plus. yoo could be elligible recently bought a to find out iffyou re qualified. and howwmuch money. ou coulddbe getting &pback. 3 3 3 3 3 tuesday, july 17th 3 3 3 3 3 3- 3 as canddce was stressing. if you re headed downtown this mooning. you need toogive yourself some extra time. time.a water main break is exppeted to force ttaffic to a . trickle.megan gilliland is on how this happened anddwhen it ll be fixed. fixed.good morring guysshere s what we re deallnggwith.take a look at ttaffic here. herr.ittall started yesttrday. witnesses sayy buclking what caused it all. (kocher) n some cases it s an old main. in some cases, something waa puu in hat was pefective years go nd the defect just really shows up. in otherrcases, it could the extreme weather. weather. in this case the depaatment f public works saas he pipeewaa from the p180 s.again police have shut down llght stteet from baltimore street down to pratt of lombard word yet on how long this r