exploited, and then turn our border enforcement into chasing criminals, not nannies and farm workers. i think that s what adds to the hypocrisy of those on the other side who advocate for a guest worker program who also say they stand for family values. i believe our immigration policy should keep families together. they should promote the parents taking care of their kids and kids being able to pursue their education and career goals and serving in the military. i agree. you could do both. you just need to be smart about it. one of the points that eliseo made that i want to hammer home, and i think it s really important. i worked with folks who are undocumented in restaurants and different settings. is the way that border enforcement means that people come and stay in that periods where the border enforcement is lower, people would go back and forth a lot. you come and earn money, undocumented, go back, and maybe build a home and get a job in mexico.