morning. they are a christian band. they have been here before. we welcome them back. they sing holy water. many of you know what that is. if you are downloading some of their music, they sing a beautiful version i found it on youtube the bills of god, famous song a lot of nondenominational songs sing. their version of it is to beautiful. steve: we know a lot of people signed up for it. if you didn t get the v.i.p. tickets, you could still come down to 48th and sixth avenue. ainsley: we will be out there. we would love to see you. brian: scandalous at all. steve: bootleg tickets? ainsley: i haven t heard that it has been. we have very honest fans. brian: look. steve: a jeweler loop? ainsley: why would you go to the counter of making a counterfeit ticket sign up for v.i.p. ticket and it s free. steve: think ahead. in addition to the ticket to come and stand there on the astro turf to watch this group you get free this morning the mclemores from master built a
judge and the yankees win 1-0. carley: judge s 431-foot run, 39th of the season. only run scored the entire game. i think that s gum that they are throwing at him, steve. over to you. i have never seen that before. steve it could be bacon according to our next story. bacon! steve: have you ever heard of bacon soap or dairy vodka with small businesses slammed by inflation next two guests making the most of a bad situation with creative new products. owner of sunrise diner in maryland has branched into soap-making when the price of a case of bacon more than doubled the last year. now he uses the left overbay con grease the ladder to make bumble soap genius. ed to coke started making