such strength for them to allow cnn into their homes and to share the story as well. such a heartbreaking story. we hope she find that band. it has so much significance for her. mr. neore news to come. jerusalem day turned violent in israel. what caused marshals to start throwing punches and rocks. plus the religious and political importance of the two women, pope francis just canonized. we re back in a moment. don t just visit orlando
compound. so even though ramadi has fallen. there are other cities in anbar that are still standing and we believe that the next few days are going to see victories against, against as for reinforcements come in. and more coordination with the international coalition. in reality how likely is it you will see victory. among the forces that were fleeing the scene there, in ramadi, were elite forces. so if elite forces don t feel they re capable to go up against isis, then who is on the ground. there is a lot of talk here among iraqi officials including central government to determine exactly what happened with the forces that you see retreating. and i think we will, learn more about who gave the orders and