NPR Poet in Residence Kwame Alexander asked listeners to write a poem about napping. We recieved 1,200 poems that talked about the importance of rest and relaxation.
NPR Poet in Residence Kwame Alexander asked listeners to write a poem about napping. We recieved 1,200 poems that talked about the importance of rest and relaxation.
Reactions to pro-Trump insurrection: It’s sedition, treason, a coup d’etat (Your Letters)
Updated Jan 07, 2021;
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To the Editor:
On Wednesday, six United States Senators and 120 Members of Congress along with pro-Trump supporters committed sedition, enabled anarchy and assaulted the very foundations of our Republic. These men and women who took an oath to defend our country from both foreign and domestic attacks led the charge. Using President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s own words (paraphrased), yesterday, January 6th, is a date that will live in infamy, our nation was attacked, not from without but from within. Hiding behind sham lies, deceit and misinformation both President Donald Trump and his gutless minions sanctioned this horrendous coup d’etat. This riot and its source lie squarely at the feet of each of them.