2011? i couldn t walk. i couldn t talk. happy birthday to happy birthday dear gabby now i m giving speeches again. baruch ata adonai i m studying for my bat mitzvah. and i m riding my bike for 25 miles in el tour de tucson. music? oh, yeah. when you face hard times, how do you move forward? i tell myself move ahead.
more money. she never took very many radical stances. she was never anti gun. gabby owned guns. gabby was kind of a bit of the it girl in tucson. everybody knew gabby. she grew up there and she was so successful. she was in the arizona legislature and then she was in congress. she was the first jewish congresswoman from arizona. and then she met an astronaut. tensions were high. luckily, replacement costumes were shipped with fedex. which means mr. harvey could picture the perfect night. we re ready for the holidays, so you re ready for what s next. [applause] coverage, care, get it all. new excellence crème hair color.
in america. there is a cultural attachment to the idea of guns and firearms as being wrapped up in freedom. but partly, frankly, you have a cynical combination of gun and armaments manufacturers and an nra that has successfully mobilized at a grass roots level and is able to stoke fear. i want to be clear. that tragedy in tucson was a terrible crime. in my heart and i know yours does too goes out to all the victims and their loved ones. but it s time for some frank talk. the media and the political elites want us to believe that if we just pass another law or two, we can stop a mad man bent on violence. when they tell you that a government ban on certain firearms or magazines will somehow make you safer, don t you buy it, not for one second. i want you to try to scream
all together, her senior staff in tucson and from d.c., and it was obvious that a big decision had to be made. my recommendation was gabby stay in office for the rest of the year. she said, you know, the people who elected me need someone who can give them 100%. action. got to step down. people, arizona. step down, people, arizona. right now, work to do. work to do. work to do. work oh. step down. step to congress this year.
information. i lived in texas close to the johnson space center. obviously i had to get to tucson in a hurry. i had a friend who could fly us there. my mom went with us. my kids. we do not know her condition right now. we do not have the conditions of any of those we just kept watching the news over and over again. you do see what appear to be bodies on the ground. correct. we get about halfway to tucson, and that s when news stations, you know, pronounced gabby dead. npr is now reporting that congresswoman gabrielle giffords is, in fact, dead. one very reliable source on capitol hill confirming that congresswoman gabrielle giffords has died. that was the first time i saw my dad break down ever. to me it felt like the world was going to end. loved gabrielle. i was, like, devastated and shocked. and i remember getting up out of my seat and going to the bathroom. just a tremendous loss for