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>> after a likely date is finally mission accomplished after a lengthy delay. one day later than expected with trees and other obstacles had to be dealt with. that 12 mi. journey it was able to maneuver round of a just inches to spare. the endeavor will go on public display october 30th >> it wearing just a space suit, helmet and parachute alex baumgartner attempted a free fall from the stratosphere today. he landed safely after jumping out of a helium balloon in breaking the speed of sound. >> in new mexico the sky diver felix baumgartner made his the said to the edge of space for the record. >> it was hard to describe because i did not feel it is like being in and cast and it happened. i do not know how but we would have to look at the data. was it already out of control but i did not feel it at all. judge speed you eat roughag you need to-teach sd you need a speed cage. >> he home from a helium balloon to 120,000 ft. which is about 23 mi.. and over the previous holder was an american previous colonel. >> are you jealous? >> no. i am delighted he is the advancing science anyone to a great job. >> the rest was thin atmosphere, and possible loss of consciousness and low temperatures but the death did not scare camera. >> that is always facing death as a base jumper. and it did not--scare me. it is important that you do your homework you need confidence. and you always hope that your not going to die. i'm going to put everything out there. >> baumgartner almost made an attempt on tuesday but a gust of wind ruin to those plans. >> federal health officials say the fondle meningitis has risen. 205. the fungal meningitis--with the number of 14 states and 115 people dead. the california health officials have not illnesses. these were from storage shots for back pain the pharmacy is in massachusetts. >> if you type in the words completely wrong and on a google search you could see what comes up. and there is a slew of photographs with one presidential candidate. >> if i tie " completely wrong " into the google images i get a lot of imagism it from me if i type that. i saw a similar trend on being and you hope >> for a search engine it is really around the word it is going to display that picture. however sometimes it is eight intentional with google bonds. and miserable failure with george w. bush google bomb s.... is what they're known for. however, debate feel there would bring up images of president obama or rick perry, and john kerry. and speaking of john kerry who is accused of flip-floping conservatives have managed to push his campaign website to the top for the word waffles. >> is this part of a modern reality? that they are powerless to do anything about? >> the best thing they can do to protect themselves to a multiple website is about themselves, officially cured >> the good news is that a search officials usually fade over time record them of president barack obama and its gop hopeful mid from the are getting ready for the second debate this tuesday. we will have a full preview, later tonight. >> it was sunny and pleasant. we did have some fog lingering along the coast guard tonight will have more extensive fog stretching all the way to livermore. as we head out tomorrow more dense fog so be careful if your driving. the headlights and wipers but monday is going to be just as nice. sunny and warmer. midweek it is going to be hot. but that will also elevate our fire danger. here we are by midnight tonight you can see coextensive that is. stretching to the self bay. and also by 10:00 a.m. also by the south bay... and it is not until 3:00 p.m. that we will release the that warmer temperatures. however, that fog will be the lingering along the coast with cooler temperatures. let us take a look at releasreally the warmer temperatures. and campbell also in the inland locations along the delta antioch, pittsburgh. 83 degrees expected with san leandro but still pleasant with 76 degrees. the peninsula, 70's in san bruno and ocean beach. and nice temperatures in the northern areas with petaluma, napa and novado. we have a game tomorrow the giants will play the cardinals. if you're going to the game be prepared to be breezy temperatures with mild conditions. your kron 4 7 day around the bay this warming trend will continue. by wednesday it is going to be hot and feel like summer. highs and the '90s. and will slowly get to a cool down with a comfortable range of mild temperatures towards next week. go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and to watch all the presidential speeches. uninterrupted. and on digital 4.2. quick, convenient and always on. >> coming up a clean up is planned for a concord homeless encampment but is it needed? in the next edition of people behaving badly. >> kron 4 is continuing to follow the pennant race you are looking live. the national league championship series more news. [ male announcer ] the career landscape of america is changing. new jobs are here, and by 2025, we could have millions more that demand qualified college graduates. many in the bay area. at devry university, our market-responsive bachelor's and master's degree programs can give you what you need to succeed in today's careers and the ones on the horizon. get the know how you need for a new tomorrow at our 4 bay area locations, online or both. learn more at and let nothing stand in your way. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. argonaut have to tell you what is this book where i found this. -- this is near this marsh near concord but it is a stark difference. it is a homeless encampment along the creek. this water shed is part of the contra costa water district. when you walk along the banks you will notice tempera restructures come off tents and a lot of stress trash but there is a lot of trash--also in the woods. this is a man-made damage inside the creek. and this is used to access one of the homes. and one thing that i noticed in all homeless encampments is a lot of bicycles and bike parts and copper wiring. >> you cannot camp here anymore. so, tomorrow i think that people are going to come out and plays heavily for stuff out. >> the concord police have been diligent about falling upon us. >> that homeless encampment has to be cleaned up because as we approach to rainy season the water will rise and all of the stretch will be washed into the sample bay. so, the car batteries like this one and the acid inside of them could contaminate the water rates. it is not just one income and it is at dozens. and they could pick up several dump trucks this is going to take a lot of work and costing taxpayers a lot of money again. in concord, stanley roberts, kron 4. if >> if you have a comment or if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, you can email us at m a story. co >> here is a look at your high temperatures. it was nice and pleasant. 80s in fairfield, we got up to 75 degrees and sunny build a much cooler along the coast. that warming trend will continue. what we can expect with a workweek and how hot it is going to get. stay with us we don't call this our company, we call this our mission. green toys teaches children that if i have a milk jug and i stick it in the recycling bin it can turn into something new. chase allows us to buy capital equipment to be able to manufacture in the states to the scale we need to be a global company. with a little luck green toys could be the next great american brand. find what's next for your business at ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing a look twice. introducing a stunning work of technology -- the entirely new lexus es. and the first-ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. in a playoff fever continues. kron 4 is alive and it is less and one month away from the november elections. round two of the presidential debates. >> a fireworks show in chinapond horribly wrong . measures... measure up. money to our schools. "misleading." out here. it. but there's hope. straight to our schools... keeps it there. politicians. yes on thirty-eight. (male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> the pennant race we go live to at&t park. j.r. stone this is a bit of a nail biter. >> you can hear the crowd it is the bottom of the night that it is still 6-4. some people are starting to file out cured giving up hope. however, bottom of the nine but there is still >> what time did you put on this? >> the first time. >> but i ran my errands. >> forchowever, i did to my parents first. >> it is to scare anybody? but when you took all of these beads. did you get any of those? >> i do not know! [laughter] >> and these came from your closet. >> this hat. i can see it from a mile away. i thought it was a hunting hat. >> i know what it is a construction zone a street vendor said that i should be on television. >> you got it and you are fired up? >> absolutely. >> hear a lot of people are filing out trying to beat some of the traffic. but the giants are still down 6-4 to the cardinals. and at one point it was 6-0. with bottom of the ninth and much more with fans and post- game. all coming up in sports. reporting live, j. r. stone, kron 4 news. >> team coverage continues with a lot of red and gold. with the tail gators. maureen kelly spoke with those fans. and >> if you squint you got this picture was taken at candlestick park instead of outside of at&t park. they had their 49ers flag flying. they had their giants hat and orange and black beads over his 49ers trustee. >> i cannot be at two places at once. >> one person was tossing back a football. >> i wanted to go to both games but i could not risk the traffic. the >> fight was going to try to what a out. >> the midsection right. if the many all what art here are following the 49ers came on the radio. and some chanting having a deeper meeting. >> who has been better than us? >> and nobody. >> it is great to be living in the san francisco. . is a great day for sports in the bay area. . today is an ultimate sunday. >> many are confident that the day ahead for san francisco sports. >> it is going to be awesome to win championships in the same year. the no >> many people are planning for more sports. >> the giants are playing in the 49ers are planning it is amazing. >> maureen kelly, kron 4 news. >> with more bay 4 news funeral services will be held on friday for the retired schoolteacher who was found dead. neighbors found her body fat with several stab wounds in side of her home. the founder -- body. and mountain view cemetery in oakland to this man behind bars after a standoff with san francisco police this morning. officers arrived after shots being fired near webster street and in the street. they found a bullet casings and when they are right the surrounded a nearby home. four hours later several adults and children walked out. the suspect is being held without bail. >> the latest on the richmond refinery fire investigation. we are getting a report that the repocaused is another fire from last year at the plant. state workers reported allegations of corrosion and possible risks to their employees. the erosion that led to last year's fire was not expected and they found nothing unusual about the fire. police and elsa revo are asking residents to be on alert. in elsa rev---el cerrito.. this person is believed to be steeling people's mail. >> now, decision 2012. the debate season is well under well. perhaps the most interesting is this time it is going to be undecided voters asking the questions. the >> round 2 governor mitt romney and president obama are going to face off with a town hall style. the format is a unique challenge. >> the challenge they have to connect not just with the people that are watching television but also to the people that are on stage. and undecided voters chosen by gallup. i have to keep those folks in mind it is a much more intimate and up close venue. pam obama is under pressure after his last reduced. >> 1 pad debate could lose the battle. >> with two beds debate, that could lose the war. with two-bed debate spurred them we could see a different type of president obama with aggressive but he could not be overly aggressive half. mitt romney has found a confidence and a boost. >> there is more energy and passion people are getting behind this campaign. >> at a town hall and with an audienc interaction the style and body language can take on added weight. at the first town hall style debate in 1992 and george w. bush reportedly checked his watch. some thought that he did not want to be there. commentators say that bill clinton walking towards the audience about the recession highlighted his ability to connect with voters. one thing that can be difficult with aggression is questions like this. >> can we focus on the issues and not the personalities and the mud. >> this could be good for the president. >> he can draw from the energy of the public and the crowd. >> as for mitt romney? >> one of his biggest challenges for the entire campaign has not been able to connect with the common man, woman, child. he has to be able to come across as connecting. he has to come across as genuine, caring, likable. >> a candidate that makes a connection is also making a connection with the public. >> the stakes could not be higher. athena jones, cnn, washington. och >> remember go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and to watch all the presidential speeches. uninterrupted. and on digital 4.2. tuesday. >> let us go outside and take a live look from the bay bridge toll plaza. the east bay hills is mostly clear skies and for the bay area. it is offshore but slow the working its way. with the satellite and reversed the storm track to the north it is not going to be much rainfall but reconditions and high clouds. breezy conditions. once this moves out it is going to clear out to the east. it will warm up nicely in the bay area. that warming trend will kick in. today, dense fog and tomorrow please drive carefully. with mid '80s will continue to see if you degrees even towards 90. by 90 it is going to be even hot. with inland locations i will let you know exactly what to expect and how hot it is going to get. >> gasoline prices are degreasing but not by much. the california average is $4.62 it is degreasing- >> the bay area, it is now $4.69 decreasing nearly just 25 from yesterday. >> if you are ready for the mobile revolution you can walk into a store and use your smart phone to pay for something. no cash, no credit card. the phone is in your wallet. one of my favorite mobile payment services but it is an act that you download. and it makes mobile payments really easy. makes mobile payments really easy. >> [ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. [ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. among richard hendrickson was performing an acrobatic stunt one the stand broke. flinging him over the edge. and nearly 4,000 ft. above the ground. witnesses say that everybody thought he died but hendrickson managed to open his parachute just seconds before. and there he goes again. talk about a close call. and college football alabama alignment michael fanning slammed misery running back hands perot into the turk. take a look. fanning his hands were on the ground and then slammed him into the ground. that is a professional wrestling move but that is a personal foul known in the football. fanning had a penalty. nearly 100 spectators were hurt in china after a low altitude and pollution level from this fireworks. some had burns all over their body. many people have been released from their body and cover some are still waiting on treatment. >> temperatures were on the cool side. with many 50s and dense fog tonight. and some summer-like temperatures coming up. coming up in my extended forecast, coming up. >> jason applebaum. >> this was a difficult ae. the wrong giant team had victory. with three consecutive victory. madison baumgartner did not have it. david freeze the world mvp, but the to bomb the world series the left palm and giants fans are shocked. on the top of the fourth day at on six-nothing. baumgartner giving up all the runs in the giants fans are thinking that this game is over. however the giants rally. with high right center field, pants scores. and he will slide in with a triple, 6-3. the next batter, crawford will double to easily scorecard and 6-4 with a lot of game left. the top of the six, tim lincecum. out of the bullpen. and lines 1 to love to but with the sliding catch. and 5-3 the hitless innings this became a bullpen. edward will strike out buster posy. and the cardinals 5-3 with two heads. final six-four = cardinals. with to-it's. the game tomorrow is also at 5:00 p.m. with to-hitto hatalsoe new yorke hosting th pla the 49ers. and the 49ers planning the to dominate in the capital with eli manning. a nice grab for the 37 yd game. it is a lie manning, and with victor cruz. smearing it in, a 6 yd touchdown. this cells of dance and eli manning, just 100 yds but he did not make any mistakes. 49ers,:not alex smith with a 46 yd completion to former giant, mario. this sets up this field goal and even former field goal kicker pushing it wide left. 10-3 at halftime it. and with new york branch are tearing it up at the docdomination. with a 17-3. jim harbaugh of scoring 16-0. the final = 26-3. brad shaw rushed 160 yds for the first back in 2 years to go over the center mart at candlestick park. bad news for the giants. bad news for the 49ers. nobody saw this coming. today, they were up front and despite the loss of from the fans alex smith was outclassed with his counterparts. eli smith with three points and 24.8. eli manning through just 193 yds. but did not make any mistakes. the giants proved that this was no fluke. sending a message that they are still the team to beat. with atlanta and against the 5-0 falcons and this had the makings of a blow out. but matt reis and gearhart however, like alex smith. and matt-run and kerstin polymer. with 18-yards. he talks under and caroff curtis palmer and the former eagel and palmer with catch him and no way. 79 yard touch down 110 in penalties. 20- 13. tennis down to the final five. with 35 3 yds and two plays later, mcfadden. with a two- touchdown run. tying the game up and after five completions the falcons are in a field goal range. nailing bat at just the left upright. bad news. they almost got the upset of the raiders lose at 0-4 and let it is a 6-0 the still undefeated. >> tomorrow is another day. >> that is true and what a highlight for tony bennett. >> that did not change the outcome and least we have beautiful weather. >> absolutely and the warming trend is going to get hot with the big story is the fog. it will be extensive. as we head out the door so drive carefully if you're going over the bridge. however number one, reduce your speed with which of wipers and headlights. however, with windshield wipers expected. wednesday, this warm up with hot and feel a lot like summer. the fog tracker with midnight you can see how extensive that is. and it will slowly pulled back to the coast. lingering. 70's through. with city and '80s for the south bay. '70s in san jose and once again a few degrees warmer compared to what was august the afternoon. 80s in fairfield pittsburgh, antioch and some of the low warmest locations. 70's for it san leandro. downtown san francisco but still pleasant with '70s and '80s in the north bay. the giants game and take a jacket it is going to be mild. a bit breezy. let us take a look at the seven day are run the bay with a warm up expected and it is going to be hot. with '90s for the warmest locations. that is the peak day. after that will slowly see a cool down and we will see mild conditions with 70's and 80's for the warmest locations. go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and to watch all the presidential speeches. uninterrupted. and on digital 4.2. cahoquick, convenient. the new 24/7 you are going to find it on comcast's 193. (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... 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