Inion Software aims to provide businesses and organizations with tools and solutions that will enable them to benefit from more efficient use of solar power plants and, in so doing, generate more green electricity. According to Dr. Šarūnas Stanaitis, one of the co-founders, this collaboration is a particularly beneficial one for both sides, for it helps to share innovations while at the same time promoting technologies that allow for improved solar energy monitoring.
With Russia cutting gas supplies in response to European sanctions over its war in Ukraine, solar has become the fastest-growing source of renewable energy on the continent this year.
While visiting Germany last month, Elon Musk proffered unsolicited advice to European leaders. "Spain should build a massive solar array. Could power all of Europe," it said. Is that really possible?
One of the main objectives of this collaboration is to promote the production and use of even more efficient, sustainable clean energy throughout Spain and to make a significant contribution to the country’s fast-growing renewable energy development.