your stepfather is non-practicing muslim. your grandparents frequent something called the little red church. is there any wonder why so many americans are confused by him? they don t recognize him as a christian. no. that is why polls show that there are more people, the same poll, more people who don t know what religion he is, than there are people who believe he is a christian. 44% of independents. 41% of democrats. 46% of black voters don t have any idea what religion he is. it s only going to get worse. because of comments that come to light now like this. whose christianity would we teach in the schools? james doddson or al sharpton s? which passages of scripture should guide the public policy. should we go with lavidicus
spiritual and political advisors. what does he believe? are you then calling for the redistribution of wealth in society? absolutely. without any hesitation. that s what the gospel is all about. glenn: okay. america, let me ask you a personal question. if you found jesus, and you didn t believe anything, and you found jesus through jeremiah wright and sat there for 20 years, and your close personal friend and spiritual advisor was richard flager and now your current spiritual advisor is reverend jim wallis, do you think your friends might be confused because that s not what they hear in their church? when you are getting christianity from that trio after growing up in a family environment no, fault of his own, where your father is a muslim, an atheist. your mother is at least not practicing any religion.
children were taught. catalog of one of the library had 40 volumes. the followers of muhammad achieved much in science, particularly with chemistry, astronomy, mathematics and medicine. that sounds delicious, doesn t it? it sounds like it s all sunshine and lollipops. but let s now look how the christians fared in the same test from new york city schools and new york state schools. ready? excerpt from the lifting of the common procedures used by christians and the friars to introduce christianity in latin america. states, idols, temples and other material evidenced of paganism destroyed. christian buildings often constructed with site, on the site of destroyed native temples to symbolize and emphasize the substitution of one religion by another.
that suggests slavery is okay and eating shell fish is an abomination? or duteronomy which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith. glenn: i want to make this very, very clear. in america, religion is a personal decision. that s between you and god. people don t agree with my faith. i don t agree with other people s faith. that s okay. is it leading you to be a better person? that is for president obama to decide. if it starts to of course the public policy, then we do have to examine and question. these, the last comments are comments that the vast majority of christians can t relate to. couple that with what he said in an interview on faith in 2004. he said, so i draw from the christian faith. on the other hand, i was born in hawaii where there is obviously a lot of eastern influences. i lived in indonesia, the
largest muslim country in the world. between the ages of 6 and 10, my father was from kenya and though he was accurately labelled agnostic his father was muslim. i probably have to say intellectually i have drawn as much from judaism as any other faith. okay, now we re confused why people are confused what he is? where did he come from? we have christian, eastern religion influences, kenyan, agnosticism, judaism and islam. but america is expected to be solidly convinced he s a christian. anyway, in the interview he continued. so i m rooted in the christian tradition. i believe there are many paths to the same place and disbelief that there is a higher power, belief we are connected as people. that there are values that transcend race or culture. that move us forward. and there is an obligation for all of us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to those values lived. so, you top everything else off with there are many paths