Could you please allow a little space on your platform to address this social problem that is happening in the Bahamas?
We are a country that looks to tourism as our bread and butter but I don’t think that our elected leader takes running this country very seriously. In the past two weeks, there were two major news stories that were aired on Beyond the Headlines with host Clint Watson where family has gone to the media to air their concerns.
The first was the family of a young man, Edward Williams, Jr., whose picture police released – with his address and personal information – to social media. In an independent Bahamas, this shouldn’t happen. It is a great disservice to every Bahamian citizen that our very own police force could place an innocent man in harm’s way by releasing false accusations against him for the very serious crime of murdering some one. We all saw it was not him that was caught on surveillance cameras committing this heinous crime.