Fiji is being and gulf by a steadily rising sea which makes its presidency of this years Climate Conference an all the more Urgent Mission it is the first small island nation to chair the conference which is taking place now here in germany the goals to build on the Paris Agreement by taking steps to limit Carbon Dioxide emissions and the activities that produce them activities such as mining and burning coal thousands of protesters say that has to end but at what price Climate Change who pays to save the planet thats the question were posing today on quadriga and here are the guests were going to answer at claudia kemp but she is the head of the Energy Transportation and Environment Department of the German Institute for Economic Research she also serves as a member of the German Advisory Council on the environment which consults with the federal government and she says smart people dont waste time stuck in the past they invest in the. Growth markets of the future markets that will be
The mexican president wants to legalize gay marriage. Today he signed initiatives to amend the constitution and the federal civil code. Gay marriage is already legal in some parts of mexico. Bernie sanders looks to continue his winning streak in todays kentucky and oregon primaries. Kentucky is considered the bigger prize. Front runner Hillary Clinton has a significant delegate lead. Donald trump and londons first muslim mayor have taken verbal shots at each other. But he extended an olive branch. He invited donald trump to london to meet his family and the british public. Global news 24 hours a day, powered by her 2400 journalists in more than 150 news bureaus around the world. Im mark crumpton. Next is bloomberg west. Emily im emily chang and this is bloomberg west. Coming up, mr. Cook comes to mumbai. Ceos is on the apple itinerary for the very first time. Will britain stay or will it go . Sidesoft ticks picks in the great brexit debate. Company chairman John Thompson joins us to ex
Muslim mayor have taken verbal shots at each other. He invited donald trump to london to meet his family and the british public. Global news 24 hours a day, powered by her 2400 journalists in more than 150 news bureaus around the world. Im mark crumpton. Next is bloomberg west. Emily im emily chang in this is bloomberg west. Mr. Cook comes to mumbai. India is on the Apple Studios itinerary for the very first time. Will britain stay or will it go . Microsoft pick sides in the great grexit debate. Company chairman John Thompson joins us to explain. Shares took another dive. But first, to the lead. Apple ceo tim cook set his sights on the massive market potential of india. He kicks off his first visit to the country wednesday. Besides and unconfirmed meeting with the prime minister, hes pushing for opening of his first retail store in the nation and announced an Accelerator Program for ios developers in bangalore. So why now . India is a market too good to ignore. Mobile sales declining o
I said from the moment that the fed started tightening that from now on we will be fighting the fed. Theyre not our friend. Theyre not our mortal enemy but theyre not our friend. Ever since the bottom in 2009 the fed was there to help us, or at least not hinder us. Were down 6 and we would finally be free of the chatter about what would be their next move but no sooner did they raise rates than they began to tell everyone that their job is beginning and might tighten as many as four times this year. Since then this horrendous sell off in china. Its silar tthe destructe force that dcended un our marketlast augt. Backhen ifou recl thfed was out pull e triggeon ra hikbut they tught betterf it. Now th tyreuyin they he chos to ke one input tter me than a oth inheir disio to rae rateand that thenly inpu plumting andasing flatn. Itshat hiring is od which meanif we get a robust employment number tomorrow morning we could finourselve do subantially becauset wod mean more talk thathe fed must ti
Zuckerberg and vanity fair. All of that ahead on bloomberg west. Host as gearing up to big event tomorrow and unveil a new version or versions of the iphone. Last year we saw the most significant redesign of the iphone since it came out in 2007, but were not asked that thing another major redesign this time. More like a minor upgrade. What exactly will we see . Director forrogram the Mobile Division and a senior wireless tech analyst. Thank you all for joining us. Everyone is so excited about tomorrow, even though it will be a minor of rate. Adam, i will start with you. What do we know about the new features of the phone . Adam it will look like the ones that are out there now. Part of the a pump cycle where apple focuses more on the software. You will get a better camera and processor and some other new features, but like you said, is not as big as an upgrade as last year when there was anticipation for the bigger screens. We saw a hugear upgrade cycle, 74. 5 million iphones shipped.