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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20150508

memorial marking a victory in europe day. we're talking to the veterans this morning, live on the scene with more, nikki? it has been an incredible ceremony already. we've been here all morning and the ceremony for wreath laying just wrapped up. there are hundreds of veterans and their family, incredible to see them walking around, they are the greatest generation, incredible. kind of like a reunion, walking around talking to each other, telling stories and i was talking to one of the veterans he was a pilot in world war ii, another one was on the beaches of normandy. he said if anyone said they weren't afraid that day, they were lying. but being here now, the only thing they keep thinking about is all their buddies who are no longer here. they lost some great guys and can't help but think of them. look at the crosses here, the memorial. they played all of the songs for each of the branches of service again they had the wreath laying ceremony. just a few minutes probably about 5 to 10 minutes they are going to have a really special event. a fly over of vintage aircraft here in the sky, there is going to be dozens of them flying around. that is something really special to see, especially for these pilots who were actually doing that 70 yearsing 70 years. i said what is that going to feel like? one guy said i'm going to wish i was in there. i talked to one veteran turning 90 years old. he said he is going to celebrate his 90th birthday by jumping out of one of those vintage planes. he said if president bush can do it, i can. it is exciting an incredible opportunity for them, and opportunity for these veterans. i'm going to step out of the way. i think they might be coming. right now. if you're just joining us now. it is a private plane. any minute now they should be coming through here, there are thousands of people out here now and it is amazing to see all these veterans. some of them not here who made the ultimate sacrifice. and they are just incredible people. its been an honor to talk these veterans. members of the greatest generation. be sure to stay tuned to we'll be live streaming and tweeting out video. back to you in the studio. thank you. it is called the arsenal of democracy capitol fly over. we'll bring it to you live if we can. a long awaited honor for another world war ii veteran today. years after gaining his freedom. joe goodwin just received his bronze star from the government. it go with his purple heart and prisoner of war medal. he was forced to walk 100-miles to a camp. >> down the road, they go back every day. >> the state of tennessee will official honor joe goodwin for his service on memorial day. the justice department announced it will conduct an investigation of the baltimore police department, the mayor stephanie rawlings-blake asked there for that after the riots and protests. freddie gray suffered a fatal spinal injury. loretta lynch revealed the details earlier this morning she says it will continue to see if the baltimore police will engage in any drim nary practices over the years. baltimore states attorney filed criminal charges against six police officers who were involved in the arrest of freddie gray. four people were killed when a small plane crashed into a busy atlanta interstate. the aircraft crashed into interstate 285 after taking off from detab peachtree airport. the east west highway was shut down at this hour as well, it is unclear at this point what caused the crash and we are still waiting to find out about the victims. >> underway to improve security at the white house. installing vehicle checkpoints on e-street and the constitution avenue interest, concrete barriers will replace the steal plate barriers. sharp metal points will be put on top of the white house fence to discourage people from trying to scale it. a d.c. teenager caught on camera attacking 69-year-old man in the metroation will be sent home from jail. but 19-year-old eli smith will have to undergo monitoring until his trial. smith is facing felony assault charges for violently punching albert. he was knocked unconscious and nearly fell down the escalator. >> well, you know, he wished what's happened didn't happen. sometimes things happen for one reason or the're. >> the suspect's family had no comment as they left the courthouse as a condition of his release, he'll have a curfew, undergo anger management. a pedestrian is now being treated for serious injuries she received when she was hit by a car this morning. sky 9 was over the scene we're told a victim was a 58-year-old woman, the accident shut down the northbound lanes of the park way between summer field drive and sterling road for several hours. the driver of the car that hit the woman did remain on the scene. >> a smokey scare for some passengers on a delta airline flight, the plane that left fortlauderdale had to make an emergency landing in south carolina. an hour into the flight an engine problem filled the cabin with smoke and 60 minutes producer happen to be on board. passengers had to put their heads down on their lap because the air would be fresher there. delta put travels on another flight and reached new york without incident. >> more violent weather and possible tornadoes are expected in the southern plain states. in texas emergency crews are responding to a gas well fire that was caused by lightening. a train derailment is expected to be near that, a clean up also continues in oklahoma after dozens of tornado touched down on wednesday, don champion is in norton, oklahoma. >> a mangled freight train scattered across the tracks in northern texas. transportation officials are investigating whether heavy rains may have washed out the tracks causing the derailment. four workers suffered injuries. an apparent lightening strike sparked a fire near dallas, no one was hurt. >> severe weather has been battering the southern plains another suspected tornado caused damage over night in north texas, heavy rains left behind floodwaters. and the family is cleaning up after a hectic night water started rushing into their home just after midnight. >> within an hour it was about 3 feet. >> here storm prediction center in norman oklahoma, saying tornadoes will only get higher this weekend. >> tornadoes have already hit many people in central oklahoma very hard. an rv park in oklahoma city was demolished and hundreds of homes were damaged. mark is confident bridgecreek will recover. >> there will be people all over the united states pouring in here to help us. we can count on it there is no doubt they'll be here, i've seen it. over and over. >> saying all his stuff can be replaced but for him, this american flag was worth saving. don champion, cbs news, norman oklahoma. the maryland public service commission is expected to announce its decision on the merger coming up next friday. critics say the merger would be bad for customers, jobs and the economy. supporters say that merger would result in greater reliability in the service area. prime minister david cameron is headed back to number 10 street. cameron after securing a majority congratulating former coalition partner nick, and opposition leader. cameron's promise to govern as one nation, one kingdom. david letterman fair well tour, tina faye said it was the last time she wore a dress on the talk show so she gave it to dave. >> this is it. >> last dress ever. >> well you go, last dress ever on her leotard. and we're going to talk about an injury, also checking the skies over the national mall for those vintage world war ii planes, 50 of them were scheduled to go by. stay with us. . welcome back, the washington wizards are meeting with multiple doctors trying to figure out the best course of action after injuring his wrist, it happened in the play off game against the atlanta hawks, even though he was hurt, he went onto finish the game. and john definitely, the wizard records saying john has 5, nondisplaced fractures in wrist and hands. here is dr. robert heimes, he is a surgery at the hospital. thanks very much for joining us, doctor. what is the difference between a nondisplaced fracture than a normal fracture or break? >> they are really the same. medical personnel, we use the term fracture. where nonmedical personnel use the term break they are actually the same. >> what is nondisplaced? >> meaning the fragments remain like a hairline a fracture where the two pieces fit perfectly together displaced meaning they are widely separated. >> oftentimes if you have to reset the bone to make it aligned once again, does that mean healing takes longer? how does something like this heal? >> absolutely correct. nondisplaceed fracture typically would heal in four to six weeks, if they are displaced and require surgery, healing could be little longer. >> if you watch the wizards, he is a leader on the floor, off the floor, can he return before the series is over? >> that's a really good question, the question everyone wants to know. it is going to be difficult, have a fair amount of swelling, decreased hand functionality. wearing a brace is not really an option. if he does make the decision to play whether it is painkillers or the way they wrap it, creatively can he make it worse by playing? >> absolutely. so the worse case scenario would be to play, to reinjure and then take fractures that are not displaced and make them displaced requiring surgery or d healing. >> wow. so there is really probably not a whole lot he can do to try to get on the floor. >> it is going to be tough, we'll see. >> all right dr. robert heimes, we appreciate your time. >> coming up a family story that comes to life. going to be joined by one of theactresses, stay with us. before we go, we do have some of the vintage world war ii flames right now, this is arsenal of democracy world war ii victory capitol fly over, more than 50 of these planes flying down the river and ending up near the capitol between now and 1:00, there are hundreds down at the world war ii memorial watching these fly over people are in their boats as they fly over, reagan airport is closed right now to let these planes fly through, beautiful, let's take a look. ♪ (piano music) ♪ fresher dentures, for the best first impression. love loud, live loud polident. ♪ ♪ fresher dentures... ...for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident. ♪ ♪ . welcome back, there is a world premier place focusing on disconnected, playing at arena stage right now. it is a play about family and coming together in times of need here now is one of the ensemble casts. nice to meet you. for people who don't understand about this, tell us the story line. >> as you said there are four sisters. we all come together with our childhood home in georgia off the coast of georgia, an island called plamara. it explores the culture of legacy, the fight for trying to keep your heritage, not having people come over and takeover your island, put up high-rises and vacation property. but these four sisters are meeting after their mother has passed away on their annual quilting. so it is what ensues after that, what happens when you're raw from the death of someone in your family, the central figure in your fall -- family. like the quilt we're building. we have to blow it apart and have to put it all back together. >> when you blow it apart, your relationships with the mother? >> the mother with each other, with secrets that are revealed, all kinds of things. it is quite a lovely piece. you start with scrap, putting together a quilt and you weave together a beautiful piece. >> and they are amazing. i play the eldest daughte clementine. i am the one who stays. i'm the one who lives and we have the youngest daughter who is off to fly to spread her wings arguably would be the most successful. then you have daughters between, you know, who also left the island. but where we fall in that lineup plays in the drama, but it is extremely heartwarming, funny. you're laugh and cry. >> the final character, generally, truly is the audience. they are i guess what you would call the sixth sister. they have been informing us beautifully about this piece in its development. every audience comes and leaves enriched by it. >> if you'd like to see it is called the blood quilt. it is playing through the first week of june? >> so nice to meet you thank you for coming in, break a leg as they say. weather time, erica take it away. this of course is a big weekend for a lot of folks, mother's day weekend. a lot of people getting out and doing activities, susan g coman race for the cure, or people staying close to home and planting flowers. mother's day is the date to go ahead and put the flowers in the ground. of course in the immediate belt way area we've been okay since about may first, it is something to keep in mind we can finally start to put those flowers in the ground and get all that stuff taken care of. i wanted to give you a look at subtropical storm anna we'll keep a close eye on this system because that could put a damper on your weekend plans. as of now it doesn't look like we'll see much of anything in the way of showers. in your day planner just a beautiful afternoon today, feeling a little bit more like summer than maybe you might want for early may. 83 degrees at 3:00, winds out of the southeast at about 10 miles per hour this afternoon. helping to keep things feeling nice and refreshingly comfortable. right now 79 degrees in downtown washington, 77, waldorf and andrews, 77 also in martins. on satellite and radar of course we show you this tropical satellite way down to the south of us, looks like that system will just kind of meander along the coast of the carolinas as we head into this afternoon though we'll look for our temperatures remaining nice and mild along with the dry weather remaining with us. all right. we'll try to get you the seven day in just a second right now are we going to take live video of the planes? is that why we're tossing the break? is that why you're getting if you struggle with type 2 diabetes you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections changes in urination high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. . we just want to give you another look at the world war ii over the potomac headed towards the capitol. these vintage world war ii planes are taking a journey. streaming live online as well. speaking of veterans, coming out of the military can face a difficult situation, especially when it comes to finding a job. vice president of navy business services saying one option could be starting their own business. so nice to meet you jim thank you for being here. >> one of the things that can be daunting, i know vets that got out trying to understand that we need key capital, and an idea this can be difficult to kind of take the first step. >> it can be very difficult, these men and women have to believe in themselves. they've had experiences and training that most other people haven't. in an institution, we like to believe ourselves to be the military financial institution for men and women in the services. we can help guide them through that process and there is also other resources available out there to them, website has the same path of resources, they have veteran support groups and also have an organization called score, service retire executives is to find a mentor. >> when you want to start from scratch, you need some guidance to say look make this mistake here or take the first step. >> correct. we at navy federal, we have a team of 30 dedicated people that will help also with that conversation and we can direct them to people that they have more in depth conversations with. >> i'm sorry i have to leave it there we're running out of time. it is nice to meet you. >> pleasure being there. >> we're back on >> kyle: my dad woke up. i was out for a walk, and i missed it. how do you expect me to feel? >> abby: kyle, you couldn't have known. >> kyle: i might have missed my last chance to talk to him. >> ashley: how is he? >> phyllis: same. >> ashley: phyllis, i'm not here just to check on jack. >> phyllis: if you're gonna start in again about business -- >> ashley: i need to talk to both you and kyle. >> phyllis: about the company? >> ashley: yes. >> phyllis: okay. yeah. my husband is fighting for his life, so i really could not care less about newman-abbott at the moment, and neither should you. >> ashley: i understand that but what you don't understand is that there may not be a newman-abbott enterprises at all. >> victoria: is jack's condition still critical? >> billy: they induced a coma, so... >> victoria: i'm so sorry


Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 7pm 20150508

gray want the charges dropped or the state's attorney to step aside from the case. >> lawmakers filed that motion tonight. either way the department of justice launched a federal investigation into the baltimore police department. loretta lynch will check to see if there is a pattern of violations in the department. >> we'll seek a court enforcement agreement to address the issues. >> federal authorities are conducting a separate civil rights investigation in gray's death. department of justice will review that. it is expected to take several months. today baltimore's fraternal order of police said it welcomed the investigation but suggested looking into baltimore city mayor blake. statement referenced the ferguson police department and the department of justice included a review of that city's government from the top down and they think the same is needed in baltimore. fed's spent nearly a decade helping county officers turn around their image and their crime stats. >> reporter: i'm prince george's county bureau chief. this is a county no stranger to department of justice oversite of the police department. like the kind that's coming to baltimore now. outcome here undeniable improvements. >> aggressive. >> reporter: prince george's county police between 1990 and '99 had among the highest police shooting rates in the nation. federal investigation and oversite lasted nine years. one turning point, a dog handler prosecuted by the fed's on a civil rights violation for setting her police dog on an unarmed homeless man not resisting. she got ten years. since then more officers caught and prosecuted. last week officer jerry thomas was convicted for punching a handcuffed teen. the case brought to prosecutors by the police department itself. >> it helped me pick the police chief i have today. >> reporter: since federal oversight was lifted in prince george's county in 2009 police fatal shooting rate has plummeted and so has crime. down 40% since 2010. in prince george's county scott broom wusa 9. >> county executive and montgomery county executive spent the day in baltimore urging d.c. residents to help the city recover by visiting the city's museums, the inner harbor and other attractions. subtropical storm ana is brewing off the southeast coast. >> i think we'll be okay. i think it will stay to our south until monday night. it could enhance our showers sunday. it will meander off the south carolina and north carolina coast. it is 170-miles east southeast of myrtle beach. it is subtropical. most heavy activity is offshore. it will move into the north and northwest making landfall saturday or sunday. winds are not a factor. 50 mile-per-hour winds saturday by 2:00. sunday 2:00 40 miles per hour winds. then it turns north and west. it is south of norfolk 4:00 on monday. nothing to worry about until monday night. it might throw a shower or way. it is a real mess along the carolina coast. we have tropical storm warnings in effect for south carolina and north carolina. it is crazy but we have tropical storm warnings, severe weather tomorrow and snow in the rockies all seasons combined. 8:00 tomorrow morning on future cast a couple showers possible. unrelated to ana. temperatures in the 60s. we'll take you through the weekend when we turn. >> thank you topper. threats from isis has all u.s. military bases on high alert. the change is not due to a specific threat. but the overall threat after the attack in garland, texas and social media chatter. it means heightened security at bases and insulations. guards may ask for two form of i.d. quanticowhich is the only town in america completely surrounded by a military base people are used to increased security. >> security issues arise or inclement weather disasters, the base has purview to limit or control the access. they do card and i.d. check on everyone coming to town. >> chairman of the house homeland security committee say there are extremists living in the u.s. only a small number are under active surveillance. prosecutors are asking a judge to give a disgraced georgetown rabbi a sentence of 17 years. he admitted he had secretly recorded dozens of women over the years as they undressed in the changing room of the jewish ritual synagogue in georgetown. the sentencing is next friday. dozens of his victims will be there. prince george's county public school system says as a result of a fight that took place yesterday several high school students have been charged with assault and disruption of school activities. some students have been suspended. investigation is still underway. extra security was on hand today at fairmont heights. we are told the school will have extra security in place next week. it is a weekend in jail for the teen charged with punching a man at the eastern market metro station. this morning a judge said eli smith could be released with an ankle bracelet and curfew. attack was caught on camera. smith was accused of knocking out a man three times his age. he falls all the way down the escalator. the victim told us he is back to riding metro. a good update tonight on the missing howard university student. today police and rangers found lance buckley in maryland. they say he is doing fine. earlier today officials released pictures of buckley using an atm from howard university earlier in the week. 33-year-old is a father of two, including a newborn. has supposed to graduate from howard tomorrow. in d.c. we remembered victory in europe with a flyover bein world war ii aircraft. >> thousands of people turned out to cheer on the national mall. >> reporter: i'll bruce at the world war ii memorial. there are some days you realize it is fantastic to be a washingtonian. this was one of those days. planes rolled in the order they rolled in the war. first came the trainers. >> it is wonderful. >> reporter: then the fighters and the big bombers. >> spectacular! >> reporter: captain jerry yellen flew 19 bomber missions over japan. >> it is rather important for the younger generation to know what we did. that's why i'm here. >> reporter: seaman david was down below. >> it was nice to know you had help coming. >> reporter: when one plane pulled out of the missing man formation, it was a chance for the nation to remember all the good people lost to war. with enough maintenance seems like the old war birds can keep flying forever. old vets cannot. we are losing them at a rate of 13,000 a month. we have to listen while we still can. at the world war ii memorial wusa 9. >> scale of sacrifice during world war ii is hard to comprehend. 476,000 troops died. kur test diver had to make an emergency landing reagan international airport. the other two planes continued their flight. nobody was hurt. classics and new additions to the most popular baby names list. we have the top ten. plus, a baby stops breathing in a local parking lot. luckily there was a cop nearby. heroic efforts he took to save that child's life. secret service begins work it could be up to a year before we know what caused a plane to crash on an interstate. the pilot landed short he after taking off. all four people on board were killed. no one on the road was hurt. it caused major backups for several hours today. this could be a rough weekend for folks in the plain states. there is threat of more bad weather. it could bring more tornadoes, huge hail and damaging winds. this, as residents try to clean up as dozens of tornadoes hit the area earlier this week. a lawmaker is hoping to make change after a drone strike mistakingly killed a hostage. we are calling on a new position to help families of hostages abroad. >> we are not doing as good of a job as we can as a nation. our relationships with other count rip and intelligence assets and resource on the ground, we are not doing all the things we should do to find these people. i want one person dedicated to developing a strategy. >> that's a tiny part of our conversation. hear the rest of it sunday at 8:30 on wusa 9. can they do it again? which's what fans are wondering as the team close out a series against the new york rangers. they help the rangers to a goal or less in three games. a win tonight will advance capitals to an eastern conference finals for the first time in 17 years. if you are itching to get out of town. b.w.i. has an interesting destination. great evening. with the warm air, we have a pollen problem. high now again for trees. high for grasses. moderate for mold spores. speaking of flowers, we say don't plant flowers until mother's day. you are safe from frost now. coming up toni (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. no. not possible. we're the settles! when we go on vacation, it's hard to find, like, those little activities that are kind of fun and educational. i think with williamsburg, you have all of that educational part rolled into the fun. it's already here. this is probably the most fun i've had all summer. a young boy somehow squeezed in a small piece of luggage in an airport. the 19-year-old woman was trying to smuggle him from morocco into a small spanish territory. his dad was arrested a couple days later trying to cross into the border. the 8-year-old was treated and social services has him now. b.w.i. airport has a new destination today. the first wow air flight from iceland landed at b.w.i. an hour ago. these planes are tough to miss. wow air is a low-fare airline based in iceland. it is offering four nonstop round trip flights to that country every week. looking at the white house tonight you may notice temperature rare changes around 1600 pennsylvania avenue all designed to keep the president and his family safe. >> reporter: i'm at the white house where the secret service is beefing up security after profile series of breeches. it happened again and again. brazen individuals who managed the scan the white house fence. starting in july the secret service will do more to keep fence jumpers outs. sharp metal points will be installed on top of the existing fence that surrounds the heavily guarded complex. crews started early today on e street northwest where changes will be made to vehicle check points and officers booths. >> secret service and the national park service are working with other federal agencies to come up with long term solutions. save the life of an infant. officer dave reed was directing traffic outside of a busy shopping center when somebody told him there was a woman who seeped like she needed help. he pulled in the parking lot at sears and seen the woman in her car crying. she wasn't alone. she was holding a small baby and the baby did not seem to be moving. >> i did a sternum rub on the chest. i stroked the baby between the shoulder blades and the baby took a deep breathe and the mouth opened. the eyed opened. there was a startled look on the baby faced and it began to cry. you knew we were good. >> police are trying to investigate what went wrong for the young baby. over the next two years you'll probably notice more noahs and little emma's running around. >> those were the top two names of babies born last year according to the social security administration. here's a top look at the boys names. james made a return list for the first time in a long time. it was the top name in the 40s and 50s. emma reigned supreme after three years of sofia's role. charlotte made the top ten and that was before the dutchess of cambridge gave that name to her little girl. >> speaking of babies, a friend of men came to me and said yesterday, is jan pregnant? i said jan is so pregnant she is about to not be pregnant. today is jan's last day. for a couple of months. she is coming back. >> lovie will be here. >> you have been a trooper. >> we have to give it to you. you have been going hard. >> thanks to you guys and the viewers for the well wishes. we are ready for a safe, happy, little baby. >> do you have a name picked out? >> i do. kenzie. >> i want to be here at 11:00. i don't want to become the news. that's for sure. we are are looking at a great weekend. showers and thunderstorms but not a washout. don't freak out. let's talk about the three- degree guarantee. it will be like june in terms of temperature. today we picked out a high of 83. how did we do? we'll find out tonight at 11:00. live look outside at the weather cam. still 79. relative humidity 47%. here's a satellite and radar combined. tomorrow we have heavy snow, severe weather and tropical weather in the lower 48. that doesn't happen too often. these red boxes are tornado watches. we will probably see more of the same tomorrow in oklahoma and kanneh. this is a monster line of showers and thunderstorms pushing through the of oklahoma. off to the carolina coast we go. we have tropical storm warnings along north carolina and south carolina. this is ana subtropical. it will move northwest ward and make landfall over the weekend. it will stay south of us until tuesday morning. a few clouds pushing through the metro area. a very nice evening. a warm and dry friday night. we'll have some morning and afternoon showers tomorrow. they are not going to be confined to the afternoon. nothing heavy. better chance of thunderstorms on sunday for mom. ana will pass south next week, probably early tuesday morning. tonight at 10:00, upper 60s, low 70s with clear to partly cloudy skies. clouds roll back in late tonight. we'll have a couple of showers here and there. don't get too hung up on the exact location. the shower might be silver spring or fairfax. temperatures will be mild. a couple light showers in the morning. by 11:30 to 12:00 a couple showers possible. we are in the 70s. 5:00 we'll make low 80s tomorrow despite partly cloudy skies and a wave of showers. 10:00 great shape. upper 60s and low 70s. a repeat performance overnight tomorrow. showers could arrive into sunday morning. temperatures around 70. 66 to start. maybe a sprinkle. 69 at 9:00. 74 at 11:00. 77 and a shower at 1:00. better chance for storms for mom. 85 but not a washout. 87 on monday. probably our best chance for showers and thunderstorms. next seven days warm on tuesday. upper 80s. we are in the 70s. much cooler. this listen up... i'm reworking the menu. veggies you're cool... mayo, corn dogs... you are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. and now with... ...twich vitamin d ...which up to 90% of people don't get enough of. ohhhhhhh. the sunshine vitamin! ensure now has 2x more vitamin d to support strong bones. ensure. take life in. that is going to do it for our news at 7:00. >> we'll leave you with the video of the world war ii planes flying over the national mall today. make it a great night everyone. happy friday! there are a lot of channels on your tv but only so many you want to watch what if you could pay for the types of channels you want and not the ones you don't now, fios brings you a totally new way to customize your tv, at a price that's totally affordable. starting at $74.99 per month. get custom tv, including internet and phone. guaranteed for two years. plus, get a $300 visa prepaid card with your 2 year agreement. go to today. cable just gives you channels. fios gives you choice. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v okay, i need a better pizza. one made with only real cheese. a pizza my family will love. (announcer) freschetta naturally rising crust pizza. freschetta. made better to taste better. is kris jenner the secret mastermind behind the e news special. >> this promo's got kris's fingerprints all over it. >> it was kind of love at first sight. >> some are asking if she picked sweet and emotional scenes to promo the special. >> inside kris' playbook and how the kids are coping. ariana grande and lea michele in a neck brace, i'm first on the screen queen set. this is like crazy. also before mother's day and this is so sweet. gloria estefan's lessons from my mom. i say >> they're bonded in good times and bad. >> i heard gloria estefan is dead. and you have been called the biggest lady's man. >> that guy. >> lady killer.


Transcripts For RT News 20230104

news update is great to have you with us. and we start with don't bass, why civilian woman has been killed by the ukranian shelling of the donates republic city of alexandra cadets, according to local authorities earlier in the same area for us supplied hi mas rocket launchers were destroyed in the ukrainian control cities of june kafka and clem at tolorisk, as, according to russia's defense ministry, canadian journalist, eva bod. let's house the details of how the situation is escalating across the front lines. the rushes, the defense ministry has stated that in the attacks last night in just cove caught a 120 ukrainian soldiers were killed. i think many people by now might have seen the footage shown of the massive blast. it was captured on french television as it was broadcasting live last night. and according to the russian ministry of defense, they destroyed over 800 rockets used in multi launch rockets. since initially the rush has defense century update today noted that in addition to the 120 ukrainian soldiers killed another 134 and mercenaries were killed. also in mchuga to the east of daniel ukrainian. as shelling has been using american supplied hires. and january 1st, ukrainian attacks killed 63 russian soldiers in mckee, fca on the use of these high mar systems. it's, it's pretty well known by now on that as well. according to colonel douglas mcgregor, a well respected american colonel, he says he has stated in many interviews that it is not ukrainian forces that are operating the high mars, but american and british contractors. so that's an interesting additional piece of information. last night in yes, in a bottle, which is a city to the north of danielle ski crating shelling, targeted an apartment building. now i went there today and there were no reports of injuries. there was damage to the building and it was a completely residential area here in done yet, scott, january, 1st just after for i am ukraine child the very center of the city with 25 grad rockets hitting just blocks from where i'm standing now. they hit the, the main street are to my street. there are no military targets there whatsoever. i don't know. we haven't heard reports of injuries, but one apartment was badly damaged and there is a children's library, beautiful historic children's library, directly across the street that was damaged by the blast. and throughout the day to day, ukraine has continued to shell districts of denounced across the in the russian is output over here region. this is the aftermath of the ukranian shelling of a civilian hospital. local official say the site was hit several times at around 4 am on tuesday, although there's been no word about any casualties so far. the ongoing military conflicts, bonds, plenty of control overseas and scandals over the past 10 months as within media and politicians insisted on supporting kids side of the story. regardless of moscow is position. he's that donald quarter, we kept the key milestones of the war of words. so i thought the prelude to russia's special military operations saw a massive intensification of ukrainian shelling of civilian areas and don boss, and plans for renewed assault against the region. the leaders of the van self proclaimed done yet scan. lugens people's republics declared mass evacuations of civilians. they had only one place to run russia that needed this way. would you have wanted this for your child? would you? i also do on this fin, neither of my grandchildren a year. first, i wouldn't have left. it's just that i had a stroke, i always stayed her. now if left everything, every one behind tens of thousands of women children and the elderly fil temporary shelters throughout parts of western russia where they were welcomed by locals. days after the evacuations began, vladimir putin made what he called a long overdue decision to recognize the independence of the people's republics and sign treaties of military cooperation here too, that she could do that. the purpose of this operation is to protect people who for the past 8 years have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the key of regime to this. and we will seek to demilitarize and t not so fi ukraine as well as bring to trial. those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians including against citizens of the russian federation. but across the atlantic instead of addressing key ebs renewed offensive, it's constant cease fire violations or the previous 8 years in which ukraine was consistently shelling don boss, washington decided, all the blame for the conflict was moscow's to bear. russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring in the united states and its allies and partners will respond in the united and decisive way. mar saw a number of attempts to negotiate. a quick ends to the conflict with both sides, sitting down for talks in minsk and istanbul. but while russian officials are the ones who have been calling for a diplomatic solution long before the military operation began, he has power, careful. western patrons had something else in mind. a military victory over russia to jeden, with one german gone to the sheet of region 14. we want the ukrainians to win this war. we want to see mr. prudent and the russian army lose this invasion, lose this fight inside ukraine. on top of that, it was looking like he was using the negotiations to buy time until more western armaments could make it to the battlefield. he have certainly got what it wanted. thousands of western anti tank weapon systems, laser guided missiles and small arms were successfully delivered to ukraine, along with billions of dollars with the weapons and money to kiev came western sanctions of unprecedented severity on moscow. mainstream pundits predicted a death blow to the russian economy as the rubles value on international markets began a rapid downward spiral. but russia central bank reacted effectively and stabilized the markets leading to a backlash. and suddenly the west began to feel the heat of its own economic warfare. and the beginning of april russian troops deescalate it and pulled back from ukraine's northern regions. he of quickly declared victory while moscow called it a gesture of good will to pave the way for a cease fire. but for the west, it was merely a q to double down on its military aid to kiev. this wall will be one on the battlefield. additional $500000000.00 euros from the e. p for on the way weapons deliveries will be tailored to ukrainian needs. as a result, ukraine intensified it's bombardments of civilian areas across don boss. and the information war was also escalating. as we saw widespread fake news from key of supporters concerning a legit russian war. crimes was the case with bruce. the question arises, what is the reason of his blood and untruthful provocation in boucher which cannot be excused? we are inclined to think that the reason is to desire to disrupt in going negotiations. he accused, but the heat that he came to it, they know that american pot swims are certainly complicit in this criminal action. a sprinting fakes and blocking the truth. now tentative point of view, the materials of the investigators, they become complicit in this terrible tragedy which was the result of the cape regimes. crohn's by mid may russia secured victory and the key daniel republic, city of mario bull. following months of heavy fighting over 2000 ukrainian troops, many of whom were hardened as of neo nazis finally surrendered at the as of stall factory after a grueling siege for ki evan its western allies. these men who left as of stall, covered, and swastikas and other nazi symbols were heroes. however, the russians speaking locals who suffered through life under the aus all occupation, had some very different stories to tell. uncle glanced to for you. my wife told me that a ukrainian tank came and was shooting at a residential house. i have family there 2 kids. they were hiding in the basement like mice. oh no mama. i've buried my mother and decided to stay here with the wounded. the scariest moment was when the resolved fighters came. they used us as human shields. june saw ukrainian forces begin to use american supplied high marks, missiles which are both highly precise and highly devastating, but instead of focusing such firepower on the battlefield alone, washington helped kiev coordinate attacks against countless residential areas across on boss ah, ah, ah, despite the west continued supply of these nato great rockets and ukrainians use of them to kill civilians. u. s. and europe still claims they are not a party to the conflict. nathan? nope, paul, to, to the conflict. we support ukraine, but dr. michael's pointed to the culture, are we effectively at war with russia? no, we are not. not at all. russia is at war inside ukraine. and despite the rhetoric we heard from bruton last night, trying once again to make this about the west versus russia, the united states versus russia, or nato versus russia. nothing could be farther from the truth. in the military operations, 5th months, russia liberated the entire lugens people's republic. the black sea grained deal was also reached between moscow and keith with turkey and the united nations helping broker. the agreement. ukrainian grain could now return to the international market. under the protection of the russian navy, all after the west accused moscow of sparking a wave of world hunger pigeon is weapon ising hunger. he's using feed security as a callous to of all the decision to weaponized food is moscow's, and moscow's along this includes countries already under enormous doris. however, africans made it clear who was really to blame here. so lexia, or as far as access to russian products is concerned, the african union members are facing swift related sanction problems. as most of our banks have ties with european bunks, the usual payment procedures are no longer available to them. the vast majority of the grain exported under the deal consistently went to those who needed it. the least specifically in western europe. august was a month of nuclear danger. ukraine intensified. it's shelling of the zappa raj, a nuclear power station, the biggest of its kind in europe used to have like it was a little holes if the attacks of ukrainian army continue, a new killer catastrophe could happen at any moment. in this case, the entire responsibility for this will fall on the western sponsors of key of huge territories in ukraine. russia and other countries will be under the threat of radioactive contamination. the real scale of a new killer disaster at the plant is impossible to even imagine. once again, the west's knee jerk reaction was to blame it all on russia, which controls the plant. even the international atomic energy agencies visit to the site failed to make any headway as the organization stopped short of admitting that ukraine is the one targeting the facility. use both of them the to the shelling continues, despite the fact that international atomic energy agency staff has been presented to facility. and it is not hard to identify that party responsible. in the same months, amnesty international was accused of supporting terrorists by ukrainian president vladimir the lensky for daring to expose the ukrainian militaries use of civilians as human shields and violating the laws of war. month 7, ukraine launches relentless counter attacks in the regions of his son and hock, of incurring massive casualties. and washington admitted it took a huge role in coordinating ukrainian troops. we do engage with ukrainians, you know, at a, at a variety of levels on the military side. as we've said previously, we do provide time sensitive information to enable them to conduct operations and defend their, their homeland. in the same month, russia announced a partial mobilization with the goal of drafting, $300000.00 reservists, while for previously ukrainian regions voted in referendums to join the russian federation. they use guns, can i don't know whom liquor referendums were held in the denounce can lugens people's republics and is approaching. and harrison regents the results are well known. people have made their choice an unambiguous choice. in october, ukraine carried out a terrorist attack on the crimea bridge, killing 4 people and the west, congratulated them. the studious certainly welcomes dissing congratulates the ukrainian special operations units who are expected to be behind this operation. a motivation and luscious edison. it's a bone for the soul, especially given yesterday, was put in se birthday is correct, harris if such gift. i wish him more of such gifts, just 2 weeks prior russia's north stream gas pipelines were crippled by an act of sabotage and vladimir putin vowed revenge. those actions simply cannot be ignored. we will, of course, consider further steps. it would be impossible to do otherwise. it was a turning point and moscow's military strategy massive high precision. russian missile and drone strikes against ukraine's military and energy infrastructure became the name of the game. november saw rushes pulled back from her son's regional capital and i moved to save the lives of soldiers and civilians. as the city was too exposed and dangerous to defend. this was followed by a ukrainian purge of so called russian collaborators there and, and carter cove, not long after that. the media was screaming world war 3 after missile landfall on polish territory killed 2 people. ukraine pointed the finger at russia and the western media initially blindly followed key of skewed you as you how many times as ukraine said that the actions of the terrorist state will not be limited to our country alone. hissing nato territory with miss isles. this is a russian missile attack on collective security. this is a really significant escalation. action is needed. nature has shouldn't be restrained, at least in its language, in its message to russia. would the you asked me to adjust its force posture there, and there is actually a lot that nato could do. turns out though, it was a stray ukrainian surface to air missile something, even washington and poland were forced to admit. so here we are in december, the u. s. has already reached a whopping $22000000000.00 and it's total military assistance to kiev with almost $45000000000.00 more in aid approved for next year. that's to say nothing of all the other military aid the country received from the european union country. when you put it today, the military potential and capabilities of almost all major nato countries are actively used against russia. nevertheless, our enlisted soldiers and officers are fighting for russia courageously steadfastly, and competently step by step, solving the tasks that have been set. so that's how 2022 ends never ending flow of weapons and money to a country that has long been infamously corrupt and a global geopolitical confrontation between nuclear powers in what some are already calling world war 3 to west africa now, where the moroccan military positions have suffered increasing attacks by the western sahara liberation army in recent days, working for with his current control over 80 percent of the region which the south proclaimed sir raleigh. i will come across with public also lays claim to it. previous incidents, dozens of migrants were killed or injured while trying to illegally cross into a spanish enclave for marco ortiz, africa correspondent, corolla toddler investigates the colonial era. routes of the regions on west african victims of what moroccan authorities have called a stampede. on his border with spanish, not african enclave of molina discrimination and violence from police are often rooted in colonial and slavery. prisms. and this was no different ah. 6 months after the incident, the government of spain and morocco denied responsibilities for the deaths in molina, a relic of spain's colonial pass that is still cherished. today, the incident is alleged, saw thousands of migrants and refugees, tired of being changed public animals with little to no welfare. climb ob, 6 me to long iron fences that led to precious with police. scores of migrants were left dead, many died where they fell, the governments of morocco and spain under reported the full extent of this horror and denied any responsibility. but not every one was willing to take this at face value, even after enquiries by rabbit and madrid. at this dismal 6 month anniversary, the spanish american authorities have continued to deny any responsibility for the carnage at miller. there is a growing mountain of evidence of multiple, serious human rights violations. the smacks of a cover up and racism. spain rolled over western sahara from 1884 until 1975 following international pressure. the un resolution on the colonization, spain was forced to seed control over its territory. neighboring morocco wasted no time in annexing western sahara illegally claiming it's part of its kingdom for 5 decades. morocco waged war on the surrounding people. and for 16 of those years. the poly, sorry of france and national liberation movement lead the defense of the so wily length. the position expressed by the spanish government totally contradicts international legitimacy. the united nations, their freakin union, the european union, the international court of justice, the european court of justice and origin, organizations do not recognize moroccan sovereignty over the western sahara, but it wasn't as fe. germany also encouraged moral cause ref. berlin denounced former you as president donald trump's recognition of morocco's claim over with the thora and the united nations in march of 2021. moreover, and foreign ministry. 7 all ties with germany, including german organizations based in morocco. but as soon as one of shoals became the new chancellor, the country seemed to assume a much more relaxed and using energy issues caused by the ukraine conflict as an excuse. germany signed the hydrogen deal with morocco, berlin now to beck's moral cause, claim over, sell our we live. germany considers the autonomy plan presented in 2007 as a serious and credible effort by morocco. and as a good basis for a solution agreed upon between both parties. this european view paul chrissy of looking out for your own interest seems more like a western privilege. the united states, the so called defenders of democracy and liberty in the world also recognize morocco's claim. in a quid pro quo, the deal is a bite, has to amend its diplomatic ties with era, even though the united nations recognize the poly, sorry, or front as the legitimate representative of the salad. our we people, the west, only cares about it, interest and narrative, but for many in the global south, it would be a moral, any justice if west them interests are allowed to some do, gained an entire people without a rebuttal. cannibalization for r t in jonesboro. nigerian officials have announced the arrest of 10 suspected members of an illegal militant group following a raid on a training camp near the border with cameroon. prior to the raid officers receive tips, reportedly linking for uh, the arrested men to the burning of a nigerian police station in 2020 militants. and the region had been linked to separatists groups in the contested border area between carbone and nigeria. disputes between warring factions have result in scores of casualties, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee their homes with many going to neighboring nigeria. separatism has plagues cameroon, since as far back as 1961, when modern state lines were drawn, forcing former colleague things, and people speaking differing language is to combine. under one rule, recent tensions have resulted in a demand for the removal of french speaking judges from predominantly english speaking districts. the militants of all the lowest attacks on civilians and government forces we heard from some of the locals, has been effected. well, bundy and picking up communities and schools, we will talk to you soon. cova nick, you know these people of these communities there is women on a dog gives the governess she gets you most was worth a lot of key. not being q crises was african each as the for, for the main julia. the language divine stems from the continents colonial passed after the border between british nigeria and french cameron divided members of similar tribal backgrounds. ethnic groups fought each other to determine which colonial era language should dominate the regions future. here's what some africans have to say about the painful legacy that's being quiet and important. because because eve did not partition come into french, come alone, where they call themselves frank voice speaking french, i have to face cultural. my simulation on the, in that room that was put in because by the british or the level of british come a rule now and more now, call themselves and reform speak in english. we know how these people, i'm no go ahead because the enemies, the colonial intricate says on the complications and ordinarily gets the lead to the inability of the 2 systems to coin this together. and they began to fight into what we know today as the end of the crisis. if you compare it camera, nasa colonial germany, i believe that he who have independence has a calling of germany one language, one education. i just don't want to be our system. we will not be in this model today, she on the list and also eli smith said that dialogue is the only way to remedy the regions. conflict. separated the campbell room. the modern camera was created in 1961. so it seems they have always been paid full when not in support of one what we know about the only difference. now, who, who put the ration up on my c p. c, the not really a being go on camera and saw and the not mean that eat night. what schools being needed to get to school. they even knew the top of the people who are going to school, they kill students at the school in the condo in the south with that is what they said. is that doing something on acceptable? the current situation can not be so through military means it is through dialogue as well as national security minister been given, has visited the size of the contested our mosque in jerusalem. despite warnings from both c is where the government on god is ruling, how much party that a trip could ignite tensions. some are saved quickly, condemned to move with palestine saying, such is way. the policies are pushing the region into turmoil. the ministry of foreign affairs condemns the sinful desecration and warns of its dangerous consequences for the security and stability of the region. these risky policies will drive the region to the edge of the abyss bank, where defended his right to visit the disputed holy side, stating that the trip was conducted off the necessary security assessments. the current government will not succumb to palestinians threats, given you have long advocated to ease restrictions, preventing jews from freely visiting and praying at the holy side, which they call the temple mounds. jews consider the sight as the historic location of 2 important temples and the forbidden from entering its premises. palestinians also hold the location sacred by that is a spot from which the prophet mohammed is said to have ascended to heaven. muslims, subject to any change to the current rules, allowing believers to enter and pray. local journalists to hiring looks into the implications of the israeli officials, visits to the religious science. this visit is very contents of because of the implications with such a visit by minister intelligibly police force in israel and decided to carry out this what he called the visits. what fell athenians, a muslims call it the storming of the like the more the 3rd, earliest, ryan in islam only because he is not in minnesota and he have the chance to do whatever he wants. the other point of making this visit very contentious is basically to remind the palestinians with what happened back in september 2000. and when then opposition leader set on decided to storm the i liked some more the same way that been via did it early this morning. and that event that event event visit in september 2003. get what, what became known as the 2nd that i seen and into father, in which dia, prices were paid by the palestinians by the families, by, by activists on the streets that were very much outrage by this visit. because it signal an intention that that started many years ago and continues until this, this very moment that israel really wants to change the step, the school of the holiest, the 3rd holiest, should i, and in this, in the old city of jerusalem, military defense and the government commentator may orange says the timing has been conveys visit, proved provocative nature. the timing is obviously political because it is less than a week since the time being a government was set up. bank beers action is clearly provocative and it is intended not only against the palestinians or against muslims, is even intented against mcdaniel. and the recent age bank, we want to show that he is calling the shots and even you know, has been begging him not to go to the temple mouth. he will do a walk he once and that you're danielle, sent the saudis, and the other governments. of course, they cannot sit still and look at it from a far without being very angry and be breach of the status quo. before we go in update from russia, defense ministry, which says the number of victims from the new year's night shelling of a building. and i don't, yes, for public as reason. 289 people. the soldiers were killed when it came on the bones, the shelter in the front line, city of mackie of car with us made rocket on hillary. moscow say the ukrainian launches were destroyed by return fire national authorities. now investigating the details of the mass killing of the troops. as always, you can find all the latest news updates on our website, r t dot com. thank you for joining us here in audience national. mm. mm. it's shook me through it. so you did. you were yes, that is the co, oregon seems like go to church was morrison. and with that so the menudo. it's why because we had a couple other speakers to somewhere more to suit your summary trust for spiritual r o product trudeau, brazil, that i could catch you in with all the bases in spirit which in what weekly crossroads with in to near come. who said, it is very urgent to stop locally than you were were neither of them are as you not have your tire glasses cross science, traditional honest, which i it then you will wasn't that the tip lore? the brother got on a when was on, but usually 3 of them scholar my something a little from finding trying to really from michael up any of your look i.


Transcripts For RT News 20230104

a very welcome you, watching aussie international with the latest global news update is great to have you with us. and we start with a dome bass, where civilian woman has been killed by the ukranian shelling of the donates republic city of alexandra cadets, according to local authorities. earlier in the same area for us supplied high mas rocket launchers were destroyed in the ukrainian control cities of june, kafka. and clem, a tourist, as, according to russia's defense ministry, canadian journalist, eva bod. let's house the details of how the situation is escalating across the front lines. the rushes, the defense ministry has stated that in the attacks last night in just kafka, a 120 ukrainian soldiers were killed. i think many people by now might have seen the footage shown of the massive blast. it was captured on french television as it was broadcasting live last night. and according to the russian ministry of defense, they destroyed over 800 rockets, used in multi launch rockets systems. additionally, the rush has defense, mentor update today, noted that in addition to the 120 ukranian soldiers killed another, a 134 mercenaries were killed. also in makin got to the east of daniel ukrainian. a shelling has been using american supplied hundreds and january 1st, ukrainian attacks old, 63 russian soldiers, and mckee, fca on the use of these high mar systems. it's, it's pretty well known by now that as well according to colonel douglas mcgregor, a well respected american colonel. he says he has stated in many interviews that it is not ukrainian forces that are operating the high mars, but american and british contractors. so that's an interesting additional piece of information. last night in yes, in a bottle, which is a city to the north of danielle sky, craning, shelling, targeted an apartment building. now i went there to day and there were no reports of injuries. there was damage to the building and it was a completely residential area here in done yet, sky january 1st, just after 4 am ukraine child the very center of the city with 25 grad rockets hitting just blocks from where i'm standing now. they hit the main street art. hey, my street, there are no military targets there whatsoever. i don't know. we haven't heard reports of injuries, but one apartment was badly damaged and there is a children's library, beautiful historic children's library, directly across the street that was damaged by the blast. and throughout the day to day, ukraine has continued to shell districts of denounced across the in the russian is that part osha region. this is the aftermath of the ukrainian shelling of a civilian hospital. local official for the site was head several times at around 4 am on tuesday. all that is the no word about any casualties so far with the ongoing military conflicts, bonds, plenty of control overseas and scandals over the past 10 months. as western media and politicians insisted on supporting key at the side of the story, regardless of moscow, his position as he's at donald quarter, we kept the key milestones of the war of woods sofa. the prelude to russia's special military operations saw a massive intensification of ukrainian shelling of civilian areas and don boss, and plans for renewed assault against the region. the leaders of the van self proclaimed don, yet scan. lugens people's republics declared mass evacuations of civilians. they had only one place to run russia, thinking this way, would you have wanted this for your child? would you? i also do on this and neither of my grandchildren a year 1st i wouldn't have left. it's just that i had a stroke. i always stayed here. now i've left everything every one behind, tens of thousands of women children and the elderly fil temporary shelters throughout parts of western russia where they were welcomed by locals. days after the evacuations began, vladimir putin made what he called a long overdue decision to recognize the independence of the people's republics and sign treaties of military cooperation. he observed that she could do the purpose of this operation is to protect people who for the past 8 years have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the key of regime to this. and we will seek to demilitarize and t not so far. ukraine as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians including against citizens of the russian federation. but across the atlantic instead of addressing key ebs renewed offensive. it's constant ceasefire violations, or the previous 8 years in which ukraine was consistently shelling don boss, washington decided. all the blame for the conflict was moscow's to bear. russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring in the united states and its allies and partners will respond in the united and decisive way. more saw a number of attempts to negotiate a quick end to the conflict with both sides, sitting down for talks and minns to an est on bull. but while russian officials are the ones who have been calling for a diplomatic solution long before the military operation began, he has power or full western patrons had something else in mind. a military victory over russia to deaden with one german, gone to the sheet of vladimir putin. we want the ukrainians to win this war. we want to see mister prudent and the russian army at loos, this invasion lose this fight inside ukraine. on top of that, it was looking like he was using the negotiations to buy time until more western armaments could make it to the battlefield. he have certainly got what it wanted. thousands of western anti tank weapons systems. laser guided missiles and small arms were successfully delivered to ukraine, along with billions of dollars with the weapons and money to kiev came western sanctions of unprecedented severity on moscow. mainstream pundits protected a death blow to the russian economy as the rubles value on international markets began a rapid downward spiral. but russia central bank reacted effectively and stabilized the markets leading to a backlash. and suddenly the west began to feel the heat of its own economic warfare. and the beginning of april russian troops deescalate it and pulled back from ukraine's northern regions. he of quickly declared a victory while moscow called it a gesture of good will to pave the way for a ceasefire. but for the west, it was merely a q to double down on its military aids to kiev. this wall will be one on the battlefield. additional $500000000.00 euros from the e. p. a for underway, weapons deliveries will be tailored to ukrainian needs. as a result, ukraine intensified it's bombardments of civilian areas across done boss. and the information war was also escalating. as we saw widespread fake news from key of supporters concerning a legit russian war crimes was the grades were bruce. the question arises, what is the reason of this blunt and to feel provocation in boucher which cannot be excused? we are inclined to think that the reason is to desire to disrupt and go negotiations here. cuba to eat that you cheat twist. they know that american thompson's are certainly complicit in this criminal action i spending fakes and blocking the truth . now tentative point of view, the materials of the investigators, they become complicit in this terrible tragedy which was the result of the cave regimes. crohn's. by mid may russia secured victory in the key, daniel republic, city of mario bull, following months of heavy fighting over 2000 ukrainian troops, many of whom were hardened as of neo nazis finally surrendered at the as of stall factory after a grueling siege for ki evan it's western allies, these men who left as off stall, covered, and swastikas, and other nazi symbols were heroes. however, the russians speaking locals who suffered through life under the aus all occupation, had some very different stories to tell uncle glance to pretty my wife told me that a ukrainian tank came and was shooting at a residential house. i have family there 2 kids. they were hiding in the basement like mice. oh no mama, i've buried my mother and decided to stay here with the wound. it was the scariest moment was when the resolved fighters came. they used us as human shields. june saw ukrainian forces begin to use american supplied high marks, missiles which are both highly precise and highly devastating. but instead of focusing such fire power on the battlefield alone, washington helped kiev coordinate attacks against countless residential areas across on boss. 1 1 ah, ah, ah, despite the west's continued supply of these nato great rockets and ukrainians use of them to kill civilians, u. s. and europe still claimed they are not a party to the conflict. nathan, not pointed to the conflict. we support ukraine, but that doesn't make us pointed to the culture, or we effectively, or to war with russia. no, we are not. not at all. russia is at war inside ukraine. and despite the rhetoric we heard from bruton last night, trying once again to make this about the west versus russia, the united states versus russia, or nato versus russia. nothing could be farther from the truth. in the military operations, 5th months, russia liberated the entire lugens people's republic. the black sea grained deal was also reached between moscow and keith with turkey and the united nations helping broker. the agreement. ukrainian grain could now return to the international market. under the protection of the russian navy, all after the west accused moscow of sparking a wave of world hunger, payton is weapon ising hunger. he's using feed security as a callous to of all the decision to weaponized food is moscow's, and moscow's along this includes countries already under enormous doris. however, africans made it clear who was really to blame here. so lexia, or as far as access to russian products is concerned, the african union members are facing swift related sanction problems. as most of our banks have ties with european bunks, the usual payment procedures are no longer available to them. the vast majority of the grain exported under the deal consistently went to those who needed it. the least specifically in western europe. august was a month of nuclear danger. ukraine intensified its shelling of the zappa raj, a nuclear power station, the biggest of its kind in europe used to have like it was levels. if the attacks of ukrainian army continue, a new killer catastrophe could happen at any moment. in this case, the entire responsibility for this will fall on the western sponsors of key of huge territories in ukraine. russia and other countries will be under the threat of radioactive contamination. the real scale of a new killer disaster at the plant is impossible to even imagine. once again, the west's knee jerk reaction was to blame it all on russia, which controls the plant. even the international atomic energy agencies visit to the site failed to make any headway as the organization stopped short of admitting that ukraine is the one targeting the facility with his mother in the through the shelling continues, despite the fact that international atomic energy agency staff has been presented to facility and it is not high do it in to find it pod responsible. in the same months, amnesty international was accused of supporting terrorists by ukrainian president vladimir zalinski for daring to expose the ukrainian military's use of civilians as human shields and violating the laws of war. month 7, ukraine launches relentless counter attacks in the regions of his son and hark, of incurring massive casualties in washington admitted it took a huge role in coordinating ukrainian troops. we do engage with ukrainians, you know, at a, at a variety of levels on the military side. as we've said previously, we do provide time sensitive information to enable them to conduct operations and defend their, their homeland. in the same month, russia announced a partial mobilization with the goal of drafting, $300000.00 reservists, all 4 previously ukrainian regions voted and referendums to join the russian federation. then you see guns can little know whom liquor referendums were held in the denotes, can lugens people's republics and was approaching. and harrison regents. the results are well known. people have made their choice an unambiguous choice. in october, ukraine carried out a terrorist attack on the crimea bridge, killing 4 people and the west, congratulated them. the studious certainly welcomes dissing congratulates the ukrainian special operations units who are expected to be behind this operation. motivation and luscious edison. it's a bone for the soul, especially given yesterday was put its birthday is correct. he received such gift. i wish him more of such gifts, just 2 weeks prior russia's north stream gas pipelines were crippled by an act of sabotage and vladimir putin vowed revenge. those actions simply cannot be ignored. we will, of course, consider further steps. it would be impossible to do otherwise. it was a turning point in moscow's military strategy, massive high precision. russian missile and drone strikes against ukraine's military and energy infrastructure became the name of the game. no, ever saw rushes pulled back from her son's regional capital and a move to save the lives of soldiers and civilians. as the city was too exposed and dangerous to defend, this was followed by a ukrainian purge of so called russian collaborators there and in carter cove. not long after that, the media was screaming world war 3 after missile landfall and polish territory killed 2 people. ukraine pointed the finger at russia and the western media initially blindly followed key of scheme as you how many times as ukraine said, that the actions of the terrorist state will not be limited to our country alone. hissing nato territory with missiles. this is a russian missile attack on collective security. this is a really significant escalation. action is needed. nature has shouldn't be restrained, at least in its language, in its message to russia. would you ask me to adjust it's force posture there, and there is actually a lot that nato could do. turns out though, it was a stray ukrainian surface to air missile something, even washington and poland were forced to admit. so here we are in december, the u. s has already reached a whopping $22000000000.00 and it's total military assistance to kiev with almost $45000000000.00 more in 8 approved for next year. that's to say nothing of all the other military aid the country received from the european union countries. you see, when you put today, the military potential and capabilities of almost all major nato countries are actively used against russia. nevertheless, our enlisted soldiers and officers are fighting for russia courageously, steadfastly, and confidently step by step, solving the tasks that have been set. so that's how 2022 ends the never ending flow of weapons and money to a country that has long been infamously corrupt and a global geopolitical confrontation between nuclear powers in what some are already calling world war 3 to west africa now, where the moroccan military positions have suffered increasing attacks by the western sahara liberation army in recent days. will conform with is currently control over 80 percent of the region which the south pertain. so while we are up to the classic public also lays claim to it. previous incidents, dozens of migrants were killed or injured while trying to illegally cross into a spanish enclave for marco ortiz, africa correspondent, corolla toddler investigates the colonial era. routes of the regions on west african victims of what moroccan authorities have called a stampede. on his border with spanish, not african enclave of molina discrimination and violence from police are often rooted in colonial and slavery prisons. and this was no different ah 6 months of the incident, the governments of spain and morocco denied responsibilities for the death. similar, a relic of spain's colonial pass that is still cherished today. the incident is alleged, saw thousands of migrants and refugees, tired of being caged black animals with little to no welfare climb up 6 meter long iron fences that led to precious with police. scores of migrants were left dead, many died where they fell, the governments of morocco and spain under reported the full extent of this horror and denied any responsibility. but not every one was willing to take this at face value, even after enquiries by rabbit and madrid. at this dismal 6 month anniversary, the spanish american authorities have continued to deny any responsibility for the carnage at miller. there is a growing mountain of evidence of multiple, serious human rights violations. the smacks of a cover up and racism. spain rolled over with her to her, out from 1884 until 1975 following international pressure. the un resolution on the colonization, spain was forced to seed control over its territory. neighboring morocco wasted no time in annexing western sahara illegally claiming it's part of its kingdom for 5 digit morocco waged war on the surrounding people. and for 16 of those years, the pulley, sadie of france and national liberation movement lead the defense of the so wily length. the position expressed by the spanish government totally contradicts international legitimacy. the united nations there for can union the european union, the international court of justice, the european court of justice and origin. organizations do not recognize moroccan sovereignty over the western sahara, but it wasn't just fe. germany also incurred to moral cause ref. berlin denounced former you as president donald trump's recognition of morocco's claim over with the hara and the united nations in march of 2021. moreover, and foreign ministry severed all ties with germany, including german organizations based in morocco. but as soon as all of shoals became the new chancellor, the country seemed to assume a much more relaxed than using energy issues caused by the ukraine conflict as an excuse. germany signed the hydrogen deal with morocco, berlin now to beck's moral cause, claim over, sell our we live. germany considers the autonomy plan presented in 2007 as a serious and credible effort by morocco. and as a good basis for a solution agreed upon between both parties. this europeans you, paul chrissy, you're looking out for your own interest. seems more like a western privilege. the united states, the so called defenders of democracy and liberty in the world. also recognize moral cause claim in a quid pro quo, the deal is a but hes to mend if diplomatic ties with era, even though the united nations recognized the poly, sorry, of front as the legitimate representative of the seller. are we people, the west only cares about it, interest and narrative, but for many in the global south, it would be a moral. any justice. if west then interests are allowed to some do, gained an entire people without a rebuttal. cannibalization for ality in jonesboro, nigerian officials have announced the arrest of 10 suspected members of an illegal militant group following a raid on a training camp near the border with cameroon. prior to the raid officers receive tips, reportedly linking for kathy, arrested men to the burning of a nigerian police station in 2020 militants in the region, had been linked to separatist groups in the contested border area between carbone and nigeria. dispute between warring factions have result in scores of casualties, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee their homes with many going to neighboring nigeria. separatism has plagues cameroon. since as far back as 1961, when modern state lines were drawn, forcing former colleague things, and people who speaking differing language is to combine under one rule, recent tensions have resulted in a demand for the removal of french speaking judges from predominantly english speaking districts. the militants of all the lowest attacks on civilians and government forces. we heard from some of the locals. he's been effected web bundy, picking communities and schools. we were taught, you know, making up these people of these communities. they read the women on adopt gills. the governor gives you more, was worth this month of not being q christ who was african each as the for, for the main junior. the language divide stems from the continent colonial past after the border between british nigeria and french cameron divided members of similar tribal backgrounds. ethnic groups fought each other to determine which colonial era language should dominate the regions future. here's what some africans have to say about the painful legacy that's being quiet and important. because because if they did not partition come into french come around where they call themselves. frank voice speaking french, i'd have to take control of my simulation on the, in that room that was put in because by the british or the level of british come, a rule known more now call themselves and reform speak in english. we know how this people know, go ahead cause the enemies to the colonial cases and the complications and colonies they get led to the inability of the 2 systems to coin this together. and they began to fight into what we know today as the end of the crisis, if you compare it cameroon as a colony of germany, i believe that he who had any pronounced as a calling of germany one language. one question, i just don't want to be our system. we will not be in this model today. junior less dondo. eli smith said that dialogue is the only way to remedy the regions. conflicts separated in the past couple room. the modern camera was created in 1961, so it seems they have always been paid full when not even support. one what we know about the only difference now. who can put the ration up on my pc? the not really a being go on camera and so it's not that night period. what reagan read, the schools being needed today from going to school, they even knew and probably seen people who are going. ready to school, they kill students at the school in the condo, dc, in the south way. that is what they said 30 doing, which is something on acceptable. the current situation, it can not be so through military means it is through dialogue, as well as national security minister. ben greer has visited the size of the contested our mosque in jerusalem. despite warnings from both the israeli government on glass as ruling hamas party that the trip could ignite tensions, some arab states quickly condemned to move with palestine saying, such a way the policies of pushing the region into turmoil. the ministry of foreign affairs condemns the sinful desecration and warns of its dangerous consequences for the security and stability of the region. these risky policies will drive the region to the edge of the abyss bank, where defended his right to visit the disputed holy side, stating that the trip was conducted off the necessary security assessments. the current government will not succumb to palestinians. threats have long advocated to ease restrictions, preventing jews from freely visiting and praying at the holy side, which they call the temple mount jews. consider the sight as the historic location of 2 important temples and the forbidden from entering its premises. palestinians also hold the location sacred i that is a spot from which the prophet mohammed is said to have ascended to heaven. muslims subject to any change to the current rules. allowing believe us to enter and pray. local journalists to the hiring look into the implications of the israeli officials, visits to the religious science. this visit is very contents of because of the implications of such a visit by minister in charge of the police force in israel. and decided to carry out this what he called the visits, what fell opinions muslims call it the storming of the like the most. the 3rd, earliest, the swine in islam only because he is not in minnesota. and he has the chance to do whatever he wants. the other point of making this visit very contentious is basically to remind the palestinians with what happened back in september 2000 when then opposition leader said on decided to storm the i liked some more the same way the ben via did it early this morning and that event, that event event visit in september 2003 get over what became known as the 2nd that us in and into father in which their prices were paid by the palestinians by the families, by, by activists on the 14th street that were very much outraged by this visit, because it is signal and intention that that, that, that started many years ago and continues to live this very moment that israel really wants to change the step, the school of the holiest, the 3rd holiest shine in islam in the old city of jerusalem, military defense and government commentator mir orange says the timing of bank of his visit proves his provocative nature. i mean, he's obviously political because he is less than a week since the time the government was set up bank various action. he's clearly provocative and they didn't, can, not only against the palestinians or against muslims is even intented against them. young. and the reason is bank, we want to show that he is calling the shots and even you know, has been begging him not to go to the temple mouth. he will do a walk here once, and then you send the saudis and the other governments. of course, they cannot sit still and look at it from it far without being very angry. at b, a breach of the status quo. before we go in update from russia, defense ministry, which is the number of victims from the new year's night shelling of a building. and i don't, yes, for public as reason to 89 people. the soldiers were killed when the kids on the bones, the shelter in the front line, city of mackey africa with us. major rocket on hillary. moscow says the ukrainian launches were destroyed by return fire national authorities now investigating the details of the mass killing of the troops. as always, you can find all the latest news updates on our website, r t dot com. thank you for joining us here on our teams. national. ah, in 1898. the island of went to rico became a u. s. colony, but still retained its own cultural identity. we can speak in favor of in the pantry, be thrown into prison today, close to half its population with moreover, residence in puerto rico, have new representation in congress and con, vote and u. s. presidential elections like okay, you're gonna make you american citizens, which you didn't ask for, even if we were office citizenship with had, and we would prefer our wrong when one say, gotta was in his twenties, he chose to fight for his homelands independence. we felt that we could generate more of a spirit of resistance rather than of submissive accept or reality that we fell asleep. shockingly unfair, my sorry that i decided to.


Transcripts For RT News 20230103

welcome you're watching on the international with the latest global news out date is great to happy with it. i was thought with the latest from dumbass were a civilian woman has been killed by the ukrainian shelling of the don. yes, republic, city of alexandra co does, according to local authorities. now, earlier in the same area for us supplied high mas rocket launchers were destroyed in the ukrainian controlled cities kafka and crime, a tourist, as, according to russia's defense ministry, canadian journalist to eva bog, little details of how the situation is escalating across the front lines. the rushes at the defense ministry has stated that in the attacks last night in just cove caught a 120 ukrainian soldiers were killed. i think many people by now might have seen the footage shown of the massive blast. it was captured on french television as it was broadcasting live last night. and according to the russian ministry of defense, they destroyed over 800 rockets, used in multi large truck at systems. initially, the rush has defense, mentor update today, noted that in addition to the 120 ukrainian soldiers killed another a 134 and mercenaries were killed. also in my keep go to the east of daniel ukrainian. a shelling has been using american supplied hundreds and january 1st. ukrainian attacks killed 63 russian soldiers and mckee, fca on the use of these high mar systems. it's, it's pretty well known by now on that as well. according to colonel douglas mcgregor, a well respected american colonel, he says he has stated in many interviews that it is not ukrainian forces that are operating the high mars, but american and british contractors. so that's an interesting additional piece of information. last night in yes, in a bottle, which is a city to the north of danielle ski crating shelling, targeted an apartment building. now i went there to day and there were no reports of injuries. there was damage to the building and it was a completely residential area here in don, yet, sky, january 1st, just after 4 am. ukraine shelled the very center of the city with 25 grad rockets hitting just blocks from where i'm standing now. they hit the, the main street are tell my street. there are no military targets there whatsoever . i don't know. we haven't heard reports of injuries, but one apartment was badly damaged and there is a children's library, beautiful historic children's library, directly across the street that was damaged by the blast. and throughout the day to day, ukraine has continued to shell districts of denounced a cross in the russians up at lpga region. this is the aftermath of the ukrainian shelling of a civilian hospital. local officials say this site was hate several times at around 4 am on tuesday older there's been no word about any casualties so far. well, the ongoing military conflicts box plenty of control overseas and scandals over the past 10 months is western media and politicians insisted on supporting kids side of the story. regardless of moscow's position. ortiz totalled quarter, we kept the key milestones of the war of woods sofa. the prelude to russia's special military operations saw a massive intensification of ukrainian shelling of civilian areas and don boss, and plans for renewed assault against the region. the leaders of the van self proclaimed done yet scan. lugens people's republics declared mass evacuations of civilians. they had only one place to run russia, thinking this way, would you have wanted this for your child? would you? i also do on this fin, neither of my grandchildren and did a year. first, i wouldn't have left. it's just that i had a stroke. i always stayed her now if left everything, every one behind tens of thousands of women children and the elderly fil temporary shelters throughout parts of western russia where they were welcomed by locals. days after the evacuations began, vladimir putin made what he called a long overdue decision to recognize the independence of the people's republics and sign treaties of military cooperation for you to the she today. the purpose of this operation is to protect people who for the past 8 years have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the key of regime to this. and we will seek to demilitarize and t not so phi ukraine as well as bring to trial. those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians including against citizens of the russian federation. but across the atlantic instead of addressing key ebs renewed offensive. it's constant ceasefire violations, or the previous 8 years in which ukraine was consistently shelling don boss, washington decided. all the blame for the conflict was moscow's to bear. russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the united states and its allies and partners will respond in the united and decisive way. mark saw a number of attempts to negotiate a quick ends to the conflict with both sides, sitting down for talks and minced and istanbul. but while russian officials are the ones who have been calling for a diplomatic solution long before the military operation began, keith's powerful western patrons had something else in mind. a military victory over russia to jeden, with one german group to the sheet that you put in when you want the ukrainians to win this war. we want to see mr. prudent and the russian army lose this invasion, lose this fight inside ukraine. on top of that, it was looking like he was using the negotiations to buy time until more western armaments could make it to the battlefield. he have certainly got what it wanted. thousands of western anti tank weapons systems. laser guided missiles and small arms were successfully delivered to ukraine, along with billions of dollars with the weapons and money to kiev came western sanctions of unprecedented severity on moscow. mainstream pundits predicted a death blow to the russian economy as the rubles value on international markets began a rapid downward spiral. but russia central bank reacted effectively and stabilized the markets leading to a backlash. and suddenly the west began to feel the heat of its own economic warfare. in the beginning of april, russian troops deescalate it and pulled back from ukraine's northern regions. he of quickly declared it a victory while moscow called it a gesture of good will to pave the way for a ceasefire, but for the west, it was merely a q to double down on its military aids to kiev. this will be one on the battlefield. additional $500000000.00 euros from the e. p for underway. weapons deliveries will be tailored to ukrainian needs. as a result, ukraine intensified it's bombardments of civilian areas across on boss and the information war was also escalating. as we saw widespread fake news from key of supporters concerning a legit russian war crimes was because what bruce the question arises, what is the reason of his blood and untruthful provocation in boucher which cannot be excused? we are inclined to think that the reason is to desire to disrupt and go negotiations you cuba to eat, or if you chance to say now that american patterns are certainly complicit in this criminal action i spending fakes and blocking the truth. now tentative point of view, the materials of the investigators, they become complicit in this terrible tragedy which was the result of the cave regimes. crohn's. by mid may russia secured victory in the key, daniel republic, city of mario bull, following months of heavy fighting over 2000 ukrainian troops, many of whom were hardened as of neo nazis finally surrendered at the as of stall factory after a grueling siege. for t. evan, it's western allies. these men who left as off stall, covered, and swastikas, and other nazi symbols were heroes. however, the russians speaking locals, who suffered through life under the aus occupation, had some very different stories to tell uncle glance to for you. my wife told me that a ukrainian tank came and was shooting at a residential house. i have family there 2 kids. they were hiding in the basement, like mice of her new mom. i've buried my mother and decided to stay here with the wound it off. the scariest moment was when the resolved fighters came. they used us as human shields. june saw ukrainian forces begin to use american supplied high marks. missiles which are both highly precise and highly devastating, but instead of focusing such fire power on the battlefield alone, washington helped kiev coordinate attacks against countless residential areas across on boss ah, ah, ah, despite the west continued supply of these nato grayed rockets and ukrainians use of them to kill civilians, u. s. and europe still claims they are not a party to the conflict. nathan, not paul to, to the conflict. we support ukraine, but that goes from michael's pointed to the culture. are we effectively at war with russia? no, we're not. not at all. russia is at war inside ukraine. and despite the rhetoric we heard from bruton last night, trying once again to make this about the west versus russia, the united states versus russia, or nato versus russian. nothing could be farther from the truth. in the military operations, 5th months, russia liberated the entire lugens people's republic. the black sea grained deal was also reached between moscow and keith with turkey and the united nations helping broker. the agreement. ukrainian grain could now return to the international market. under the protection of the russian navy, all after the west accused moscow of sparking a wave of world hunger, payton is weapon ising hunger. he's using feed security as a callous to of all the decision to weaponized food is moscow's, and moscow's along this includes countries already under enormous doris. however, africans made it clear who was really to blame here. so lexia, or as far as access to russian products is concerned, the african union members are facing swift related sanction problems. as most of our banks have ties with european bunks, the usual payment procedures are no longer available to them. the vast majority of the grain exported under the deal consistently went to those who needed it. the least specifically in western europe. august was a month of nuclear danger. ukraine intensified its shelling of the zap raj and nuclear power station. the biggest of its kind in europe used to have like it was a little holes if the attacks of ukrainian army continue, a new killer catastrophe could happen at any moment. in this case, the entire responsibility for this will fall on the western sponsors of key of huge territories in ukraine. russia and other countries will be under the threat of radioactive contamination. the real scale of a nuclear disaster at the plant is impossible to even imagine. once again, the west's knee jerk reaction was to blame it all on russia, which controls the plant. even the international atomic energy agencies visit to the site failed to make any headway as the organization stopped short of admitting that ukraine is the one targeting the facility. the use both of them the to the shelling continues despite the fact that international atomic energy agency staff has been presented the facility. and it is not high do it in to find it party responsible. in the same months, amnesty international was accused of supporting terrorists by ukrainian president vladimir the lensky for daring to expose the ukrainian military's use of civilians as human shields and violating the laws of war. month 7, ukraine launches relentless counter attacks in the regions of his son and hark of incurring massive casualties. and washington admitted it took a huge role in coordinating ukrainian troops. we do engage with ukrainians, you know, at a, at a variety of levels on the military side. as we've said previously, we do provide time sensitive information to enable them to conduct operations and defend their, their homeland. in the same month, russia announced a partial mobilization with the goal of drafting, $300000.00 reservists, while for previously ukrainian regions voted in referendums to join the russian federation. they use guns can literally whom liquor referendums were held in. the de nats can lugens people's republics and was approaching. and harrison regents. the results are well known. people have made their choice an unambiguous choice. in october, ukraine carried out a terrorist attack on the crimea bridge, killing 4 people and the west, congratulated them. this dounia certainly welcomes this in congratulates the ukrainian special operations units who are expected to be behind this operation. motivation and luscious edison. it's a bone for the soul, especially given yesterday was put his birthday is correct. he received such gift. i wish him more of such gifts, just 2 weeks prior russia's north stream gas pipelines were crippled by an act of sabotage and vladimir putin vowed revenge. those actions simply cannot be ignored. we will, of course, consider further steps. it would be impossible to do otherwise. it was a turning point in moscow's military strategy, massive high precision. russian missile and drone strikes against ukraine's military and energy infrastructure became the name of the game. no, ever saw rushes pull back from her son's regional capital and a move to save the lives of soldiers and civilians. as the city was too exposed and dangerous to defend, this was followed by a ukrainian purge of so called russian collaborators there and, and carter cove. not long after that, the media was screaming world war 3 after missile landfall and polish territory killed 2 people. ukraine pointed the finger at russia and the western media initially blindly followed key of skied given you how many times as you claim said that the actions of the terrorist state will not be limited to our country alone. hissing nato territory with miss isles. this is a russian missile attack on collective security. this is a really significant escalation. action is needed. nature has shouldn't be restrained, at least in its language, in its message to russia. with the you asked me to adjust it's force posture there, and there is actually a lot that nato could do. turns out though, it was a stray ukrainian surface to air missile something, even washington and poland were forced to admit. so here we are in december, the u. s. has already reached a whopping $22000000000.00 and it's total military assistance to kiev with almost $45000000000.00 more in 8 approved for next year. that's to say nothing of all the other military aid the country received from the european union countries. the essentially, when you put your today, the military potential and capabilities of almost all major nato countries are actively used against russia. nevertheless, our enlisted soldiers and officers are fighting for russia courageously, steadfastly, and confidently step by step, solving the tasks that have been set. so that's how 2022 ends never ending flow of weapons and money to a country that has long been infamously corrupt and a global geopolitical confrontation between nuclear powers in what some are already calling world war 3 to west africa. now where the monroe can military positions of suffered increasing attacks by the western sahara liberation army, and recent days, miller can for his currently control over 80 percent over the region which the south proclaim sir raleigh. our democratic republic also lays claim to it. previous incidents, dozens of migrants were killed or injured while trying to illegally cross into a spanish anklets for morocco is africa correspondent, corolla toddler, investigates the colonial era. routes of the regions on west african victims of what moroccan authorities have called a stampede. on his border with spanish, not african enclave of molina discrimination and violence from police are often rooted in colonial and slavery. prisms. and this was no different ah. 6 months after the incident, the government of spain and morocco denied responsibilities for the death. similar, a relic of spain's colonial pass that is still cherished today. the incident is alleged, saw thousands of migrants and refugees, tired of being changed public animals with little to no welfare climb up 6 me to long. i am fences that led to precious with police. scores of migrants were left, did many died, wavy fell the governments of morocco and spain under reported the full extent of this horror and denied any responsibility. but not every one was willing to take this at face value, even after enquiries by rabbit and madrid. at this dismal 6 month anniversary, the spanish american authorities have continued to deny any responsibility for the carnage at miller. there is a growing mountain of evidence of multiple serious human rights violations. the smacks of a cover up in racism. pain rolled over with her to her out from 1884 until 1975 following international pressure. the un resolution on the colonization, spain was forced to seed control over its territory. neighboring morocco wasted no time in annexing western sahara illegally claiming it's part of its kingdom for 5 decades morocco waged war on the surrounding people. and for 16 of those years, the poly sadie of france and national liberation movement lead the defense of the sa wiley length. the position expressed by the spanish government totally contradicts international legitimacy. the united nations there for can union the european union, the international court of justice, the european court of justice and origin. organizations do not recognize moroccan sovereignty over the western sahara, but it wasn't just fe. germany also encouraged moral cause ref berlin in now's former. you as president, donald trump's recognition of more rock was claim over with the, the hara and the united nations in march of 2021. moreover, and foreign ministry 7 all ties with germany, including german organizations based in morocco. but as soon as one of shoals became the new chancellor, the country seemed to assume a much more relaxed and using energy issues caused by the ukraine conflict as an excuse. germany signed the hydrogen deal with morocco, berlin now to beck's moral cause, claim over, sell our we less germany considers the autonomy plan presented in 2007 as a serious and credible effort by morocco. and as a good basis for a solution agreed upon between both parties. this european view, paul chrissy of looking out for your own interest seems more like a western privilege. the united states, the so called defenders of democracy and liberty in the world. also recognize moral cause claim. in a quid pro quo, the deal is a bite has to mend if diplomatic ties with israel, even though the united nations recognized the poly sorry of front as the legitimate representative of the seller. are we people, the west only cares about it, interests and narrative, but for many in the global south, it would be a marble. any justice if west them interests are allowed to some do, gained an entire people without a rebuttal. cannibalization for r t in jonesborough. nigerian officials have announced the arrest of 10 suspected members of an illegal militant group following a raid on a train in counseling the border with cameroon. now, prior to the raid officers receive tips, reportedly leg can 4 of the arrested men, the burning of a night. jerry and police station and 2020 militants in the region have been linked to south 14th groups in the contested border area between cameron an nigeria disputes between warring factions have resulted in scores of casualties, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee their homes with many going into neighboring nigeria separatism has plagued cameron since as far back as 1961 when modern state lines were drawn for thing, former colonies and people speaking differing languages to combine under one rule. re contentions have resulted in a demand for the removal of french speaking judges from predominantly english speaking tricks. the militants have also launch attacks and civilians and government forces we heard from some of the locals have been effective. we have bundy in thinking of communities and schools we taught you know, the cova making up these people of these communities. there is women on a dog dose. the governor, she is getting more was worse. so this month of not being q. christ was african, each as the for, for the main junior language divine stands from the continent. colonial past of the border between british jerry and french con rune divided members of similar tribal backgrounds, ethnic groups for each other to determine which colonial era language should dominate the regions future. he's want some africans have to say about the painful legacy that he inquired for them. because because eve did not partition come into french, come alone, where they call themselves. frank voice speaking french, i had to take control of my simulation on the indirect rule that was put in because by the british or the level of british come, a rule now will now call themselves and reform speak in english. no had miss people, i'm no go ahead because the enemy's the colonial, intricate on the complications and colonies they get led to the inability of the 2 systems to coin this together. and they began to fight into what we know today as the crisis. if you compare it cameroon as a colony of germany, i believe that he who had our any finance as a calling of germany one language, one question, i just don't want to be our system. we will not be in this model today. journalist and also eli smith said that dialogue is the only way to remedy the regents conflict. separated when it comes to room. being modern camera was created in 1961. so it seems they have always been paid full when not in. busy of one, but we know the only difference now who posted on my c p c. the not really a being go meet on camera and saw it and the not doing that night. what read every schools they needed to get from going to school. they even to the top of the people who are going to school, they kill students at the school in the condo, dc in the south. what that is. busy what they separate is that doing, which is something on acceptable recurring situation. it can not be so through military means it is through dialogue. israel's national security minister, been given, has visited the site of the contested aisle, axa mosque in jerusalem. despite warnings from both, he is ready, governments and gases, ruling hamas policy that the trip could ignite tensions. some arab states quickly condemned to move with palestine saying, such as ready policies of pushing the region into turmoil. the ministry of foreign affairs condemns the sinful desecration and warns of its dangerous consequences for the security and stability of the region. these risky policies will drive the region to the edge of the abyss bank, where defended his right to visit the disputed holy side stating that the trip was conducted off the necessary security assessments. and the current government will not succumb to palestinian threats, given has long advocated to ease restrictions, preventing jews from freely visiting and praying at the holy site, which they call the temple mount. do you consider the sciences, the historic location of 2 important 10 poles, and also bid for mentoring its premises? palestinians also hold the location sacred as it is, the spot from which the prophet mohammed is said to have ascended to heaven muslims subject to any change to the current rules, allowing believers to enter and pray local journalist and list the hiring looks into the implications of the israeli officials visit to the religious science. this visit is very contentious because of the implications of such a visit by minnesota shall jalie police force in his will and decided to kitty all this at what he calls a visit, what palestinians and muslims, so call it the storming of the alexa morse. the 3rd holiest spine in islam only because he is not a minister and he has the chance to do whatever he wants. and the other point of making this was it very contentious, is basically it reminds the palestinians with what happened back in september 2000 . when then opposition leader or he had said on decided to storm the alexa morse to the same way that ben via did it early this morning. and that event, that event of that visit in september 2000 figured what became known as the 2nd that us in an intifada, in which dyer prices were paid by the palestinians by the families, by, by activists on the, for the scene and streets that were very much outraged by this visit because it is signal and intention that, that, that, that started many years ago and continues them to live this very moment that israel really wants to change the step, the school of the holiest, the 3rd holiest shine in islam in the old city of jerusalem, military defense, and the government commentate to any our unsafe the timing of bank, of his visit proved his provocative nature. the timing is obviously political because it is less than a week since the time the government was set up. bank various action is clearly provocative and it is intended not only against the palestinians or against muslims, is even intented against nathaniel. and the recent age bank we a wants to show that he is calling the shots and even, you know, hes been begging him not to go to the temple mount. he will do what he wants and that you're danielle santa saudis. and the other governments, of course, they can spill and, and look at it from a far without being very angry at the beach breach of the status quo. thanks for your company here in asi, international way back the top of the i was more season. ah, so it's a shift to mediate z at dk you were yesterday the joe i got on teams. i couldn't reach you was martin won't with i had so the menudo it's from this vehicle taurus with the, with tears or some way more serious. um we trust the spiritual i oh my food, actual dog, brazil. krakowski. we need you to advise you to severe wichmann and walk with me for a short i was within to near from who's the digital literature. just upload plan. you were one of them. i see the tire size, cross sides financial wrong us which it then you will was held at the tip floor the but i thought i was on, but usually 3 of the i was call up nice little me mind trying to really from mccarthy bullock. ah ah ah, ah mon sorcha merged a boise in calgary chip, that the irish cover airfield bumps filler. the bath lives among the plains and helicopters, his best friend is a human named and.


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20121015

>> after a likely date is finally mission accomplished after a lengthy delay. one day later than expected with trees and other obstacles had to be dealt with. that 12 mi. journey it was able to maneuver round of a just inches to spare. the endeavor will go on public display october 30th >> it wearing just a space suit, helmet and parachute alex baumgartner attempted a free fall from the stratosphere today. he landed safely after jumping out of a helium balloon in breaking the speed of sound. >> in new mexico the sky diver felix baumgartner made his the said to the edge of space for the record. >> it was hard to describe because i did not feel it is like being in and cast and it happened. i do not know how but we would have to look at the data. was it already out of control but i did not feel it at all. judge speed you eat roughag you need to-teach sd you need a speed cage. >> he home from a helium balloon to 120,000 ft. which is about 23 mi.. and over the previous holder was an american previous colonel. >> are you jealous? >> no. i am delighted he is the advancing science anyone to a great job. >> the rest was thin atmosphere, and possible loss of consciousness and low temperatures but the death did not scare camera. >> that is always facing death as a base jumper. and it did not--scare me. it is important that you do your homework you need confidence. and you always hope that your not going to die. i'm going to put everything out there. >> baumgartner almost made an attempt on tuesday but a gust of wind ruin to those plans. >> federal health officials say the fondle meningitis has risen. 205. the fungal meningitis--with the number of 14 states and 115 people dead. the california health officials have not illnesses. these were from storage shots for back pain the pharmacy is in massachusetts. >> if you type in the words completely wrong and on a google search you could see what comes up. and there is a slew of photographs with one presidential candidate. >> if i tie " completely wrong " into the google images i get a lot of imagism it from me if i type that. i saw a similar trend on being and you hope >> for a search engine it is really around the word it is going to display that picture. however sometimes it is eight intentional with google bonds. and miserable failure with george w. bush google bomb s.... is what they're known for. however, debate feel there would bring up images of president obama or rick perry, and john kerry. and speaking of john kerry who is accused of flip-floping conservatives have managed to push his campaign website to the top for the word waffles. >> is this part of a modern reality? that they are powerless to do anything about? >> the best thing they can do to protect themselves to a multiple website is about themselves, officially cured >> the good news is that a search officials usually fade over time record them of president barack obama and its gop hopeful mid from the are getting ready for the second debate this tuesday. we will have a full preview, later tonight. >> it was sunny and pleasant. we did have some fog lingering along the coast guard tonight will have more extensive fog stretching all the way to livermore. as we head out tomorrow more dense fog so be careful if your driving. the headlights and wipers but monday is going to be just as nice. sunny and warmer. midweek it is going to be hot. but that will also elevate our fire danger. here we are by midnight tonight you can see coextensive that is. stretching to the self bay. and also by 10:00 a.m. also by the south bay... and it is not until 3:00 p.m. that we will release the that warmer temperatures. however, that fog will be the lingering along the coast with cooler temperatures. let us take a look at releasreally the warmer temperatures. and campbell also in the inland locations along the delta antioch, pittsburgh. 83 degrees expected with san leandro but still pleasant with 76 degrees. the peninsula, 70's in san bruno and ocean beach. and nice temperatures in the northern areas with petaluma, napa and novado. we have a game tomorrow the giants will play the cardinals. if you're going to the game be prepared to be breezy temperatures with mild conditions. your kron 4 7 day around the bay this warming trend will continue. by wednesday it is going to be hot and feel like summer. highs and the '90s. and will slowly get to a cool down with a comfortable range of mild temperatures towards next week. go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and to watch all the presidential speeches. uninterrupted. and on digital 4.2. quick, convenient and always on. >> coming up a clean up is planned for a concord homeless encampment but is it needed? in the next edition of people behaving badly. >> kron 4 is continuing to follow the pennant race you are looking live. the national league championship series more news. [ male announcer ] the career landscape of america is changing. new jobs are here, and by 2025, we could have millions more that demand qualified college graduates. many in the bay area. at devry university, our market-responsive bachelor's and master's degree programs can give you what you need to succeed in today's careers and the ones on the horizon. get the know how you need for a new tomorrow at our 4 bay area locations, online or both. learn more at and let nothing stand in your way. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. argonaut have to tell you what is this book where i found this. -- this is near this marsh near concord but it is a stark difference. it is a homeless encampment along the creek. this water shed is part of the contra costa water district. when you walk along the banks you will notice tempera restructures come off tents and a lot of stress trash but there is a lot of trash--also in the woods. this is a man-made damage inside the creek. and this is used to access one of the homes. and one thing that i noticed in all homeless encampments is a lot of bicycles and bike parts and copper wiring. >> you cannot camp here anymore. so, tomorrow i think that people are going to come out and plays heavily for stuff out. >> the concord police have been diligent about falling upon us. >> that homeless encampment has to be cleaned up because as we approach to rainy season the water will rise and all of the stretch will be washed into the sample bay. so, the car batteries like this one and the acid inside of them could contaminate the water rates. it is not just one income and it is at dozens. and they could pick up several dump trucks this is going to take a lot of work and costing taxpayers a lot of money again. in concord, stanley roberts, kron 4. if >> if you have a comment or if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, you can email us at m a story. co >> here is a look at your high temperatures. it was nice and pleasant. 80s in fairfield, we got up to 75 degrees and sunny build a much cooler along the coast. that warming trend will continue. what we can expect with a workweek and how hot it is going to get. stay with us we don't call this our company, we call this our mission. green toys teaches children that if i have a milk jug and i stick it in the recycling bin it can turn into something new. chase allows us to buy capital equipment to be able to manufacture in the states to the scale we need to be a global company. with a little luck green toys could be the next great american brand. find what's next for your business at ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing a look twice. introducing a stunning work of technology -- the entirely new lexus es. and the first-ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. in a playoff fever continues. kron 4 is alive and it is less and one month away from the november elections. round two of the presidential debates. >> a fireworks show in chinapond horribly wrong . measures... measure up. money to our schools. "misleading." out here. it. but there's hope. straight to our schools... keeps it there. politicians. yes on thirty-eight. (male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> the pennant race we go live to at&t park. j.r. stone this is a bit of a nail biter. >> you can hear the crowd it is the bottom of the night that it is still 6-4. some people are starting to file out cured giving up hope. however, bottom of the nine but there is still >> what time did you put on this? >> the first time. >> but i ran my errands. >> forchowever, i did to my parents first. >> it is to scare anybody? but when you took all of these beads. did you get any of those? >> i do not know! [laughter] >> and these came from your closet. >> this hat. i can see it from a mile away. i thought it was a hunting hat. >> i know what it is a construction zone a street vendor said that i should be on television. >> you got it and you are fired up? >> absolutely. >> hear a lot of people are filing out trying to beat some of the traffic. but the giants are still down 6-4 to the cardinals. and at one point it was 6-0. with bottom of the ninth and much more with fans and post- game. all coming up in sports. reporting live, j. r. stone, kron 4 news. >> team coverage continues with a lot of red and gold. with the tail gators. maureen kelly spoke with those fans. and >> if you squint you got this picture was taken at candlestick park instead of outside of at&t park. they had their 49ers flag flying. they had their giants hat and orange and black beads over his 49ers trustee. >> i cannot be at two places at once. >> one person was tossing back a football. >> i wanted to go to both games but i could not risk the traffic. the >> fight was going to try to what a out. >> the midsection right. if the many all what art here are following the 49ers came on the radio. and some chanting having a deeper meeting. >> who has been better than us? >> and nobody. >> it is great to be living in the san francisco. . is a great day for sports in the bay area. . today is an ultimate sunday. >> many are confident that the day ahead for san francisco sports. >> it is going to be awesome to win championships in the same year. the no >> many people are planning for more sports. >> the giants are playing in the 49ers are planning it is amazing. >> maureen kelly, kron 4 news. >> with more bay 4 news funeral services will be held on friday for the retired schoolteacher who was found dead. neighbors found her body fat with several stab wounds in side of her home. the founder -- body. and mountain view cemetery in oakland to this man behind bars after a standoff with san francisco police this morning. officers arrived after shots being fired near webster street and in the street. they found a bullet casings and when they are right the surrounded a nearby home. four hours later several adults and children walked out. the suspect is being held without bail. >> the latest on the richmond refinery fire investigation. we are getting a report that the repocaused is another fire from last year at the plant. state workers reported allegations of corrosion and possible risks to their employees. the erosion that led to last year's fire was not expected and they found nothing unusual about the fire. police and elsa revo are asking residents to be on alert. in elsa rev---el cerrito.. this person is believed to be steeling people's mail. >> now, decision 2012. the debate season is well under well. perhaps the most interesting is this time it is going to be undecided voters asking the questions. the >> round 2 governor mitt romney and president obama are going to face off with a town hall style. the format is a unique challenge. >> the challenge they have to connect not just with the people that are watching television but also to the people that are on stage. and undecided voters chosen by gallup. i have to keep those folks in mind it is a much more intimate and up close venue. pam obama is under pressure after his last reduced. >> 1 pad debate could lose the battle. >> with two beds debate, that could lose the war. with two-bed debate spurred them we could see a different type of president obama with aggressive but he could not be overly aggressive half. mitt romney has found a confidence and a boost. >> there is more energy and passion people are getting behind this campaign. >> at a town hall and with an audienc interaction the style and body language can take on added weight. at the first town hall style debate in 1992 and george w. bush reportedly checked his watch. some thought that he did not want to be there. commentators say that bill clinton walking towards the audience about the recession highlighted his ability to connect with voters. one thing that can be difficult with aggression is questions like this. >> can we focus on the issues and not the personalities and the mud. >> this could be good for the president. >> he can draw from the energy of the public and the crowd. >> as for mitt romney? >> one of his biggest challenges for the entire campaign has not been able to connect with the common man, woman, child. he has to be able to come across as connecting. he has to come across as genuine, caring, likable. >> a candidate that makes a connection is also making a connection with the public. >> the stakes could not be higher. athena jones, cnn, washington. och >> remember go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and to watch all the presidential speeches. uninterrupted. and on digital 4.2. tuesday. >> let us go outside and take a live look from the bay bridge toll plaza. the east bay hills is mostly clear skies and for the bay area. it is offshore but slow the working its way. with the satellite and reversed the storm track to the north it is not going to be much rainfall but reconditions and high clouds. breezy conditions. once this moves out it is going to clear out to the east. it will warm up nicely in the bay area. that warming trend will kick in. today, dense fog and tomorrow please drive carefully. with mid '80s will continue to see if you degrees even towards 90. by 90 it is going to be even hot. with inland locations i will let you know exactly what to expect and how hot it is going to get. >> gasoline prices are degreasing but not by much. the california average is $4.62 it is degreasing- >> the bay area, it is now $4.69 decreasing nearly just 25 from yesterday. >> if you are ready for the mobile revolution you can walk into a store and use your smart phone to pay for something. no cash, no credit card. the phone is in your wallet. one of my favorite mobile payment services but it is an act that you download. and it makes mobile payments really easy. makes mobile payments really easy. >> [ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. [ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. among richard hendrickson was performing an acrobatic stunt one the stand broke. flinging him over the edge. and nearly 4,000 ft. above the ground. witnesses say that everybody thought he died but hendrickson managed to open his parachute just seconds before. and there he goes again. talk about a close call. and college football alabama alignment michael fanning slammed misery running back hands perot into the turk. take a look. fanning his hands were on the ground and then slammed him into the ground. that is a professional wrestling move but that is a personal foul known in the football. fanning had a penalty. nearly 100 spectators were hurt in china after a low altitude and pollution level from this fireworks. some had burns all over their body. many people have been released from their body and cover some are still waiting on treatment. >> temperatures were on the cool side. with many 50s and dense fog tonight. and some summer-like temperatures coming up. coming up in my extended forecast, coming up. >> jason applebaum. >> this was a difficult ae. the wrong giant team had victory. with three consecutive victory. madison baumgartner did not have it. david freeze the world mvp, but the to bomb the world series the left palm and giants fans are shocked. on the top of the fourth day at on six-nothing. baumgartner giving up all the runs in the giants fans are thinking that this game is over. however the giants rally. with high right center field, pants scores. and he will slide in with a triple, 6-3. the next batter, crawford will double to easily scorecard and 6-4 with a lot of game left. the top of the six, tim lincecum. out of the bullpen. and lines 1 to love to but with the sliding catch. and 5-3 the hitless innings this became a bullpen. edward will strike out buster posy. and the cardinals 5-3 with two heads. final six-four = cardinals. with to-it's. the game tomorrow is also at 5:00 p.m. with to-hitto hatalsoe new yorke hosting th pla the 49ers. and the 49ers planning the to dominate in the capital with eli manning. a nice grab for the 37 yd game. it is a lie manning, and with victor cruz. smearing it in, a 6 yd touchdown. this cells of dance and eli manning, just 100 yds but he did not make any mistakes. 49ers,:not alex smith with a 46 yd completion to former giant, mario. this sets up this field goal and even former field goal kicker pushing it wide left. 10-3 at halftime it. and with new york branch are tearing it up at the docdomination. with a 17-3. jim harbaugh of scoring 16-0. the final = 26-3. brad shaw rushed 160 yds for the first back in 2 years to go over the center mart at candlestick park. bad news for the giants. bad news for the 49ers. nobody saw this coming. today, they were up front and despite the loss of from the fans alex smith was outclassed with his counterparts. eli smith with three points and 24.8. eli manning through just 193 yds. but did not make any mistakes. the giants proved that this was no fluke. sending a message that they are still the team to beat. with atlanta and against the 5-0 falcons and this had the makings of a blow out. but matt reis and gearhart however, like alex smith. and matt-run and kerstin polymer. with 18-yards. he talks under and caroff curtis palmer and the former eagel and palmer with catch him and no way. 79 yard touch down 110 in penalties. 20- 13. tennis down to the final five. with 35 3 yds and two plays later, mcfadden. with a two- touchdown run. tying the game up and after five completions the falcons are in a field goal range. nailing bat at just the left upright. bad news. they almost got the upset of the raiders lose at 0-4 and let it is a 6-0 the still undefeated. >> tomorrow is another day. >> that is true and what a highlight for tony bennett. >> that did not change the outcome and least we have beautiful weather. >> absolutely and the warming trend is going to get hot with the big story is the fog. it will be extensive. as we head out the door so drive carefully if you're going over the bridge. however number one, reduce your speed with which of wipers and headlights. however, with windshield wipers expected. wednesday, this warm up with hot and feel a lot like summer. the fog tracker with midnight you can see how extensive that is. and it will slowly pulled back to the coast. lingering. 70's through. with city and '80s for the south bay. '70s in san jose and once again a few degrees warmer compared to what was august the afternoon. 80s in fairfield pittsburgh, antioch and some of the low warmest locations. 70's for it san leandro. downtown san francisco but still pleasant with '70s and '80s in the north bay. the giants game and take a jacket it is going to be mild. a bit breezy. let us take a look at the seven day are run the bay with a warm up expected and it is going to be hot. with '90s for the warmest locations. that is the peak day. after that will slowly see a cool down and we will see mild conditions with 70's and 80's for the warmest locations. go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and to watch all the presidential speeches. uninterrupted. and on digital 4.2. cahoquick, convenient. the new 24/7 you are going to find it on comcast's 193. (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... 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