120 pages it was an instant hip. it was co written by national review writer and editor brent bow zell. my father was speech right w for senator goldwater. he asked him to write the book that every candidate writes po before running for office as i understand it others recall it my father wrote it in 19 days. all of the writing was done by brad bozell. no y question about that. it was based on the ideas positions and speeches and other material provided by barry gold wauter. he raised issues that span the conservative spectrum he talked about eclipse of economic freedom talked a lot about communist threat how it was impossible to ee piece it. he also raised the issue of moral corruption gold wauter was also concerned people were learning about toe rye on big government be dependent on big government they were losing the stern virtues of self control
120 pages it was an instant hip. it was co written by national review writer and editor brent bow zell. my father was speech right w for senator goldwater. he asked him to write the book that every candidate writes po before running for office as i understand it others recall it my father wrote it in 19 days. all of the writing was done by brad bozell. no y question about that. it was based on the ideas positions and speeches and other material provided by barry gold wauter. he raised issues that span the conservative spectrum he talked about eclipse of economic freedom talked a lot about communist threat how it was impossible to ee piece it. he also raised the issue of moral corruption gold wauter was also concerned people were learning about toe rye on big government be dependent on big government they were losing the stern virtues of self control
between theory and practice. 120 pages it was an instant hip. it was co written by national review writer and editor brent bow zell. my father was speech right w for senator goldwater. he asked him to write the book that every candidate writes po before running for office as i understand it others recall it my father wrote it in 19 days. all of the writing was done by brad bozell. no y question about that. it was based on the ideas positions and speeches and other material provided by barry gold wauter. he raised issues that span the conservative spectrum he talked about eclipse of economic freedom talked a lot about communist threat how it was impossible to ee piece it. he also raised the issue of moral corruption gold wauter was also concerned people were learning about toe rye on big government be dependent on big government they were losing the