- January 2nd, 2024 - Recharge Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce the Ministerio de Produccion y Desarrollo Sustentable? del Gobierno de Salta has approved the Company's drill permit for an additional two 2 wells on the Pocitos 2 block at the. - Veroeffentlicht am 02.01.2024
, 14, 2023 - Recharge Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce the WSP Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate report for its Pocitos One Lithium Brine Project in Salta Province called "Recharge Resources.News Release .DOCX Pocitos Project, Salta Province,. - Veroeffentlicht am 14.12.2023
, 6, 2023 - Recharge Resources Ltd. is pleased to provide the following update on the Company's Pocitos One Lithium Brine Project located near Pocitos township in Salta Province, . WSP Australia Pty Ltd. has provided a first draft to the Company of. - Veroeffentlicht am 06.12.2023
, 14, 2023 - Recharge Resources Ltd. is pleased to provide the following update on the company's Pocitos One Lithium Brine Project in Salta, . Detailed logging of the core of the two wells drilled in 2018 - PCT 2018-1 to 360m and PCT 2018-02 to 407m. - Veroeffentlicht am 14.11.2023
, 24, 2023 - Recharge Resources Ltd. is pleased to provide the following update on its drilling plans at the Pocitos 1 Lithium Brine Project located near Pocitos township in Salta Province, . The company has outlined a plan to drill an additional 3. - Veroeffentlicht am 24.10.2023