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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180517

makes textiles from the peels of citrus fruit. and concrete construction to visit a few side holiday home in portugal. they're all there just a few days to go before prince harry and meghan markle say i do before the world and already there is tons of speculation about her wedding dress but royal watchers are certain that it will make history now this is not meghan merkel's first marriage so will the dress reflect so that factual so far kensington palace has kept tight lipped on the most of the wedding details therefore we had to do a bit of research ourselves about what will likely be the dress of the year. the transmission mark in the official engagement photos last year raised some eyebrows and gown that reportedly cost sixty thousand euros it goes without saying that when it comes to royal weddings bit of sweden's princess victoria or maxima getting married to prince william alexander of the netherlands no expenses found the guest list is exclusive the festivities lavish and the bride's dress has to be a showstopper. when prince william and catherine middleton tied the knot in twenty eleven the public was given the day off harry and megan's wedding would be quite a spectacular after all harry is only six in line to the throne but there is just as much speculation and excitement surrounding megan's wedding dress as they waltz about kate's. this is not just a dress for a day this is the dress that's going to be remembered throughout roll history it will have its own unique place in royal history and therefore a nice to be timeless make in is pretty daring when it comes to fashion and but i think we'll see her go down a very classic and traditional way when it comes to her wedding dress. for start it will be white. in eight hundred forty eight young queen victoria was the first royal bride to wear a simple white dress to marry prince albert of saks kobo. and daughter at the time this wasn't a popular choice for wedding dresses thanks to queen victoria it became a tradition. all the bridal gowns of the royal family are being kept at kensington palace. it's not the big expensive silver and gold dresses of theirs and in generations her wedding dress is a simple dress made out of an off white silk satin it is trimmed with lace and embellished with flowers. over the years displays or pomp and ceremony have become increasingly dazzling starting in the twentieth century westminster abbey is the wedding venue of choice for british royals. it was here and nineteen twenty three that elizabeth bowes lyon or the queen mum as she was better known married the juke of york the later king george the six. in one nine hundred forty seven her daughter elizabeth then still just a princess or a satin gown decorated with crystals on poles with a four metre long train the second world war was only just over and the future queen had to purchase the fabric using clothing ration coupons brides to be from all parts of the country donated hundreds of their own clothing coupons to help her pay for her dress. were all family has always made it weddings public events letting everybody in on the fun is a way of boosting public enthusiasm for the royal family. the star of the ceremony is always inevitably the bride and her dress. the dresses have to rise to this occasion they become bigger and bigger and more and more an apparatus they have to carry these extraordinarily powerful spaces you know the spaces come with attitudes and the dresses have to be have to compete with that. one of them. memorable wedding dresses in british history was the one worn by lady diana spencer when she married prince charles in nine hundred eighty one and event watched by seven hundred fifty million people worldwide designed by elizabeth emanuel and her husband david the ivory soap taffeta gown was decorated with antique lace and embroidery sequins and ten thousand. fairytale dress we tried to make it that way and we knew that suppose was such a big place that whatever to dress it like it had had to fill the space and we wanted to really make people think that the dress we designed was the vision the absolute epitome of what a princess would wear herself thing was a fairy story to live together according to kate middleton also wore a fairy tale dress when she married prince william in twenty eleven designed by alexander mcqueen's creative director sarah burton it had an ivory satin bodice was padded slightly at the hips a narrow to the waist which designer will meghan markle pick. we don't have very long to wait to see who she's chosen there's a lot of speculation that it may be ralph and reso who are one of megan's favorite designers in fact she chose a rough and i say dress for official engagement day pictures so i would say that that is probably a good bet but that she's not just having one dress she is having to dresses one for the seventy and one for the evening reception so maybe she has chosen one design it's made them both will possibly she's changed to design is to make those two different dresses. one thing's for sure make and model will be wearing white when she walks down the aisle and when the big day is over the dress will join the collection of royal wedding gowns. all right now is a good time to let you in on this with the drop we're looking for your best the wedding photos now if you have one either from your own wedding or from our friends then please share it with us and by doing so you qualify to win this nifty royal wedding set complete with meghan and harry's engagement are on it just go to our website for all of the details are moving on now to a brief look at other stories making headlines on the culture scene today. the documentary berlin's treasure trove premiered in berlin and tuesday co-produced by german public broadcasters d w r b b and it explores the work of the pression cultural heritage foundation their collection in campuses over five million objects in one thousand museums. and so much in museums and through the stories they tell someone is that explaining things the most fascinating the story of the. film director doug fire was granted a rare behind the scenes look at how researchers curators and restorers go about their work for lintz treasure trove goes on general release in german cinemas on may seventeenth. researchers have revealed the hidden contents of two pages from the diary of anne frank seventy years after the journal was first published the teenager pasted over the writing with brown paper making it illegible using modern image processing technology it was possible to uncover passages featuring risque jokes and candid musings on sex contraception and prostitution and frank wrote about coming of age during the second world war while hiding from the nazis in amsterdam in one nine hundred forty four she and her family were discovered arrested and deported she died at the age of fifteen in one hundred forty five vegan belsen concentration camp. the prize for france's best traditional but gets has gone to love all uncut us to me a baker from the island of the your which is an overseas department of france on tuesday he out back to five other finalists at the federation that dupont competitors were given six hours to make forty traditional french begets while complying with strict rules the baked goods were judged on their appearance smell and naturally their taste the food to part is held annually at paris's town hall. subjects of our next report have made themselves well known in the contemporary art world by attending every major opening for years but these aren't just any kind of museum goers if a day they are bald dressed and a married couple who claimed to have landed in berlin in a time machine after a fall of the wall now instead of being the art opening crashers they have their own exhibition running here in berlin it focuses on their love for each other and the risks that they've taken with their chosen lifestyle. a living breathing artwork takes a tour of its own retrospective paintings photographs videos and collectors items all devoted to a single theme the bubble gum pink world of avon and. the berlin or the studio have devoted their lives to performance one they maintain twenty four seven for twenty seven years made up to the hilt with bald heads and identical outfits and a daler are their own artwork they describe themselves as the third sex playing with identity and gender boundaries. largest since they are others to think about tolerance courage beauty and move fantasy. and diversity profusely. after. according to their c.v. and their daily arrived in berlin from the future they reveal nothing about their lives from the time before they met they only share their measurements as with any artwork their breakthrough came in one thousand nine hundred one when the pair stage their own wedding at a time when same sex marriage was unthinkable and since then they've been ubiquitous in the art world attending any major our show opening in and outside germany no matter where they go they're recognized and photographed a celebrity that feeds their all encompassing living work of art and of course leave it's a major achievement and that's required great continuity and the rigor with which they have maintained this lifelong performance like the sounding. so it's uplifting. and it's a feeling that you get at this exhibition i mean if they say they come from the future well of the future looks this lively and colorful and lovely then we really have nothing to be afraid of. ever and a day like to say wherever we are is a museum whether in a cafe on the toilet. at the pool everything is a performance and aims to inspire others to share in their fantasy world. you can and can and for us there is no such thing as daily routine. you know you got nice trying to make every day celebration a beautiful celebration. and truest. as zest for life and an appeal for tolerance as a nonstop performance as a pair twenty four hours a day three hundred sixty five days a year. normally oranges are used for making orange juice and the like but when one start up in sicily got their hands on them they turned them into items of clothing orange fiber makes sustainable textiles from the rinds of the citrus fruits and as you will see the results are quite appealing. it's not silk it's six years this dress is made from fabric house of orange fibers and it doesn't just turn heads it also ghana's the attention of anyone with a nose for fashion. this is a long long ago fabric doesn't smell like orange is. still anyone who sees it has the urge to touch and smell it. home to some sixty seven thousand hectares of orange groves cicely's italy's main producer of oranges there are such a street as far as the eye can seem. to be honest something that cheeto grew up amid beyond groups along the eastern coast after studying fashion in milan she returned home to marry the knowledge she acquired in italy's fashion capital with the fruits of her native region. here in sicily waste disposal is a huge challenge for the orange juice industry. gave me the idea to combine two typical italian products the fashion and citrus fruits this year and yes there are new dotted a company aimed at making fashion more sustainable but. in twenty fourteen she in the friend founded a startup called orange fiber to experiment with the fruits and develop a production process to turn orange juice by products into fabric juice producers on the island collaborated on the project. in the end that they pressed the juice out of the oranges and what's left over is this here the peel. door so certainly. no way to extract the semi loads from the peel with a process that we have paid into it s. they are more. real material is sent to a factory in spain that extracts the plant fibers from the peels and spins them into fine yarns. these go back to which late where another partnering komo transforms them into a white textile that can be produced as an opaque iridescent fabric. this can be dyed in printed like traditional textiles and mixed with materials like silk cotton . and i get that little bit about the oh is that and i bill who hid the textile out of orange peels initially expect the material to be rough. but there was a quick look at that it's very soft on the skin and feels a bit like silk. so in that bed. the storied italian fashion house salvatore thought are gone no it's already won over. it launched a capsule collection made from orange five fabrics and fittingly orange blossoms are recurring motif. just a few weeks later all inspired by garnet international attention at the g. seven summit in the sicilian result of tara mina where first ladies melania trump and bridgette mccomb appear to take a shine to the fabric. of the startup has already picked up numerous innovation prizes proof that there's a future for sustainable fashion. five better than one tap brand to convey two different things sustainability but it's also a luxury and. we want to show that fashion doesn't need to be any beautiful it can be good to. the company has its sights set on further growth and be seeking to win over more designers and textile producers and since the fashion industry is always looking for new exclusive materials oranges may soon be the source of your own soft tauriel style. oranges are multi-functional. side from those clothes that clothing items they go perfectly well in ice cream where's your brings us to our next subject while summer is knocking at our door and that means everyone will be screaming for ice cream well if you had to guess where ice cream comes from you might say italy but in fact it can be traced back to china we take a closer look now and it's cool history. but you know what is good. i scream it can be all colors of the rainbow and comes in a seemingly endless variety of flavors and there's nothing questions refreshing on a hot day summer is the season of the ice cream parlor in germany they're often called vinnitsa and they always have been. a colorful month it was my grandfather's place then my father's and now it's mine it's a tradition i think it's. germany is home to over five thousand ice cream parlors. more than half of them are intelligent genitally yes. ice cream became popular in germany with the arrival of italian migrants nearly one hundred years ago. the first school policy opened here in the one nine hundred twenty s. but it wasn't until the fifty's that their popularity began to brilliant but back then few households had freezers so anyone with a craving for a frozen desert supposed to go out for it and they did in droves. though. many of those see me as the proprietor of another vinny. telling me i don't have cookies we just what you see here. how come it tally in so so good at making ice cream. he tended to say i think it's the way we're brought up we don't follow recipes italians don't follow recipes we improvise we draw all sorts of things together and see where we end up with if it tastes good all the better make under the couch in fact ice cream originally comes from china and dates back some five thousand years markopolos supposedly brought the recipe back to venice. the popsicle is said to have been invented by an american around one hundred years ago . ice cream was becoming a big business in one thousand nine hundred fifty five german ice cream any factory along music began making popsicles and two years later followed suit in the. last years an average of seven point nine pieces of ice cream consume per capita in germany that's about one hundred thirteen scoops per person only the scandinavians eat more ice cream especially the finns who consume more ice cream than anyone else in europe. fads come and go and the one nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's was the heyday of the double meaty popsicle packed full of artificial coloring and flavoring to generations it brings back happy memories. need outside maybe. i should have came there. no wonder so many ice cream parlors are called when it's the name conjures up holidays in the sun blue skies and mediterranean magic. and in germany it's simply what ice cream parlors have always been called. maybe it's your service that's always been called an answer. lots of customers have been coming here since they were kids before the war even when people have been to italy or france they come here and say oh i used to come here when i was young it's over yet steve. times have changed and so have the ice cream flavors but the collective appetite for ice cream is one thing that surely will stay as big as ever . and finally my favorite part of the show when we get a sneak peek into someone's humble abode i visited a house in the allen tasered. region of portugal designed by star architect manual . and this is no ordinary home as it's made up of several units some of which do not have a roof that was done on purpose and not because the builder ran out of money or we meet up now with the owner to hear about the concept behind his summer residence. at first glance this house may look unfinished but that's tension here the idea of space is redefined unlike most homes where all the rooms are under one roof this house was built in units parts of which are without a roof. this is speculation. by the evelyn have decorated with pieces they found locally they bought the land in two thousand and twelve and the home was completed three years later. in the house was to be opened to nature open to view. and on the trees and to be the same time together we are here in the main living room and as you can see you have huge windows so that we can enjoy being outside and inside we've got a problem since we want to have be independent from friends of our friends. pretty different units which bedroom we found our own bathroom so dr. joyce required the area. we've actually interacting with. this is a. living room on the outside extension and this is like a house without a roof. the main house is one hundred square meters but the total living space and up to about two hundred square metres the exterior walls of the structure are made of concrete like what. i. wanted to keep simple functional. and the same time open. of course you can see i was a roof. the architect drew inspiration for this contemporary dwelling from empty roofless houses that frequently dot the portuguese countryside and since i'm in taiz you see very few rainy days per year it's also a concept that works here. ok as you can see this is a traditional portuguese farmhouse over a region of island and this is the type of house that we wanted to go up like it's this is why we chose a very sort of a shape from the inside and vishay proof proof type but we didn't like actually so much of the. traditional ties so we said to be architect and that was the his idea to use the traditional frame of portugese house but we have in a modern and sort of minimalist way. this house sits on seven hectors of land and also includes an infinity pool which looks out over the atlantic ocean. the weather in my leaders is mostly mild and breezy creating a summertime feeling all year round. and so ever since the end of our literature or i hope you enjoy the house as we enjoy it and it's time to say goodbye. i think i better or. and there's also time for us to say goodbye but if you want to see more on the show then please check us out on social media from me and the rest of the crew here at euro max as always thanks for joining us and buy from early. on the next. addition if you're a mom. in just a few days time. magazine will be tying the knot in windsor the wedding has been on sale come on sky. from. the royal wedding cashing in on the next shot. on the back from. the for the. good. the bad. mood. the be. china is conquering the tomato market knowledge mobile and business model. huge companies sell the country split among. the results chile's famous tomato industry is suffering. while cuts humans continue to enjoy the fruits regardless of the cause of rage killed in fifteen minutes t w. quadriga. international talk show. arguments analysis. for journalists discuss the topic of the week. quadriga on d w. c w come july from but it does go right to our correspondent news in central istanbul i'm joined by the helicopter did of his political correspondent on those stories in just a minute but first this news just getting to talk about the perspective closer to. time for an upgrade. that grows somebody. else with. design highlights you can make yourself. known stupes interest that will turn your home to something special. a brace yourself with the w.'s interior design channel on you tube. so we make improvements all the time we know more all public transportation know within the big cities. some of it is. carsharing the point is that energy has to calm the form of community soft renewable we need to produce wonderful batteries for cars so that all cars will while an electricity with no emission batteries with high capacity of electricity it will take our lives of hundreds of kilometers it's just very tough engineering problem it's chemistry physics it's material science. but we will do it if we take time to truly. president and move trump said the u.s. hasn't been notified about north korea's threats to cancel his planned summit with kim jung un next month earlier wanted may not attend the meeting if washington insists again the laterally give up its nuclear weapons the trumpet ministration says it is hopeful the summit will go ahead fully expected the president. the former employee of gymnastics team doctor larry nasa has agreed to pay five hundred million dollars to the women he sexually abused.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180517

bridal gowns and kensington palace. orange outfits and attire and company makes textiles from the fields of citrus fruit. and concrete construction who visit a seaside holiday home in force. they're all there just a few days to go before prince harry and meghan markle say i do before the world and already there is tons of speculation about her wedding dress but royal watchers are certain that it will make history and this is not meg and mark rolls first marriage so will the dress reflect so that factual so far kensington palace has kept tight lipped on most of the wedding details therefore we had to do a bit of research ourselves about what will likely be the dress of the year. the transmission mark in the official engagement photos last year raised some eyebrows and that reportedly cost sixty thousand euros it goes without saying that when it comes to royal weddings bit of sweden's princess victoria or maxima getting married to prince william alexander of the netherlands no expenses past the guest list is exclusive to festivities lavish and the bride's dress has to be a showstopper. when prince william and catherine middleton tied the knot in twenty eleven the public was given the day off harry and meghan's wedding would be quite a spectacular after all harry is only six in line to the throne but there's just as much speculation and excitement surrounding megan's wedding dress as there was about kate. this is not just a dress for a day this is a dress that's going to be remembered throughout roll history it will have its own unique place in royal history and never nice to be timeless make in is pretty daring when it comes to fashion and but i think we'll see her go down a very classic and traditional way when it comes to her wedding dress. for start it will be white. in eight hundred forty eight young queen victoria was the first royal bride to wear a simple white dress to marry prince albert of saks kobo. and go tough at the time this wasn't a popular choice for wedding dresses thanks to queen victoria it became a tradition. all the bridal gowns of the royal family are being kept at kensington palace. it's not the big expensive silver and gold dresses of theirs and in generations her wedding dress is a simple dress made out of an off white silk satin it is trimmed with lace and embellished with flowers. over the years displays of pomp and ceremony have become increasingly dazzling starting in the twentieth century westminster abbey is the wedding venue of choice for british royals. it was here in one thousand nine hundred twenty three that elizabeth bowes lyon or the queen mum as she was better known married the juke of york the later king george the six. in one nine hundred forty seven her daughter elizabeth then still just a princess or satin gown decorated with crystals on poles with a for metre long train the second world war was only just over and the future queen had to purchase the fabric using clothing ration coupons brides to be from all parts of the country donated hundreds of their own clothing coupons to help her pay for her dress. were all family has always made it weddings public events letting everybody in on the fun is a way of boosting public enthusiasm for the royal family. the star of the ceremony is always inevitably the bride and her dress. the trustees have to rise to this occasion they become bigger and bigger and more and more and apparat they have to carry these extraordinarily powerful space into the space time with attitudes and addresses have to be have to compete with that. one of them. memorable wedding dresses in british history was the one worn by lady diana spencer when she married prince charles in one nine hundred eighty one and event watched by seven hundred fifty million people worldwide designed by elizabeth emanuel and her husband david the ivory soap taffeta gown was decorated with antique lace and embroidery sequins and ten thousand. fairytale dress we tried to make it that way and we knew that suppose with such a big place the tree would have it it just like it had had to fill the space and we wanted to really make people think that the dress we designed was the vision the absolute epitome of what a princess would wear because the whole thing was a fairy story to live together according to kate middleton also wore a fairy tale dress when she married prince william in twenty eleven designed by alexander mcqueen's creative director sarah burton it had an ivory satin bodice was padded slightly at the hips a narrow to the waist which designer will meghan markle pick. we didn't have very long to wait to see who she's chosen there's a lot of speculation that it may be ralph and recently who are one of mccain's favorite designers in fact she chose a route from i say dress for official engagement to a picture is so i would say that that is probably a good bet but that she's not just having one dress she is having to dress this one for the seventy and one for the evening reception so maybe she has chosen one design it's made them both will possibly she's changed to design is to make those two different dresses. one thing's for sure making muckle will be wearing white when she walks down the aisle and when the big day is over the dress will join the collection for one wedding gown. all right now is a good time to let you in on this week's drop we're looking for your best to wedding photos now if you have one either from your own wedding or from your friends then please share it with us and by doing so you qualify to win this nifty royal wedding set complete with meghan and harry's engagement photo on it just go to our website for all of the details are moving on now to a brief look at other stories making headlines on the culture scene today. the documentary berlin's treasure trove premiered in berlin on tuesday co-produced by german public broadcasters d w r b b and it explores the work of the pression cultural heritage foundation their collection in campuses over five million objects in one thousand museums. learn so much in museums and through the stories they tell someone isn't explaining things the most fascinating the story of his film director doug fire was granted a rare behind the scenes look at how researchers curators and restorers go about their work berlin's treasure trove goes on general release in german cinemas on may seventeenth. resurges are revealed the hidden contents of two pages from the diary of anne frank seventy years after the journal was first published the teenager pasted over the writing with brown paper making it illegible using modern image processing technology it was possible to uncover passages featuring risque jokes and candid musings on sense contraception and prostitution and frank wrote about coming of age during the second world war while hiding from the nazis in amsterdam in one nine hundred forty four she and her family were discovered arrested and deported she died at the age of fifteen in one nine hundred forty five back in belsen concentration camp. the cause of france's best traditional begets has gone to live on uncut us and me a baker from the island of their annual which is an overseas department of france on tuesday he out back to five other finalists at the federation that dupont competitors were given six hours to make forty traditional french begets while complying with strict rules the baked goods were judged on their appearance smell i don't know actually their taste the fictive is held annually at paris's town hall. subjects of our next report have made themselves well known in the contemporary art world by attending every major opening for years but these aren't just any kind of museum goers if a daily are bald dressed and a married couple who claim to have landed in berlin in a time machine after the fall of the wall now instead of being the art opening crashers they have their own exhibition running here in berlin it focuses on their love for each other and the risks that they've taken with their chosen lifestyle. a living breathing artwork takes a tour of its own retrospective of paintings photographs videos and collectors items all devoted to a single theme the bubble gum pink world of eva and adele of the berlin artist duo have devoted their lives to performance one they've maintained twenty four seven for twenty seven years made up to the hilt with bald heads and identical outfits and a daler are their own artwork they describe themselves as the third sex playing with identity and gender boundaries. largest since they are others to think about tolerance courage puti and fantasy. and diversity profusely. according to their c.v. and their daily arrived in berlin from the future they reveal nothing about their lives from the time before they met they only share their measurements as with any artwork their breakthrough came in one thousand nine hundred one when the pair staged their own wedding at a time when same sex marriage was unthinkable and since then they've been in the art world attending any major our show opening in and outside germany no matter where they go they're recognized and photographed a celebrity that feeds their all encompassing living work of art and it was the major achievement and that's required great continuity and the rigor with which they have maintained this lifelong performance life is the sounding. so it's uplifting. and it's a feeling that you get at this exhibition i mean if they say they come from the future well the future looks this lively and colorful and lovely then we really have nothing to be afraid of. ever and a day like to say wherever we are is a museum whether in a cafe on the twenty. or at the pool everything is a performance and aims to inspire others to share in their fantasy world. can one can and for us there is no such thing as daily routine. trying to make every day celebration a beautiful celebration. and trueness for. as zest for life and an appeal for tolerance as a nonstop performance as a pair twenty four hours a day three hundred sixty five days a year. normally oranges are used for making orange suits and the like but when one starts up in sicily got their hands on them they turn them into items of clothing orange fiber makes the same of all textiles from the rinds of the citrus fruits and as you will see the results are quite appealing. it's not silk it's six s. this dress is made from fabric out of orange fibers and it doesn't just turn heads . anyone who sees it has the urge to touch and smell it if it doesn't get out. home to some sixty seven thousand hectares of orange groves cicely's italy's main producer of oranges there are citrus trees as far as the eye can see. to be honest something a cheeto grew up amid the orange groves along the eastern coast after studying fashion in the land she returned home to marry the knowledge she acquired in italy's fashion capital with the fruits of her native region. here in sicily waste disposal is a huge challenge for the only she's industry. gave me the idea to combine two typical italian products the fashion and citrus fruits and yes the new dotted a company aimed at making fashion more sustainable. in twenty fourteen she in the friend founded a startup called orange fiber to experiment with the fruit and developer production process to turn orange juice by products into fabric juice producers on the island collaborated on the project. in the end that they pressed the juice out of the oranges and what's left over is this here the peel. still. want to. know why extract the fellows from the peel with a process that we have paid into it s. that i am all. the room material is sent to a factory in spain that extracts the plant fibers from the peels and spins them into fine yawns. these go back to which late where another partner in como transforms them into a white textile to. can be produced as an opaque iridescent fabric. this can be dyed in printed like traditional textiles and mixed with materials like silk coffee . person a little bit about the always good and bible who here textile out of orange peels initially expect the material to be rough. but they look at that but it's very soft on the skin and feels a bit like silk. so in that bed. the storied italian fashion house salvatore thought i don't know is already won over. it launched a capsule collection made from orange fiber fabrics and fittingly orange blossoms are recurring motif. just a few weeks later all inspired by garnet international attention at the g. seven summit in the sicilian result of ptolemy not where first ladies mounting a trump and appear to take a shine to the fabric. of the startup has already picked up numerous innovation prizes proof that there's a future for sustainable fashion. five one tap brand to convey two different things sustainability but also not sure. we want to show that fashion doesn't need to be any beautiful it can be good to want to the company has its sights set on further growth and be seeking to we know for more designers and textile producers and since the fashion industry is always looking for new exclusive materials oranges may soon be the source of your own soft tauriel style. oranges are multi-functional aside from those clothes that clothing items they go perfectly well in ice cream or is your brings us to our next object. knocking at our door and that means everyone will be screaming for ice cream or if you had to guess where ice cream comes from you might say italy but in fact it can be traced back to china we take a closer look now and it's cool history. but you know what is good. ice cream it can be all colors of the rainbow and comes in a seemingly endless variety of flavors and there's nothing quite as refreshing on a hot day summer as the season of the ice cream parlor in germany they're often called when it's here and they always have been. together for money it was my grandfather's place then my father's and now it's mine it's a tradition i think it's. jimmy's home to over five thousand ice cream parlors. more than half of them all italian genitive. ice cream became popular in germany with the arrival of italian migrants nearly one hundred years ago. the first us coupon is opened here in the one nine hundred twenty s. but it wasn't until the fifty's that their popularity began to bloom. back then few households have freezers so anyone with a craving for a frozen dessert her to go for it and they did it in droves. i don't. know how. many of those see me as the proprietor of another vinnie. is something we don't have at least we just what you see here. how come it talons are so good at making those screen. the thing to decide think it's the way we're brought up we don't follow recipes italians don't follow recipes we improvise we draw all sorts of things together and see what we end up with if it tastes good all the better when schmidt come to duke it out in fact ice cream originally comes from china and dates back some five thousand years markopolos supposedly brought the recipe back to venice. the popsicle is said to have been invented by an american around one hundred years ago. ice cream was becoming a big business in one nine hundred fifty five german ice cream manufacturer long knees that began making popsicles and two years later followed suit in the. last year to an average of seven point nine meters of ice cream consume per capita in germany that's about one hundred thirteen scoops per person only the scandinavians eat more ice cream especially the finns who consume more ice cream than anyone else in europe. come and go and the one nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's was the heyday of the double meaty popsicle packed full of artificial coloring and flavoring to generations it brings back happy memories. need outside maybe. i should have came there. no wonder so many ice cream parlors are called when it's the name conjures up holidays in the sun blue skies and mediterranean magic. and in germany it's simply what ice cream palace have always been called. so that's yeah that's always been called. lots of customers have been coming here since they were kids before the war even when people have been to italy or france they come here and say oh i used to come here when i was young reviewed so by your t.v. . times have changed and so have the ice cream flavors but the collective appetite for ice cream is one thing that surely will stay as big as ever. and finally my favorite part of the show when we get a sneak peek into someone's humble abode i visited a house in the alley and tazer. agent of portugal designed by star architect. and this is no ordinary home as it's made up of several units some of which do not have a roof that was done on purpose and not because the builder ran out of money or we meet up now with the owner to hear about the concept behind his summer residence. at first glance this house may look unfinished but that's tension here the idea of space is redefined unlike most homes where all the rooms are under one roof this house was built in units parts of which are without a roof. this is called speculation and it's by evelyn have decorated with pieces they found locally bought the land in two thousand and twelve. home was completed three years later. in the house was to be opened to nature open to view. the trees and to be the same time together we are here in the main living room and as you can see you have huge windows so we can enjoy being outside and inside we've got a problem since we want to have be independent from friends of our friends. for a different units which bedroom we found our own bathroom so. quiet now sophie area. of life we've actually interacting with. this is. this is like a house without a roof. the main house is one hundred square meters but the total living space and up to about two hundred square metres the exterior walls of the structure are made of concrete like wood. wanted to keep it simple frank sure will. and the same time open. the price you can see as a roof. the architect drew inspiration for this contemporary dwelling from empty roofless houses that frequently dot the portuguese countryside and since i'm in taiz you see very few rainy days per year it's also a concept that works here. ok as you can see this is a traditional portuguese farmhouse over a region of island. and this is the type of house that wanted to go up like it's this is why we chose a very sort of a sape from the inside and vishay proof proof type but we didn't like actually so much of the. traditional ties so we said to be architect and that was the his idea to use the traditional frame of portuguese house but we have in the modern and sort of been released way. this house sits on seven hectors of land and also includes an infinity pool which looks out over the atlantic ocean. the weather in the leaders is mostly mild and reason creating a summertime feeling all year. so over since the end of our literature or i hope you enjoyed the house as we enjoy it and it's time to say goodbye. i think i'll be up there or. when there's also time for us to say goodbye but if you want to see more on the show then please check us out on social media from me and the rest of the crew here at euro max as always thanks for joining us and buy from relying. on the next. edition of your imax in just a few days time. magazine will be tying the knot in windsor. wedding much dicer is going on sale coming months. from mugs to royal wedding they are cashing in on pitch next time on your a max. of . the book. on. the boat. from. the. odds on the. move. to w.'s program guide to. leave the home on. dot com highlights. make your smart easy even smarter person. watching last minute want to. up to date. extraordinary. steps. to sidelights on. sunday that. i am a flower. yes i'm beautiful and i've heard it before and it never grows old. i'm worshiped from my looks and my scent my looks but here's the thing. life starts with me. you see i feed. every fruit comes from me. everybody taito me every kernel of corn me every grain of rice me me me me i know but it's true. and sometimes i feed their souls. i am their words when they have none i say i love you without a sound. i'm sorry without a voice. i inspired the greatest of them painters howitzers pattern makers i've been amused to them all. but in my experience people underestimate the power of a pretty little flower. because their life does start with me. and without me. keith this is news coming to you live from the european union stands up to the united states of the. e.u. members look likely to act a rigid rule that makes it illegal for companies to comply with american factions we get the latest live from the summit in the bill guerin capital sofia. also coming up mourning the victims of the bloodshed a mother who lost her teenage daughter to israeli fire in monday's protest how families devastated tell.


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