around the world, i m john berman in highland, park, illinois, about 25 miles north of chicago. brianna keilar in new york this morning. behind me is the scene where now 24 hours ago six people were killed in a fourth of july parade. another 25 injured. and you can see the street behind me, it s a moment frozen in time. it was 10:15 a.m. where a shooter opened fire from a rooftop two blocks hence. but you can see the streets here littered with the beach chairs, towels, i see a frisbee, a beach ball, frozen in time, where people fled in every direction when they heard dozens of gunshots ring out from that roof. now, police say the shooter got to the roof from a back alley using a ladder, they called the shooting intentional, but random. now, eight hours after the shooting itself police did apprehend a person they re calling a person of interest. they also called this 22-year-old man a suspect. they got him after a short police chase. police got him on a road about five miles f
prices. it s such an important reminder, though, some of the folks who own these gas stations, they re small business owners. and their competitor has the price advertised right there. we go to the lowest price. i do it. christine romans, thank you so much. new day continues right now. good morning to our viewers in the united states and all around the world, i m john berman in highland park, illinois. brianna keilar in new york this morning. i am standing right on the parade route. 25 miles north of chicago, where yesterday at 10:15 a.m. a gunman opened fire in the middle of a fourth of july parade, killing six people. injuring 25 more. there you can hear the gunshots ringing out there in rapid s succession, in the middle of this, what was supposed to be joyous moments. in fact, you can still see behind me, this moment frozen in chair. beach chairs still litter the streets here for blocks and blocks. i see a towel, a frisbee, a beach ball, all left behind. it g
this happens every time. it makes consumers feel they re getting cheated but what it is, many times, the small business owners are trying to make it up. those selling gas, the margins are very low. they want lower gas prices because when you have more money in your pocket you walk inside the convenience store and you buy other stuff. and they make more money on the candy bar than the gas. the margin is bigger on the candy bar than the gas. it s a complicated set of factors from the gas station to your gas tank. there s an awful lot of economicl companies are drillin the oil what s frustrating for the white house is what will be big profits for the igbig oil companies. for jane and jill just filling up their gas tanks, it they re looking to place the blame. the white house can t lower gas