been galant of the tips for dungy shopping for just live. oh, i meant i wasn't acting an opinion. mm. you email me and i piece and then the billboard, you, and use. now you must clear, if you're not good at all with somebody, you're stupid. it got out of it, then yes, key elegance key did deals of work leanne aquinos ringing each neck. nico bang, bang gap from a guy important for which he goals ne, dealer space. thank does v a d and vic long know kiner investor pursuit from yes and talk and mid 5 hope come beyond if operation goes in on pivot boston. that's not mentioned. most liam con buses, probably mcgee, but jeff has all gone as i knew. won't grade on until better. yeah. it was. that was on the job. a few. yeah. then i'm going swoon him. got updated on the arms. actually, benton, should you do? 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Dylan Ratigan Show 20110428

leon panetta will replace robert gates as secretary of defense. that when gates retires later this summer. general petraeus comes home from afghanistan to fill panetta's open slot as the cia. and petraeus' former deputy at general command general john allen will take over as top commander in afghanistan. the bottom line, a u.s. military general will now be running the cia. and a cia guy will be our new secretary of defense. the game of musical chairs still subject to congressional confirmation hearings but with no new faces entering the mix how if at all will a change in seats, a change policy, and military strategy abroad? joining us now lieutenant colonel anthony schafer, director at the center for advanced defense studies, also author of the book "operation dark heart" which was censored by the pentagon. also with us, washington post columnist david ignacias. look at what he had to say about all of this a long time ago, back in march, before anyone was talking about it. >> this is the prediction which is that leon panetta will go to defense to replace secretary gates leaving in the summer and that general petraeus will come back from kabul to become the next cia director. >> so, foresight to say the least from him. tony, i would like to begin, however, with you. specifically on the department of defense. it is so easy to get lost in the weeds with all of this but the real headline is that america is going to have a new secretary of defense, a new person in charge of the pentagon at a time when our budget is massive. we spend as much money on our defense as the next 19 countries in the world combined. how are we to interpret the decision to put a cia director in charge of the pentagon? >> well, i think mr. panetta's being hired because of his deeper background relating to budget and i have seen a lot of talk about the fact he's been compared to clark clifford coming in gnthe nam vietnam era. cap wineberger had a reputation of being a cost cutter but chartered to win the war. my concern here is the record at cia has not been stellar and in my earlier preinterview with your folks i talked about the fact it's bob nardeli ceo of home depot hired to chrysler. i'm not convinced that someone without the best record in one organization with five times the responsibility is a good move. >> david srks that the right interpretation, though, that this is a set-up for potential budget cutting and a major overhaul at the pentagon or leaping to conclusions? >> no, i think that major reason why secretary gates recommended panetta as a successor is panetta's background in budget issues, chief of staff at the white house, budget director. i also think it's a little strong to say that panetta ran the cia into the ground. that's a tough job but from what i hear panetta was generally good for cia morale. he thought cia's battles on the hill and within the administration fairly successfully. i think, you know, he is a senior player. obama wants a team of people who are strong personalities and the fact that gates recommended panetta so strongly is decisi decisively. >> if we rep s ep the opening day interpretation of a budget cutting at the pentagon which is welcome for a variety of deficit hawks, the other issue as we stay on defense and i will get to intelligence but as we stay on defense is does the withdrawal of general petraeus from the theater of war in afghanistan open the door for an easier withdrawal politically or rhetorically from the middle east, or is that, again, leaping to conclusions, tony? >> i think we are on a path to so-called decent interval and take very hard looks at what we are trying to achieve and i think some very hard realities that -- look. i admire general petraeus. he's a great guy. let's use the house metaphor. he built a great house and every stick of wood is infected with termites and leaving the issue is pakistan and may be the upside of it. the real battle in pakistan waged by cia and may be the one upside. >> and creates the segue i was heading to, david. does the decision moving away from the department of defense and wars and looking at the new cia, a cia run by a commanding general in the middle east, is tony's interpretation the right one, the cia will now become a paramilitary organization focusing on pakistan under the guidance of a former military general? is that right? >> the cia is a paramilitary organization. it has those capabilities. i think this is a signal that the administration is serious about the exit ramp, declining numbers of uniform military personnel starting this july. i think within a year we'll see all of the 30,000 person surge out of afghanistan. and i think that general petraeus in his new role at cia will have oversight of predator drones, of operations, personnel on the ground. this will move in afghanistan and to the extent possible in pakistan to a paramilitary opposed to a uniform military campaign over two or three years. >> david, the type of policy discussions seem like they have a certain level of political appeal, certainly support for reducing the public war in the middle east and seems that's possible. there's certainly public support for reduced defense spending which is being interpreted or offered up as such in this transition and there seems to be a certain amount of support for an amplification or an aggressive use of intelligence and predator drones to deal with pakistan, all three of those appear to be in this interpretation. am i missing something? >> no. i think you said it right. i think this is an administration -- when i talked to the white house, talking to people at the pentagon, what i hear is that they want this era of expeditionary wars in which tens of thousands of american troops are sent abroad to fight in iraq, afghanistan, they want that period to end and that's replaced by growing use of cia, paramilitary forces. >> which then brings us i guess to the final interpretation, tony, how blurry is the line when you can switch the general and put him in terms of the cia and take the cia guy and put him in charge of the pentagon? how blurry's the line between the military and american intelligence and is that a good or a bad thing and how are we to know? >> well, i think that jury's out for a while. i have worked on both sides. i think mr. vickers coming over from cia who's now the senior intelligence officer for the pentagon, he was well-known in charlie wilson's war for being one of the guys working at cia and the influence is increasing and the pentagon cross pollination going on. frankly we have talked about this before on your show. the big footprint of forces forward isn't helping us and i think it's time to be smarter about the application of deadly force and a good move in many ways. >> the one skepticism or concern and i'm sure we'll talk about this later in the program, david, is what is the -- what are with to think of a world where the public war may be diminishing but the secret war being waged by the cia may be increasing? >> well, we should think is that congressional oversight of intelligence activities needs to be extremely vigorous. it's going to be really important to keep a close eye on general petraeus. he's creative and needs oversight. >> absolutely. >> congress has to step up. that's part of the deal here. >> how do you create oversight for a deliberately secretive organization? >> we have mechanism we have deinvolved over time the rules. the rules are there. the procedures are there. they have to be followed and people, members of congress will have to take it seriously now. >> tony, what are your thoughts? >> absolutely. i've run very -- what they call black operations and i had to have congressional oversight in the form of investigations everything i was doing every year. there's mechanisms there. they have to be picked up and used. you cannot ignore them. they're there for the benefit of the people running it and the congressional oversight guys being sure the money is spent properly. >> before you go, for the benefit of somebody like myself, who is it in congress that needs to be doing this such that somebody like myself can harass them as such, david? >> the chairman of the house and senate intelligence committees and the ranking members and the other senior congressional leadership. so-called gang of eight. they know all the secrets and they have to police them and ride herd for the nation because the public won't know and shouldn't know. they will and they have to do their job. >> thank you for the analysis and helping to educate us and see through some of the musical chairs, gentlemen. david, a pleasure. tony, it is always a pleasure. thank you, guys. we'll take a little bit of a break here. coming up as we just mentioned, the mill tarization of america, particularly the intelligence agency. we have the story you probably have not heard about this latest game of white house musical chairs. plus, is the president now the one who refuses to let the birther debate die? keeps bringing it upality fund-raisers. we'll ask our mega panel, susan, karen and jimmy on deck. along with a royal gamble. only thing more fun than a royal wedding ask o inding is one you. we'll get the line on whether martin bashir will be the first to cry when he joins us a little later. 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let's keep it compartmentalized. first on the defense side. the interpretation is opens the door for budget cuts, maybe makes it easier for the withdrawals. this would seem to be a political net positive for the president if, in fact, those interpretations play out. >> listen, leon panetta will be great over at the pentagon. i'll tell you why. because when he was a member of congress was when they balanced the budget so i'm thrilled that he's going over there. i hope he slashes like hell. i hope she strehe streamlines a it more efficient and gets the troops out. >> the other side, susan, apparently the ability to escalate the secret side of the war and we heard david say learn the chair people for the house intelligence committee and the senate intelligence committee because a former general now running the cia is going to be potentially very active and we're not going to have nearly as much information as we once did. how do you look at that possibility? >> well, it's certainly an interesting melding of his military background now into the cia. it's also going to be interesting how he's going to be able to, quote, command there. as far as, you know, no longer having troops to oversee but civilians which is another big difference but when's good about the appointments that were made today and good for the country is that we probably will not see any partisanship here. i think you will get a lot of support from republicans and democrats and, in fact, may be the last bipartisan thing we see washington do in a long time. >> do agree, karen? >> from susan's lips to god's ears. i certainly hope. the one thing i think to susan's point that's important is panetta and general petraeus command a tremendous amount of respect both from the national security teams, from the sort of national security community, as well as from congress. so i think these moves for that reason i think will help also ensure that the president can have some continuity, you know, i read somewhere that the president decided to basically continue on the path along the decision that is he's already made, not necessarily signal kind of a shift. so i think that's part of what we should read into this. >> we'll set down the defense conversation for time being and bring it up later talking about bradley manning but while i have you i feel like i have no choice but to bring up the birther debate. not because i want to but the president keeps bringing it up. listen to the president. >> my name's barack obama. i was born in hawaii. the 50th state. of the united states of america. can i just say i was there? so i knew that i knew had been born. i remembered it. >> susan, is the president now perpetuating this absurdity? >> yeah. i don't know why he took it this far. he did have, frankly, a win on the issue and could have let it die down. obviously they think it's a bigger win than most of us looking at it think it is but they decided to play it up. i'm not sure when he said he wanted to work on more serious things going to tape oprah was the transition he wanted to make. >> jimmy, is that a fair criticism? >> no, it is not. >> of course not. >> susan, if you had the chance to go on oprah, would you go? the answer is yes. and so would i and anybody else. >> he's the president. >> you're right. he's the president and he gets to go on oprah. you know what? that's the beauty of oprah. she doesn't have to let him. it's simple. the guy won on the birther issue. racists all across this country, i said it, racist. everywhere. the north, in the south, in the midwest and california. everywhere. who still don't believe it, are still going to spout it and every time they do i want the president to respond. it is a winning issue. when you're winning, keep winning. >> at the end of the day, do you agree, karen? i say, hang on. i thought we were supposed to be worried about jobs or the banking system or maybe health care or how about the fact that we blow two thirds of the energy that we consume in this country out the windows of our houses? and yet both political parties willing to play wrestling games with birtherism. >> dylan, you're right. you and i both know as jimmy said, racism and prejudice still exist in america and i think the deeper issue that we shouldn't get distracted from, two points on the sort of cultural side. there are people who -- it is not about the birth certificate, guys. it is about using that as a way to question the otherness. >> correct. >> and a level of discomfort with the fact that the world is changing. my mother used to carry my birth certificate in her wallet because she's white and i'm not and she would be worried that something would happen me. the idea of mixed race kids, kind of a new idea and people who are very afraid of the way that the country is changing. that's the cultural reality. on the other side on the political side, let's be clear. the rnc and the gop really, you know, should take some lumps for this because every single time they were asked about this and they said, well, i take him at his word, that's a load of crap. to do away with that issue is say, of course, he is an american citizen. let's move on. >> my favorite -- >> couldn't agree with you more, as a republican. >> my favorite statistic, i mentioned this yesterday. according to nate silver, 46% of americans are certain donald trump was born here. >> they might be right. >> here meaning this planet, dylan? >> no, we wouldn't know. we can't find out the answer to that question. that's a pleasure to see you guys. thank you very much. we're going to keep karen, susan and jimmy around for part two, the real solution to the pain at the pump. the specialist joins the conversation and why he says none of the ideas out there will lower our soaring costs but his idea will, after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog. explorers... great thinkers. they're the future of america, so let's build them up strong, and give them our cheese. kraft singles american cheese. we're always made with milk. and more kids get their calcium from us than any other american cheese. the future of our country is in their hands. hey look it's the future senator from wisconsin. kraft singles. the american cheese. yeah, let's check out the horses under the hood! show me the carfax. show me the carfax. horsepower, foxpower, same thing. just show me the carfax. before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax... and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. high gas prices obviously taking a bite out of consumers' wallets. padding the coffers of the world's largest oil companies and many investors big and small. profits for instance at exxon mobl up 70% in the first quarter, $11 billion for them, similarly at shell, profits up 30%, more than $6 billion. conoco phillips, bp also reporting billions in profit. rising prices, typically provoke outrage, but few people have a real understanding of why prices rise so far so fast and more importantly what actual tools are at our disposal to bring them down to more affordable levels now. which brings us to today's specialist. dan dicker, oil trader and author of "oil's endless bid," our panel also rejoins us. karen, susan and jimmy. your basic idea is what? >> the basic idea, dylan, is that supply and demand fundamentals have been overrun by investment money or speculative money, if you like, that's trying to chase hard assets, particularly oil, and trying to capture what is a rising price in oil but, in fact, fueling the fire. because the more buyers you get rushing in to try to buy oil the higher the prices naturally go. >> talk about this. i'll use myself as an example. so i have a small investment portfolio that i've tried to keep track of in a way i don't have to pay too much attention to it working here all the time and one of the things that i have done is buy the u.s.o. which is an oil etf and other commodity etfs. i'm not alone, a lot of people taking some of the savings and putting them in to these hard commodities opposed to more traditional active investing into the stock market, apple computer, whatever it might be. what's wrong with a guy like me doing something like that? >> well, the problem, of course srks that there's two problems. it hypes the price. >> you have a bunch of people like me buying oil when i have no interest in using the oil. >> exactly. the bottom line is, if you had, for example, houses and certain number of houses but all of a sudden everybody wants to buy a house over there -- >> just because they think they're worth more money, not because they want to live in them. >> because i want a house on that street for another house i own somewhere and this house may only be worth $100,000 but what if i really want it badly enough? the only way to get an owner out is to pay for it. >> your argument is unless you have the intention to use the oil, or to use the corn or whatever it is we're talking about, that only those types of people should be allowed to buy commodities because you get the price distortions from people like me and bigger than me purely buying oil as a financial speculation and no use for it whatsoever. >> precisely. you need to have some kind of connection to the physical asset itself in order to be allowed access to the financial instrument that is are associated with it. >> james, go ahead. >> dan, i have a question. maybe i'm just -- i think there's a disconnect here and let me ask my question and then you can company what i'm trying to get at. you're saying i have to be able to be invested in it. so if i have toyota stock, i need to own toyotas. if i have apple stock, i have to own an ipad. complain to me why -- i own an ipad and two toyotas but why is it that if somebody goes out on the open market and trades, buys and sells and trades an oil commodity, tell me in the plainest terms you can how does that actually affect the price at the pump at the amoco station in virginia? because i don't think anybody gets that. can you explain that to me? >> what's happened over the course of the last ten years and particularly the last five is financial instruments associated with oil more important than the physical markets associated with oil. >> people may not realize this. there's etfs and funds. >> they're 30 times larger than etfs. >> to make us easy for investors -- >> pension funds, everybody. >> to buy oil without having to be on the commodity floor buying oil. continue. >> you try to buy all of these paper barrels of oil and the bottom line is every time you buy them you send the price higher to find somebody willing to sell oil to you and to do that is to pay for it and then more outrageous price for it. and that's why you see oil become sort of a self fulfilling prophesy. the higher the price the price goes. >> susan? >> yeah. yesterday, ben bernanke said and i was rather surprised to hear him say this, that the price will start going down once the middle east stabilize a little bit. now, i don't think anyone thinks the middle east will stabilize any time soon. so that being said, what else -- what else can be done, you know, that we can do as a country t start stabilizing the prices? >> two things. one fincial thing that we could do and it's going to happen anyway is end of qe2 and remove some of the free money trade that's been driving money into oil. that's number one. my other suggestion is more draconian and asks for a ban on long only commodity funds, the indexes, a ban on the commodity etfs that use futures. >> all commodities? >> yes. well no. oil is much more important. it's more than 50% of all of the stocks on the new york stock exchange on dependent as a primary input cost on oil and we are all if we're food, for drugs, for plastics, for heat. for aluminum. of course gas and our transportation. we are so engaged in oil that the place to start to take control of these out of control come modify markets i believe is in the oil markets first and go to try to ban some of these instrument that is are clearly doing nothing good and by the way not doing anything good for investors because they're a horrible proxy for the crude price. if you hope to capture the 36 or 37% that oil is up for the year you are in bad shape because you've only captured from an etf 8%. it's even bad for the investors engaged in that. >> i can atus to that. karen, go ahead. >> this is mott my area but see if i followed the conversation thus far. >> it's good you're here. >> i'm the every woman. >> play every woman. >> as i understand it, what you're saying is the fact there's more money available to this market is part of what's driving up the prices so that suggests to me when we talk about taxpayer-funded subsidies to oil company that is are showing record profits perhaps if we take away those taxpay taxpayer-funded subsidies we not only get that money back but perhaps it means less money into the market and does that mean prices go down? >> well, susan, i mean -- >> karen. >> i'm sorry. the subsidies are really a drop in the bucket. $4 billion a year for all of oil. it affects independent oil more than it affects big oil and a political football. it's part of all of these kind of solutions that really don't have a solution releasing from the spr, trying to remove subsidies. none of this really gets at the problem of gas prices going up and people getting hosed at the pumps. >> you are saying there's an impure buyer, there's an ill-intended buyer not by being bad people but by virtue they're acquiring a vital asset as a speculative event as opposed to -- and become easier for anybody to do that because of financial innovation. >> they're trying to capture a price that's clearly going up and a profit to be made from trying to capture that price. simple as that. >> quickly. >> dylan, dan, so are you advocating, dan, to basically shut down the chicago exchanges? >> no, no, no, no. this is not about the futures markets. that's operating fine. it is the derivatively based commodity etf has are behemoth. >> the exchange, the things to let you trade oil or corn like a stock -- >> for people who are hedging legitimately, it's legitimate. >> not saying that the oil traders, the airlines, the chemical companies that use the merck, he's saying they're the people to be creating the pure price and getting distorted by the fact that the investor class, the retail and institutional investor class is allocating oil to offer a return and distorting the price for everybody else. it's a pleasure to see you, dan, jals, susan, karen. coming up here today, the storm system behind those deadly tornadoes. still on the move at this hour. where is it headed? 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[ male announcer ] talk to your doctor to find out if chantix is right for you. learn about the chantix challenge. chantix may not work for everyone. if you aren't quit after 12 weeks, we'll refund your cost of trying it. learn more at as you may have heard, the army today opening the doors to bradley manning's new digs. reporters visiting the home in kansas. however, no pictures or video were allowed. we have just learned that manning will be there beginning tomorrow. this while he awaits trial on nearly two dozen including aiding the enemy. the pr offensive, of course, in response to allegations of mistreatment at quantico in virginia. at the worst, torture on par with the treatment of the american gulag in guantanamo. either way, supporters claim they'll keep a close eye on the case until they're sure he is being treated properly. manning also may be the focus of a grand jury investigation that includes the man at the center of the wikileaks scandal for violations of the espionage act. joining us is glen greenwald among the most aggressive and accurate reporters on the developments. a pleasure to have you back in the room. first, broadly, how do you interpret the move? >> clearly, designed as a growing charge over the protest. the u.n. official invest gatding it and, of course, the state department spokesman forced to resign condemning it as stupid and other things. it was a growing scandal for that president on a platform of ending detainee abuse to have this growing. >> there is a uniform code of military justice. one of the statutes in it says that the individual should be held up to and only up to the point necessary for the security. it was clear that that was -- had been exceeded here. is there any reason to think that the actual treatment of broadly manning at a different prison will be different? >> well, you are right. article xiii makes ate criminal offense to punished detainee. clearly, many of the things done to him were punitive. government officials said so. the question now becomes what will the treatment be? the justification for defenders of the administration for why he was kept in 23-hour a day solitary confinement and not allowed to exercise in the cell for his own protection. if you let him out into a population of marines that he would be attacked perhaps lethally and now going to circulate more in the population. what happened to that excuse? >> what's the answer to that question? >> i don't know. the only logical answer is that this claim that it was being done for his own protection is deceitful. that isn't a concern because quantico is much more controllable than fort leavenworth is. it was done as a warning to future would be whistle-blowers. this will happen to you and a means to break him to induce and extract testimony against the real target. >> and then the last manning question and then the cia is do you have any sense as to whether anybody intends to bring charges against either the marines or the pentagon or the government for their violation of article xiii? >> absolutely, manning's counsel said notwithstanding move and doesn't know how he will be treated there and intends to pursue the charges. he is a retired lieutenant contr colonel and offended and the amnesty and u.n. investigations will continue, as well. >> let's move to the musical chairs. you have written extensively about the constitutional violations that have been perpetrated in this country, in the name of our national defense going back a decade. among the criticisms that have been out there was the decision to put a military commander in charge of the cia under the bush administration and the democrats at that time and you were just describing to me in the commercial up in arms, outrageous, we can't have a militarized cia, one of the most vocal critics is the chairman of the senate intelligence committee dianne feinstein, now we find that democrats with dianne feinstein at the senate intelligence committee and barack obama in the white house putting yet another general in charge of the central intelligence agency. >> the list of policies that the democrat s objected to in the bush years and now embrace and justify and support as their own is almost endless. you could spend hours and hours and hours on television listing and describing them all. this is yet another one. not only did she say it was dangerous to have a four-star general running the cia, joe biden said it would mean that the cia gets quote gobbled up by the defense department and the idea to provide a check against the military which always is pro-war and drives to war and provide independent analysis and yet here you have the commander in chief advocate of not only the public war in afghanistan but the covert war in pakistan now in charge of the intelligence that the president will receive as to what policies ought to be continued. the democrats were right when they argued that bush was doing something improper appointed general hayden and same arguments should be made now. >> at the same time, we have watched the president go into libya without ever even acknowledging congress's existence. george bush at the very least paid lip service to the need to at least spend half a morning with the u.s. congress. is it as bad as it looks? again, i don't feel like i know the information looking at the ins and outs of american defense policy, i know that i don't, but i know i'm matwatching the majo intersections. >> a purpose is wars are now fought of the cia. they don't just engage intelligence to support wars. they act operationally as part of the war. that's always been true. overthrown governments and done things along those lines but the drone wham for the war in pakistan, yemen, libya, run through the cia and lets president obama run our secret war that is are already covert anyway and do so with almost no accountable with general petraeus at the cia and entirely immunized from oversight and certainly from public accountability and what you see is with, for example, starting of the war in libya without authorization and barely any debate and the wars that most americans don't know are taking place is this growing militarization of the cia in removing it from the apparatuses of democratic accountability. >> very quickly, again, for the longest time the democratic party was seen as the party of resistance, advocating many of the policies you just described and clear that the gop with the exception of perhaps ron paul and that faction of the republican party, there appears to be no one in the two-party political system that's odd voluntary kating for basic democratic principles. >> as you say, these were part sal principles. now that they're obama's policies, as well. they become consensus and barely debated name and the objections of democrat s eroded away. sunny and optimistic note. >> on that note, are you a betting man? do you like to bet? >> i do, actually. >> we haven't really been super into the royal wedding around here and figured maybe if we checked the betting line on the wedding -- >> right. >> -- we could make it interesting. so you're welcome to stick around. i'm going to show the line on everything from -- you can make 1,000-1 if he wears a red dress. >> great opportunity. >> i'll show you the odds if you're interesting in placing bets. >> how could i not be? >> think of me as dylan the book bookie. coming up on "hardball" the birther issue may be still here. but first, even if you're not into the royal wedding, maybe you're into betting on the color of the dress. i'll play bookie right after this. make a wish! oh. ooh. happy birthday todd. it's for a cough... from allergies... 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[ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. as you may well know by now, it is the final countdown to the royal wedding and we have decided only way to get excited about this british shindig is to make money off of it. why should the english be the only ones cashing? msnbc's martin bashir is helping us bet the wedding. martin, i'll play bookie if you don't mind. >> please do. >> you can be my betting advocate. are you ready, sir? >> not particularly. i have never betted on anything in my life and never even bought a lottery ticket. i'll help you with the odds. >> i believe you're a man with conviction and insight and i believe conviction and insight will be very useful for my wagering beginning with the following. what color will hate's dress be? the odds on favorite is that it's ivory. $25 for a dollar if it's white. look at this. she comes out with a silver dress, martin, we are in the money. and if you really want to bet the dark horse, $1,000 for a dollar bet if kate wears a red dress. do you think the bookie has it right? we should move away from this bet? >> dylan, for a man of your intellectual capabilities, that is a nonsense. what you need to be doing is wagering on the color of the queen's hat. >> i've got that. >> that is much more difficult to predict. >> all right. here we go. fine. >> that book i wouldn't bother with. >> skip the dress. let's go to the queen's hat. much more interesting hat as my wedding expert and betting expert martin bashir advised me. $7 if it's yellow. $17 if it's blue. she busts out the pink and we're certain to get paid, martin. interestingly, if white hat pays extraordinarily well and a black hat to figure is completely off the radar, i mean, i have most feeling to pay more and what do you think between yellow and light blue an pink? >> two weeks ago, because the weather was very warm here, everybody was hedging towards the yellow. but at the moment, it's in the mid-50s here. it's actually started to rain a bit. and so, people are beginning to hedge more towards the blue. so i think on that one, put your money on the blue. i think you're going to be surprised. a lot of the bookies were talking to journalists in the city here saying, oh, it is definitely going to be yellow. to wind up the bets on the yellow and i think they realize if the weather's cold, the queen tends to wear light blue. >> two more very quickly. length of the first kiss, 0 to 3 second, 3 to 67 seconds, $13. 6 to 10 pays $55 and if the two of them start smooching more than a minute, i'm taking you to the caribbean, martin. what do you like in this? >> i think you are looking at a fairly short three to six seconds. you have to build on precedent and the precedent is that the royal family tends to pucker up fairly quickly in public. and very rarely generally except for occasions like this. >> yeah. >> so i think you are looking at between three and six seconds. >> finally, may be the most compelling bet of the day, who at the wedding at westminster abbey, a magnificent wedding, will be the first to cry. will it be the mother of bride? the bride herself, $25 for a $10 bet. elton john, $80. prince harry, $250. or the odds on favorite, even money -- >> this is ludicrous. dylan, you failed to include john boehner. he comes in at .5 of a second. he wins you the money! boehner is your man! he may not


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