The Gourmet Detective: A Healthy Place To Die: Crime comedy sequel, starring Dylan Neal and Brooke Burns. The Gourmet Detective: A Healthy Place To Die airs on GREAT! movies at 3:00 PM, Friday 26 January. Crime comedy sequel, starring Dylan Neal and Brooke Burns
A Gourmet Detective Mystery: Eat, Drink and Be Buried: Whodunit, starring Dylan Neal and Brooke Burns. A Gourmet Detective Mystery: Eat, Drink and Be Buried airs on GREAT! movies at 5:05 PM, Thursday 25 January. Whodunit, starring Dylan Neal and Brooke Burns
The Gourmet Detective: Death Al Dente: Murder mystery, starring Dylan Neal. The Gourmet Detective: Death Al Dente airs on GREAT! movies at 5:05 PM, Wednesday 24 January. Murder mystery, starring Dylan Neal