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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning Saturday 20130112

get it saying it's not too late. usually a curse of midwin ter, this year the flu struck more than a month early. 24 states are experiencing high influenza-like illness. hospitals, including this one in pennsylvania, have elected tents to treat the sick. >> all of a sudden like out of nowhere we started seeing 50 60 cases of flu a day. >> dr. mark rosenberg is in charge of the emergency room at st. joseph's in patterson, new jersey. >> the flu kicks you in the butt. it makes you weak. any other medical problem on top of that is going to be exacerbated because you have the flu. >> in severe cases anti-viral drugs can lessen symptoms. the cdc says the best prevention is the flu vaccine. nearly 130 million doses of it have been distributed. >> we hope it means they'll get milder flu. there's some evidence to that. so if you get vaccinated but still come down with the flu, it may be that you get a milder version of the flu. >> the cdc says the flu vaccine is effective in 62% of the cases. in mentor ohio janitors are spraying down the schools with a disinfectant mist and in arkansas the school nurse is teaching that prevention can be quite elementary. >> put the water on. we urge them to wash their hands more frequently and cover for coughs and sneezes. >> flu-like symptoms don't always mean that you have the flu. hospitals are urging patients to see their own doctors or go to urgent care facilities before flooding emergency rooms. there are signs that the flu may be peaking in some states but for most of us the flu season is 12 weeks long and we're about halfway through. >> seth doane. thanks, seth. >> let's get more on this troubling flu outbreak from dr. william s kr hchschnattner. good morning, doctor. >> good morning, margaret. >> have we peaked or is this going to get worse? >> well in some parts of the country, it will still get worse. you know it started on the east coast and moved across the country. the west coast is just getting its first attack. so the flu will be with us for another six weeks. >> but what triggered this outbreak? >> ahh.well, last year, you know we were seduced. we had the lowest flu season on record. this year it's come back. it's come back early. flu will do what it will do. it comes every season. >> doctor, the flu vaccine is said to be effective in about 62% of the people who take it. is it too late to take it at this point? should people go out and be getting the flu vaccine? >> sure. if you haven't had the flu vaccine, go out and get it. don't linger. you may have to shop around to find it. the cdc has a flu finder website. you can use it to help you find a flu vaccine if you're having a hard time. >> are you in safe territory if you ievg already found the vaccine and gotten the shot? >> safe territory. remember, the vaccine is a good vaccine. it protected 60% of the time completely and it also provides some protection against hospitalization, pneumonia and death, the complications. so if you get symptoms and particularly if you have an underlying illness or you're an older person call your health care provider because we have anti-virals that can help you get over the flu more quickly. >> how do you know you have more than just the common cold doctor? >> the common cold is symptoms usually from the neck up sore throat stuffy nose just feeling crummy. but the flu, aches and pains fever, chills and a cough, usually a nonproductive cough. >> who's the most vulnerable here? >> the most vulnerable are the very young and very old and people with underlying illnesses, lung disease, hart disease, diabetes and the like. >> when do you head to the hospital? >> you head to the hospital when you're really fewing terrible and also when your sputum suddenly appears when your cough becomes productive. >> that's the trigger to go seek more help and is that when you would take those anti-virals? >> well actually you take the anti-virals as early as possible, particularly if you have an underlying illness or you're a person of a certain age. it's when you get further complications and you feel just very bad. we want to make sure you haven't got a complicating bacterial pneumonia. >> all right. dr. william schattner. >> my pleasure. now to the recent gun control issue. at the president's request, vice justice correspondent bob yoreorr is in our washington bureau rewith the latest on what may be in the works. good morning. >> good morning, anthony. the white house now feels it has strong public support on its side for tough new gun control measures, but stiff opposition does remain. vice president biden wrapped up a week of meetings on the contentious gun issues by sitting down friday with representatives of the video game industry and once again he said it's time to curb gun violence. >> i've never quite seen anything that has -- has shocked the consciences of the american people like 6 and 7-year-old kids being riddled with bullets in a classroom. >> reporter: biden who's expected to make recommendations to the president on tuesday has submitted a request for background checks for all purchasers, even those who buy weapons at gun shows and ore the internet. he wants a ban on high-capacity magazines. and the president has called for a renewed ban on so-called assault weapons. the administration could also pursue funding for more cops and schools and for more robust mental health programs. >> there's no silver bullet and there's no as one of my friends said, no seat belt that you can put on to assure that you're not be in this circumstance again. >> reporter: but the national rifle association which had an icy 90-minute session with biden on thursday is promising to fight, saying new restrictions would be an atamt on the rights of the 4.2 million nra members. >> we said before the election if barack obama were re-elected that he was going to during his second term go after our second amendment rights. the newtown tragedy gave him an opportunity do that. >> now an important point. even if congress supports the president's new gun proposals, remember this. the changes probably won't happen right away. gun legislation will have to wait weeks until congress gets through the next fiscal cliff debate. anthony? >> thank you, bob. turning now to two men with a lot of experience in the gun arena, bloomberg, you may recall is a fierce proponent of gun control. also with us cbc this morning kronltd john miller, a former assistant to the fbi who served in the nypd and the lapd both. john, let me start with you. what do you think is going to come out of this? >> this is going to be a big uphill battle and it has many moving parts. if you want to put an armed police officer or security in every skier. i think they want to get back what they lost which is an assaults weapon ban and ban on high-capacity magazines. the question is if they get back what they lost lrks it make a difference which wasn't much? how do you take the lessons of last time, tweak it and make a difference. >> the other question is we know congress has not wanted to wrestle with this issue for quite some time. is it worth it if it's not going to be productive? >> you don't know that until you've been wrestling. the last time they had such a run-up to it the gun industry flooded the market with the weapons that would be banned bus what was implied in the law was if you had it before the ban, you could keep it and when the ban expired after ten years they flooded the market again. >> you often see that spike in sales. and that's the thin we're talking, john 33 million guns in the home. how do you create safety? you're not going to take them away from people. >> no but there's common sense things to do. we have a background check system in this country. unfortunately it has so many loopholes that 40% to 50% of gun sales happen without a gun check. if we went to kennedy airport, there would be two lines. one where people had to go through security and one who wanted to walk through. people who wanted to get something onto a plane that was contraband, which line would they go to? the one without security. that's exactly the same in the united states. people go to gun shows, on the internet and backs of shopping centers to buy guns because they're dangerous people. you know, you can support the second amendment and still have reasonable restrictions like gun background checks for every gun sale. >> it's not either/or, but in the case of newtown, the mother went through the background check but her son had the access and mental illness? >> let's paint the context. 33 people day murdered in this country by guns. most of them are by people who shouldn't under federal law, under current federal law shouldn't have their hands on guns. so what we need to do is take our background check system, which is conceptually a good one, but actually operates more like swiss cheese and close the gap. if you buy a gun or i buy a gun from john, i get a background check. it's that simple. here's the interesting thing. the only place where this is controversial is washington d.c. 82% of gun owners believe in background checks and if you look at the american public in general, it's overwhelming because it just makes sense. everybody in america will take the 90 seconds it takes if they thought it might save a child's life. >> john miller you worked for the los angeles police and new york police. where do you think the police stand on this and do they feel it's going to make a difference in the street. >> okay. the international chiefs make it clear they want better gun laws especially with regard to large magazines that carry, you know 30rk bullets and assault weapons. when you say what's the real effect because crime went down during the assaults weapons ban and when it expired it went down. there's a big argument it made no difference but if you talk to the police chiefs they'll tell you when the ban expired, they suddenly confronted all the gang members and gang gun enforces and were confronting each other and cops? the street so it does make a difference. >> so it is effective. >> yes. >> we've got to run. excuse me. thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you. >> thanks. president obama is pressing ahead with plans for an endgame in afghanistan. he met yesterday at the white house with visiting afghan president hamid karzai and announce thad the u.s. military transition is already under way. >> our troops will continue to fight alongside afghans when needed but let me say it as plainly as i can. starting this spring our troops will have a different mission. training advising assisting afghan forces. >> the plan is to have most of american troops out of afghanistan by the end of next year. let's get a sense of how this could shake out from a journalist who's spent a great deal of time from afghanistan. dexter filkins. he joins us live from tampa this morning. good morning, dexter. >> hi. >> the president has announced the timetable has shifted and the withdrawal will begin earlier. what does this mean for the stability of afghanistan? >> well nobody knows. i mean i think. look. we've been there for 12 years, right? we've spent half a trillion dollars, we've lost 2,000 people american people. everybody wants to get out. but all this is -- now this is the end game and nobody really knows what's going to happen. we're going to find out. i mean i think it's hard to predict the future, but when you go to the places where the afghan troops are fighting it's pretty fragile right knew. >> can karzai's government keep them at bay without 6,600 american troops on the ground? >> al qaeda is not a problem. they're gone. we've succeeded in that area. we've about gotten rid of them from afghanistan. most of them is in pakistan. >> well the white house has been concerned about some of those safe havens and al qaeda working with the taliban which is still supporting al qaeda. >> well, i mean if you look way back to when this war started, that's where it all began, right? you had a taliban government in kabul and they let al qaeda in. that's basically the concern, what happens if the taliban comes back. >> dexter, if we've effectively beaten al qaeda in afghanistan, why do we have to be there? >> well that's a good question. i think, again, if you look back to 2001 when we went to war after 9/11 we were going after al qaeda and we went after the government that was giving them sanctuary, which was the taliban. we took that government and we tried for the last 12 years to put something in its place. we tried to build a government and build a state that would stand on its own. it's a very hard country. we haven't really done a very good job of doing that. and so the question that everybody should be asking themselves is, you know can this thing, which we've built, stand on its own, and nobody knows that right now. we're going to find out. >> how secure do you think karzai is if u.s. support effectively pulls out? >> well we're going to find out. i think right now if you look at the plan the plan is the americans come out now, you know, pretty rapidly. they'll be -- we don't know how many -- by the end of 2014 there will be no americans fighting. the question is how many troops are going to stay behind. president obama hasn't decided yet. but right now what you're talking about is it looks like the afghan government can kind of hold the cities. the taliban are in a lot of places in the countryside. so, again, it's going to be how well can the afghan army do when we're not around in any great numbers. and, again, when everything looks good on paper, it always does. it's just, you know earlier -- last year i went to a number of the places where the americans and afghans were fighting together, and, you know when you're in kabul and when you're in washington everything sounds great. but when you get out there in the field, it doesn't always look as good. >> all right. dexter filkins, thank you. disgraced cyclist lance armstrong is expected to confess to doping earlier in his career. he'll make a confession during a taped interview with oprah winfrey that will air on thursday. he was stripped of his seven tour de france titles and banned for life from the sport for using performance-enhancing drugs. a father whose daughter was massacred at the aurora theatre last summer lashed out. steve hernandez shouted rot in hell to james holmes during a court hearing on friday. holmes allegedly shot and killed 12 people and wounded dozens of others. the judge gave holmes until march to enter a plea. a mississippi ex-con who was pardoned by former haley barbour was killed man on thursday. four had been convicted of murder. barbour has steadfastly stood by his decisions. the department of homeland security is advising hundreds of millions of people to temporarily disable the java software on their computers. the recommendation stems from concerns that hackers have found a way to exploit java coating, potentially clearing the way for identity theft and for attacks on websites. and it's about 19 after the hour. time to head over to lisette gonzalez from our miami station wfor. good morning, lisette. >> good morning. we have mixed weather across the country. springlike weather akrots the northeast and wintry weather across the west. blizzard conditions. flaking are flying from the dakotas to the northern plains. in fact, you can see 2 to 4 inches of snow. mainly as the area of low pressure is going to move off to the east and we're taking a look at buckets of rain stretching from east texas, louisiana where you don't need any more rain. flood alerts have been issued for portions of arkansas and missouri. you could see anywhere from 2 to 4 inches of rain and there's a slight chance of severe weather. heads-up. that's a look at the national picture. here's a look at the weather for your weekend. and due to all the rain yesterday from the carolinas up to the northeast, you're waking up with some dense fog, so please drive cautiously. i'll have more coming up in a few minutes, anthony and margaret. with oscars coming out this weekend the golden globe awards tomorrow night, hollywood season is fully under way. and after the hollywood sign gra min's chinese theater may be the most recognized motion picture symbol of the capital. about 85 years after it opened with all the stars' hand and footprints in the smentd it's undergoing a big change. carter evans explains. >> as the curtains opened a new era began with a new name. the chinese theater marquis will feature a new company, tcl. the company paid more than $5 million to rename the landmark for the next ten years and raise its u.s. profile. theater president kushner calls the name change an investment into building the future. >> we have a lot of exciting upgrades planned for the future and our new group tcl is going do that. >> they're going to have stadium seating, audio and visual enhancement and even new paint and lights but the original beauty of this building will be preserved. it attracts close to 4 million people every year nearly as many as the sistine chapel. the theater opened in 1927. since then more than 200 hollywood legends have had their imprints immortalized in their courtyard. that condition will continue. executive editor of "the hollywood reporter" steven gallagher. >> there's no theater more iconic in america and arguably the world than the chinese thatder. >> reporter: that's why tcl paid to put its name on it. for "cbs this morning saturday," carter evans in hollywood. >> i think that's going to get used to. not quite as catchy. >> it's now more authentic. it's actually the chinese that iter. that's true. coming up rg3, stephen strasburg, two rising sports in sports-crazed washington, d.c. they're being handled vegas differently by their times. we'll take a look at the controversy. later there's no doubt food can bring our hearts together. we'll tell you why. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday". "x?ob1@" minutes, we're going to take a look at one of the most fascinating questions on this country's political horizon. will hillary clinton, who's getting ready to step down as secretary of state, run for president in 2016. yet another new poll suggests she ee going to be the candidate to beat. >> yeah. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." i have evidence that proves my dad's a space alien. he speaks a weird language. [ gargling ] [ gargling ] he drinks green stuff. he says he's from albuquerque. i'm not buying it. i mean, just look at him. and one more thing -- he has a spaceship. [ whirring ] the evidence doesn't lie. my dad's an alien. [ male announcer ] the highly advanced audi a6. named to car and driver's 10 best. ♪ ♪ we were just talking about the fact that the new poll shows that hillary clinton would beat just about anybody in the presidential race. you've followed her around for some time now. you were probably relieved she was finally taking a break. >> my goodness. traveling with her international internationally has been breathtaking. she's incredible. she's 65. she keeps up on such a pace because she's so hands-on. she's not only meeting with the minister but civil society folks. so if that's a glimpse of what a campaign trail would be like it's going to be quite a pace. >> when watching that you know she has the fortitude to handle a campaign. >> oh yeah, absolutely. >> she's been in the white house. she's lived in the white house. what's your bet? do you think she'd want to live in washington? >> it's a big question in washington. i don't know how in a public role you would not want to have that job, but it's an exhausting pace. she's said that. she wants to go home and write a book. >> she need as break. >> you know, two years off, figure it out in another two, plan the run. she can do it. >> i think when that question comes up in two years, i think it's going to be awfully appealing for her. >> she'll consider it, absolutely. she's been set up well for it if she does want to make that run. i've got tell you, when you land in a foreign country with her, they want to know that. >> she's almost treated that way. >> rock star they call her. >> that's so interesting. we'll be talking about that more when we come back. stay with us. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." [ mom ] dear chex cereal i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. this is not exactly what beach-goers in western australia had in mind. it's a gigantic sandstorm hundreds of feet high blowing from the indian ocean to the remote corner of the outback. >> no word on whether the wall of sand caused any injuries or major damage but dramatic as it is, the sand storm is just one of the weather-related problems plaguing australia right now including vast wildfires in the eastern part of the continent. >> welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm anthony mason. >> i'm margaret brennan. our top story this half hour hillary rodham clinton's future. this week the secretary of state returned to work after nearly a month after she had a concussion complicated by a blood clot. she's expected to step down within a few weeks when senator john kerry is expected to be confirmed as her replacement, but so many people want to know what's next for her. and that is the question that we are asking. adding fuel to the fire is the speculation about whether she's going to run in 2016. take a look. >> reporter: hemry rodham clinton is the most popular woman on the planet. in december the gallup poll named her the world's most admired woman for the 11th consecutive year the 17th time in the last 20 years. >> i've hand the most extraordinary experience and i work with just an amazing team of people. >> clinton leaves on a high note, but it has been a journey. a former attorney she was a feisty first lady. >> i suppose i could have stayed home and baked cookies but what i decided to do is fulfilled my profession which i entered before my husband was in public life. >> reporter: and then as a popular president from new york she steps out of the president's shadow. >> i'll work my heart out for you for the next six years. >> reporter: the white house seems to be next but in 2008 clinton lost her chance to make history. >> although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass creeling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> reporter: when president obama asked her to serve as secretary of state, she accepted and proceeded to log close to 1 million miles while visiting a record 112 countries. what will she do next? >> retirement? >> i don't know if that's the word i would use, but certainly stepping off the very fast track for a little while. >> retirement is not the word she would use. so what should we be thinking? joining us now, mo elavey. good morning to you, mo. >> good morning. >> are you going to be applying for your old job again? is she going to be running in 2016? >> if you believe her now, there's not at a job to be had. she's not one of these politicians that's out there playing coy saying well, i'll think about 2016 down the road. she's flat out said, no, she has no interest in running. one thing about hillary clinton, you tend to take her at her word. now that doesn't mean she may change her mind. i know there's a lot of people out there that hope certainly hope she changes her mind. but one thing -- another thing about hillary is no matter what she does whether it's an elected office or not, she is not the kind of person, i think, that's just going to kick back for too long. she'll be out there making a difference in some way. >> so what is the long game though, for hillary clinton. you say she hasn't decided yet. how much time does she have to do that if she wants to change her mind? >> well, you know, she said she has made up her mind that she's not running, but if she were to change her mind, i would think that she's got some time. you know there's -- she's going to probably take -- >> two years? >> she's probably going to take some time after this relax a little bit, figure out a way to make an impact. you're going see the race really start to shape up after 2014 after the midterm elections. hillary's going to have the advantage if she were to run to have an organization that she's able to tap into. she doesn't need to build one from scratch like some other candidates. but i think it will -- i think in the next year to year and a half you'll start to see the field generally begin to take shape. >> mo, with the poll numbers the way they are, you know there are going to be so many people putting pressure on her to run. and, secondly, i mean there's got to be a lot of apeeled to her in becoming the first woman president of the united states. how much do you think that will weigh on her? >> yeah. i think there's already a lot of pressure coming from a lot of different corners, in fact. you know i saw some recent interviews where bill clinton was out there publicly saying he hopes she runs. i think she's going to be getting pressure from everywhere. i love that clip you just played out. i remember that speech when she formally ended the 2008 campaign and talked about the 18 million cracks in that ultimate glass ceiling. i think that is something that's important to her, and whether she's the person that finally breaks through it or someone else, i have a feeling she's going to continue to be working on behalf of strong candidates strong women candidates and women dishes across the country and across the world. >> mo. we'll see. we might be talking to you when you said what a year, two years, a year and a half. we'll see where we stand. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> thank you, mo. here's lisette gonzalez from miami station wfor with another check on the forecast. lisette? >> all right. thank you. a huge temperature divide across the country. the nation split in half. we have springlike mild air out to the east due to the dust storm pushing to the north and bitter cold in the west. check out these national highs for today. some areas out east will be 20 to 30 degrees above average. we could even break some records. look at that. 73 for you in atlanta today and 58 in d.c. down through miami. 82 degrees. sizzling. however, take a look at what's happening in terms of the arctic air invading the northern rockies into the northern and central plains. highs 0 to 15 degrees. windchill alerts are in place. definitely let's just stay inside as this is dangerously cold weather. that's a look at the national picture. here's a look at the picture for your weekend. >> blizzard warnings in places for well in portions of the da koeco- co-tas and minnesota. winds at 25 to 35 miles an hour. anthony. >> it's unusual to to be happy to be in the northeast in january. up next two young superstars dazzle washington, d.c. sports fans but they get very different treatment from their teams when it comes to risking injury. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." 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[ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. 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>>ty feel like when you look at private companies companies in the consumer space, you do see more female ceos but when you look at the public companies, the big fortune 500 companies, yes, they're still male-dominated. ironically, though, some of the most powerful women in the financial world, imf christine lagarde. that's the body helping to keep europe stable right now. the head of germany, the engine of europe also a woman. so not to say you can't do some great things. it's why aren't they making it on these lists and why aren't they in these roles more off? >> down in florida we have a segment called ceo corner. most of the ceos we interview are actually women. >> that's very encouraging. >> it is very encouraging. they always have inspiring stories. >> there's a lot of change going on. it's just not showing up in these surveys yet, but it looks like it will. stay with us. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." more on the ceo issue when we come back. welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm anthony mason. >> and i'm margaret brennan. coming up this half hour the best and brightest of the corporate world. a new survey rates the world's top ceos. what makes them so good and why aren't there more women in that club. then a dad, his daughter and 15 years of memories captured on one city street corner. you'll meet them. and out of the us? >> anthony. >> reporter: anthony, okay. >> i don't think he can hear you quite yet. >> reporter: the liner is a 24-hour-a day work site the biggest salvage operation ever undertaken but it's also a tomb. the bodies of two crew members have never been recovered. a piece of the rock that tore open the hull sits in a local church and as part of the memorial ceremonies a plaque will be hung on the ship to remember the 32 people who died. survivors of the fateful flight have been asked to stay away from the anniversary ceremonies out of respect for families of the dead. lawsuits have begun. for kevin, all that matters is finding the body of his brother russell which he hopes is still in the wreck. >> pay my final respects to him, take him home and have a funeral. >> reporter: the work schedule has the liner being rolled upright off the rocks around the end of june. it will take another two months to empty water and weld on flotation tanks so it can be shipped way for scrap. over the year it's become a symbol the islanders have learned to live with but not who passed away. it makes us very sad. >> that was allen pizzey from giglio. we apologize for our technical problems. the dreamliner 787 is safe to fly. the federal aviation administration, the faa, is investigating at least four safety-related incidents that raised questions about the dreamliner. the faa says it has no data to suggest that the plane is not safe. this november is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of john f. kennedy. at a symposium hosted by charlie rose, robert f. kennedy jr. said his father robert kennedy did not believe lee harvey oswald acted alone. he thought the warrens commission report was, quote, a shoddy piece of craftsmanship. a contestant in tonight's miss america pageant will deliver a strong and perj message about breast cancer after the event. she plans to undergo a double mastectomy after the contest. she said her decision is a preventive measure against the disease that took the lives of her mother and her grandmother. a bold move. well it is just about four minutes after the top of the hour. time for another check of the weather with lisette gonzalez from our miami station wfor. >> all right. good morning, margaret and good morning, everybody. you're going to see the national forecast showing where the bulk of the action will be throughout the day today. we're talking rain courtesy of a cold front across texas, into portions of arkansas, texas, missouri and the ohio valley and blizzard conditions across the northern plains and out east we're seeing record warms possible. 30 degrees above average with high pressure. we have some dense fog. in fact visibility's down to about a quarter of a mile into ohio, pennsylvania even down through the carolinas, so we're going to have concerns in terms of driving. use low beam headlights, plenty of room and we'll have more dense fog due to all the rain coming up. that's a look at the national picture. here's a look for your weather for the weekend. >> announcer: this weather segment sponsored by breathe right. don't let a stuffy nose get between you and your sleep. it's your right to breathe right. >> now we do have a slight risk of severe weather and flooding for the midsection of the country, but really an unusual pattern setting up out east. cold wintry weather out west. anthony. >> lisette, thank you. they are the generals and admirals of the corporate world. chief executive officers. they rank the top 100 ceos and the companies they lead. >> reporter: the list looked at more than 3,000 ceos who led their companies between 1995 and 2012 and focused on leaders who created long-term value for their companies. in a wall street environment it focused on more short-term results. more than a year after his death, steve johnsbs was still at the top. at number two, amazon's jeff bezos, share holders of the online retailer have seen a return of more than 12,000% since 1996. in third place, the leader of samsung. he's turned the maker of large screen tvs and cell phones into a dominant worldwide player in consumer electronics. including in the top 100, notables like current hewlett-packard's ceo meg whitman. the owner of the nba's nets and former google ceo eric schmidt. and the biggest leap for a ceo from harvard's last ranking in 2010 was made by lars sorensen who leads the pharmaceutical manufacturer. he jumped all the way from number 233 to number 20. >> and joining us now is susan battery, an expert on leadership and career experts. she's a ceo herr of battley consultants. good morning. >> do you think they got it right? i think they got it right on one aspect which is shareholder value over time. while this is critical in terms of what investors are looking at, i do believe it's only one metric. we have many others especially in american companies we want to look at do our ceos grow jobs are they adding more broadly to innovation. they looked at one which is an easy one to measure, but it's not the only one. >> the other ones are harder to measure, though, aren't they? >> they are harder to measure but with our american companies, ceos have an obligation to investors, yes, but they also have obligations to employees and to their customers. >> who should have been on this list? >> ah. let's say who isn't on this list. warren buffett is not on this list because the study looked at ceos who have come into office from 1995 and forward. so there are -- i mean he's a clear omission right there. i think also there are a number of our financial leaders and innovators who aren't on because they're just new ceos. and then also you know let's look at the women. we were talking, i think, in your earlier segment about the absence of this. only two women are on this list of 100. now, that's even less than the 21 women who are on the fortune 500 who are great leaders. meg whitman, of course, did make the top ten as ceo of ebay and now she really now has a tough job in turning around hewlett-packard. >> what do these executives have in common? >> well, there are some universal qualities across the board and they are, first of all, these leaders are trustworthy, so over time they have resilience come back from setbacks, and they have a vision one they can articulate really crisply inspire people and also at the end of the day, communicating. they also execute. and they have that track record of execution brilliantly over time. >> now, these are very established companies that are on this list but we're talking about innovation. you're talking about new companies. entrepreneurs, startup. are you seeing that complexion that makeup look any different than this list? >> i think it does, margaret. because remember this study is the rear view mirror. and i think looking ahead what we will be seeing are more women, first of all, on board. i think also there is a shift that many of the people in that top ten list of 100 ceos are in information technology. so going forward i think -- and these are linked. women getting into signs and technology and finance fields so they can going forward can come into these leadership positions. >> all right. susan battley, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you. up next, a father and daughter with a very special bond and wed have the pictures to prove it. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." 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[ male announcer ] now learn about a program committed to you and copay assistance that can reduce monthly orencia out-of-pocket drug cost to $5. if you're not satisfied after 6 months, you get that money back. call 1-800-orencia. make a list of the biggest stars hollywood has producinged and somewhere near the top you'll find charlton heston with his chiseled looks. he had an oscar-winning performance in "ben hur." >> but his breakout moment was in "the ten commandments." he sat down with his wife lydia and newborn son frazier for an interview with edward r. murrow on "person to person." an expert from the cbs news vault. >> tell me how much time have you spent in the last few years in your new york hollywood, and michigan homes? >> well for the last year and a half, i haven't spent any time at all either here or in michigan because for the past ten months i've been shooting "ten commandments" in hollywood. before that i was doing "the private major war for general benson" in hollywood. before that we were in egypt in "ten commandments" doing the location work. >> how much time did you spend in egypt? >> 2 1/2 months last fall. >> it must have been quite an experience. >> oh, that was really an experience, ed. i mean it. >> what was it like working with the egyptians? >> they were wonderful. really wonderful, ed. somehow in the time they've changed from the oldest kingdom in the world to being the youngest republic in the world. they picked up a wonderful friendliness for americans. really though i suppose the main reason they were so nice to us is we were making a picture about moses, and, of course moses is just as sacred a figure to muslim egypt as he is to jewish israel or christian america or the whole world. it was quite a thing in times like we live in when well for one thing there's great tension between egypt and israel. to realize that there was a man who steps across all these boundaries. >> did your wife go to egypt with you chuck? >> no no. she didn't go to egypt. i wish she had, though ed because on my way there, i got to stop in rome and they let me spaend hour with my hands on the original of this moses by michelangelo, and it made me realize, really, i guess, why winston churchill once said about moses is his life was the greatest single stride forward in human destiny. >> didn't charlgton heston cast frazier heston in a movie recently? >> no, no. i with us responsible for the boy, not for the casting. i think he's about ready to go and read his own clipping. >> good night, frazier, good night. good night, boy. >> there's quite a story about that casting. when mr. demill found out we were going do have a baby he said he could play the infant moses in "ten commandments" and one of the instant messages lydia got was a wire saying congratulations, he's got the part. and in due time he went over to mr. demill's office and signed this contract which says on the front on this little gold plate frazier clark heston is hooesh engaged to play the baby infant moses. >> chuck when you're away from the movies i'm told you're an amateur painter. do you have any? >> as a matter of fact i'm right in the middle of one. i'm very amateur. leave out the other adjectives. >> i suppose when you get up to your michigan home you do hunting scenes. >> the first thing i hope to do when i get up to michigan, which i think will be pretty soon is do a little hunting. >> it's nice country up there, isn't it? >> i've got 1,400 acres of the prettiest trees you've ever saw. what was it lord chester said? a father's first duty is to teach his son to rise and shoot and try to tell the truth that and fish. >> and fish. >> that's right. well, chuck, if you hadn't become a star would you still be interested in acting. >> ed, i think i'm a very very lucky man because i get paid for doing what i would gladly do for nothing, and not many people in the world are lucky enough to be able to do that. >> you saw his wife lydia there. it's interesting. they were married for 64 years. charlton heston died in 2008. that's not your typical -- >> he's not a typical hollywood guy. he's an iconic actor. he became so interested in politics, the nra. >> you heard how much he loves hunting. >> exactly. surprisingly he campaigned for gun control years later and then as we remember probably more vividly became the face of the nra. it's interesting to see the changes over time. >> it sure is. >> meantime coming up they have been around the tough guy block 20 times and they're still at it. how arnold bruce, and other action heroes continue to triumph on the big screen. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." >> i think of charlton heston as an action star don't you? "ten commandments?" >> certainly strong male lead. >> "ben hur," absolutely. are you action film goers? wow, that's a no if ever heard one i want to see "zero dark thirty." >> that's like real life action heroes. this stuff is over the top. that's a very intense film. >> it's action with a female lead jessica chastain. >> she was nominated for the oscar, right? >> yeah. you saw it. >> i've seen it. it's a really good film. it's an intense film. in fact the last 45 minutes is pretty much conducted in the dark as they raid. >> some of these bankable stars are aging. we're going to be talking about that. >> yeah. getting really old. what's interesting is they're still making movies. they're like rock stars. they just keep going. >> why not. i'm a huge fan of the james bond movies. it never gets old. that's an action movie, isn't it? >> absolutely. >> i was going to say. >> yeah. did see "lincoln" and "les mis." >> i saw "silver linings playbook," which is excellent. far from action but great. >> do you have a film quickly? >> oh my goodness. i do love "when harry met sally," which we saw the great scene from. >> i sat in that booth. >> did you have what she was having? >> it wasn't as exciting for me unfortunately. but the rest of the show will be exciting for you. stay with us. >> did you have what she was ♪ do you feel alone tonight this is where we are ♪ close harmony in a canadian coffee shop. these guys are the entertainers a barber shop singing group in ontario and the song is elton john's "can you feel the love tonight" from "the lion king." i wonder what the other customers are thinking. >> that's really sweet. come on. >> it is. they practiced quite a bit. >> yes. meanwhile welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm margaret brennan. >> and i'm anthony mason. coming up arnold schwarzenegger rejoins the ranges of the aging actors. does he still have it? and we have our country singer. and with our saturday dish ellie krieger encourages our healthy appetite with chipotle meatloaf. all coming up. lisette from miami's wfor with a final check of our weather. >> good morning. looking at the national satellite and radar, you can see where the messy wet weather is stretching from louisiana to texas. you're getting soaking flood alerts issued for portions of arkansas and missouri. there's a slight chance of it stretching along the front. the big story is the fact that it's going to feel more like spring, more like march or april for the eastern half of the country with this mild air. it could be breaking record highs and lows into the jet stream well to the north. in the meantime cold wintry out west. and i know you're ready for some football today but are you ready for the frigid air if you're headed to the ravens and broncos game. only 14 degrees for the mile high and with the windchill it could feel well below zero. that's at 4:30. you can watch that right here on cbs. that's a look at the national picture. here's a look at the weather for your weekend. >> and it's time now for our sat shout-out. and we are shouting out to man a toe springs. what could be more fun than to see how far you can launch a leftover christmas fruitcake especially in man a toe springs. they bring home-built launching devices devices, get this, loading their 2-pound fruitcakes and letting them fly. of course we want to thank everyone watching "cbs this morning saturday" on kkkk in kol springs. if you're heading to the football game tomorrow in foxborough, massachusetts. 48 degrees. looking a little better in comparison to denver and we could see peaks of sunshine. unfortunately dolphins aren't in the playoffs but wishing you a wonderful weekend. he always said he would be back. arnold schwarzenegger returned in his first starring role since he was elected governor of california in 2003. naturally, his last picture, "the stand." >> cover me, guys. >> yes, sir. >> how are you, sheriff? >> old. >> can the former governator be a convincing action hero at age 65? here are thoughts on that and other aging acting stars who won't give into father time. david edle steen, critic for new york city mag zooen. good morning. >> good morning. i'm totally offended by this whole question. i think it's totally ageist. this is terrible. this is what we're talking about this morning? >> why should age be a factor when it comes to action. >> exactly, exactly. >> for arnold, it's not even age. he's come from the world of politics, he's had some very personal issues become very public of late. i mean is this a safe bet for the box office? >> i actually think it is. we're all very curious. you know you see a republican male fail at partisan politics and what's left but to pick up a gun and go and teach people you know, how to really take action. i mean it really is a perfect reflection of our system right now. in the old days you shot a gun when you were a kid and then you went into politics and negotiation. in this country you shoot a gun, negotiate, and then you go back to your guns. >> let's take a look at liam neeson who's 60 years old. he's kind of become one, hasn't he, in his old age. >> yeah. you know what? gravity only helps this man. he becomes heavier, he becomes sadder, more high bernian, more doelful. you know we'll follow him anywhere. he is the kind of guy who can break somebody's neck and back with so much soul that, you know, i think that we'll be following him into the convalescent home and beyond. >> what about sylvester salon? is gravity helping him too? >> well sylvester stallone has taken a lot of shots from dweebs like me. >> you haven't been nice to sylvester stallone? >> he's proven he can take it. he'll be shooting bullets oust his iron lung. he is -- you know, nothing's going to stop him. he's a one-trick pony and he's going to be doing that trick, you know i've ebb in rigor mortis. he's going to be figuring out a way to do it. >> bruce willis is relatively yug at 57 but he's about to come out with a fifth die hard film. >> everybody wants to see it. it's like, hey, do you want to go see bruce willis waste some folks and yippy kai owe? we're like pavlov's dogs. we see them once and we're like oh, my god, he's going to kill somebody. i can't wait. i can't wait. >> we seem to be recycling here. also harrison ford may be coming back and doing more "indiana jones" films? >> that might be a reflection on steven spielberg. it's not a question can harrison ford do it. can steven spielberg do it. it's a really fun character. hans solo might be another one in "star wars." we want to see how the characters age and what the filmmaker does. >> we don't want to leave out clint eastwood who's 82. we have to move on. >> and the most republican. >> steven edle stin. >> thank you. up next the dish ellie krieger with her delicious chipotle meatloaf and sangria to wash it down. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by just for men mustache and beard, champions of facial hair. [ female announcer ] mcdonald's dollar menu. home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love. and other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. every day, as always there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ ♪ yeahhhh! the pull-ups team told the krumme family, we were filming a potty training video. oh! what was that? but what they didn't know... go, go, go! was that we wanted to help little eli celebrate his first flush - in the biggest way possible. look! eli! first flush! celebrate your first flush - with new and improved pull-ups! and for even more fun, check out our pull-ups big kid app at i'm a big kid now! again! stouffer's is proud to make america's favorite lasagna... with hand-layered pasta, tomatoes and real mozzarella cheese. but what makes us even prouder... is what our real dinners can do for your family. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. if your new year's resolution included eating healthier without giving up eating well, this morning's dish is just for you. it comes from ellie krieger, chef registered dietician and chef. her show airs on the cooking channel. >> she taught food and cooking and health. we're happy to welcome professor ellie krieger to the dish. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i like that. that's campy. >> you should all call me professor now. >> what have you got? >> delicious food. and doesn't it smell amazing? it's a chipotle turkey meatloaf with two kinds of mashed potatoes. why stop at one, right? and broccoli with toasted garlic and a nice salad, nice seasonal salad with spinach and pears and walnuts. the point is it's comfort food it is satisfying. it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling in every way, but it is so much healthier for you. and, really much lower calories than like the typical versions of these kinds of foods. >> what is the calorie difference roughly? >> so for the meatloaf -- my secret ingredient, by the way is oat male. i put oatmeal instead of bread crumbs. it keeps the moisture in there. then there's a whole zucchini grated in there. it's doing things like this small changes. it's about 100 calories less per slice than the typical meatloaf and the mashed potatoes are half the calories. >> how do you do that? you have cream cheese and butter. >> foodusually, sometimes, and rarely. there's no such thing as never. when you say never, i want it ten times more. basically i use a little bit of butter, about two table spoons but that's all you need. i use buttermilk. and the other i mix it with qaa cally flower. and i leave the skins on the mashed potatoes because that's where half the fiber comes from. >> i read you were actually overweight as a kid? >> yes. >> you then became a fashion model. how did you make that leap? >> i know. it's like a crazy journey. i became a fashion model and i needed a job and people were telling me i could do that. so it wound up being great and that's how i paid for college in the end. i was a model wannabe knew trishist. i have always loved food. i struggled with overweight as a child and as a model also dealing with other body images. but in the end i learned to love food in a healthy way. you can have it all. you don't have to go on a crazy diet. in fact, the whole purpose of my book "small changes, big results" and all of my recipes is to help people learn how to love food in a healthy way. get off the diet roller coaster. it's not a fun place to be. sitting here with you guys is a fun place to be. >> if you can have it all with the sangria -- >> we like the sangria. >> who would it be? >> besides you? >> yeah. >> i would have to say my family. enjoying food and the family is pretty much the highlight of my family. but if it can't be that it might have to be jude law. >> you know that's my favorite answer so far. you've goebt to sign our dish. it's a family tradition in this house. ellie krieger, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> for more head to and up next, a live performance from shelby lynn. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." aig? we said we were going to turn it around, and we did. woman: we're helping joplin, missouri, come back from a devastating tornado. man: and now we're helping the east coast recover from hurricane sandy. we're a leading global insurance company, based right here in america. we've repaid every dollar america lent us. everything plus a profit of more than $22 billion. for the american people. thank you, america. helping people recover and rebuild -- that's what we do. now let's bring on tomorrow. smoke? nah, i'm good. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. [ female announcer ] introducing coffee-mate natural bliss. ♪ ♪ made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. ♪ ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally. i've discovered gold. [ female announcer ] new roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's proven to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. miss, this seat's available. (sighs) this is too good to be true. hi. john stamos. enchanté this is too good to be true. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt... delicious yet healthy. sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true... such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein... of regular low-fat yogurt mmm huh. i want an oikos! dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt... too delicious to be so nutritious. dannon singer/songwriter shelby lynn won a grammy for best new artichokesist in 2000 and she's never looked back. over the years she's continued to hone her talents as a singer writer, and producer. >> born and raised in alabama, she now tours the world and right now this morning she's with us. her 14th cd a delukz edition of 2011's "revelation road." >> shelby you like to say in your concerts -- you whennet to nashville when you were 18. you said you wanted to be tammy why net and then you wanted to be -- >> bobby gentry. >> what happened? >> i started writing songs and really wanted to say something through my own music, you know. i spent ten years in nashville and made five records there, and they were what they were and great, but they weren't really my songs. so i really wanted to explore that. >> and then with this "revelation road" edition, you not only wrote. you performed everything yourself. you produced it. what does owning the process do for you? >> well, i'm very busy. it just kind of happened that way. it was a very personal album and it just kind of was -- the more simple i kept it the more it represented the tune of simplicity. >> and now here to sing "the thief" from her new "revelation road deluxe edition" is shelby lynn. ♪ cold on a friday afternoon you're on the other side of the room ♪ ♪ and even with the fire burning strong it's chilly when i think about us living all alone ♪ ♪ if i thought a million bucks could make you all just stand up and walk into my love like before ♪ ♪ i'd rob a rich man's diamond mine and make you be my valentine say the word and i'll become a thief ♪ ♪ voice in the wind singing through the trees reminds me of the nights together you and me ♪ ♪ i wish that part had listened to the song i think of you and hope you'll want me once again ♪ ♪ if i thought a million bucks could make you want to just stand up and walk into my love like before ♪ ♪ i'd rob a rich man's diamond mine and make you be my valentine say the words and i'll be a thief ♪ ♪ mmm mm m mmm ooh ooh ♪ [ clapping ] don't go away. we'll be right back with an encore performance from shelby lynn. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." been doing her own tax returns for maybe two or three years. i said, "let me just look'em over and make sure there's no mistakes." they were really, really wrong. i did them over, and i called her... and said, "you're gonna get a total of about $10,000 back." i wave my wand and refunds suddenly appear. i can help you. ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] get breakfast made the way you say. like your very own sizzlin' steak, egg white & cheese. amazingly under 200 calories. want green peppers, red onions on toasty flatbread? oh, you so got it made. ♪ at subway ♪ capella university understands er wait times are longer than ever. nurses are dealing with a wider range of issues. and there are ever-changing regulations. when you see these challenges, do you want to back away or take charge? with a degree in the field of healthcare or nursing from capella university you'll have the knowledge to advance your career while making a difference in the lives of patients. let's get started at tomorrow on "cbs this morning" sunday morning i'll have a conversation with scarlett johansson where she's starring in "cat on a hot tin roof." >> just to see that -- >> it was very exciting. >> a lot of people are jealous. i want to give you a sense now of what norah o'donnell has in store for you on monday morning, "cbs this morning." >> good morning. on monday las vegas is losing its title as the gambling capital of the world. we'll visit the new number one, macau. plus five things choosing a doctor online. for one thing, don't trust the reviews. we'll see you on monday on "cbs this morning." >> next week a preinaugural edition of "cbs this morning." we'll be in washington one day before barack obama is sworn in for his second term as president. we're going to leave you now with another tune from shelby lynne. the title track from her latest el bum "revelation road." have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ thought they had it on me pl but the truth lay upon me like a mississippi river runs deeper on the coast ♪ ♪ i don't know what happened i was acting on my passion wearing lady's fashion i wandered in the cold ♪ ♪ then it came upon me in a midnight dream as it often goes ♪ ♪ as a gambler i can't hide my debts as a sinner and a soul pardon me if i forget what i've already been told ♪ ♪ you can't hold it against me men i'm a revelation road ♪ ♪ ♪ fire and brimstone paved the way both hands together every day nothing better to do but pray and put your head in the sand ♪ ♪ sinners and the preachers at each other's throats which one is the bad news man which one clatters most ♪ ♪ scream and turn all theed my night. ♪ ♪ you vote too young ♪ ♪ but i can't hold you men you're on revelation road ♪ ♪ grab your little pass book a ticket gets you in one hail mary does the trick forgives you all your sins ♪ ♪ and when the show is over you're where you started from all of it piled up next to you all to be disposed ♪ ♪ judge comes every time forgotten is the code ♪ ♪ doing unto others is the fire's last joke ♪ remember when the black bell ball bongs weal standalone ♪ ♪ we're on revelation road ♪ ♪ ♪ revelation road ♪ >> announcer: for more about "cbs this morning," visit us at -- captions by vitac -- a disturbing mystery in the bay area. a human body... found a disturbing mystery in the bay area. a human body found at a recycling center. for the first time since 2006, travelers can fly non-stop between san jose and tokyo with the hopes of ushering in a new wave of the international flights. now, fans, are you ready for some football? security measures in san francisco as the 49ers and the green bay packers battle in the playoffs. it's at 7:00 this saturday morning. the 12th of january. thanks for joining us, i'm brian brian. >> yes, it will be freezing out there. >> it is cold. in fact we're starting out cold for much of the bay area with a freeze warning posted for santa clara valley and the north bay and parts of the east bay valley out the door by 8:30 this morning. numbers near 40 degrees. we're in the 30s for all the bay areas. temperatures will continue to be chilly.


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130115

have on that case? and more with our rare interview with supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. it's a candid interview. she talks about greets from her childhood. author of da vinci code and "angels and demons," hundreds of millions of books in circulation around the world has a new book coming out this spring. what will it be called? that's where you come in. >> we have some mystery. this is dan brown, after all. using the #danbrowntoday, tweet us your guess. you can also do this on facebook, by the way. logon to for details. as these messages come in, we'll put the image outside on our plaza. it will begin to appear, kind of like puzzle pieces. by the time the appointed time arrives, we will be able to reveal the title of his new book in full on that monitor you see right there. again, the hash tag to use #danbrowntoday. go over that one more time for me. >> i know, a little complicated. fine print. lance armstrong's confession that he used performance-enhancing drugs during his cycling career. anne thompson has the story. good morning, anne. >> good morning, matt. the decision was made on his own, motivated by many things, the need he felt to address the doping allegations, the concern for his foundation and his desire to compete. lance armstrong's apology tour started at live strong headquarters, the cancer foundation built on his stunning seven tour de france wins, symbolized by yellow wrist bands worn around the world, then image tainted as he was painted as a doper and the mastermind behind the scandal. live strong officials said it was heartfelt and sincere. the initial step in coming clean about performance-enhancing drug use that armstrong denied for years. >> absolutely not. never. >> not once? >> not once. >> reporter: denials made in a multitude of interviews and a deposition. >> how many times do i have to say it? >> i just want to make sure your testimony is clear. >> it can't be any clearer that i've never taken drugs, then incidents like that could never have happened. how clear is that? >> reporter: in a recent conversation, nbc news learned armstrong said, quote, it was just the way the game was played at the time and so it was a level playing field. the next stop, an interview taped monday with oprah winfrey. >> he's not talking to a grand jury. he's not talking to a press conference. he's choosing who to talk to. he's got to do something. pr wise, he's got to start some place and this is the logical place to start. >> reporter: oprah placed on twitter just wrapped with armstrong, more than 2 1/2 hours. he came ready. nbc news has learned from a person familiar with the situation that armstrong admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs to win the tour de france. people who know armstrong say it fits the pattern. >> you would be tempted to say lance armstrong has been motivated by one thing over the years, and that is lance armstrong. what does he want out of this? that would be he wants to compete. >> retired from cycling, armstrong competed in triathlons until he was banned for life last year by the u.s. anti-doping agency. this morning it is not clear that any of this will help armstrong achieve that goal of returning to sanctioned races. matt? >> anne thompson, thank you so much. mike lupica is a columnist for "the new york daily news." good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> we are understanding he's admitting to doping during his career. i think the reaction is going to be, wow, you can knock me over with a feather. what do you think? >> it's like the line in "casablanca." i'm shocked to discover gambling is going on in this establishment. in the man who shot liberty valance, when the legend becomes fact, print the legend. people fell in love with the legend. they liked that story better than the reality. most reasonable people think, matt, this is like an announcement saying the ocean is deep. >> i spoke to a former cyclist who knows lance armstrong very well last night. he said he's worried about this, that armstrong will go on, cry and be very emotional and because he's very good in front of the camera, people are going to buy this. and this guy told me this is only about lance armstrong and it doesn't come from the heart. how do you feel? >> i believe he's completely insincere except for this. he is starting to repair his own brand. and people have overlooked the real story here. the lives that had to be destroyed to keep the lie going. matt, to me this is like some giant athletic ponzi scheme that went on and on and built and built. and betsy andrea, attacked by him along with her husband, frankie, road with him for the united states postal service. she said if he wasn't coming clean, people would think we were still the crackpots. >> many of them dragged forward because they were forced to come forward because of investigations and when they came clean and said no, lance doped, he dragged them through the mud. he accused them of lying or being some kind of money-hungry conspiracy group. what does he say to these people now? >> he will go to them and apologize. lance, once again, thinks he's in control of this narrative. he also acts like he thinks he has something we want. we have 1,000 pages of documents about this guy. so it's not like he's going to reveal any big secrets here. but i will tell you this about lance armstrong. and it's the lie built and built and built and built. people were unable to look at what a bully this guy is. and now that he's caught, he's like one of those wall street guys and we're supposed to feel bad for him. this isn't about performance-enhancing drugs and how many other guys in the race were doing it. this was about a gigantic lie that went on for 15 years. >> real quickly, this concept that he can come forward and say everyone was doing it, so it was a level playing field, does he get away with that? >> no! because the worldwide lie on lance armstrong was i'm clean and everybody else is dirty. so how does -- in all ways, how does he put that back in the bottle now? >> and is the sport still dirty? in other words this is about a system that turned a blind eye to this for its own benefit for years and years. is that system still in place? >> the cyclists are always trying to stay ahead of the testers, okay? but the idea that he's now the whistleblower, he reminds me of one of those mob rats, lance "the bull" armstrong. >> mike, good to have you here. let's go to savannah. >> matt, thanks. what are the legal implications for lance armstrong? lisa bloom is an attorney. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> not all of them were in agreement about stepping forward and confessing, as nbc news has reported. first thing is first. most seriously, what potential criminal exposure does he have? federal prosecutors dropped the case against him. could they revisit it now? >> they certainly could. he hasn't been tried and absolved of anything. they could come forward with criminal charges or civil lawsuits. >> this may come down to money. there's some reports he is worth up to $100 million. what are the potential civil implications for him? for one thing, the federal government has a whistleblower suit against him. >> brought by floyd landis, who armstrong and his people have called a liar, potential defamation charges, potential charges for defrauding sponsors like the u.s. postal service and others. and there's a british paper that armstrong sued when that paper called him a doper. he got a half million dollar judgment. they will want that money back along with attorneys' fees and interest. >> could they try to pull back, claw back that money now? >> absolutely. i'm sure his contracts all had a moral clause and specific clause banning the use of illegal drugs and providing for the money to be returned. they would have to sue him for that. do they want to do that? do they want that pr battle? this could keep lawyers in business for many, many years. i'm sure all of his attorneys were against it. legally, confession is a bad thing to do. morally, it's a fabulous thing to do. >> i was going to ask you real quickly whether you would have advised him to talk, but i think we got your answer. lisa bloom in los angeles for us. thank you. >> thank you. >> now here is matt. savannah, thank you. now to washington where president obama is reviewing the recommendations from vice president joe biden and his task force on curbing gun violence. the president has signaled he is ready for a fight on that issue and much more. chuck todd is nbc's white house correspondent and political director. hi, chuck. >> reporter: good morning. this morning the president will unveil his gun proposals he would like to see passed. the realities of the tough politics of getting it through congress continue to hang in the air with even the president himself expressing some frustration that he realizes he won't get everything he wants. >> if there's a step we can take that will save even one child from what happened in newtown, we should take that step. >> reporter: one month after the newtown school shooting, president obama is set to unveil new gun policy proposals this week based on the work of vice president joe biden's task force. at a news conference monday, the president offered a preview. >> we have to have stronger background checks that we can do a much better job in terms of keeping these magazine clips with high capacity out of the hands of folks who shouldn't have them, an assault weapons ban that is meaningful. >> reporter: but mr. obama was quick to acknowledge the political challenges ahead. >> will all of them get through this congress? i don't know. i'm confident there's some steps we can take that don't require legislation. >> reporter: meanwhile in newtown monday, a poignant reminder of the sandy hook tragedy. >> it's been one month since i lost my loved one. >> reporter: the sandy hook promise, pushing for a national dialogue about guns in america to make sure what happened in newtown doesn't happen again. >> this is a promise to truly honor the lives lost by turning our tragedy into a moment of transformation. >> reporter: even as official washington gets ready for the president's inauguration next week, the political climate heading into the second term feels a lot like it has at the end of the first, as the president battles with house republicans over the nation's credit card limit otherwise known as the debt ceiling. mr. obama says he's done with negotiating. >> republicans in congress have two choices here. they can act responsibly and pay america's bills or they can act irresponsibly and put america through another economic crisis. >> reporter: the president deflected a question about whether he would try to raise the debt limit without congress. are you considering a plan b? if not, why not? >> the issue here is whether or not america pays its bills. we are not a deadbeat nation. there are no magic tricks here. >> reporter: the president, though, was pessimistic when it comes to the idea of whether there's going to be a government shutdown. he acknowledged that house republicans may have the votes to do that. that's a fight he's hoping to have separate from the debt limit, matt. the question is whether he can actually make that happen with house republicans. >> chuck todd in washington on this. thanks, as always. natalie morales is over at the news desk with a check of the day's top stories. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah and matt. good morning, everyone. new information on the death of screen legend natalie wood and just why the coroner changed her death certificate 30 years later. kristen dahlgren has the latest now from los angeles. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. woods' death was first ruled accidental drowning. it's now listed as undetermined. the new coroner's report lays out why officials made the change. natalie wood's death off the coast of catalina island in november 1981 has always left questions. a newly released ten-page addendum to the coroner's report offers some answers. at least about bruises left on the actress' body. bruises, lack of head trauma or facial bruising support bruising having occurred prior to entry in the water. defense attorney mark geragos calls the findings significant. >> the question is, was that caused by a fall or was it caused by somebody who administered a blow to her? >> reporter: how wood went overboard is still a mystery. the coroner writes he is unable to exclude unplanned entry. investigators reopened the case more than a year ago. around the same time the captain on board the boat that night claimed in a tell-all book he witnessed a drunken fight involving wood, actor christopher walken, and woods' husband, robert wagner. >> was the fight between natalie wood and her husband, robert wagner, ultimately what led to her death? >> yes. >> reporter: wagner and walken say she slipped and fell and drowned. l.a. officials say neither are suspects in her death. >> it's still open and it's still ongoing. our job is to find out what the determining factor is, if that's possible. >> reporter: robert wagner's reps say he has no comment at this point. at this point we didn't hear back from reps for christopher walken, natalie. >> kristin dahlgren, thank you so much. former president george h.w. bush is now recouping at home after being released from a houston hospital on monday. he had been hospitalized for more than a month in a string of health issues that landed him in intensive care. his condition is improving, doctors say, and he shouldn't need any special medication now that he's howe home. a mystery announcement today from facebook. facebook sent out the enigmatic invitati invitation, allowing bloggers and journalists to, quote, come see what we're building. rumors that they will unveil a new smart phone, mark zuckerberg has denied that in the past. ongoing bid to rival google. and a world record smashed at 220 miles per hour. showing off their newest camera, go-pro sent 138 people sky diving all at once. the group formed a snowflake formation as they shattered the vertical sky diving world record. unbelievable. really cool video. 7:17 right now. back over to matt and savannah. >> i smell a "today" show -- that is cool. >> have you ever jumped out of a plane? >> no. i would like to do it. >> no, and i'm not available that day. whatever day that is, i'm washing my hands. >> come on. let's try it. natalie, thanks. mr. roker is on the road this morning. he took off from los angeles and landed in chicago. i hope on purpose, al. good morning. >> reporter: all kinds of nice folks here courtesy of our friends at wmaq here in chicago. i was at the bookstore last night and saw a good buddy, mike leonard. i was signing books for "never going back." boy, i'll tell you, we have a mix of icy, wintry weather stretching from the south into the northeast. take a look. you can see on the radar snow back through dallas. snow is going to be developing all the way on up into new york and boston before this is over. we have ice storm warnings, winter weather advisories, flash flood watches stretching into the northeast. it is going to be a mess. we're looking at all this making its way up into the northeast later today. could be looking at anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of snow just to the north of new york city on into boston. we'll have your local forecast coming up. first, this message. could you hold on a second? it's your money. roll over your old 401(k) into a fidelity ira and take control of your personal economy. this is going to be helpful. call or come in today. fidelity investments. turn here. good tuesday morning to you. time is 7:19. backup at the bay bridge. we'll get to mike's report in just a moment. temperatures right now running very cold. we'll finish out the day in the mid 50s. 56 degrees inland. 55 degrees at the coast. tomorrow we climb even more so and then we'll hit mid to upper 60s friday into saturday. hope you have a fantastic tuesday. stay warm out there. >> announcer: come on, let's go skydiving, savannah. it will be fun. come on. team skydive. >> team, no. >> yeah. they want to see that. come on. >> you all can skydive. i'll watch from the ground. al, thanks so much. is apple losing some of its cool? stock prices have been falling for months. now there's reports that the company is planning to build fewer iphones. tom costello has more on this story. tom, good morning to you. >> savannah, good morning. by many standards, apple is a world leader. it is the world's most valuable tech company if you've been invested in their stock the last few years, you made some money. it is also a leader in innovation, but the competition is very tough and there's a perception out there that perhaps things are slowing a bit. is it possible that the coolest brand on the planet with its cool stores and cool products -- >> the bigger screen goes from here to here. >> reporter: is starting to lose some cool? one of its biggest competitors certainly wants customers to believe it. >> samsung. >> next thing, man. >> reporter: turns out wall street is also wondering about apple. apple stock now at $502, has dropped $200 since september. it came after "the wall street journal" reported that apple cut orders for parts on its iphone 5 because of weaker than expected demand. >> we look at it as a bit of a letdown, obviously. it's not great that this has happened. we thought this device would be the biggest seller. >> reporter: apple is declining to comment ahead of its earnings due out in ten days. it was just 15 months ago the founder and ceo steve jobs died but apple's current ceo, tim cook, was defiantly confident in a recent interview with nbc's brian williams. >> don't bet against us, brian. don't bet against us. we are constantly innovating, we are constantly looking around the corner. we constantly want to make the world's best products. >> reporter: it is a very tough field. ask blackberry. the shelf life for anything tech cool is about three to six months and globally samsung is expected to sell more smart phones this year than apple. cnbc's tech reporter john forte. >> i would say samsung is achieving a level of cool they hadn't had before. whether they're able to steal apple's thunder remains to be seen. >> reporter: apple versus the android system. >> apple was just a lot easier to use for me. >> i have a samsung galaxy ii. i love it. >> i'm more on the google side of things. >> apple holds a lot of cache with me. >> reporter: cache and cool, when it comes to gadgets, two very important factors. you hear it over again. innovation, innovation. that's how apple stayed on top. savannah, back over to you. >> tom costello, thank you so much. we told you earlier on in the show that we're going to reveal dan brown's new thriller. we are starting to get a lot of tweets and comments and the board is filling up very quickly. by the end of the show, that board will contain the title of this new thriller. if there's anything like his former thrillers a lot of us will be buying it. >> a lot of symbolism again. coming up, a basketball star comes to the rescue of a student in a wheelchair during a wild on-court victory celebration. we'll talk to them and hear how coming up, in the wake of the school shooting in connecticut, the overwhelming response we're seeing from people all across the country. >> we have a rare interview with justice sonia sotomayor. she's written a very personal memoir and talks to us about it, right after a check of yore local news. when i'm the one coo, i'm the one calculating the points. i can microwave things. local news. we still get to go local news. out. we're just so much smarter about it. we can keep each other in check. going, "okay, i see you." we've lost about 110 pounds together. it helped our love life. happy wife, happy life, right? right. [ jennifer ] weight watchers online. the power of weight watchers completely online. join for free today. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. a social media mystery will soon are solved later this morning. facebook addressing the hype in unveiling something it is "building." the social network holding a press conference at its headquarters in menlo park. tech experts expect it could be a search function similar to google. there have been rumors google is working on its own smartphone but reports say that's unlikely what's being unveiled today. a san francisco lawmaker planning to introduce legislation to name san francisco international airport after harvey milk. if the amendment goes through, sfo would be the very first airport in the country named after an openly gay person. campos says they could vote on that amendment as early as the end of this month. very cold outside. christina loren, you have good news for us. >> that news is it's not going get any colder than where we are right now. we have a nice rebound ahead. san jose has clouds moving in. changing weather just ahead. 30 degrees right now in livermore. 26 in gilroy. 28 degrees in napa. throughout the lunch hour you'll see your temperatures climb to just as warm as it was in the heat of the day yesterday. upper 40s and low 50s as you break for lunch. then we'll round out the day in the mid to upper 50s. 58 degrees in santa cruz. noticeable difference in san francisco. 56 degrees there. we keep on climbing through the weekend. let's check your drive with mike. >> being tuesday we have a heavy traffic load here at the bay bridge toll plaza. let me take you to the maps. it's not just at the toll plaza we have a problem. east shore freeway west 80 coming toward san pablo we do have a car fire blocking your slow lane. four people including three children are over on the shoulder. it sounds like everybody got out of the vehicle. good news. that vehicle fully engulfed in flames and distraction off carquinez bridge. more slowing out of hercules down toward the scene. slow for south 880 from an accident in hayward. a crash scene there all of the way down into fremont. back to you. >> we're back in one half hour with another local update. hope to see you then. for the first time since the 1988-89 season. pandemonium on the floor here. they're going crazy. >> and the crowd goes wild, but did you see what happened there in that circle when nc state beat rival duke this weekend? duke rated number one. that young fan in the wheelchair was knocked out of that chair and nearly trampled by the crowd until a star player on the team saw what was happening and came to his rescue. we'll meet them both, coming up in just a minute. that is a lucky young man. meanwhile, i'm matt lauer alongside savannah guthrie. we'll also have an interview with supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. the influence of nancy drew and perry mason on her legal career and her thoughts of having it all. it's rare to get to talk to a supreme court justice. she was very candid and down to earth. we look forward to bringing you that. >> i look forward to it as well. it's also rare that you get to talk to chelsea clinton. we'll do that in a few minutes about something she is working on and also about her mom's recent health scare. we are trying to unlock the title of dan brown's new book. remember the hash tag is #danbrowntoday. savannah and the giant frog. ha, ha, very funny. 50 shades of robert langdon. that has a ring to it. and the mona lisa murders. very good. >> keep them coming. let's begin this half hour with teachers around the country flocking to gun training classes. of course, in the wake of the tragic shooting at the sandy hook elementary school. janet shamlian is in katy, texas, with more on that. janet, good morning to you. >> reporter: we're here at tactical firearms. this is the time to come if you want to learn or target practice. on the weekends, the wait to get in here can be up to an hour and a half now. during that time in some of these lanes, you are going to find teachers who are, themselves, looking to learn. >> how many of you are teachers and staff of school districts? that's what i figured. >> reporter: the concealed handgun training classes offered in waco, texas, by johnny price, are usually full. never have the seats been filled by so many teachers. >> you all are the first line of defense for stuff like columbine and what happened in connecticut. >> reporter: price has been waiving the $85 fee for educators since the sandy hook tragedy. and the response has been overwhelming. >> we've had over 300. today adds up closer to 400 now. it kind of grew faster and quicker than i ever dreamed it would grow. >> you're not moving this hand. >> reporter: learning the abcs of pulling the trigger. she's a high school english teacher who also believes she must also know the language of safety. >> i think it's important for me to get prepared in case i ever do have to defend myself or my students. >> you're going to grab it, grip it and then rip it. >> reporter: across the country, classes like this have been fact packed with teachers looking to learn. some have no interest in carrying a gun in the classroom. however, many believe arming a few would make all less of a target. >> it should be something that's not publicized. kind of like an air marshal. somebody is there, but you don't know who it is. >> reporter: yet the idea of putting a weapon like this in the same room as a child has some parents outraged. >> i don't agree with it at all as far as -- i mean, there's enough violence so that -- i think it's showing the kids that violence is okay. >> put your palm against t. >> reporter: for jennifer hutchison, who has been thinking about taking this class for three years, it was time, she says, to stop thinking and start doing. >> after the connecticut shooting and all the other shootings that have happened at schools, it's definite ly a fea and a struggle every day. >> reporter: and that is the mind-set of some teachers who are now fearful in their very own classrooms. as states and individual school districts grapple how to deal with this, the governor says they will now pay for gun training for all their teachers. there's more to come on this. >> yes, there is. janet shamlian in katy, texas, thank you very much. let's go out to chicago and get another check of the weather from al. hey, al. >> savannah, thank you so much. illinois spina bifida association. a lot of folks advocating biking, even in the winter. very nice. like that. let's take you, show you what you've got for this half hour as far as our weather is concerned. we are talking about afternoon temperatures that are brutally cold around the great lakes. also in the rockies and central plains with temperatures anywhere 20 to 30 degrees below normal. above normal as you get into the southeast, here is what we've got. icy conditions stretching from mississippi all the way on up into parts of kentucky and tennessee. wet weather on the midatlantic states. look for snow showers in the plains. we'll have air pollution advisories in the pacific northwest. that's what's going 7:35 on a tuesday morning. just a beautiful sunrise to show you over the bay bridge this morning. gorgeous conditions to look at. it's chilly outside. look at your temperatures. 30 in livermore. 37 in san francisco. and 35 degrees this morning in oakland. 32 for sunnyvale and right at freezing even in santa cruz. a freeze warning in place until 9:00 a.m. highs are going to be more comfortable today climbing by five degrees. 55 degrees at the coast. hope you have a great day. don't forget, check that weather any time you need to by going to weather channel on cable or savannah? >> al, thank you. sonia sotomayor is the third woman to sit on the supreme court and the first hispanic. i recently met up with justice sotomayor to learn about the woman behind the robe. >> i wrote this book right after my nomination because i wanted to hold on to the real sonia. >> the real sonia traces her earliest footsteps on the streets of the bronx. >> this was a bustling, bustling area jam packed with people. >> reporter: at age 8, dgd with jouv nile diabetes and her mother, selena, left to raise two young children after sotomayor's father died following a long battle with alcohol. >> do you think you were fully aware of the struggles he was having with alcohol? >> even as a child, i asked if you really love me, why can't you stop? i never asked him that question, because i knew the answer. he can't. he couldn't. >> you've spoken so warmly of your mother, who i know you adore. but as a child we learn in the book you didn't always have that close relationship and at one point i think you used the word neglect. >> neglect was the right word. i barely saw my mother. and the mom i saw was often angry and unhappy. the mother i grew up with is not the mother i know now. it's not the mother she became after my father died. >> so help me god. >> and that's been the greatest prize of my life. because in watching my mother grow and develop herself, i grew and developed myself. >> here from the church she once attended with her aunt to the library where she voraciously gobbled up books -- >> i read anything and everything i could get my hands on. >> reporter: she was cultivating a love of the law from two unlikely legal influences. >> nancy drew and perry mason. >> in one episode after the guilty party confessed, perry turned to the judge. >> we will have order. >> and at that moment, i realized that the most important person in that room was the judge. and i wanted to be that person. >> you wanted to be the most important person in the room? >> everybody has a little ego. >> that self assurance and work ethic took her to princeton, yale law school and the hallowed halls of justice. >> weren't these intimidating situations? >> oh, gosh, i was filled with fear. when you come from a background like mine where you're entering worlds that are so different than your own, you have to be afraid. >> do you still have that fear? >> oh, yes. oh, yes. you should have seen me the first year on the supreme court. >> is the supreme court the kind of place where a person like you could come in and acknowledge to the other justices, this is kind of intimidating? >> no. you don't announce it at a conference. no. you do your job, okay? >> that job requires sotomayor to render decisions on the hot button issues of the day from gay marriage to affirmative action. outside of the court, sotomayor has embraced her public profile as a chance to influence young kids. >> we're here to tell you about a word career. >> reporter: she regrets never having children of her own. do you think if you had chosen a different course in your personal life you would be supreme court justice? >> i don't know. but i knew that i wanted to be an independent woman with my own career and successful in whatever i chose to do. could i have that and have had children? many women do. can you have it all every minute of the day? no. >> divorced since 1983 from her high school sweetheart, today she spends what little free time she has staying fit, watching her beloved yankees and even salsa dancing. your mom fell in love again late in life. >> she most certainly did. >> do you ever wonder if that might happen for you? >> all the time. >> where do you take a supreme court justice on a date? >> i don't have any idea yet. to have a romance, you have to have time. i'm a justice. i've written a book. the guy is going to have to wait until i'm a little bit freer. >> i wonder what, if anything, you're ambitious for now. >> i haven't finished growing yet. i'm young at heart. i'm young in spirit. and i'm still adventurous. >> that, she is. supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. her memoir is called "my beloved world." still ahead, a live interview with chelsea clinton. but up next, the star basketball player comes to the rescue of a classmate who stormed the court in his wheelchair to celebrate and then was knocked over. we'll have their story, right after this. 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[ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios it is 7:56. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. firefighters say an early morning fire near the carquinez bridge is suspicious. that fire started on an abandoned pier in crockett in a building that's at least 100 years old. you can see the flames here. crews say they had to bring out a boat to fight this fire from the water to keep that burning material from floating out into it. the firefighters say the fire again is suspicious because the building is abandoned and if they can't find any obvious sources here, they'll have to continue to search for what caused it. nobody, we're happy to report, was injured but a nearby sugar refinery which stretches over that water was warned of a potential fire hazard. let's look outside and get that tuesday forecast and say good morning to christina loren. >> good morning to you, jon. good morning to you at home. isn't this spectacular? more and more cloud cover which is a good sign that it won't be as frigid to start tomorrow morning. right now it is still very cold. you're at 25 degrees now in gilroy. you hit 23 yesterday. a gradual warmup there. 30 degrees in livermore. 34 in san mateo. we'll keep the freeze warning in place until 9:00 a.m. should be able to expire on time after 9:00. we'll start to climb and by five degrees warmer than yesterday's highs. 54 in livermore. 57 in san jose. a comfortable 58 degrees later on in santa cruz. looking for the 60s. thursday into friday. upper 60s on the way as we get into the weekend. great weekend for outdoor plans. it's rush hour. mike is busy. what are you tracking? >> look at this live shot. south 880 past the truck scales looking good right now for a tuesday. the reason is the map shows you folks are held up just before you get there. a crash at dakota which just moved to the shoulder. that's south 880 approaching the dumbarton bridge. that has folks tied up there. as it clears lanes, folks are heading south into the area. expect slowing into milpitas. back to you. >> thank you very much. we're back in one half hour. hope to see you then. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents on their own are fantastic but add some sauce, pepperoni and cheese and fold up the crescent dough...and presto! tuesday night just became crescent pizza pocket-tastic pillsbury crescents. let the making begin here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. 8:00 now on this tuesday morning. it's the 15th of january, 2013. fans of the da vinci code have been up and tweeting their faces off and starting to fill out the mystery we have. tweeting their faces and fingers off, filling in the big board there. when we have reached a sufficient number of tweets and facebook messages, that screen will be filled out and we will know the answer to the title of the dan brown. >> five seconds after them it will self destruct, smoke pouring out of the screen. >> i thought you were going to say sell out. we'll check in with natalie in a moment. we have kim and kourtney here. things are going on in their lives. you might check in. a tough issue for millions of parents. how do you deal with or help one of your children when your children are dealing with weight issues? we'll talk to a mom who ignited a firestorm when she opened up in a vogue essay about the diet she put her then 7-year-old daughter on. she will talk about that more. she's written a book on it. >> and we will catch up with former first daughter and our colleague chelsea clinton and talking about her role in president obama's inauguration. she has an important cause to tell us about as well. >> let's go inside. natalie is standing by with a check of the headlines. >> good morning, matt and savannah. good morning, everyone. damaging new details are emerging from lance armstrong's long-awaited interview with oprah winfrey. armstrong confessed 20 using performance-enhancing drugs to win the tour de france. he was stripped of seven tour de france titles last year. he had consistently denied doping allegations. the armstrong oprah interview airs thursday. president obama is will formally unveil a package of gun proposals this week based on the recommendations of vice president biden's task force. on monday, the president spoke about stronger background checks, restrictions on high capacity ammunition clips and meaningful ban on assault weapons. there's a new political crisis brewing this morning in pakistan. a key u.s. al lie in the war on terror. the top court ordered the rest of the country's prime minister in a corruption case. however, an adviser said any attempt to arrest the prime minister would be unconstitutional. coca-cola is raising eyebrows with a new ad that takes on the complex challenge of obesity. they said weight gain is the result of consuming too many calories of any kind and highlights lower calorie drinks. a consumer advocacy group says if coca-cola is serious about helping reduce obesity it will stop soda taxes. good morning, mary. >> good morning to you, natalie. wall street is bracing for earnings season which begins in ernest this week. among the companies reporting six dow components. among those reporting a number of nation's big banks. ben bernanke adding his voice to the debate over the debt ceiling. he thinks congress should raise it. it doesn't mean the government will spend any more money, merely that it will pay the bills it's already incurred. >> all right. mary thompson of the new york stock exchange, thanks. for a look at what is trending, what has you talking online. go fish. less is more for this angler who doesn't bother with any fancy gear. >> oh, my gosh! oh! >> ouch. well, of course that big tarpon might think it was the one who scored the catch of the day. tommy lee jones cranky expression has gone viral. and a picture comparing him to grumpy cat, who must be thinking, finally, someone gets me. stumping the kitty is not so easy not with kiddo the cat who has mastered the shell game. one, two, three, four. okay. oh, so smart. >> smart kitty. the clever cat was abandoned by two different owners before finding his forever home. it is 8:05. let's go back out to al with a check of the weather in chicago. got it right a couple of times there. >> yeah. i've got to tell you, natalie, we have to take that cat down to times square. we could make some money with three card monty. >> bring it on. fantastic. >> we have the chicago auto show. and you're doing it for charity. >> for charity. a lot of other charities locally for the auto show this year. it's a great cause. >> all right. thanks for coming down. nice butterflies. let's see what we have for you. our pick city of the day, chicago. yeah. sunny, cold, 59. our good friends at wmaq nbc 5 in chicago. all right. here we go on the satellite. we have a lot of wet weather stretching from the northeast all the way down into texas where we're looking at an icy mix there. clouds in the pacific northwest. plenty of sunshine down through southern california, much of california and the pacific northwest. we are looking at chilly conditions through the southwest. 33 in denver today. windy around the great lakes. that rain stretches up into the northeast later tonight, turns into an icy mix and snow. ice stretching from arkansas all the way up into southern sub freezing temperatures expected to continue for one more hour. this is a live look at san jose. we have plenty of high clouds making for filtered sunshine today and warmer day ahead. 57 in los gatos. we keep on climbing like a ladder. all the way through the end of the week into the weekend. 68 degrees by saturday. and temperatures are going to be comfortable for outdoor plans. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> al, thank you very much that's. your latest weather >> all right, al, thank you. when we come back, kim and kourtney kardashian inside our studio. reality shows, pregnancies, all kinds of stuff right after these messages. shows, pregnancy, all kinds of stuff right after these messages. be ready. for the days when you get a sudden call from the school, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. when you have children's motrin on hand, you're ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer than children's motrin. be ready with children's motrin. home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love. and other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. [ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. deoxyribonucleic acid. he knew that. [ male announcer ] with everything. go! goooo! no. no no no no no. mommy's here [ male announcer ] but that kind of love is...frowned upon. so instead she gives him capri sun super-v. so he gets more of what he needs... without all the "her" he doesn't think he needs. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. capri sun super-v. pleeeeeeeease... [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. pleeeeeeeease... less than 100 calories and made with real fruit pleeeeeeeease... thanks mom! [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. pleeeeeeeease... thanks mom! we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. everything's better with a great cup of coffee. exceptionally smooth and perfectly balanced for a harmonious blend of flavor, body and aroma. green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. brew a better day. back now at 8:11. kim and kourtney kardashian are set to embark on some new adventures on their new reality show "kourtney and kim take miami." good to see you. >> thank you. >> kim, anything new? >> nothing new. >> no? >> nothing too exciting. >> we want to congratulate you on your pregnancy news. >> thank you. >> is it sinking in or does it still kind of feel shocking? >> i think until i really start seeing like a belly, it won't really sink in. i -- yeah. it's just like a weird realization. but i think until you really start seeing the physical changes, you know, every day is different. >> i know k aanye is the one who announced this at a concert in december. >> yeah. >> was that preplanned or did he just kind of blurt it out? were you surprised? >> he says what he feels. once you're past the three-month mark, you're pretty safe. he just kind of goes off what he feels and he was feeling it that night, i guess. >> are you due in springtime, summer? >> i'm due in july. >> july, okay. great. kourtney, what do you think of all this? you're a mom of two, just had a little baby, penelope. >> they'll be exactly a year apart. >> yeah, penelope is in july. >> i'm excited for kim and kanye and to have cousins, most importantly, for my kids. >> are you watching more closely now, giving her some pointers? >> she does, but i also said like for me being around anyo anyone's kids when i was pregnant is not good. like you need to -- >> why? >> you need to wait till it's your own. you're not going to feel the same. >> it cracked me up in a couple of episodes we see for your show that's come iing up, you say to kourtney, having kids has made you really boring or something to that effect. >> yeah. >> you know, she just is -- there's different kinds of moms and she's like -- now has these new mom groups and has these different friends that just have tons of kids. her life, obviously, revolves around her kids and that's how it should be. but i can't really understand that until it happens to me. >> i can't wait till you're knocking on my door saying invite me to music class. >> she said in the old days, and maybe we should try this -- >> i did not. >> yes, you did. >> -- say we should try this. >> all the kids, like one sitter should babysit all the kids so i can go out or vice versa and whichever sister is babysitting should breastfeed all the kids that are there. >> okay. >> i said that's what they did back in the day. i didn't say let's try this. she said does that not freak you out? i said, no, it doesn't. >> well, good luck with that. i'm sure it will all be filmed as part of the reality show. >> i don't know about that. >> speaking of your show, i want to play a clip where you talk and some of these issues. let's take a look. >> i'm obviously still going through a divorce. the dumbest part is that he won't sign the divorce papers. >> it's something that should be over and done with. unfortunately it's not that easy. >> how does this not like -- i'm annoyed about it. >> irritate you to your core? >> i've taken it to a level where i'm like, i can't stress about this. the judge said we will be divorced in 2013. >> so that raises the issue because, in fact, you are still married to kris humphries. you talk about it on the show. what is going on with that? what do you think his motivations are for not signing your divorce papers? >> i can't really speak for anyone else. it's a process. you know, it's just -- it's a process, you know. it's happening, hopefully. >> and we're in 2013. >> yeah. >> so you're hopeful? >> i'm trying. >> you want to move on with your life. would you like to get married to kanye? >> you know, it's something that we talk about, but i think it's just, right now, focusing on the baby and i think what i've learned in life is i was always such a planner and i always set out to think your life is going to be a certain way. and the best surprises just happen when you don't plan. sometimes i think i overplan. and i'm just so content with how things are right now and how life is. and we're so happy. hopefully, you know, we definitely want that in the future. but i don't think -- i'm not in a rush. >> i hear you saying that maybe the baby was a surprise. >> it was, you know, just a happy -- i think you'll see in the show, you know -- i know khloe has been very open about her fertility issues. i was always kind of quiet about mine. and i have, you know, similar issues. and so it was a pleasant surprise when so many doctors were telling me, you know, one thing and then the opposite happened. and that's just like an exciting moment. you can't plan for things like that. so i think it's such a blessing, knowing my circumstances, that you guys will kind of all find out about. so as much as i would like to be in a perfect world where i was, you know, divorced -- you can't plan for any of that. >> i know kourtney is willing to let you practice babysitting, right? any time you need to. >> not the kind of babysitting she really wants me to do, but -- >> it's great to see both of you. we're happy for you. congratulations. >> thank you. >> we'll see you both soon we hope. i know you'll be back with kathie lee and hoda in a few minutes. you can catch "kourtney and kim take miami" coming up on our sister station e! coming up, would you put your 7-year-old on a diet? we'll talk to a mom taking heat for doing just that. ♪ just add water. the everyday collection. by target. ♪ pringles... bursting with flavor. ancr: ♪ at jennie-o we think some things are worth getting up early for like a better breakfast so on august eighth we woke up a sleepy town to show that eating well can be easy and delicious with jennie-o turkey bacon and sausage cooked thoroughly to 165 definitely very good it's excellent this is delicious makes me want to eat breakfast more it's time for a better breakfast i can't stop eating this make the switch look for jennie-o at a store near you sleep in my contacts. relax... air optix® night & day aqua contact lenses are approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear, so it's okay to sleep in them. visit for a free 1-month trial. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with three of your daily vegetable servings she said, "i haven't done my taxes for a few years." call. what's a few? she said, "i think it's eight." she showed up with four file boxes of paperwork. "here, take my stuff and figure it out." i will do that for you. it's a mental challenge. it's a puzzle. but getting you the maximum refund- that's what i'm here for. bring it on. to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. back now at 8:19 with a difficult issue for a lot of families. how do you help a child that is overweight? we'll talk to a mom who caused an uproar when she wrote about putting her 7-year-old daughter on a diet. no matter who you ask, parents, doctors, even people who struggled with weight as a child, it's a difficult topic to tackle. >> i would know how many were left, how many i could have without appearing to be pigging out. >> adam whitefield knows all too well the complexities of being an overweight child. >> i absorbed that maybe the way i looked wasn't the way that i should look. >> in her blog she wrote i wouldn't have been better off if i had basically been bullied into losing weight but i would have been better off if i learned ways of coping with stress that didn't center around food. >> when you're always thinking about food and you're 7 years old and aren't thinking about regulating yourself, you may develop a weight problem, which is what happened to me. >> an issue touching families across the country, more than 23 million teens and children across the u.s. are overweight or obese. >> the fact that we're so silent on the issue is also contributing to the problem. in fact, the study showed that parents would rather talk to kids about sex, drugs or anything other than weight. >> but that may be changing. for the first time, nbc's weight loss reality show, "the biggest loser," is featuring young teens who are overweight. and last spring manhattan mom dara-lynn weiss detailed a strict diet she put her 7-year-old daughter on. she wrote it is grating to have someone constantly complain of being hungry. she stopped letting her daughter enjoying pizza fridays when she omitted having corn. when bea has engaged in a heated public debate. >> when a child's weight is compromising their health, a parent is going to go into action but we need to be very careful with what we say and what we do. we don't want a child to look at food as the enemy. >> dara-lynn weiss is with us now. her book is called "the heavy:a mother, a daughter, a diet" dara-lynn has decided not to share photos of her. her name is not bea, but we'll call her bea. she's 9. how is she doing? >> fan tatastically well. she has maintained a healthy weight, really made positive changes in how she approaches this issue. >> she has gained weight appropriately because she's gotten bigger now. >> exactly. after spending a year trying to lose weight to have a year where it was healthy to gain weight. >> has she been made aware of the controversy surrounding your article? does she know about the criticism you faced? >> we told both our children that people have written articles in response to my arm, disagreeing with it. we knew kind of the reality of our situation and the love and respect that we had as a family and that other people had comments, but that we didn't agree with their take. >> the disagreement came in a lot of different areas. >> you had y uh-huh. >> one of the areas seemed to be the public manner. people would offer your daughter food and instead of saying let it happen there and go home and talk to your daughter about why she shouldn't have taken that cake or cookies, you did it right there in front of a lot of people and a lot of parents said, no, no, no. that's not the way you parent. how do you answer that? >> i totally understand that point of view. i want to say i didn't come to this situation saying we're just going to fleece this at every moment in every public situation. as a parent of an obese child you become aware of how frequently they're presented with challenges and at 7 they can't necessarily be responsible for responding appropriately. i found that in the intervening years, i don't have to intervene as much, because she has learned. >> so you think those very public discussions left a mark and now she doesn't put herself in those public situations now? >> i think we -- the public discussions, you can sort of interpret them as you want. every parent saying, hey, don't eat that. you're allergic to that. every parent is controlling their children's diet to some extent. i wanted to be able to do that as well and not be exempt from that. >> a lot of the other questions focused on you. >> right. >> wait a second, she's so concerned about her daughter at 7. what are her own feelings toward food? what's her own history? here is what you write in the book. though the rest of my family had a seemingly healthy relationship with food i was constantly battling weight gain and asking my mother to lock up the peanut butter and the box of entemann's. whether i weighed in at 105 pounds or 145 pounds hardly mattered. i hated how my body looked and devoted an inordinate amount of time to trying to change it. and a lot of parents said she has the issue, maybe not even her daughter. >> i absolutely acknowledge my issues. and i think a lot of women share them. i would say the majority of women have some nervous relationship to food and some dissatisfaction with their body. at the same time these women are moms and they have to figure out how to teach their children to eat well and to love their bodies when they're healthy and to help them when they're not healthy. and it was an extremely intimidating hurdle for me personally to know that i kind of came to this issue with this baggage. and it kept me from intervening for many more years than was probably appropriate, because i was so afraid that i was going to bring my own issues to bear on bea. >> it's a fascinating subject. i think a lot of people are going to want to read this book. thank you so much. >> thank you so much, matt. >> we're back after this. good tuesday morning to you. 8:26 right now. today, law enforcement agencies are buying back guns all over marin county. they will pay $200 for semiautomatic gun s as long as they're still working. nevada police department, st. andrew's church, san rafael police department and the point reyes sheriff substation. at each location, you can drop off guns between 11:00 this morning and 8:00 tonight. check that morning commute now with mike. how we looking? >> working at northbound up past the coliseum. both directions, an earlier crash on the southbound that has just cleared. the northbound side looks jammed, so does westbound. south of there in the opposite direction is the problem toward hayward. another crash moving to the shoulder and still slam jam. >> thank you very much. we'll have another local news update in about half an hour. enjoy your tuesday morning. ♪ ♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. tuesday morning, 15th day of january, 2013, as we say hi to some nice people gathered on the plaza on a breezy day here in the northeast. thanks to them for stopping by. i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie and natalie morales. here in this hour, chelsea clinton will join us, and the role she's playing in president obama's second inaugural. i know something she would like you to get involved in. she'll talk to us about that and she'll also talk to us about her mom's health and some other things when she joins us. did you notice mark wahlberg had an interesting date? >> date? i don't know that you want to call it a date. >> i'm just trying to do the tease here. >> somebody on the red carpet. >> he is here now. we'll talk to him about that. also he has a new project we want to talk to him about, russell crowe movie. hoda kotb is up early this morning. >> love hoda. love her. >> yeah. we're standing in front of our weather wall. it's filling in. soon we hope to be able to reveal the title of dan brown's new thriller. if you keep it coming, we'll fill it up and give you that title. use the #danbrown today to fill the screen. by the way, how big is the release of a dan brown thriller? he is ranked, his books, as the most read books in the world, up there with books like the bible. >> the bible? wow! >> every tweet is a dot on that board. some people are starting to talk about florence. ey think they can make out that there. >> someone on twitter or facebook has correctly guessed the title of the book. maybe dan brown himself. >> inside information there. >> before we get to this mystery, let's check in with al roker in chicago this morning. good morning again. >> thanks so much. we have friends here from the chicago polar plunge, to benefit special olympics chicago. we even have a polar bear. only eaten three people here. that worked out pretty well. let's see what we've got for you as far as today is concerned. snow showers in the northern plains. we've got a winter weather advisory stretching in to dallas, morning snow. plenty of sunshine in the southwest. but it's still awfully chilly. rain in the midatlantic states. tomorrow we expect to see more heavy rain along the midatlantic, southeastern atlantic coast. new york, pennsylvania, into upstate new york and new england, frigid conditions in the northern plains. sunny, but continued cool in the southwest into southern california and plenty of sunshine, cold weather makes its way into the northwest. that's what's going on 8:33 on a tuesday morning. still cold enough for frost out there this morning. give yourself some extra time to warm up your vehicle. the good news is we're going to be about 3 to 5 degrees normal. and 56 in san francisco. right on track with our seasonal averages. by tomorrow, we're going to climb to the 60s popping up and into the weekend, temperatures warm up even more. hope you have o fantastic tuesday. >> and that is your latest weather. savannah? >> al, thank you. coming up next, chelsea clinton talks about her new role with president obama's inauguration and some other things. we'll check in with her in a few moments. first this is "today" on nbc. we're back now at 8:26. president obama will kick off his inauguration weekend saturday with a national day of service. volunteer events will be held in all 50 states and the obamas and bidens will attend a service fair on the national mall featuring 100 volunteer organizations. nbc's special correspondent chelsea clinton is the honorary chair of that event. chelsea, nice to see you. good morning. >> nice to see you, matt. good morning. >> i know michelle obama said back in 2009 at the first inaugural, the national service day was her favorite part of the entire event. i also know she and her husband, and the bidens and you would like to grow that event. how do you go about doing it? >> oh, we're so excited. we have events in every state. we have more than 2,000 different events. there will be more than 50,000 volunteer opportunities for people to take advantage of. and on the mall alone, as you mentioned, there will be more than 100 organizations participating in seven different events in what we believe to be the largest service event ever taking place in our nation's capital. >> i was looking, the world giving index shows the united states among the top ten countries with the most generous citizens. americans are committing more and more of their time, their energy and their money to serving others. do you think this is something that crosses all generations? in other words, are people your age and even younger getting involve involved as much as perhaps some older americans are? >> oh, absolutely. you know, all of the studies show that younger americans, the so-called millennials are actually more engaged than older generation. it appears we're becoming even more generous as we move into the 21st century, particularly in donating our time, which is one of the reasons why i'm so enthusiastic about the national day of service on saturday not only being our largest national day of service ever but hopefully a renewed commitment to service in our country. >> i love it in my kids' school they talk about it, in schools across the country. what can parents do, in your opinion, to set a better example for children in this area? >> well, matt, i think what you were just talking about, encouraging our schools, our faith communities, our community centers to make opportunities available to children so that children grow up thinking of service as just part of what it means to be a good person, part of what it means to be an american citizen. i'm incredibly grateful my parents, when i was younger, took me to soup kitchens, let me pick out the books that we would donate to the church library. for me it was always just part of being a kid, being part of my family and being part of my community and an american. i hope that parents like you will do that on saturday and throughout the rest of the year. >> let me ask you about your mom's recent kind of series of health scares, including that blood clot inside of her head. how is she feeling, chelsea? >> oh, she's doing great, matt. i am incredibly grateful to the tremendous care that she received and so profoundly grateful that she is strong, vibrant as ever and will be back to full health very soon. >> do you worry at all that there is a long term -- not physical impact of this, but that people will view her divenly, especially if she chooses to pursue another run for president in 2016? >> oh, gosh. well, matt, i am so grateful she is as vibrant as she ever has been. i'm sure you've seen the footage of her at the state department. she is exuding the energy, the vibrancy and certainly the mental acuity that she always has. i am so grateful that she is not only fine, but healthy and vibrant and strong. and, god willing, will be for the next 65 years of her life. >> wish her our best, chelsea. >> thank you, matt. i will. >> i want to mention to people watching to find a service event in your area head to our website, hoda on how to transform your life in the wake of some big challenges. and keep your tweets coming to reveal the title of dan brown's book. back now at 8:42. have you ever wished you could look into the future and see how things turn out? hoda's search for individuals who faced their biggest fears and challenges to find out how they fared years later. she tells their stories in a new book called "ten years later," six people who faced adversity and changed their lives. >> when i look at you, i think of ellen yesterday. i'm having a flashback. >> don't think of that. >> you were genius. game-changing moments in life from an illness, to a job loss to individuals who faced really hard-to-deal-with tragedies. i tracked them down a decade later to see how they survived. and, in most cases, thrived. take a look. during tough times, have you ever wished you could fast forward through your life and just maybe that view of the future would give you hope? well, many people deal with sorrow and loss but also dream of a brighter tomorrow. like amy barnes. more than a decade ago, at almost 500 pounds, this mother of two battled low self esteem and felt trapped in an abusive relationship. how would she break away and finally lose the weight? or ron clifford, who on september 11th escorted a burned woman to safety after the towers were hit, only later to discover that his own sister and niece were passengers on united flight 175 which hit the world trade center on that tragic day. how would he find peace to move on with his life? and lindsay beck, fought two battles with cancer only to learn that the life-saving chemotherapy treating her would probably leave her infertile. how would she conquer cancer while holding on to the hope of having children in the future? ten years later, the endings to the stories may not only surprise you, but inspire you as well. and do you ever wonder yourself during a difficult time, where will i be in ten years? hopefully, these amazing individuals will give you a glimpse at what is possible. >> so, hoda -- >> hi. >> miss author. >> hello. >> what made you want to write a book like this? who is it for? >> i think if anyone has ever been in the weeds, and we all have, you get a terrible phone call and something bad happens. how am i going to make it for the next ten minutes? you can't even fathom the next ten years. i thought let me get someone who has been through what we're about to go through, let them read the tea leaves for us so we can edit ahead. this is aye tracked down six people. >> was there a moment for you where you know that you were really in the thick of -- >> yeah. >> -- the challenge and wished you had that perspective ten years later? >> i had two things. when i was diagnosed with breast cancer years ago, i was terrified. all i wanted was for someone to show me this is the road out. it's a hard road but this is the road out. and a long time ago i was applying for jobs and i got rejected everywhere i went, 28 news directors who told me no until one guy told me yes. i was at a fork in the road and i could have gone east or west. and that's why i get to sit here with you. >> amy barnes, wow! she went through everything. and she's almost unrecognizable now from the image we see there. >> she weighed almost 500 pounds. we found her from a joy fit member. she was abused and, like a lot of women, overweight, abused, could see no way out. she had one of these aha moments. her son saw her when she was beaten, bloody, wiped the blood away from her face and said mom i want you to look pretty again. her story will astonish you. she came out on the other end. look at her. >> amazing. >> hello! she's a new you and started a whole new career. >> she looks mazing and it sounds like she's doing really well on the inside, too. >> unbelievable, this one. >> talk to me about roxane quinby. >> you lose three waitressing jobs, you're a single mom. everything is driving apart. you run into a stranger on the roadside with a scruffy beard, selling honey in a jar and you say to him, can i help you package that and sell it better? she helps him package it, they start making candles. she goes back to this man's hives and looks up and there's a big sign that says burt's bees. she started burt's bees from a roadside sign. >> it was not as if that was the obvious path for her. >> it took a lot of guts. it's about keeping your eyes open when your life's about to change. sometimes we miss our magic moment, don't we? our head is down. we're scared. this is about eyes wide open. if you've ever been through a hard time in your life or you have a friend who has been through something difficult, this book is one of those books that will help. >> hoda kotb, we know that you do your television show every day just a little bit buzzed, but -- >> that's -- >> i know you write sober. >> we are on hiatus. we have not been drinking for 22 days and i can't wait till it's over. >> how is it going? >> not great. mark wahlberg on his new movie and his big night at the golden back now at 8:49, two-time oscar nominee, mark wahlberg who plays a new york city police officer and takes on a job with a mayor who soon finds himself at odds with him. >> you're a good man. i'll give you that, you have it all work ed out. >> that's why the people keep electing me, billy. i simply get the job done. >> all this is for the city? >> everything i do is for this great city. i chose you because i own you. >> we'll get to that. mark wahlberg, good to see you. good morning. >> good to see you. >> just flew in from the golden globes. saw you across the room. have fun? >> it's always fun to be there. very exciting night. i'm involved in both film and television. when you get everybody together it's a good time. >> you were there as a producer of "boardwalk empire." confusing me now. one of the things that jumped out to me as i was reading the interviews, you like this character, billy taggert, because he reminds you of some of the great characters in the movies you used to see with your dad like china town. why those? >> they're all underdog characters, guys i can relate to. they all have to redeem themselves in some sort of way and they're all kind of forced to deal with that moral dilemma. and i just love those characters. >> i also -- i can add french connection in there. >> of course. >> death wish and some of those great movies. >> best movie i ever saw in a theater was hard times with my dad. >> did you go see movies a lot together? >> he loved movies. i was introduced to edward g. robinson. i was never really attracted to the matinee idols. i liked the guy's guys, steve mcqueen. >> i look at the title "broken city." yet when you meet billy taggert in this movie he is a broken guy. >> definitely broken. there was a huge miscarriage of justice. he decided to take the law into his own hands. he is dealing with that dilemma and he knows the possibility that he may lose his own freedom but he still needs to go after. >> that's why it made me think of "death wish," charles bronson movies. you workd with russell crowe, as we saw in the clip. you started shooting before he actually joined the production. some were wondering what it was going to be like to work with russell crowe. did you know him at all? >> we met in passing. we met at a film festival. i was there for "boogie nights." there were a lot of excitement about those two particular films. we saw hello. we hadn't worked together. he is a powerful guy and does such a great job of playing the mayor. we needed somebody with his kind of stature, to be charismatic. >> you said something about him. it made me think. we tried to outdo each other as characters but not as actors. we had some really great duels. crowe just came in and nailed it. it's nice to see someone who was prepared. it was like, oh, some people do care. >> yeah. >> that's a great compliment to russell crowe. it makes me wonder have you had experiences where actors come in and phone it in? >> they learn their lines as they go along. >> who does that in a movie with you? >> i wouldn't want to drop a name. it would be a big problem. but i tell you, i've worked with people who literally try to block the scene around places to try to hide their side, smaller version of the scene we're doing that. take a peak, go over here, do this, do that. you're paid, most people, very handsomely to show up. be prepared. russell and i had a lot of dialogue. first thing we did was a five-page scene. director said you want to rehearse, talk about it? we both said no. let's go. put the cameras in the direction and let us do our thing. >> that concept of trying to outdo each other as characters and yet knowing where to draw the line and not saying can you top this as an actor? >> absolutely. i've seen where people are trying to service themselves as opposed to servicing the scene, which will service the movie as a whole. as a producer i'm more concerned about the movies ay awhole. tlas a lot of great character actors out there who don't get the part and so they feel like this is a chance to show people -- >> remind them how great i am? >> but it ultimately hurts the movie. one of the biggest compliments i ever got was from warren beatty who said maybe you'll be the youngest ever to get the falberg award. when we were doing "the fighter" it was always about the movie. let other people shine and let everybody look good. >> that's nwhy you're not only good actor but good producer. >> you look in shape, buddy. >> i feel like i'm in shape. >> i have to send you my mark products. >> technically i'm not allowed to accept free things, mark, but call my assistant. we're happen to say that dan brown fans have responded in a big way in the call to action. facebooking us and tweeting us. if we could get a drum roll, without further adieu, we could reveal the title of dan brun's new book. it is inferno. >> that's right. >> it will be out may 14th. his sixth novel. as you may guess, it centers on the classic -- remember from high school, dante's inferno? >> that's right. >> although i studied dante's inferno in high school, it wasn't until recently while researching in florence that i came to appreciate the enduring influence of dante's work on the modern world. with this new novel i am excited to take readers into a journey deep into this mysterious realm, a landscape of codes, symbols and more than a few secret passage ways. >> a good time will be had by all. coming up, is it okay to pierce your baby's ear? something we'll talk about in take three. we're back after checking your local news and weather. good tuesday morning. the pilot of a tanker ship changed course last minute before hitting a tower of the bay bridge. the bay news group reports the move was risky and placed the ship through a tough turn. fog, a faulty beacon and dangerous currents contributed. let's check the first. how we looking? >> it's so cold out there. good morning to you at home. grab that coat, but you might be able to give it a break today with temperatures climbing into the upper 50s. 54 at the coast. look at that seven-day. up to the mid to upper 60s by d end of a week and a comfortable weekend for your outtoor plans. hope you have a great day. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. "today" on a tuesday morning. it is the 15th day of january, 2013. don't you feel a little chill in the air? >> yeah. >> it almost feels like l.a. just kidding. we are happy to see you. we had a great crowd outside. it is a little chilly here but we can't complain about the weather. >> you did a lot of complaining about the weather yesterday. >> i know. >> whine iing, whining, whining >> willie, it was really cold. >> enough! >> i'm savannah guthrie alongside natalie morales and willie geist. coming up, admission from lance armstrong after years of denial. admitting to using performance-enhancing drugs in an interview with oprah. what does it mean for him? small changes that will make a big difference while you're dieting. ellie krueger, from eggs to egg substitute to last-minute healthy meals if you're not in the mood to cook, savannah. fresh start to your home this year, celebrity expert colin cowley has some ideas whether you want a spa bathroom or organized office space. take three, savannah, while you were out in l.a., you paid a visit to ellen. >> yes. >> apparently she made you come face to face with your worst nightmare. >> yeah. >> check this out. >> no, no, no! honest to god, it's real. no, please. please, no! god, no! no, i'm serious. >> that's not acting. >> oh, no. >> you hate a frog. >> that is -- it's just total terror. >> where does that come from, the frog thing? >> i don't know. maybe from arizona and we had these colorado river toads that used to come out after a big rain. i don't know. >> were you traumatized by one as a child? >> i don't know. it's totally deep seated. she had this frog incident where i was totally terrified. i still didn't understand how i have this profound fear of frogs. it's real. i was sweating. i didn't even care that i was on television when she put that slimy thing on me, i was out of that chair as fast as -- >> but it wasn't real. >> she didn't know, though. >> her producer was so cute and very proud. we got it from like a movie set. so it was slimy and heavy. >> just like the real thing? >> yes. >> just didn't croak. >> you apparently also have a fear of your alarm clock. >> not going off. >> as you told ellen. >> i set three alarms. i even name my alarms. there's early, ridiculously early, which is 3:00 am and then the 4:00 am i call slacker. >> so you literally will turn one off and wait for the other one to go on? >> i have this iphone. you can set them all. it's a wonderful device. >> i know. but couldn't you just get up once instead of setting three? >> what if it didn't go off? what if that happened? >> then the other two wouldn't go off either if it's on one device. >> now i'm not going to sleep tonight. >> she makes a good point. >> i know. >> you're putting all your eggs in the iphone basket. it makes no sense. >> totally outwitted. truth is, i set my blackberry phone alarm. >> don't you have a regular alarm clock? >> that's so two decades ago. >> how many do you have? >> one. >> really? >> it goes off and i get up. my husband is always amazed. i do not press snooze. >> that's interesting. >> never fails. >> a lot of times i leave it out, it goes off and maybe i hit snooze. then i go in the shower and it comes back on and my poor wife has to get up and go across the room. >> i've done that, too. >> only one alarm? you're a courageous woman, natalie morales. >> i am, i am. one day i'm going to get a panic call from the control room, where are you? take one, a story everybody is talking about today. lance speaking out, giving that interview to oprah winfrey yesterday that airs tomorrow on the own network. oprah was on another network this morning, talking a little bit, debriefing about the interview. she said it was very difficult, she was surprised, in fact, at how much he divulged. i guess she wasn't expecting him to be as forthcoming as he was. was well prepared, had his answers. 2 1/2 hour interview she's going to run in its entirety. >> she said they're going to run it over two days on thursday on own. what's interesting is that he didn't come clean in the way she thought he would come clean. she said she was surprised. >> i wonder what that means. >> the way he admitted it. she doesn't really give a lot in terms of details of how he confessed. >> she wants you to watch the interview. >> absolutely. >> good tease. >> stripped of seven tour titles. a lot of people are wondering why now? one answer is this usada, anti-doping agency oversees triathlons. >> even so he wouldn't be able to compete for something like eight years in the triathlons. he will be past his peak. >> not only that, at great risk. he obviously is trying to rehabilitate his public image at long last. and this is clearly the first step but potentially legally there are implications. >> hugely damaging. >> i think the criminal exposure is probably less than the civil exposure, the idea that people could sue him for a lot of money. i think people will be lining up at the courthouse door. this is somebody reported to be worth $100 million. ton of lawsuits. but also potentially, the department of justice dropped the case against him last year. >> right. >> stopped investigating it. i don't know if there will be anything in that interview that would make them want to take a second look. >> perjury charge perhaps. >> that's one issue. >> criminal charges. >> as i understand it, the statement he made to federal authorities is so long ago he may be outside the statute of limitations. if you're a lawyer, you're like, no, don't talk. >> write it in your diary or something. >> do you think coming out and admitting now, after so many years of defiance, people will forgive or forget? >> i think it's very difficult. i am always -- i always tell myself remember how short the memory is of people, whether you're bill clinton, kobe bryant or ray lewis, any of these high-profile people. over time, people do forget. the element of this one was the intimidation he used to keep his secret. >> right. >> the people that he -- >> all the other people he brought down in the process. >> including his teammates, floyd landis, who came out publicly and to condemn lance armstrong, lance armstrong went at him hard, tore him to pieces and many other people that were in that circle. >> not just the fact that he doped, if he has admitted as we understand, but also the strategy he pursued in terms of denying it, and the people he went after. i think he'll have to really apologize. >> we'll see the interview tomorrow. >> thursday. >> thursday, yeah. >> thursday, right, on own. >> on the own network. golden moments, this one is for the ladies. they were there, in the room. golden globes because most industry insiders say because of that preshow, that 7:00 to 8:00 with matt, savannah, natalie and al, drew the best ratings for the golden globes in six years, up 3 million from a year ago. >> bradley cooper right before that interview asked me where is willie geist? >> i thought you were going to say where is savannah. >> you left willie at home? >> home alone. here by myself. >> i think tina fey, amy poehler, obviously, a big draw. >> no question. >> everybody was excited to see the two of them together. >> i have to tell everybody about this little wardrobe malfunction that natalie and i had on the red carpet. it was really funny. i'll tell you this story. that's michelle dockery. i met her and stalked her. we're getting our picture taken together. i have this beading stuff on my sleeve and natalie's dress is beaded. we were right next to each other and our dresses got connected for several minutes. >> you were locked together? >> yes, and we couldn't -- >> stuck together on the red carpet. >> never mind there was like 100 photographers going click, click, click, click and i'm like, i can't get this off, natalie. >> i didn't want to rip her dress. >> we didn't want to yank it, because i wasn't sure what was left. >> did you then move in unison down the red carpet? >> we were like, we're going to do this double shot >> you should have brought in matt and al and the four of you -- >> we had to do major surgery to separate us. >> we were conjoined. >> people loved your -- >> my wrist wrap? >> yeah. >> i was really happy to see that. lot of great tweets about that. thanks for all those. it was fun. >> red carpet accessory. >> you did a great behind the scenes, too, for the show. >> we had a lot of fun. >> you got back in the -- >> back in the trenches where the stage show person was managing, getting the people out, the presenters. it's really cool to see in the actual show itself how it is such a networking opportunity for everybody to get up out of their seats and they're talking the whole time. >> genuine party. grammys, by the way, will be hosted by ll cool j, seth mcfarlane. that's take three. we're back after this oh, no, we're going to do the news. let's do the news. that's a great idea. >> i was like, i don't know what we're doing. okay. in the news this morning -- let's get to the news, shall we? >> good call. good call, natalie. president obama is expected to formally unveil a package of gun policy proposals this week based on the recommendations of vice president biden's task force. the president spoke monday about stronger background checks, restrictions on high-capacity ammunition clips and meaningful band on assault weapons. he acknowledged that his proposals will face political challenges in congress. after averting the fiscal cliff, treasury secretary timothy geithner tells congress the government will exhaust its borrowing limit by the middle of next month, earlier than expected. on monday president obama warned that if congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling, the nation will face serious repercussions. new information on the death of screen legend natalie wood and why the coroner changed her death certificate 30 years later. initially ruled an accidental drowning, the new coroner's report lists woods 1981 death as undetermined after finding bruising on her body that occurred before she entered the water. exactly how wood ended up drowning in the water off her husband robert wagner's yacht is still a mystery. number of u.s. military suicides last year was apparently the highest since the pentagon began closely tracking them in 2001. officials say 239 service members took their own lives and another 110 suspected suicides remain under investigation. if the suspected suicides are confirmed the total would be 349, up from 301 the year before. however, officials note the military suicide rate is still below the national average for civilians. supreme court justice clarence thomas has finally broken his silence. justice thomas had not said a word in nearly seven years of arguments but apparently made a joke monday while discussing an attorn attorney's qualifications. the quipp apparently was about yale law school, both the attorney's and thomas' alma mater. these baby pandas are taking cuteness to another level, high fives from fingers that are barely there or a panda kicking back in an incubator. they were taken in central china where the highlight of any panda's day is chugging down a liquid lunch. look how teeny that thing is. this video goes downhill very fast. check it out. that is shawn paling. no, he didn't just forget to bring his ipod on his ski trip. apparently he likes to write music inspired by his own town. tr trombone playing skier. >> everybody has a talent. >> skiing and tromboning. let's go out to al who is in chicago with another check of our weather for us. hi, al. >> thanks so much. a special guest, jesse spencer, part of nbc's hit show "chicago fire," story of chicago firehouse 51, where the men and women there face danger. in fact, courageous men and women of firehouse 51 every day risking their lives. they emulate the real-life heroes here in chicago. jesse spencer, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> is it true you -- you're dressed very fashionably. you say you don't have one stitch of your own winter clothing? >> no, i don't. i literally don't. i came here with -- because a lot of us came from l.a. and i literally came with like three t-shirts, two pairs of shorts. a lot of gear that i have is actually from the firefighters actually. firefighter t-shirts. >> your character, lieutenant matt casey, what's it like playing a firefighter who goes head to head with people? >> it's great, you know. it's really challenging. with these guys at the fire academy, hang out with them. they do a courageous job and a lot of difficult things that they do that we certainly don't do. >> no snow but you guys were out shooting on the lake yesterday. >> yeah, yeah, throwing guys in the water yesterday. >> ooh, wow! >> freezing cold temperatures. but, you know, it's fine because, you know, we're out there with the stunt guys doing it. and we're all in the same boat. so we help each other along. we help them along more than they help us. >> probably. >> thanks so much. >> "chicago fire" wednesdays 10:00 pm here 9:14, still cold, but the freeze warning was able to expire. temperature rs now coming up above that freezing mark. we're going to be warming today as well. 56 in san francisco. the good news just keeps on coming. look at where our temperatures are headed. up to 68 degrees on sunday. warming every day between now and then. hope you have a great tuesday. >> and that's your latest weather. gang, back to you. >> thank you so much. now we're going to commercial. >> yes. up next, small changes in your diet making a big difference to your waistline. that's after this. see life in the best light. outdoors, or in. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. maybe even a little better. visit your eyecare professional today to ask about our newest lenses, transitions vantage and transitions xtractive lenses. experience life well lit. ask which transitions adaptive lens is best for you. and these come together, one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world. something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. align naturally helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ ooh, baby, can i do for you today? ♪ try align today. ♪ ooh, baby, can i do for you today? ♪ mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. plus i get two boxtops for their school. (sighs) this is too good to be true. hi. john stamos. enchanté this is too good to be true. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt... delicious yet healthy. sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true... such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein... of regular low-fat yogurt mmm huh. i want an oikos! dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt... too delicious to be so nutritious. dannon this morning on take it off "today," snacking or the midday munchies could be sabotaging your diet. ellie krieger says minor adjustments could get you back on track. her new book is called "small changes, big results." good to see you. >> good to see you, willie. people's resolutions are completely unreasonable. they make dramatic, radical changes that are impossible to stick to. you wind up back off the wagon -- or back off track and on the diet roller coaster and it doesn't have to be that way. if you make small changes that are doable, you can see a tremendous difference, but it will last. you're not going to be talking about this exact same thing next year and struggling with the same thing next year. >> not a crash diet. we asked for input from our viewers, questions for you. let's get to some of these. carrie on facebook writes when trying to eat healthy and lose weight, we are pretty good about menu planning and preparing food ahead of time. but there's always the night we don't have time. what quick meals can we make that are healthy and unprocessed? last thing you want to do at the end of the day is dig into a two-hour meal plan. >> you wind up ordering fast food. >> right. >> the key is to have staples in your refrigerator and freezer. quick cooking shrimp, thaws and fries in minutes. and you can make this incredible pasta, for example, with shrimp and garlic. it's really simple and whole grain pasta. lean protein. serve a salad with it that literally is prewashed, take the greens, put it in there, lemon on top. you're good to go. >> whole thing takes a few minutes. >> i have tons of recipes like this in the book. >> joanne in chester, new jersey asks is it better to eat egg beaters or organic eggs? we are trying to eat a low cholesterol diet. >> no reason to avoid eggs totally when on a low cholesterol diet. they're inexpensive and make a great sort of quick dinner as we well. so the thing is that one egg has 186 milligrams of cholesterol. that's about half of the daily limit. >> okay. >> one whole egg a day, you're getting all these great nutrients. i like to mix them with regular egg whites. you can make a fritatta like this. a quick, easy meal that's healthy and super satisfying. you're not going to stick with anything if it's not super satisfying. >> one more. margo and troy, i get bored by daily snacks under 200 calories. >> mixing up your vegetables. enough of the baby carrots. they're great but ho-hum. branch out. this dip is fabulous. hummus is great but try this, little bit of yogurt, tiny bit of mayonnaise, and curry, tumeric, salt and cumin. you mix that up. it's fresh and different. serve it with different kinds of vegetables and you're good to go. >> good alternatives. ellie krieger, thank you so much. >> good to be here. affordable ways to redo your home. first these messages. shampoo? i'll give you five. l'oreal paris creates new total repair 5. our most advanced level of haircare. it fights five of the top hair problems. total repair 5 with ceramide targets weak, limp, lifeless, dull, and straw-like hair. my hair is transformed, full. feels stronger with a healthy shine. total repair from root to core to tip. five problems, one solution. change the life of your hair. with new total repair 5. l'oreal's most advanced haircare. because you are totally worth it. . . . . . . a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. join for free and expect amazing. why take exercise so seriously,when it can be fun? push-ups or sprints? what's wrong with fetch? or chase? let's do this larry! ooh, i got it, i got it! (narrator) the calorie-smart nutrition in beneful healthy weight... includes grains and real chicken, because a healthy dog is a playful dog. beneful healthy weight. find us on facebook to help put more play in your day. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her likes 50% more cash, but i have an idea. do you want a princess dress? yes. cupcakes? yes. do you want an etch-a-sketch? yes! do you want 50% more cash? no. you got talent. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? i usually say that. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. >> still many to come, the most popular food in the new year, from custom chocolates. ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ because it helps you keep doing what you love. no wonder it's america's #1 selling pain reliever. you took action, you took advil®. and we thank you. you took action, you took advil®. grab it by the crust. red baron pizza. with a zesty but sweet sauce rousing toppings and satisfaction for all. taste the legend. good morning to you. it's 9:26. we start with some breaking news. look at this thick, black smoke over oakland. it is a one alarm fire we're told is burning on the 22nd block, near fruitvale avenue. we don't know of reports of injuries or what exactly is on fire, but it's something we're monitoring as that could be a distraction. mike will have more coming up. in other new, san jose will soon have a temporary replacement as police chief. the deputy chief is now the acting chief. he started his career in1984 in san jose as reserve officer. he takes over for chris moore, who will leave on friday. damien will have an interview with him. coming up, we'll have a look at weather and traffic right after this break. welcome back. still cold out there, but the freeze warning expired right on time. 9:00 a.m. temperatures are warming into the mid to upper 30s and 40s. low 50 range by noon today and we'll round out the day about five to six degrees warmer. 55 in liver mor. 58 in san jose and 58 in santa cruz. if you like the warmer weather, we've got more in store for the end of the week. climbs to about 65 degrees on friday and we peek on sunday at about 68 degrees in land. >> looking over here, we have a late back-up right now. south 101, just south of university. look an the maps. both directions are slow heading up toward the scene of a crash, but no injuries is good news. slow south 880 and 680 down toward fremont at mission boulevard, but starting to recover. also, west 580, a new crash around highway 113. let's get a live look at the slope laura showed you. turned from darker gray to lighter gray. this may be an issue as far as distractions. our major streets around this perimeter. back to you. >> yeah, that is one that we will continue to follow for you as we have another update in about half an hour. ♪ ♪ it's your birthday we're gonna party like it's your birthday we're gonna ♪ >> go, natalie, it's your birthday. >> it's not, though. >> that is fifty cent not only known for his music. he has a new diet and exercise book out and fifty will be here tomorrow on "today" to fill us in. >> fi'ty. >> i think you're allowed to say that. i'm willie geist along with natalie morales, who is still dancing. >> i m i like that. if you are looking for a new look for a new year for your home, look no further than expert colin cowley. from decor trends to food trends, some of the hottest food items that are sure to become all the rage in 2013. move over, chicken eggs. apparently duck eggs are the new thing. >> shot across for chicken eggs. calling all sports fans in time for the super bowl, we're looking for the very best finger-licking chicken wing recipes, spicy or sweet for the big game or every night, we want to hear about it. >> go to and submit your recipe for our first-ever chicken wing cook-off. you have one more day to enter. the deadline is tomorrow. we'll select a few finalists to come here to new york and share their recipes with us. i volunteer to be a judge. >> i think al might join that party, too. >> sure thing. >> he is in chicago with a look at the weather. >> i have an amazing asian chicken wing recipe with scallions and peanuts. >> go to and submit it. >> i don't think i'm eligible. from chicago, the beautiful michigan avenue, we've got rain making its way from the gulf coast on into the midatlantic states. icy conditions in the tennessee river valley. snow showers in the plains. aair pollution stagnation alerts, chilly in the southwest. tomorrow, we're going to be looking at rain along the eastern seaboard, but as you get into interior pennsylvania, new york, new england, that's going to be changing over to snow. western two-thirds of the country, pretty clear. but colder than usual and snow showers in the northern plains. that's 9:32 on a tuesday morning. still cold out there. the temperatures have climbed above the freezing mark across the bay area. about 5 to 6 degrees warmer this afternoon. 56 in san francisco and 58 degrees in santa cruz after five consecutive morngs of sub freezing temperatures, finally as we head through thursday into friday, temperatures will be at their norm a aa aal lows. ha hope you have a great day. and r from chicago. natalie, woody -- woody? >> who is that now? >> woody. i like that. >> i'll go with woody, too. >> not on the show for three months now. >> that would make me buzz lightyear. >> to infinity and beyond! >> there's a snake in my boot. >> so many directions we could go with that. al is so tired and so cold. just a little loopy. >> we'll chalk it up to frostbite, al. >> no, i like woody. i'm going with woody from now on. >> he kind of looks like a woody, if you think about it, right? >> and what does that mean exactly? >> let's get to a commercial. coming up next -- thanks, al. see you. coming up next, home decorating trends. >> our advertisers bail you out. colin cowley after this. [ mom ] dear chex cereal, i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. 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[ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. ♪ [ male announcer ] let's take every drop of courage, every ounce of inspiration, every bit of determination, and go where we've never gone before. ♪ introducing the radically new avalon. toyota. let's go places. with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. it's no ordinary nonfat yogurt.k it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied. eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. >> announcer: new year, new you is brought to you by kellogg's special k this morning on new year new you, home decor trends for 2013. a simple coat of paint and a few small additions can make a big impact in your home. colin cowie is here with sophisticated and affordable ideas. how are you? >> i'm great. how are you? >> good. you incorporate an overall theme here. >> correct. >> it's pretty easy to do, correct? >> whenever i take an approach to a room i like to take a look at what you smell, touch, taste and hear to bring the room alive. we start with the bathroom. it's the last room we see at night before we go to bed. it's the first we see in the morning when we wake up. you want it to be very soothing, zen-like, calm. these are great colors one can work with as well. >> you want to create, as you say, a spa effect in the bathroom? >> what you taste, touch, feel. >> soft cotton. >> from the restoration hardware. they're the best towels. they really are. >> speaking of smells, aromatherapy also. >> this is an amazing line. it's called there's 21 different aromatherapy blends, one from calm, one for rejuvenation. there's also one for hangovers. >> this is not the hangover one, i'll tell you that. tell me about the jaw bone rather. >> sound is very important. sound of music in the bathroom. this is my all-time favorite new toy called a jam box. it's cordless. it works through blue tooth and gives you the most incredible sound. >> really, it's so small but pumps out great sound. >> absolutely. >> at a spa, you would expect loofahs, great body products. >> affordable. i think berth -- bert's bees wax does an incredible job. great scrub, less than 20 bucks, burt's bees. this makes you feel like a teenager again. >> i love this. >> brown sugar and oil, incredible scrub. >> i love these tiles, too, if you're going to do more significant changes. >> absolutely. change the back splash, the counter of the bathroom. i like the combination of the glass and tile. >> textures as well, too. >> absolutely. >> let's move on to our very zen living room. kben -- again, we see a bright pop of color. >> big pop of color. emerald green is the color of the year. i've been using it the last six, seven months. paint one wall as an accent color. it adds a lot of depth to the room. >> not the whole room just one wall? >> just one, absolutely. >> i love the mirror but you say it should be like a work of art. >> we found, like you would place side by side above the sofa. these are all pieces of original glass from the 1930s. the theme is working with saturated turns, force them together with glass. the grouping of them together makes a great collection. of course, a nice shot of pink. >> carry all those colors throughout here as well, and the greens. now let's move over to our office space. >> always fun to work with. >> right. >> i like shades of gray, it's very soothing. gray is a great color to adopt in any other color. >> lot of green here. we're carrying the green as a theme, right? >> just the accents are green. you can change it for any color for that matter. one of my favorite things of the whole setup is called the neat desk. this is one piece of equipment. it's a scanner, copier, printer. put your business cards and receipts in it. it keeps it completely paper free. >> that's amazing. you say the key is to be organized? no clutter? >> everything should have a place. you know exactly where to find it. it looks much more visually appealing as well. >> i love the green paper everywhere. >> it works for me, works for you. good way to go. >> colin cowie, thank you so much. great stuff as always. coming up next, teachers learning to use guns in the wake of sandy hook. we'll tell you why, right after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] take the special k challenge. lose up to six pounds in two weeks. with the cereal you love... and so much more. what will you gain when you lose? [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive. just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. [ female announcer ] for everything your face has to face. face it with puffs ultra soft & strong. puffs has soft, air-fluffed pillows for 40% more cushiony thickness. face every day with puffs softness. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. pilwthe sadness, anxiety,e pleasthe loss of interest. the fatigue and aches and pains. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right awaif you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. simple pleasures shouldn't hurt. talk to your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. as politicians in washington debate gun control in the wake of the sandy hook tragedy, teachers around the country aren't waiting, many of them flocking to gun training classes to learn how to protect themselv themselves. more now from nbc's janet shamlian. >> how many of you are teachers and staff of school districts? that's what i figured. >> reporter: the concealed handgun training classes offered in waco, texas, by johnny price, are usually full. but never have the seats been filled by so many teachers. >> you all are the first line of defense for stuff like columbine and what happened in connecticut. >> price has been waiving the $85 fee for educators since the sandy hook murders. and the response has been overwhelming. >> we had over 300 and today adds up closer to 400 now. so it kind of grew faster and quicker than i ever dreamed it would grow. >> you're not moving this hand. >> reporter: andrea holbrook is learning the abcs of pulling the trigger. she's a high school english teacher who now believes she must also know her language of safety. >> i think that it's important for me to get prepared, in case i ever do have to defend myself or my students. >> you're going to grab it, grip it and then rip it. >> reporter: across the country, classes like this have been packed with teachers looking to learn. some have no interest in carrying a gun in the classroom. however, many believe arming a few would make all less of a target. >> it should be something that's not publicized. they're kind of like an air marshal. somebody is, you know, there, but you don't know who it is. >> reporter: yet the idea of putting a weapon like this in the same room as a child has some parents outraged. >> i don't agree with it at all as far as -- there's enough violence. i think it's showing the kids that violence is okay. >> put your palm against it. >> yeah. >> reporter: for jennifer hutchison, who has been thinking about taking this class for three years, it was time, she says, to stop thinking and start doing. >> after the connecticut shooting and all the other shootings that have happened in schools, it's definitely a fear and a struggle every day. >> nbc's janet shamlian reporting from texas this morning. up next, food trends for 2013. but first, this is "today" on nbc. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. this morning in "today's" kitchen, what's on the menu, foods and drinks that will catch your eye in 2013. >> here with his prediction of new food trends, our editor in chief adam rappaport. >> good morning. >> you say chicken eggs are so last year. >> so tw2012. >> yes. >> it's about duck eggs, little bit bigger, richer in flavor and they're good for you in that they'll always be pasturized, organic. whole foods stock them next to the regular chicken eggs, great fried, in things like pasta carbonara. >> interesting to see how much whiter the yolk is, bigger egg. >> whiter white. >> whiter white. >> chefs want to try the new thing. this is the new thing for 2013. >> tastes different, too. now let's talk about teas. lot of differences when it comes to green teas, black teas. >> white tea. >> we're at a point now where people are so obsessive about coffee and tea is the new coffee and they're taking that same fetishistic approach to tea. antioxidants are good for you. people may want a caffeine boost but not as much as a big 20-ounce coffee gives you in the morning. you brew them at different temperatures, which i did not know. black tea you want boiling. light and green, lower around 170, 140 degrees. you can punch in your own temperature if you get the exact right temperature. >> that's truly -- >> you do not want to overwhelm the leaf. >> you could not go anywhere in 2012 without hearing about greek yogurt. >> i love greek yogurt. if you have a 5-year-old it's amazing the amount of money you will spend a week on those jugs of yogurt. make it at home. heat up some milk, add the yogurt, let it sit 10 to 12 hours and you have your own yogurt. >> i tried this once and it was than just like milk. >> you may not have followed the directions on bon >> you need the exact right temperature. >> yes. >> and you can -- then if you want to, you can strain it to make it denser and richer, in a chia cloth. make sure you save three tablespoons from your existing batch and make another batch and so on and so forth. >> yogurt that keeps on giving. >> it's like sourdough. you need a starter to keep on going. >> radish. >> short ribs, pot roast, grate it over. give gives a zing to it. who doesn't like short ribs? come on, natalie. >> bloody mary. >> oysters. great one the other day with apples and pomegranate in downtown manhattan. >> remember everyone was talking about the beet, it was in every salad. >> you still get the beet and goat cheese thing. some things are trendy and then they earn their space, becoming like classics. >> this is trendy, korean chile paste. >> the trendy hot pepper sauce, korean hot pepper. as korean food becomes more popular in american restaurants, use it like you would regular hot sauce, wings. people who like hot sauce get obsessed with hot sauce. >> is this hotter than like a tobasco? >> it's not going to kick your butt so to speak but in that wavelength. it has a lot of flavor but also enough heat. korean barbecue is great. >> chocolate is chocolate but -- >> chocolate is not chocolate. >> no. >> that's a cop out. i'm the editor here. >> designer chocolate. >> two things. it's no longer about swiss or belgian. everything is artisenal. beautiful labor. chef anthony bourdain collaborated. >> designer chocolate. >> it's all about the cacao level, 70%, 68%, where the beans are stored, whatnot. great tasting. also great gifts. they're beautiful. you don't even have to wrap them. >> i love it. finally, the juice plan. >> i was on the wagon for like -- it was supposed to be two days and it end ed up being eight days. everything from organic avenue to cooler cleanse. you order a kit for three days and sort of just clean out your system. >> on that note, adam rappaport, thank you so much. a one alarm fire is burning now. you can see smoke rising up into the sky. this is all happening east 26th avenue between foothill boulevard and 23rd avenue. again sh a house fire in oakland. firefighters are indeed working a residential fire. it started about an hour ago. so far, no injuries to report. we are keeping our eye on this smoke in the air and we will continue to follow that for you. new details regarding the ship that ran into the bay bridge. the pilot changed course last minute. the move was risky and placed the ship into a tough turn. a faulty beacon and dangerous currents appear to have contributed to the crash. turn things over to christina with a look at the forecast. >> hey, thanks. yeah, it's still cold, but warmer day just ahead. temperatures are going to climb by about 5 to 7 degrees. right at average in san francisco. 56 degrees. look at where we are headed. if you want the warmer weather, just days away now from the mid-60s. we're going to get warmer into the weekend. 68 degrees on sunday. now, let's get a look at your drive. >> i'm doing all right because i'm not here. this is 101 southbound at university. it's bogged down. two accidents both directions. mountain view, this is causing a stir for both directions of 101, so late slowing. approaching the interchange as well. deadly accident on foothill boulevard. that's about the only issue you have local surface streets. getting much improved over the last 20 minutes. back to you. >> we will be back with our next news and weather. see you at about 10:26. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hey, everybody. we're so glad you're with us. it's no booze day tuesday, but it is january 15th, and it's a very big day for our hoda woman. her new book is out today. ta, da. it's a terrific book, and you were already on. you've been doing radio. you've been doing scott todd. did you do "morning joe?" >> "morning joe" tomorrow. >> you are officially on the book tour. >> we'll talk about it later. >> nice for you to stop by your own stop for an hour. tonight you're going to be -- >> signing at barnes & noble on 86th street and lex. >> at what time? >> at 7:30. come. tomorrow we'll be at the nbc experience store. >> right after the store? >> come and i'll sign. >> good. good. nobody sells it like hoda. six stories that -- of people who you thought would never be able to get out of the situation they were in. >> yeah, yeah. >> if there's hope for those six people, there's hope for everybody, right? >> you got it. >> a lot of people seem to be low on the hope thing right now. people are hurting all over the place. somebody that's hoping that he is going to turn his life around is lance armstrong. it's going to be fascinating to see what he actually does. >> he did an interview with oprah that was taped, and it's going air on thursday, and there are reports that they claim that he does admit to using performance-enhancing drugs. here's the interesting thing about it because i think -- again, dwoent know what the interview says because we're just speculating, but some of the speculation is he says everybody was doing it, and it was a level playing field, and, therefore, i was doing it too. the thing about lance armstrong is for 15 years he said he wasn't. he sat in interviews over and over and said he didn't. he demonized the people that accused him of doing it. >> not sort of wresh did. >> he sued newspapers that accused him of doing it, and he won. >> took millions of dollars. >> one of the things for some reason -- i don't know why this stuck in my craw so much, but it did. there was a nike commercial, okay, of reporters asking him what he was on. this was during the thick of it. just watch this commercial and tell us what you think. >> this is my body, and i can do whatever i want to it. i can push it, study it, tweak it, listen to it. everybody wants to know what i'm on. what am i on? i'm on my bike busting my [ bleep ] six hours a day. what are you on? >> see? i mean, look at that. >> you think about that ad. >> what are you on? i'm sure he wants to take back every bit of this stuff. you wonder if he hadn't have been on -- if he admits that he was, and now we know that he was, you wonder how good of a cyclist he is. >> ght. yeah. >> you never know. >> i think also the fact that he was battling testicular cancer made all of us really pull for him all the more, and i think at one point he said with my health issues, you think i'm going to be putting that kind of stuff in my body. >> in my system. >> there's lots of things that he has to answer for, and i guess he spoke to oprah for two and a half hours, and she says -- i've heard different reports. that it's going to be 90 minutes. now i'm hearing it's going to be over two days, and it's the entire interview. >> wow. i'll be curious to see. >> you can find own. a lot of people say it's hard to find own on the tv. >> i think after this everyone is going to be able to find it. i think this is going to be one of those -- >> i'm sure she'll do a masterful job at the he interview. they're friends, so i'm sure he'll feel safe with her. >> i know he went to livestrong, the charity, before he went to oprah to apparently say he was sorry and that they said it was a very emotional exchange. again, dwoent know exactly what happened. >> you know, it's one thing when you let yourself down. you know? when you let down people who have believed in you. >> yeah. >> you know, it's -- i mean, some people i guess are so amoral they don't care. they don't even have a conscience about that sort of thing, but you would like to think -- i remember one time seeing -- frank and i were flying to europe for something, and maybe it was the tour, and he was on the plane, and he was married to his wife at the time and their little boy. i think she was pregnant with -- didn't they have twins? i forget. i think she was pregnant. it was such a beautiful family, and they seemed so in love, and i always remember that part of me too thinking, you know what, that guy is there too, so we got to remember. people seem to be on one side of this. there's no gray area. people are ready to tar and feather him and hang him up and destroy him or those that say, well, listen, we all make mistakes. let's hear what he has to say. >> i think the thing that is troubling to people is it wasn't a mistake. it was 15 years. >> i don't think? >> of repeating it and sort of wagging your finger in people's faces. that's what makes it -- >> it's not the crime. it's the coverup. 15 years of covering up. when you drag other people into it, and i guess he was using all kinds of harassment in order to keep them quiet and that sort of thing, you just -- can you imagine what it's like to go to sleep at night wondering if somebody is going to tell on you? if you have this secret that's -- live your life in fear like that? >> that's awful. >> the only great thing is he doesn't have that anymore. >> no. >> i don't know how you can sleep at night if you are terrified that somebody is going to find out truth. >> you're right. >> in your mind you go through all the people that could. that's no way to live a life, right? savannah was -- >> savannah is -- >> they partied hardy or worked their buns off out in l.a. >> savannah wound up her toor of l.a. on "ellen." we're not doing this to be self-serve, but why wouldn't we? they talked about us. let's watch. >> so you were working with kathie lee and hoda, is that right? >> yes. >> is it true that they are drunk all the time? >> they drink every day. it's funny because -- >> every morning. not day. >> every morning. it's true. >> it's morning. >> well, for me it's lunchtime. as we discussed. >> that's true. >> no, they drink every single day. when i first came to the "today" show i had been the nbc white house correspondent which is a very serious job. when i came to the "today" show, i was so happy to be there, and i thought, wow, so these hosts hoda and kathie lee call it, like, thirsty thursday or something. that's nice. then i realized it was every day. there's, like, monday fun day, tuesday booze day, wednesday wines day. i'm, like, this is my kind of place, you know? >> she fits in just fine. anyway -- >> we'll have to share some secrets about savannah with you once in a while too. >> weave also got some secrets about our big willy, don't we? >> it's our collective big willy. >> willy geist has joined the show, of course, and we have called him -- >> bill willy since day one. >> then we realized there is another big willy out there. sthoo apparently he has some competition in the big willy arena. >> you know what prince william's nickname is? yep. it's on the cup. you can look at it. bill willy. >> yep. >> uh-huh. >> st. james palace. that's -- i guess it was on the website before they found out. >> i'm sure. >> you know what i love about the new royals? they seem to have a great sense of humor. >> they do. >> you're going to have to have a great sense of humor to get through life whether you are a royal or not. >> are we having kim kardashian on? >> kim and kourtney are here? >> are they talking babies? what are they talking about? everything? >> everybody knows kim is pregnant, and she's due, i guess, this summer? we'll have to ask her when she's due. >> june i thought. >> kourtney just had her second baby, so i got a feeling babies will come up in the subject. yes. >> yes, yes. >> it's the premier of their new season of "kourtney and kim take miami." >> i didn't realize they were doing this. >> you were so busy writing books and all around being fabulous. how many days now? i thought it was 22 yesterday. >> it was 22. >> is this a cruel joke? >> it was 22 yesterday? 23? this is the slowest process. >> why couldn't we have picked february which is a short month? it's not a leap year, is it? i guess it's milk. we're having milk. that's because they've discovered -- >> people who drink milk and eat chocolate are smarter than everyone else. at least they win more nobel prizes. >> nobel prizes are won by -- >> if you drink milk and eat chocolate. we made chocolate milk to combine it, and -- >> you know what our chances are of winning a nobel? squat. >> zero. >> the word squat comes to mind. >> we love that show off the rocker. it's betty white. it's like a candid camera for older people. >> we always get the first peek. we want to show you a little bit -- i guess it airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central on nbc. >> attention, shoppers. someone just cut a huge fart in the produce department. >> is he joking? >> can we get some air freshener over there? >> oh, my -- >> thank you. >> oh, your worst nightmare. >> oh, that is awful. >> like a wayans movie had some of that. come on. "haunted house." >> oh, my gosh. yeah. >> yeah. >> all right. >> what is happening with soma? >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. this is not kim's nursing bra, but this is something that we do every year. you know, soma is that wonderful company that makes beautiful intimate apparel, and -- >> these are huge. >> they started a campaign called giving is beautiful, and it is. a lot of people cannot afford bras. they can be very, very expensive. >> they're price where i. no kidding. >> at your favorite soma boutique. you can thrown your gently worn bra. >> don't give one of those gnarly ones that you've been wearing over and over. >> whose are these? >> dolly's. >> it's to help raise awareness about domestic violence, and they're partnering with the national network to end domestic violence. that's not a funny subject at all. one of the ladies in your book tells an unbelievable story. stay with us today because we're going to later on talk a little bit more about this lady. this woman was 500 pounds and because of her low self-esteem she was in a relationship. you tell the story. it's your book. >> wait. i get to talk? the woman in this book is unbelievable. she was abused, and she had all this weight on her, and her -- she was beaten over and over. at one point her own sons tried to wipe the blood off of her face when he found her on the floor of the bathroom. he said, mommy, i want you to be pretty again. she realized she had to change everything for her kids, and we're going to talk about this woman because she's phenomenal. i mean, when you find yourself in the weeds and you feel like there's no way out, you read amy's story, and you realize there's a path out, and can i see it. >> a lot of the ladies are going to be very blessed by these beautiful bras. go to your soma boutique and help out. >> can we mention in ridiculous barbie fun house? >> joanne thinks this -- she wants to get on a plane right now and go to berlin. >> because they're making a life-sized barbie dream house where you can actually walk in the kitchen and go upstairs to the pink bathroom. >> an elevator, which -- >> anyway, they have big ones. >> little girls like it, and now grown-ups can too. >> i just can't -- joe ann, i have never seen her this excited. >> over the moon. >> since cher put out another record. >> we've been telling you about johnson's baby of the week. this is explode, isn't it, sara? >> yes. we have big news for you. in conjunction with johnson's baby we're celebrating new moms everywhere. every week we'll feature your little bundle of joy right here in our chat. second us a photo of the birth date and weight and some words of wisdom. can you get funny with this. we all know you have it in you, and you'll have a chance of having your baby's photo shown on our show beginning next friday, january 25th. so for all the details, you can go to the website klg and amy barnes wrote on her facebook wall, "thank you so much. i was honored to be a part of this book." >> oh, that's nice. >> pictures of her now. fantastic. >> you can't believe it. >> brave people who come out stronger after life's most difficult challenges. >> yeah. they are feeling the florida heat in miami. hot sisters kim and kourtney, they are in the house. they're going to talk baby. first these messages. [ fingers tapping ] [ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good! [ female announcer ] new roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. when you file your taxes. i read the whole 900 pages. i will give you a tax and health care review. i can help you figure it out. ♪ i can help you figure it out. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey..... where? for life's bleachable moments. dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. when queer faced with adversity or a difficult life experience sometimes we wish we could just look into the future to see how we would recover. well, hoda's search for individuals that came face-to-face with their biggest fears to find out not only how they survived but how in most cases they actually thrived. hoda tells their stories in her new book "ten years later" six people who faced adversity and transformed their lives. take a look. ♪ >> during tough times, have you ever wished you could fast forward through your life and just maybe that view of the future would give you hope? well, many people deal with sorrow and loss, but also dream of a greater tomorrow. like amy barnes. more than a decade ago at almost 500 pounds this mother of two battled low self-esteem and felt trapped in an abusive relationship. how would she break away and finally lose the weight? or ron clifford who on september 11 escorted a burned woman to safety after the towers were hit. only later to discover that his own sister and niece were passengers on united flight 175 which hit the world trade center on that tragic day. how would he find peace to move on with his life? and lindsay beck. at 22 she fought two bouts with rare cancer only to learn that the life-saving chemotherapy treating her would probably be her unfurling. how would she fight cancer while holding on to the hope of having children in the future? the ending of the stories may not only surprise you, but inspire you as well, and do you ever wonder yourself during a difficult time, where will i be in ten years? hopefully these amazing individuals will give you a glimpse at what is possible. >> such a great book. we're joibd now by hoda's ten years later co-writer jane lauren. second book you have written together. the first one was all about you. >> enough of that. >> so you ran out of stuff to talk about. >> yes. >> why this book, you guys, and i know why you wanted to work with jane again. you guys have been great friends for a long time. >> of course. it's one of those things, any of us -- we've all faced adversity, and we're thinking to ourselves we're so stuck in the weeds, we can't see a path out, and you just like the idea of watching someone who was fast forwarded ten years, and you get to see what happens at the end. it's not your story. it's never going to be yours, but when you watch someone who was on their knees, rose up, and became a better person after, i think -- we thought ten years was the right amount of time because five years really isn't enough time for it to marinate. >> we both got the goose bumps when we first started talking about the concept because it's so cool that you can dip into pain and challenge and angst, someone else's, because you don't have to gut out the years of that. you get to learn what they learned. what did they do? how did they do it? >> how did they get through it? >> without all the hardship. >> we know hoda's story of going through a divorce and breast cancer at the same time. it's been five years now. i think -- i still think you have a great story to tell at five years. what you about for you, jane? was there a moment like that when you just thought that there's no hope in my life? >> i've had several. i've had several. >> any you care to share with the american public? >> they're probably universal. i lost both of my parents to horrible illnesses that stretched out for a long time. been through a divorce. i have been in the black hole, and, you know, it's where you want to stay with the twinkie and the wine, but you have to -- >> under the covers. >> you have to work your way out. >> give up the twinkie. keep the wine. >> there is a universal quality to these stories, although they're all extremely different. that's what was fascinating to me. >> it is true. i think in each one of these stories you realize that these people pulled through not because they had the will, but they did it for someone else. something bigger than themselves, didn't they? like their kids or their parents or something like that. when you try to do something on your own, it's really difficult. i was thinking this a long, long time ago i ran a marathon, and in the very back of the pack where i was everyone the last quarter mile is running, and you saw signs on people's backs. one said this one is for my wife or this is for my friends in vietnam. everyone is running. one person was walking at the end, and she had a sign on her back that said this one is for me. i thought, you know what, sometimes you can't finish the race when you are doing it for you. it has to be for something bigger, and all these people had that. something bigger than themselves. >> so is this going to be a series of books? everyone has a story. >> are we singing that song again? >> you know what i mean, though. there are a lot of stories out there. are you getting stories from other people? >> we are. >> the last page of the book encourages people to share their ten years later stories. >> because actually each one of these stories would have been their own book. >> that's what we were just saying. >> when we saw that book, when we were meeting these people, we thought why didn't this one write i book or this one? i would read of every one of these stories. there were six of them. i would read a full book on each fern, but we're lucky enough to have found them and told their stories, and we have a short version. >> i know what you are saying, but we probably wouldn't because these people are unknown people who -- they're not celebrities. they -- you think of the millions of people that are out there livings those kinds of lives, and it takes people like you guys to bring their stories to the fore. congratulations. >> we love them. they're extraordinary people doing preerd things. >> we love to celebrate with wine, but two of us can't have it. one of us can. >> that's really rude. >> sorry you don't have any wise guys pasta to go with it. they were munching down on it. >> so good. >> take that sip. >> i'm really proud of the two of you. can't wait for the third one. >> thanks. expected mom kim kardashian opens up about being pregnant, and we're going to talk with her big sister kourtney too who has already been through the process twice and knows a little something about it. first, these messages. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it helps to have people around you... they say, you're much bigger than this. and you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. and you are. a whole new idea in skincare. garnier's first bb cream miracle skin perfector. intense hydration, tinted minerals, vitamin c. one application... ...5 results. evens tone, hydrates, renews, protects, and brightens. bb cream. from garnier. [ female announcer ] go from zero to pizza in just 60 seconds with totino's pizza rolls and grab a bite of snack-defying, satisfying... because pizza...never...misses. it's on. let's roll. these heads belong to those who can't put their lives, jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. >> kim kardashian gets ready to be a mom. she's here with her big sis, mother of two, kourtney card ash wran. >> you don't have to give uf your life if you give up alcohol. >> you know what -- >> great ideas to keep you social. you know what, they are so -- it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends... deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. very interesting. cool. i like "success." joy. i got cracker chips. [ laughing ] chocolatey pretzel. mmmm.... special k! [ female announcer ] snack and stay on track with special k. i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. [ laughter ] here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. good morning. today, law enforcement agencies are buying back guns all over marin county. the county will pay $200 for semiautomatic guns and $100 for other guns as long as the weapons are still working. the buybacks are taking place this five locations. here is a list. nevada police department. lark spur police office. st. andrew's church. the san rafael police department and point reyes sheriff's substation. you can drop off between 11:00 this morning and 8:00 tonight. we will take a look at the forecast and the roads after this break. ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. the cold day, however, if i had a dollar for every time someone asked me how long it would be until we warm up, i'd be a rich woman. the answer is as of this afternoon, we climb by about 5 to 7 degrees. tomorrow will be in the 60s and then the mid-70s possible in some cities by the weekend. we'll have your full forecast in just one-half hour today at 11:00. let's check the drive. >> not a good morning for palo alto. crawling here past university in the southbound direction. another accident occurred on the northbound side just south of here and that caused more back-up. now, 237 suffers greatly as well as the 101 approach. slow in both directions. basically, san antonio road is the latest incident. the bay bridge area moving smoothly, but we have a new accident now westbound 80. back to you. >> okay, mike, thank you so much. more of the day's top stories coming up in just 30 minutes. we will see you at 11:00. >> we are back with more of "today" on this boozeless tuesday. >> boring. >> one of the most talked about reality tv families in the world, the kardashians. you probably already know that kim and her boyfriend kanye west are expecting a baby. >> meanwhile, kim and kourtney have a new reality show called "kourtney and kim take miami." in the premier episode kim talks about still being married to kris humphries with younger sister khloe. >> i'm obviously still going through a divorce. >> the dumbest part is that he won't, like, sign the divorce papers. >> it's something that should be over and done with. unfortunately, it's not that easy. >> how does this not, like -- >> i'm annoyed about it. >> -- irritate you to your core? >> i'm at a level where i'm, like, i can't stress about this. the judge said we will be divorced in 2013. >> well, that's the good news and the bad news, i guess, huh, kim? nice to see you. snoo hi, guys. how are you? >> haven't seen you since the world found out that you're expecting. >> how are you feeling, by the way, about expecting? >> i feel good. >> yeah? >> i haven't been sick or anything, so that's a blessing. i just -- i feel good. >> how in the world did you all keep that a secret for three months? >> your family has never been able to keep a secret ever? >> i kept mine for five months the first time. >> you guys are getting good at this. i guess you have to. >> i could have hid it for another month. my belly hasn't really popped out yet. i'm kind of growing this way. i want to be growing this way. >> you're due in -- >> in july. >> in july. that quote when you guys were having a little dust-up was about the divorce, and you have a lot of people cheering you on with these pregnancies, and there are some detractors that say wait until you're divorce examined get this thing going. >> you know, it's been a year and a half since i filed, so i think that, you know, i definitely waited six months before i started a relationship, and, you know, i'm 32 years old, and i'm facing -- you know, you'll see in the season, there's been a lot of fertility issues that i haven't really spoke about until this season, so it's kind of a miracle that i did get pregnant, and i think god puts things in front of you and places things in your life for a reason, and as much as i would love to be divorced and we're working on it and i hope it's sooner than later, but, you know, you can't, like -- what are you going to do? you know? >> what do you do when you your attorney says it will be 2013. today is january 15th of 2013. that's a long time, and there's a chance this child may be born while you are still married -- >> i hope not. >> will kris make that an issue, do you think? >> i don't think so. you know, i'm really hopeful, and i'm just hoping to get through it, you know, sooner than later, and we're just -- it's a process. you know? >> in the meantime, the new show starts. >> yes. >> yeah. >> and i want to know, are you going to be giving baby advice to your sister? you've been down that road before. >> you are a good mom, sweetie. very hands on. >> i feel like i was just -- >> she's a good hands-on mom. >> remember we did a little drive-by. >> yes. >> i was just thinking a second ago that she's so lucky, which she doesn't realize, that, like, it's exactly one year after, so, like, i was thinking everything will just be happening for her, like, after i'm going through it. she's, like -- >> what have you been talking about? >> i think even watching how she does things, and it's not just things she can say. watching how she is a mom and how she handles the babies. >> do you think she's -- you accuse her of being boring now. >> she is. there's a fine line. i'm definitely going to be a different mom than kourtney. >> how so? >> i'm going to share my bedroom with my boyfriend unlike her. i mean, there are just certain things, like, where she loves to have the babies sleep in bed with her at night, and, you know -- >> there's only a few years. >> mason is three. mason sshgs like, 20, and he is still in bed with her. no, you know, i definitely see my other friends that put their babies, you know, in their own room and put them to bed, you know, at a set time so they can go out and have date night. >> let's see what happens. >> it's amazing what happens when you don't plan things. yes. >> you were reading somewhere -- i think it was huffington post or something -- that said that you can juggle mangos -- >> while singing opera. that's my hidden talent. >> we're not quite sure if that's true, but let's go ahead. >> are you serious? >> yes, we are. >> i don't know how to juggle, first of all. where did you get -- >> you made it up. >> i can't sing. ah! >> try. >> i said my hidden talent is juggling mangos and singing opera. i really don't. >> who asked you that question? >> this, like, pop quiz thing that i did, and so i just, like, made it up. people take it seriously. >> well, we wish you guys the best. >> we really do. congrats again. >> thank you. >> baby album for you for those lullabies. love to the mom and dad and everybody. all right. kourtney and kim take miami. >> oh, yes, they do. >> airs this sunday on your sister station. our sister station at e at 9:00. >> you are looking good, mama. >> all right. coming up one mom struggled to help her 7-year-old daughter lose weight in a controversy that is created after this. dare to create all kinds of drama. new revlon photoready™ primer and shadow add sparkle or use wet. so you can create whatever eye you're in the mood for. dare to be revlon. can a 30-day-old pluggable febreze make even this old container smell fresh? take a deep breath. describe the room that you're in. i think just like a big, open space. like i'm hanging the sheets on the line. and it smells really fresh, man. let's take your blindfold off. oh! [ both laugh ] super-weird! oh, is it febreze? yeah. ohh, how about that? febreze has anti-clogging technology that keeps it smelling fresh, even after 30 days. febreze. breathe happy. ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules it's a different kind of i finaretinol.d it. garnier ultra-lift moisturizer with pro-retinol from nature... it's tough on wrinkles. but gentle on skin. 95% of women saw a real wrinkle reduction. this is the skin i remember. garnier ultra-lift. you know, "what are you thinking?" oh, i had a knot in my chest. i didn't really want her to go but...i knew she could do it. i felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do. [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously. [ hosmer ] my self-confidence just went through the roof. [ dad ] it was awesome to see her transform from a girl, in a small town, to a soldier. [ male announcer ] you made them strong. we'll make them army strong. talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. find out how at yeah we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. and i relieve nasal congestion. overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. more than one-third of children and teens in this couny are overweight or obese. last spring "vogue magazine" published one mom's story how she helped her 7-year-old daughter lose weight. >> the reaction was intense, and critics complained that her adhereence to a strict calorie count and awkward situations might negatively impact her daughter in the long run. >> now that mom has written a memoir called "the heavy, a mother, a daughter, a diet." we're happy you're here with us today. >> i'm happy to be here. >> you have taken an awful lot of heat for this. really what you were trying to do was be a good mother. does that paradox strike you at times? >> there's two interesting paradoxes. everyone agrees that you are subjected to criticism and judgment when you decide to intervene with a young child. it is a tough decision, and it's not one that everyone supports. that was kind of one paradox. then there's also the idea that, you know, we call the book "the heavy" to indicate that being a great parent means loving your child enough to do what's unpopular, to do what your kid might not want, what your friends might not agree with, and knowing that that's what is best for your child and doing it anyway. >> i think a lot of people who have a problem with the book or have bad feelings about it in a way is that when a child is heavy and publicly out, you know, if you are on the street or something, and i guess at one point your daughter had a cup of hot chocolate, and you grabbed it out of her hand and threw it away because you knew the calorie count, and you were upset. it would seem to me that that would have a lasting impact on your child, and it wouldn't lead to what the goal was, which is for her to lose weight. >> right. it's interesting. there were so many times in which we kind of had -- i had to intervene in terms of she was eating something that was in the public setting, and i did feel it was important to be up front in those situations and not just say i'm going to let it go this time because they're so frequent. >> maybe when you are home later and it's over. >> one is they happen so frequently that if every time you let it go and dealt with it when we were at home -- >> you are packing on the pounds. >> multiple times a day, quite honestly, between a friend's play date, and the nice guy at the deli that gives her a cookie, and it's very important to understand the context of that conversation. that it can be done in a humiliating way or in a loving and protective way, and when the grabbing of the hot chocolate away from her it was not like you are eating the wrong thing and you picked the wrong thing. someone gave you something that you're not able to have. the same way that a parent whose kid had a nut allergy, oh, i threw some peanuts in there, you would grab that away and sorry, but this is not something you can eat. >> you are damned if you do, and you are damned if you don't. my my child was diabetic, i would not let them eat these things. you can die of diabetes as well. >> was it tough for your daughter? did she lose weight? >> steadily and slowly. she is at a healthy weight now. >> psychologically how is she doing? >> she's a very happy kid. i can only give my own report, but truly, she is a happy, happy, confident child. >> does she know about the book? >> she knows about the book, and we talked about the book. as i told her, i said this is a story that, you know, it's my story, but it is about you and how proud i am of you. you're inspirational. this book only celebrates that. >> we have to go, but was there an exercise along with all of this as well? >> we did build an exercise -- it was not the, you know, thing that we looked to to help her lose weight, but it was definitely a part of her overall plan. >> it's still controversial, but we thank you. >> thank you so much. >> appreciate it. >> from magnetic nail polish to the breakthrough beauty products of 2013 right after this. try delicious light & fit greek it's no ordinary nonfat yogurt. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied. very interesting. cool. i like "success." joy. i got cracker chips. [ laughing ] chocolatey pretzel. mmmm.... special k! [ female announcer ] snack and stay on track with special k. i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. [ laughter ] i like "confidence." i am a confident lady. ♪stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. ♪♪ stir up a smile, with hershey's syrup. ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now that's progressive. ♪ beautiful girl >> it's time for "today's" beauty and new breakthroughs for a new you. if you are tired of the same old look that you've had for the last five years. >> what do you say? >> 2013 is all about change. >> from new trends in hair color to the must-have anti-aging cream, jen falick has funky ideas. >> hello. >> how are you? >> i'm good. how are you guys? >> what's going on? >> new year, new trends, crazy new products. we're starting with the beauty bargain. this is $3.50. it's from essence. it's a volumeizing lash powder. it's a little crazy looking. you put on one coat of mascara and take any mascara. this is almost like a cloud, a pillow. put this on your lashes. after the mascara, then another coat of mascara, and you have major volume. it's like a hair volumizer, but for your lashes. easy to use. >> does it come off easily? >> comes off without makeup remover. >> you wear contacts, be careful. i wear contacts. it's fine for me, but give it a try. >> what's the new trend in nails? >> nails. the first trend which we're demoing over here is magnetic nails. this is from esse. you get a snake skin effect. check that out. it's awesome. you do one coat, put the magnet over your nail for five seconds, and -- >> the magnet? it makes a pattern? >> it makes a pattern and pulls off the magnetic particles. this is really cool. we also have tinted foundation for your nails. butter london has come out with a tinted foundation. it's matte. i have it on right here. it's matte. it makes your nail look nude but better. as we age, our nails get more brittle. it covers up imperfections, and rbg has something for all different skin tones because my nude isn't everyone else's newed. >> you see my nude in 30 years? >> thought this was funny, huh? >> for hair ombre has been such a big trend. >> i love it. >> you do love it? >> i'm not cool enough necessarily to pull it off. >> neither are we. >> i know my limits. >> girl next door is what you are. >> i tried this once sxishgs love the look, but i love that you can do it at home. this is from loreal. it's coming out in february. it's a little preview. you brush it on dry hair. she left hers on for 30 minutes to get this look, but you can go as natural or as dramatic as you want. >> wash it right out? >> wash it right out. it's so easy. when your hair is dry, right now if you want the ombre -- >> that's what i have been waiting for all my life. yeah. >> so this is coming out. >> it can look like a mistake. >> well, for you. >> that's rude. >> having a little fun here. >> is this segment over? >> glow in the dark. >> oh, no. >> this is from stelia. >> it glows under a black light. it has three times the color pigment. >> under a black light. >> if are you going out clubbing, and you ladies go clubbing. >> okay. >> you will be noticed. >> i am going out clubbing in l.a. next week, so i should wear my lips. zoog it's such a fun different way to kind of play up your makeup at night and during the day, just super bright. three times the color particles. coming out in march. >> talk to us about copper? >> that is the new anti-aging sort of hot ingredient for 2013. yes, it's in pennies. the products will cost you a pretty penny, but it makes your skin -- >> you are cute. >> i try. >> i'm just now getting that. boy, that's funny. >> i try to bring out the good sound bytes for you ladies. what's great about copper is it makes your skin stronger. a lot of times it's being used for feeling. it makes your skin stronger, so in turn you increase collagen. then this is really great from dermochromatic for redness. copper will help. it will make your skin stronger and make you look younger. >> thank you, jen. if that's your real name. >> why socializing doesn't have to go down the drain just because you gave up drinking. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. >> we're so boring now. >> oh, my gosh. it's only day eight of our no wine for a month challenge, but who is really counting? anyway, if you are too taking a break from alcohol in the new year, you might be worried about having fun or feeling relaxed when are you out in certain social situations. >> whether you missed that glass of wine with dinner or your weekly girls night out, it's not just the same. no, it's not. julie has some ideas to keep you social. she's the health director of "ladies home journal." >> she's responsible for this challenge. >> actually we used to like her. >> you know, we love our pinot and chardonnay. there are so many legitimate reasons for giving it a rest sometimes. >> name one. >> pregnant, taking meds, having any medical procedure. i had to stop before had skin cancer surgery. it can be hard, though. >> a lot of people go to parties and things, and it does take the edge off a little. if you are uncomfortable in group settings or you are shy. >> social anxiety. i used to be really shy, believe it or not. >> even you, julie. >> you should really think about what you like about yourself when you have a couple of glasses of wine, and then practice. try to be that person and learn something from that. you know, it's like -- >> talk to your inner mirror and act it out. >> you are more likely to dance or have fun, be outgoing. try to practice that and do it without the wine. >> what if you like a glass of wine at the end of the day? you want to destress and chill? >> it does destress, but the only way you're going to really reduce your stress is if you face the thing that's stressing you out head on. you got to do that, but there are also other things you can do besides -- >> like what? >> besides wine. >> she thinks you can do yoga. >> oh, no. >> she thinks you can get a massage. >> do a ten-minute chair massage at the nail salon. it's really cheap. you don't have to get naked. get a pedicure or go to the movies, go for a walk. >> you talk about the fun times you have at girls night out or something. say do something different rather than go to the bar. what are some of the things? >> you want to meet at a bar, something somewhere that you can, like, dance or at least just hang. sway to the music. practice your moves, you know, without needing alcohol to do it, or go somewhere where you can do something, play games, go to the movies, get a pedicure together, go bowling. >> pedicure is the solution to everything. >> it is to me. >> they're relaxing too. >> you do become less tolerant of people who are boozing it up if you aren't drinking. >> are you, hoda? >> i think i am. sfroo you don't want to be preachy i feel so much better when i'm not drinking when your friends are. it's also interesting to watch them and see sometimes they're not the lovely, charming -- they're not as funny or charming as you think you are, and you kind of learn something about yourself. oh, you know, i probably could take it down a notch myself when i -- >> we still are counting our days, aren't we? >> it's not getting easier, is it? no, no. >> no. >> can't wait to see you again, jewel where i. >> coming up tomorrow, our weight loss challenge with joy bauer. we're doing something with teams. you have a team. i have a team. joy has a team. >> plus, now -- performance by the saturdays, and our girlfriends with the new husbands. this sounds very upsetting. >> what are you talking about? >> try to have a great booze day tuesday. >> go to barnes & noble tonight. >> see ha and get a book. 7:00. >> 7:30. who cares? >> announcer: nbc bay area news starts now. good morning and thanks for being with us. >> good morning, everybody, new this morning, that highly anticipated facebook announcement has been made and now we are no longer left searching for the answer. let's bring in scott mcgrew at facebook headquarters in menlo park. you were saying all morning long you expected a search engine ame announceme announcement. >> reporter: good morning to you. it is indeed search. you are absolutely right. and i just walked out a couple of seconds ak. mark was saying something to the effect that this is the coolest thing we've ever done. now, i can't show you this, but they call it graph search. you've used facebook a million times there at home. you'll kind of get what i'm talking about. starting soon, you


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vladimir putin said that all hopes of a government settlement had been destroyed because of this. and this is all unfolding. we are joined by white house correspondent pete alexander, and also the correspondent to the white house for special affairs peter hollis. and peter, let me start with you, in getting the european i union to agree to stronger sanctions in rush sharks and is that what president obama is going to be pushing for the meetings with angela merkel today? >> well, she got here a while ago and i saw the motorcade arriving here, and they will have a private conversation prior to the news conference, but that is why angela merkel is so important, because she has been speaking to vladimir putin more than any other world leader, and president obama has not spoken to putin since the 14th of april, and merkel has spoken to him multiple timesk and germany is pivotal, because they are reluctant to go further with the further ek sectorial sanctions, because of the impact on the german economy. the trade between germany and russia was $1 billion and u.s. and germany was only $38 million. and germany gets roughly one-third of the oil and gas from russia, so a real concern within the german industry that they are the ones putting the pressure on angela merkel to be careful of what she does next because of the ricochet effect, and anything they do in russia could come back to haunt the german economy as well. >> a lot of money is at stake. and ambassador holliday, i want to get to you, and what do you think about the sanctions, and could they really get vladimir putin to change course here? >> well, it is going to be difficult to get him to change the course, but the increased sa sanctions could be twofold. one, we could get the europeans and germany in particular to escalate the sanctions on targeted energy companies, on that sector, but broadly speaking, we could go up to full sectorial sanctions which would target the entire energy sector and not just the individuals in the companies that have been mentioned so far. >> and that could be huge. peter, "the new york times" are reporting that the sanctions imposed on russia so far have had little effect. any response about that from the white house today? >> well the white house believes it is a significant effect, and the ruble in the stock market has been impacted and they have gone up a little bit since the sanctions were put into place, but the white house is insistent, and a lot of the economists are saying there has been an effect which is from the uncertainty that exists, and right now, the potential for the future sanctions going forward and that is so critical in this and key to all of this is what president obama said, and i was traveling with him, when he was in asia last week, and he said that the xiangs are going to be more effective if with we are more unified, and that is clearly the primary focus over the course of the conversations today. >> all right. ambassador hollyday, we are getting new information that the u.n. security council is going to have a formal meeting on ukraine at noon eastern today, and what is happening as all of the key players are really trying to figure out some kind of a solution here? >> well, i think that the ukrainian offensive out of kiev is being viewed as basically, you know, leaving the geneva accords in the dust. so there needs to be a new framework of dialogue, and i don't mean dialogue in terms of the discussion, but there needs to be clarity in terms of what are the redlines that the security council, and of course, ru russia is a member, with the veto, but what are the red lines there that the international community will not stand for, and obviously, they sense that there is going to be an imminent russian offensive into eastern ukraine, i predict. >> in the meantime, chancellor merkel holds a unique position here in the crisis in ukraine, ambassador, and she speaks reg you larly and in russian with president putin and in fact, spoke to the him yesterday asking for seven european persons being held and getting them freed. does she have influence on president putin? >> i believe she does. germany is noted as the strongest market, and germany holds the keys in terms of the decision to cripple the russian energy sector, but of course, germany relies on russia for the same energy needs, and so it would boomerang. and she has a lot of things on her plate to speak about. she speaks russian, and she has developed a personal relationship with putin and this is in the backyard, because the ukraine is frankly just as much to do with the future of europe, and united free europe as it does with the united states. >> all right. ambassador hollidaholliday and alex s alexander, thank you both for joining us, and we will bring you that news conference live when it happens. and the unemployment rate has plunged to the lowest level in five years, and the congress says that they have added 288,000 jobs in april, a nd the unemployment rate plunged frto 6. 6.8%. and the nasdaq is up a point there, and joining me in the studio is zachary who is a columnist of "slate magazine" and also a author of the leading numbers that rule our world. zacha zachary, thank you for being with us, and speaking of "numbers a that rule our world" and we will put up numbers that we can dissect, and put the numbers in perspective for us as we see this, and what they saw as a half percentage point of march and april, and is there a trend to go lower? >> well, those who think that things are good and getting better or okay and getting good, we will see ample evidence, the unemployment dropped and statistically 288,000 the jobs, but those who see things highly problematic, it matters who is in the labor force, and so fewer people are looking for work last month, by 800,000, and it is not just how many people have a job, but it is how many people who are considered to be a part of the work fost which means that you are looking for a job or have one have a job last month. >> so are you seeing this number continuing? >> well, this number is one statistic to give you one way to look at the job market, and the reality is that fewer and fewer of americans are part of the labor force over the last four years, and people have developed out whether they are getting the disability payments or the retired or for reasons that we don't fully understand. >> and looking at the big numbers we want to put up more, because business and professional services added 75,000 jobs last month, and the retail numbers spiked as well with the retail industry adding 35,000 jobs in april, and is this a sign that people are spending again, and spending more? >> well, it depends if you are a cup half full or cup half empty person. >> well, i am the cup half full, and there are reasons that we are an ambiguous part of the cycle of the economy, because a lot of the jobs are low paying and we had a minimum wage debate in the senate, because if you get a retail the or food service jobs, you may not be earning $10/hour. so a big difference of the job that i pas a living wage and one that doesn't, and what we are trying to do in talking to numbers over the past month is to draw attention to the fact that one of the reasons that the americans look at the numbers and say, come on, and people respond, and say, things are not better for me, and they are not better, and it is because they are not capturing the real experience of income and wages, and it is a lot better than thae of the economy. >> and what about the teenager numbers? >> well, this is a silly one to repeat, because a lot of the companies won't hire the teenagers and they are seasonal, and i'm not sure why the teenage unemployment matters, because if you have a job at 16 or not, and if you go to college, where half of the american public does, it is not the career. >> and the adult thing, it does matter if you have a college degree, because it is well below 5% or 6% and if you have a college degree the unemployment numbers are kom plecompletely b racial and gender component there, a as well. so if you have a degree, and in some industry that requires that skills, the picture is actually pr pretty good, and the wages are pretty good, but if you don't have a college degree, and working a service job for less than $10/hour, you are employed , but you are struggling mightily. >> and thank you for helping us to understand it all. >> and now no the controversy of odonald sterling. just as the nba co-owners are looking to oust him, we learn that he is battling something a lot bigger. we are hearing that he is battling prostate cancer, and one person tells the "new york post" that he is battling it extended period of time and they thought that he would die a couple of years ago, and after the team lost by one point to the golden state warriors, chris paul and blake griffin and doc rivers did not know about it. >> i didn't know anything about it, but nobody deserves to go through something like that. >> and i am just learning that, but i hope it is not true. >> and there was a statement released shortly after that saying that the committee unanimously agreed to move forward as expedient ly as possible, an reconvene next week and meanwhile the president of the los angeles chapter of the ncaa is stepping down prior to outrage prior to the scandal planning to honor him with a lifetime award, and leon jenkins say saying that he is stepping down, because of the negative expose sure he has caused. and joining us is kostrik kennedy, how is this going to play out removing him as the own over the clippers? >> well, on one level, it does, because the clipper players and the doc rivers were right on the mark to express sympathy, but it is not go g ing to impact what owners intend to do in short order. >> and also, sterling was heard in 1982 when he bought the team making an incentive remark, and there is this in the los angeles times, when he was almosts toed out of the exclusive club three decades ago, though, he dodged, and then seemed to acquiesce. so what is different this time around? >> that is an attempt to mo the clipp -- to move the clippers, the franchise, and that is different from what is going on here. it is not just and moral outrage, but you have the workforce, the players on the verge of revolt when this is happening, and it happened in the middle of the playoffs and all of that, but that is go gin to put the onus on the owners not to be around anything that he says or oaround him. if this has happen ed ed in the season, it would not be happening in the rapid pace. so we are in the middle of the playoffings. >> that is a big issue? >> yes, the fans could have boycotted or the players could not have played. >> and you think swept under the rug in the off season? >> no no,t at all, but the time frame, and think ant this, a week ago today, nobody knew who he was except for those in sports, and now look at where he is, all over the news, and we learn about the kans canner, and -- cancer, and it would have gone much slow er er in the off season. >> and in is interesting, because "the new york times" points out, and widely story of pr prostate cancer is what assistant coach hughes had, and he contacted the clippers about the health insurance coverage, and he was told that the surgery is not covered, and if they made an exception for him, they would have to do for everyone. so he went ahead, and had the surgery, an unknown to him, four clippers' players ended up covering the cost of that, right? but what does this say about how sterling treats his staff? >> well, it says a lot about how he treats the staff. one of the issues with don sterling has not been simply that he is racist, and has racial views that the are abhorrent, but it is that he has not treated the staff all that well. this is another irony in all of this with the kind of money that don sterling has available, and that the nba makes available that he has privately that the issue of this man's prostate surgery would have come up is ridiculous, and of course, he should have taken care of it, and it shows the fraternity as well of the nba that the players got together to help him. and so what is emerging is a picture of donald sterling that is not just -- it is representative in the comments, and the reprehensible comments. >> and now we are starting to see the full story. thank you, kostiya. and we have breaking pictures for you in queens where a new york city subway train has derailed. you can see the rescue crews on the scene right now. the new york fire department has reported heavy smoke conditions. so far now, we are not hearing any word of injuries, but we will continue to fol llow this breaking news story for you, and bring you the latest as soon as with we get it. right now, a minnesota teen is under arrest accused of plotting a terrifying attack on his own school. >> by doing the right thing, unimaginable tragedy has been avoided. >> police say that the student was armed and organize and ready to attack in less than two weeks, and the tip that led to the arrest. and today, marchers will be demanding the arrest of those who kidnapped young girls. the outrage that has spread the globe. and now this -- this is almost like it happened in slow motion. shock video capturing the moment that the landslide swallow iing the cars and a road in baltimore, and now the investigation as to how it happened is under way, and one of stories around the nation. and joining our conversation on twitter, and you will find it on news nation. ows 2 in 1. it has exactly what i need for half of what i thought i'd pay. and i don't need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this. i'm the boss. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave because you can't beat zero heartburn. woo hoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc is the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but... i'm sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. man: we know when parents and teachers work together... woman: our schools get stronger. man: as superintendent of public education, that's been tom torlakson's approach. woman: torlakson has supported legislation to guarantee spending decisions about our education tax dollars are made by parents, teachers and the local community... and not by sacramento politicians. and we need to keep that legislation on track. man: so tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for local control of school funding decisions. a minnesota teenager is in custody after the police stop an elaborate plot to blow up two schools. the bombing almost happened before a teenager called police on a hunch. he had the explosives to fulfill the horrific goals and he planned to start the attack by killing his family. nbc's pete williams has more. >> and betty, police in minnesota say that the discovery of this plot proves the importance of what we are often told, if you see something. they say that the student they have arrested was deeply into the preparations for a deadly attack. >> reporter: police say it was probably no more than two weeks from being carried out and the plot to attack the junior high and high school in minnesota about 75 miles south of minneapolis in waseca, minnesota. >> we have escaped what could have been a horrific experience. >> reporter: the student has been charged with attempted murder. police say that he amassed a huge supply of explosive ingreed yepts and made working bombs and practiced setting a few off outside of a elementary school in august. they found 180-page notebook in which low dew had been recording his events for the last few months. he planned to shoot his parens s and sister at home and set a fire nearby to is throw off first responders and then shoot students as they left the school. they say he was quiet and a loaner,loa loner, and a neighbor who grew up by him was shocked. >> he is passive and not follow the leader, and say, hey, let's go do this. >> reporter: and the plot was discovered when someone saw him with a backpack enter this storage unit, and called the police and reported it to an emotional police cap pain. >> by reporting it, we have avoid avoided the unimaginable. >> and there have been no comments by his parents, but a grandmother said that she never saw any science of trouble in miz life. and we are also following this breaking news for you, and these are live pictures from queens, new york, as a new york subway train has derailed. it was heading into manhattan and right now, with we are not sure of the injuries or the cause, but we will return to the scene as soon as we get more information on that. and also, several colleges and universities are vowing change changes after the feds announced an unprecedented investigation. 55 schools, large, small, and even ivy league are accused of mishandling sexual assault complai complaints, and the list of schools could grow longer. and you could see calorie counts on almost everything everywhere. there is a new proposal that includes movie theaters and grocery stores and even airplane s. up next, we will talk live with ali from the food network about what this this could mean to you. and vice president joe biden is going to speak at the creativity conference present bed by the motion picture of america, amend michelle obama is going to be the keynote speaker at the university of texas the at san antonio today at a college signing. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. all right. a new push by the federal government could make you think twice before ordering the double cheeseburger at your favorite restaurant. calorie counts are required on menus in new york since 2008 and soon they could be popping up on chain menus everywhere. the goal is to help people make better choices and the menus could be mandated in other places such as supermarkets and movie theater movie fda is writing new menu labeling rules and sent them to the white house so they could be released soon. with me is ellie krieger of the food network "healthy appetite" and the whole point here is to get people to eat healthier, and if they know the calories they are consuming, they could do that. and i want to talk about the last november, there was a lunch and dinner menus examined at mcdonald's and burger king, and customers showed them what this trend is going to lead to, because what they noticed is that less than half of the consumers even noticed the calorie labeling, and really, already up there, and they are not noticing it. 49% at burger king, and 34% at mcdonald's, and with that being the case, is it going to make a difference, because if it is up there, and people don't care, it is going to make a difference? >> well, according to the study, if one half to one-third of the people notice and make a change, that is going to make a difference, and there are a number of studies that all point to on average, people choose about 100 fewer calories per meal when the calories are labeled. so it is making a difference. there are many studies that show that it is making a difference, and ultimately, this could make a big difference in the health, and what is very important also is that what happens is that the companies are now responding to this and they make more healthier options, and they are incentivized. >> i like that, because if you see the item, you say, that is what i want, but too many calories, and you are forced to make better choices, but if the companies make things that are healthier, and things that we do like, that is going to be a bet better habit, right, and good for everybody. >> yes. >> and what about the grocery stores and the movie theaters and everything, and does that make sense? >> yes, it does, because first of all, the grocery stores are act acting more like restaurants than ever before, and a lot of them have seating areas, and extensive buffets and so on, and so more people are getting the meals from the areas, and they should be able to make an informed decision, and that is what it is about. taking responsibility for your own health. >> with that said, we have to give you the stats, too, because the supermarket estimates that it is going to cost them $1 billion to put the rules in place to have rules to pass them on to the consumer, and pizza hut says it does not force franchises to order expensive menu boards when people walk into the brick and mortar franchises, but ultimately, they will have to and everybody is going to have to get on board? >> well, it depends upon how the rules come out. this has been a law since 2010, but we have been waiting this long, because these things have to be sorted out, but when you think of the cost, think about the cost of the health, because if it makes a significant difference in the health, and people who eat out a lot are more likely to be obese, and if they can order 100 fewer calories a day, that can translate into 10 pound ss a ye, and that is ultimately less costs of in terms of health care and in terms of having a better life, and think of the costs in that way too. >> thank you for the insight, too. >> good to be here. and developing, we are keeping an eye on the white house where president obama and german chancellor angela merkel will hold a joint press conference in a few minutes. we expect their talk to include the crisis in ukraine and the tougher sanctions proposing for russia. we will bring that to you live. >> and now, nigeria resident s are demanding action from the government to bring back those kidnapped girls. ...for all day relief. 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surveillance? other ways to help find the girls before it is too late? >> well, andrea, at this point, we have not been directly asked for that kind of specific assistance. >> and all right. so in addition to all of this, deadly new attack in nigeria's capital by the extreme group boko h haram 19 people were killed right across the road from a bomb exploded across the road killing 75 people. and joining me is the executive dr director of the nigerian american leadership council which is head kwart quartered i washington. thank you for joining us today, a samuel. >> thank you, betty. >> i want to get your reaction to the attack on the capital and how it could affect the purported negotiations between the government and boko haram to get the girls released? >> well, boko haram have not been determined to be trustworthy in any negotiations, and the people of nigeria have to take charge of this in addition to the government acting. people have to be ready to call in suspicious activities, and the fight has to be the entire nigerian populous that should be involved at this point in time. >> and samuel, the u.s. spends $20 million a year helping the nigerian government fight terrorism including the be ingi ra and what should and could the u.s. be doing at this point? >> well, some tof the offers of the united states are welcome and if the officials of nigeria can pick up on all of the varied opportunities as quickly as they can. there is no time to sit around and do a lot of talking. you know, the government has to be an action mode 100% at this point in time. and we cannot fault the officials until this matter is resolved to the end that it should. >> and i want to get your opinion on the latest numbers, because we are hearing that this numbers announced today by the nigerian authorities say that 276 girls are being held, and over 300 were kidnapped on april 15th that is, and 53 managed to escape. that is higher than the previous numbers, and so what do you make of that? >> well, yeah. it is certainly something that is evolving, because the military and the government officials are scamper iing in a mapper whereby they need to get all of the pieces of the information colated and that may also, you know, tell a little bit about the preparedness or the lack of to deal with these things, but surely all hands need to be on deck. we are not seeing that, because the government alone should be held to having all of this under control, because everybody has to be involved now. and boko haram cannot take nigeria hostage and because it is too big of a region in the sub saharan to be held hostage. >> thank you. >> and a big debate in congress over the minimum wage and the war on poverty. a former president vigorously defend his record. a republican fire brand called on the secretary of state to step down, and the white house teed up harsher sanctions on russia. this is a look back at the week that was. >> 3 of 4 americans support raising the minimum wage. >> it is time to give a raise to the american workers. >> it could cost up to 1 million american jobs. >> the republicans in congress said no, and not even allowing a vote. >> it is my belief that secreta secretary kerry has proved unsuitable for the position he holds. >> you can can say that clinton is lucky and he caught the tech boom, or clinton was lucky coming out of the recession, but one thing that you can cannot explain isway is the difference of the poverty reduction members. >> we appreciate the chairman coming to the meeting, and we did not get a lot accomplished -- >> we need to talk about getting to the root causes of poverty. >> well, he has a lot to learn. >> the goal here is not to go after mr. putin personally, but the goal is to change the calculus. >> and right now, we are looking at live images from the rose garden where we are awaiting a news conference by president obama and german chancellor angela merkel , and joining me live is the correspondent and host of "andrea mitchell reports" and msnbc political editor mark murray, and thank you for join g ing us. >> good morning. >> andrea, i want to start with you as we wait for the president and the german leader to emerge, the situation in eastern ukraine is deteriorating and two ukrainian held koicopters shot this morning, and several reports of journal itselves released, and then released in fact, they were, but andrea, what do you expect to hear as all of this is happening? >> i think that you will expect some tough talk from both angela merkel who is very earned can about german peacekeepers or the military monitors who have been held for some time now, and not released even despite an appeal, and personal appeal she made to vladimir putin who she knows well sh well, and they speak a common language, german, and she has been an intermediary with the g-7 with putin, and he has resisted her appeals as well sh, and she is going to be tough on that. and you will hear the conversations between merkel and the president covering up the fact that there is a real divide on the sanction, and the white house is theying that everyone -- house is saying that everyone is together, but that is not the truth. germany has to look at the oil and fuel that they get from russia, and so some are saying that they should not go as heavily as the white house want thems to go. so there is a report in the new york times that the sanctions have not had a moderating effect, and the russian markets are not as collapsed as the u.s. officials would like you to believe. >> so, andrea, are you saying that the divide is about money when it comes down to it? >> absolutely. about money, and the business investments and in their defense, the europeans will be affected much more seriously and immediately by really tough s g sanctions to russia, because they are so heavily intertwined especially in the energy sector the, and so angela merkel may have her heart on this and with the american people, but the fact is that the ur poon leapee peen -- european leaders may not have as much influence because of the energy factor. >> and mark, how do you believe it is going to play out? >> well, the united states wants to have a united front with germany, and the white house wants more sanctions than germany or europe may want. but the conversations that the president had in asia made the point that they believe that it is so important to remain united with germany, and the european union even if it means a little weaker sanctions that they might want to have, because of the united front in the end is more powerful against russia than the united states going alone, and having some european german businesses end up disrupting the sanctions that the united states wants to have. >> and mark, a united front sounds good, but can putin and others see through this especially coming to the sanctions? they don't seem at this point to be making a huge difference. >> well, you might not say that they are making a huge difference, but it is important to know where vladimire putin d russia is three months after the olympic games, and at that point, right before the olympics, russia had tremendous influence with all of ukraine and its prime minister at the time, and now all of the sudden, the influence is in crimea, and as well as trying to have pro russian separatists in eastern ukraine, and you look at europe as a whole, and i this they there is a more hostile attitude towards russia that perplexes people who are perplexed about what russia has done. so in the long run, it does seem that russia has made a miscalculation, and in the short term, people are focused on the activities in the militarism that has been occurring there. >> and andrea, you know, it has been a tough month for the white house when it comes to the foreign policy, and aside from the escalation in the eastern ukraine, there was also the collapse of the middle east peace talks, and so is there a sense that the president needs a public show of support as mark was talking about from one of the key allies today? >> el, that is for sure, it has been a tough month, and the collapse of the middle east talks while not central to what the white house is doing, it is a big setback and certainly a setback for the secretary of state. today, the secretary of state went to south sudan which is the world's newest country, and collapsing in violence in recent months despite all of the efforts of the international community, and he went there to try to get the resumption of talks started and announce that, but as he was in south sudan in the very dangerous region, darrell issa was saying that his committee had subpoenaed the secretary of state to testify about benghazi which happened months and months before john ker can ri tory took over, and have to worry about the benghazi attack that involves not only hillary clinton, but also john kerry, and he has to explain why he has not produced documents in a timely way. >> we are standing by for the press conference and we want to remind you that you are watching "newsnation," and as soon as this begins, we will bring it to you live. 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[female announcer] we grow big celebrations,o. and personal victories. we grow new beginnings, and better endings. grand gestures, happier happy hours. so let's gro something greater with miracle-gro. what will you grow? developing right, president obama and german chancellor angela merkel to hold a joint news conference at the white house. we expect them to discuss the crisis in ukraine and of course, we will bring you that news conference as soon as it begins. in the meantime a number of schools under federal investigation for the handling of the sexual abuse complaints are now vowing to evaluate the sexual assault policies and procedures and the schools were among the 55 schools and universities on a list released yesterday by the department of education institution. those institutions are being investigated for possible violations of the anti-discrimination laws and including the handling of sexual assault cases on campus, and the potential violations fall under title ix which is gender discrimination of schools getting money which range from ivy league schools like harvard and princeton and dartmouth, and other schools like sarah lawrend swath more. this list is part of the obama administration's push to shed greater transparency on sexual assault in higher education and how it's handled and launched a website, not alone .gov. what else do we know about the cases and what's being done to curb sexual assaults on campus? >> we don't know a lot about these cases, part of the education department's release of this information includes not giving any case specific details and while that's protecting the privacy of the students involved, some advocates had wished there was a little bit more information involved like the duration of the investigation when the investigation was launched and whether or not the investigation is based off an actual complaint or if it was something the education department initiated. but this is representative of the administration's push to curb sexual violence as a campus on whole. it is serving as a one-stop shop for students looking to find all of their resources in one place and want to find out how to file a federal complaint. they can do that there and find counseling services, you name it it's in one spot now. >> harvard says, harvard has taken a number of steps to foster prevention efforts and to support students who have experienced sexual misconduct. ohio state says, quote, the ohio state university unequivocally shares the department of education's interest in protecting our students from sexual harass. and assault and upholding the aims of title 9. are we seeing a major change in tide regarding policies at schools? and will they adopt this new outlook with many schools citing new title ix policies? >> i think that remains to be seen. we heard from the university of connecticut as well saying they welcome this list, welcome the increased transparency and willing to comply with the law. a lot of it is sort of dependent on how the investigations go. usually as a result of title 9 investigation the school tends to take on a number of tasks and improvements to address sexual violence on campus and soon they have to do more. the education department currently is in the middle of writing a rule that would strengthen protections for victims of sexual violence on campus and that includes allowing students to have a lawyer advise them and disciplinary proceedings if they want, among a host of other improvements. >> kaitlyn, thank you. >> thank you. developing now, we are keeping an eye on the white house where we are expecting to hear from president obama and german chancellor angela merkel in a joint news conference. you're looking at the live picture there outside the rose gard garden. we'll bring you that news conference live when it happens. ♪ when i'm halfway into your heart ♪ ♪ you have to let me know [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. ssive. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. that's going to do it for this edition of "news nation." up next, "andrea mitchell reports" and andrea will have live coverage of president obama and angela merkel's joint news conference. where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. crest 3d white whitestrips vs. a whitening pen. i feel like my lips are going to, like, wash it off. these fit nicely. [ female announcer ] crest 3d white whitestrips keep the whitening ingredient in place, guaranteeing professional level results. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. good day, we're waiting for president obama and angela merkel to hold a press conference at the white house. major developments in ukraine, which is top of mind, kiev launched the first major assault in hopes of fighting off pro-russian forces. journalists were detained when they got too close to the fight but released shortly afterwards. joining me for our big journalist panel, chris sill list saturd cillizza and kristen welker and bob shrum. there's a lot to talk about at the white house. there's been a big divide despite what the white house says between merkel and rest of europe on how tough to be against vladimir putin. there's talk the incremental sanctions have not been working and the other issues, the confusion and disagreements over intelligence and eavesdropping that still have yet to be resolved. kristen? >> reporter: right, a lot to talk about today, andrea, but certainly the key issue we'll be talking about is ukraine and


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years and had three master's degree, one ph.d. primarily in engineering. he was mostly a logistics guy. it was not unusual that he should be sent to afghanistan at this time because, as the military draws down, and the training continues for the afghans, part of which general green was responsible. there's also a lot of logistics involved in just how do we assist the afghan military, the afghan government in sort of rebuilding and billing up their government infrastructure at the same time? and, of course within in the middle of that in the first combat tour he arrived in january. he was tragically shot dead yesterday. >> and his wife and son, correct me on the details here, if i'm wrong. his wife served as well at one point in time and his son is currently in the military? >> that's right. as a matter of fact, general green met his wife while they were both serving on active duty in the army. she's now a retired army colonel. his son is an active duty army officer at fort sill, oklahoma. we're told that it is likely that the dignified return of the general's remains will happen sometime tomorrow at dover air force base in delaware. as far as the investigation goes, the shooting itself is pretty much known about what happened. there was a gunman inside the barracks. he was shooting from a first floor window, totally by surprise. no one saw him lurking there behind the window before he opened fire. the shots were fired without warning. we understand he was a young soldier in the mid 20s, perhaps, he had been serving in the afghan military for two years. no indication whatsoever he had any ties or connections or communications with the taliban. no evidence of any self-radicalization, as we have found in many of the green on blue shootings where afghans open fire on americans. right now the motive is a mystery. the shooter, as you know, was shot and killed himself. there's no way to question him. >> thank you very much for the details. the largest theft of internet log in of information. a russian crime gang has stolen 1.2 billion user names and passwords along with more than 500 million e-mail addresses. a milwaukee firm discovered the theft and said the gang targeted anyone they could from fortune 500 companies to small websites. justice correspondent pete williams joins us. we don't know the specific websites that were targeted at this point. the names of the websites? >> no. it would be a list that would take longer to read than msnbc has been in operation. it's probably about 400,000 sites that were targeted and from that they probably got information that is used to enter other sites. it run s gamut from personal computers to fortune 500 companies all over the world. >> with that said, with us not knowing it was a website you were on this morning, last week, or last year. the best advice i've heard is change the password information, user id and such. >> that will take care of the problem today. what is valuable that this company has is user name password combinations. it could sell them to others that want to steal your identified. if you change your password and somebody breaks in the company tomorrow staenl it is again, they have to go through it all over again. the long-term answer is two-fold. internet site have to have better security. the technique used to get the data has been around for ten years. it's not a new vulnerable. it's not like the hack attack on target over christmas it was clever, sophisticated and honed into target that specific company. this is brut force data theft. the second thing is, maybe some experts say get away from simple password user name combinations to get into websites. a tech nice like where you enter your password and user name and the website sends you back a text message that gives you a short term password you use to get in. something other than user names and pass words or we have to keep going through it over and over again. >> i don't know if we have the time line, but you know some companies in the past where the breaches have been taken place for criticized for waiting too long to pass on the details to customers. was that the case here or does it seem it was pretty timely information that was passed along in an appropriate time manner? >> i think the best answer to that, tamron, it's complicated. this all wasn't just stolen by these -- this group of russian crime figures in southern -- south central russia. some of the stuff they got by themselves using these sort of zombie botnet attacks. some they bought. some have been out there for awhile. and in some cases, these companies don't know what was comprised. in some cases the companies do not. >> thank you very much for those details. and now to another security breach. we're following this one at the airport san jose airport. the second major breach there in the past four months. want tsa, along with local authorities are investigating how a 62-year-old woman was able to board the plane to los angeles without a ticket. earlier a boy managed to stowaway in the wheel well of the plane. we have more on the concern about the airport. >> this can't happen. >> reporter: it did happen again. on monday, 62-year-old marilyn hartman managed to board a southwest airlines flight at san jose international airport headed to los angeles without a ticket or a boarding pass. after the southwest plane landed at lax, the flight crew conducted a head count. that's when they discovered hartman did not have a ticket. she taken into custody by airport police and arrested. >> san jose has training issue it is needs to fix. >> turns out hartman has tried it before. at least six failed attempts at san francisco international airport in the past few months. where she breached the tsa security twice. but never made it on board until now. it's the second major security breach at san jose's airport this year. in april, the important made national headlines when a 15-year-old jumped a security fence and flew hawaii in the wheel well of a plane. surviving sub zero temperatures during the five-hour flight. >> usually they would not survive for, you know,s on end up there. it bogglings the mind. >> on tuesday, the tsa released a statement about the most recent incident saying she was screened to assure shoefs not a security threat. the agency initiated minor modifications for the layout of the document checking area to prevent another incident like this one. >> by the way, the airport just released a statement this morning saying, quote, the airport security system in process were not a factor in this incident. and public safety was never comprised. southwest airlines said it's working with all relevant regulatory agencies as the investigation movers forward. as for hartman she faces misdemeanor trespassing charges. the family of american aid worker nancy writebol is showing signs of improvement since returning to the united states for ebola treatment. a live update on her condition is next. our new nbc news poll shows 57% of responders say there's something that affect them so much they would be willing to carry a protest sign for a day. what would be on your sign? senior political editor mark murray will talk about the things people would like to see improved. a new crack down on gluten-free labelling. what the changes mean for you. coming up i'll talk live with a food network's el ly degreer. join urs our conversation online. you can find my tea team @"newsnation" and you can find me on facebook, twitter, and instagram @tamronhall. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age... ...of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. our thoughts and prayers for those who have been affected by the ebola outbreak especially those that lost loved ones. our united states and international partners will continue do whatever we can to help our african partners respond to the crisis. >> that is president obama in the last hour at the u.s./africa leader's summit in washington, d.c., discussing the ongoing ebola outbreak. there are encouraging signs today for the two american ebola patients now being treated in atlanta. after nancy writebol's arrival at emery university hospital yesterday, she joins kent brantly in an isolation unit where her family says she is showing signs of improvement including an increased appetite. we are live outside the hospital in atlanta. what kind of updates will we receive from the hospital now they're both there in treatment? >> well, here is where it gets tricky. both families requested no new information be give out about the patients. we're at the whim of the families what information they feel appropriate giving out to the media. the last we've heard is all good news. all encouraging and positive news. nancy writebol settled in since her arrival yesterday. she was wheeled in on a stretcher and the president of s.i.m., the aid organization it speaks to her weak state, but she stills shows continued signs of improvement and making all the right moves in the right direction. she is able to walk, we're told, with assistance and that appetite is back. back in africa she asked one of her favorite meals and had a yogurt before boarding the plane. kent brantly's wife said he's continuing to do well. both families asking for continued prayers if are the people of liberia. >> thank you for the update, sara. meanwhile there are alarming new developments in the ebola outbreak overseas. this morning officials in saudi arabia announced the death of a saudi man suspected of being infected with ebola. his case is still under investigation and it is unclear how he may have come in contact with the virus. that announcement comes amid growing fears the epidemic is spreading in one of the world's most densely populated cityies. officials are point at the american consultant traveling in that area. nigeria's health commissioner said at least eight people who came in contact with american patri patrick sayer. one is the nurse who treated him. authorities announce has died. the government is searching for others who may have been exposed with the epidemic getting worse. british airlines is temporarily suspending flights to and from liberia. delta is advising passengers to allow extra time for health screenings. we're getting our first look bow bergdahl since she was released from the taliban more than two months ago. today he's formally questioned about his disappearance in afghanistan. hillary clinton faces off with stephen colbert. >>ly have you know, madame, i once did an entire show with president bill clinton! >> oh! i hate to break this to you, stephen, i've met him, too. it's one of the things we thought you should know. here is a look what is happening today, wednesday, august 6th. speaking of bill clinton, the former president is campaigning with kentucky's democratic candidate for senate allison lund again-crigrimes. this afternoon attorneys challenging gay marriage bans in ohio, kentucky, michigan, and tennessee will present their case to the same three-judge panel. it will be the largest number of marriage equality cases ever heard by one court in a single day. in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® is now available in flextouch® - the only prefilled insulin pen with no push-button extension. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. today, i'm asking about levemir® flextouch. 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that's the question we're not going to get into. we're not going to try the case on conversation. we are live in osteoporossa texas. a couple of things people would be surprised to know the formal questioning just taking place now. what details do we know regarding the timing and who is going to question him? >> bergdahl's attorney reported earlier this morning. we're told by army officials it's supposed to begin this afternoon. there's no exact time table for how long it could last. it could drag on into tomorrow. the army officials say they're prepared to listen to sergeant bergdahl as long as he's willing to talk. this investigation is being lead by major general kenneth dahl. we understand he's spoken by phone with several of bergdahl's platoon mates. some saying he abandoned his post in afghanistan in 2009. one of those told me that general dahl is trying to drill down on what bergdahl's intentions were when he walked away from that post. asking very specific questions. bergdahl's attorney will not talk specifics of this case, but he does say that bergdahl is doing well. that his transition back to fort sam houston on regular duty has gone smoothly. he wants to thank president obama for saving his life. u.s. officials have told nbc's chief pentagon correspondent that bergdahl has yet to speak to his parents since returning to american soil, but bergdahl's attorney won't comment on that. >> his attorney did talk more about his client's transition back to life here in the states. let me play a little bit of what he said, gabe. >> i think it's been a very smooth transition for him. particularly when you consider the fact that not very long ago he was living in unimaginable set of circumstances. >> how have the interactions been with the fellow soldiers? uneventful as far as i know. no problems. nobody has been mean to him. >> uneventful according to his attorney. and bow bergdahl is able to go anywhere he would like, right? he's not restricted to any areas or any kind of schedule? >> yeah, tamron. that's right. he's free to leave the base without any type of military or security escort. his attorney said, as he heard, that the transition, according to his attorney, has very well. bergdahl has been on desk duty since he returned to fort sam houston. his attorney said he's eager to move on with his life afghanistan the investigation is depleted and even go to college. his attorney won't go into detail what bergdahl would plan to study. his transition back to life here at fort sam houston according to his attorney, has been very smooth. >> and you mentioned, of course, questioning will start later this afternoon. could go on a day or two. we don't know the schedule. do we have any information regarding the final report when the public will hear the details of the investigation, at least the questioning part? >> no. we don't have any indication on that. this is a very early part of the overall investigation. it's a long time before bergdahl would be charged. it would be a lorj time before we would see that. >> if he's charged. we just received a new update on two hurricanes heading to the hawaiian island. it's the first time, by the way, this has happened since 1982! the latest forecast track is next. also ahead. >> getting hired because i'm capable because of my basketball iq and it's stuff they had seen in me personally. >> yes! becky hammen makes history with the spurs as a first woman to work full-time on an nba coaching staff. why she said she's not a trailblazer. >> "game of thrones" actor will join us live about his new role in the drama series "legends" and his fans are dying to know if the character will meet the same fate as so many others. we'll talk with sean live. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. this is bill. his doubleheader day at the park starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. peanuts! peanuts! crowd cheers! hawaii is embrace for back to back hurricanes bearing down on the state. hurricane iselle is expected to make landfall as early as tomorrow morning night. nbc meteorologist is tracking the storms for us. what is the latest? >> good morning. we're certainly keeping a close eye on the systems in the eastern pacific. first is hurricane iselle. it will continue to weaken as we head to the next 24 hours. it's still a category one hurricane. it would weak onto a tropical storm as early as later tonight. it continues the track it looks like it could possibly head into the big island of hawaii as early as late thursday. we're talking tropical storm force winds. 50 miles per hour plus, also, wind gusts higher than that could easily cause power outages and heavy rainfall that could produce life threatening mudslides and also flash flooding. that's not it. we're talking julio which was strengthened into a category one hurricane early this morning. it, too, could impact the hawaiian islands. it could be this weekend. they have it tracking a little farther north. it would be this weekend. >> thank you very much. a new nbc news wall street poll shows how angry and fed up americans are with washington. when asked are you so upset that you could carry a protest sign for a day, and overwhelming majority, 57% said yesterday and asked what they would put on the sign. most democrats said do your job, congress. democrats said focus on our own country, fix health care, and stop republicans. among republicans enforce immigration laws, follow the constitution, impeach obama, and follow the law. mark murray join ing me. would you be willing to carry a sign with one day? you think about the protest and sacrifices from the civil rights movement to women's rights what people were willing to do. a day is not a lot! with that said, it is interesting what they would put on the sign for the day. >> it shows as one of our pollsters put it how cranky the american lek trait is. even for one day here is the grooechbts grievance i have. no one is focussed on just one out there like two years ago you might have said all the attention would have been on the affordable care act, for example. now all of a sudden you have democrats one saying one thing and republicans saying a different. independents or the middle basically saying according to the response, washington, will you work? there's a sense the political system isn't working. >> first what the democrats said they would put on there. do your job. it's reflected in the low pole numbers low approval numbers for congress. focus on our own country. i thought it was interesting for democrats. people, you know, often think the opposite. and fix health care, stop republicans. what does it tell us if we're glimpsing ahead this. >> it tells us democrats are pretty unified. they congress is to blame for a lot of ills that are out there. with you look at congress's approval rating 14% end up thinking congress is doing a good job. when you look, more people blame congressional republicans. their numbers are worse than congressional democrats. that's the democratic view. when you look at republicans they have a totally different viewpoint on what is going wrong in the country. let's start with enforced emigration. i'm curious since some left for vacatio vacation. >> this has been a big polarizing issue people coming across the border. in some ways, it's the layist crisis that the obama administration had to deal with. we've looked at all the different crises that have been out either in eastern ukraine with the situation in gaza. this border security issue kids coming across the border people had more disstatisfaction with this. >> l follow the constitution and stop abortion. >> it shows you how social issues are mixed in. i was pretty fascinated by that. >> me, too. >> and it shows you where the republican base is. it's not the base that end up deciding the election. it's the middle. one of the fascinating thing is the middle doesn't seem to be voting this election cycle. in 2006 and 2010 there was a lot of enthusiasm about the midterm. i think it will give us unp unpredictable results. they have bases on each side they will cancel out. >> the last on this was impeach obama. i highlight this, you have, of course, differing opinions within the gop. the leadership on how to tackle this call. if it's on the base, that is interesting. the second part you have some republicans who say it's the democrats who are talking about impeaching obama. they are using it as a fund-raiser but it's on the mind of their base. >> both are true. it's a motivating factor among republicans. they wouldn't be saying it in the polls and almost every two or three days that go by there's another house republican bringing up the i-word. that's there. it's also true democrats are trying to exploit it. they realize how unpopular it is with the populous at large. it gives them a little bit of chance to turn the chart upside down. the more we're talking about impeachment. it's better for democrats. >> it's an interesting poll. i think the clout thing is fascinating. it brought us to the gut check. what does your gut tell you. are you upset enough you would hold a protest sign for a day? go to "newsnation".msnbc. you can tweet me. follow them if you tweet them and let them know. maybe we'll show some tomorrow. we will. and products that claim to be gluten-free. well, will be just that. thanks to new labelling standards. but who really needs to eat gluten-free? we're going to get some expert advise on that. we'll talk live with one of our food nesh's ellie krieger is back here. a man's leg gets wedged between a train and a platform. see how this amazing moment happened. a crowd of commuters who came to his rescue! did their effort work? it's one of the stories we're following around the "newsnatio "newsnation." no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. and it's not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. ♪ welcome back. the first ever gluten free regulations in effect. manufacturers have until yesterday to make sure anything they label gluten free contains less than 20 part per million of gluten. considered low enough so those who suffer from celiac disease won't have a reaction. until now, the term glutegluten had not been regulating. leaving up to the manufacturers what it means. with me now ellie krieger host of "healthy appetite." like the organic food craze. we have uniformity. is it a good thing? >> it's a huge sigh of relief with people with celiac disease. even a tiny amount of gluten can make someone with celiac very sick. it's serious for them. to have confidence in that label is very important and helpful. >> what do we know about gluten and what it does to the body. >> people with celiac disease are unable -- when they eat gluten, it wind up destroying their small intesten, they're not able to absorb nutrients. they suffer from severe malnutrition. there's no cure for celiac disease. the only thing is to be 100% gluen-free. it's not to be taken lightly. 1 in 100 people have celiac. it's a lot. it's four times what was diagnosed in 1950. >> why the increase in the numbers? is it knowledge or what is it? >> we're not entirely sure. we are diagnosing celiac better. it used to be diagnosed by a small set of symptoms. now we're better diagnosing it. there's also some research shows one in ten people may be gluten sensitive. they don't have full celiac, but they can only tolerate a certain amount of gluten before they suffer symptoms like foggy headness, bloating. >> what about children. are children more prone to this or adults? not necessarily. but children will, you know, you'll see lack of growth in children. it's a very serious celiac. one very important thing, if you suspect you're gluten intolerant, go to the doctor and get the test before you go on a glu gluten free diet. the test won't be accurate. >> we know that this industry is bringing in millions of dollars. there are gluten free bakeries. you go down the aisle and entire sections are dedicated to gluten free products. one concern is people use it, also, as a way to lose weight. i'm going to out my friend. we were at dinner the other night and he's like can i have gluten free bread and eats regular bread. it's become a fad. >> it's fashionable to be gluten free. you don't lose weight necessarily doing it. gluten free foods are not necessarily any healthier than the gluten counter part. unless you have gluten intolerance. often they're made with more starch that try to compensate for the lack of gluten. it's not necessarily healthier. it won't necessarily make you lose weight. the fashion of it, actually, trivializes the seriousness of the issue for people who need it. it bothers me. don't do it for fashion or lose weight. do it if you really think that you need to. >> and now so you more information regarding regulation labelling. hopefully helps as well. >> it certainly will. you're fantastic. we appreciate you coming on. closing arguments underway in the trial of the murder of renisha mcbride. it tops the look at stories around the nation today. prosecutor portrayed mcbride that wanted to go home the night theodore wafer shot and killed her on his doorstep. autopsy results show she was drunk at the time. defense claims he was being terrorized while mcbride violently knocked on his door. there's no evidence of fear. no evidence that he was going to be hurt. no evidence that anyone was ever -- by his own words and estimates. >> the man you heard was in fear for his life! and it was coming at him! they were coming at him! how many times did he say that? >> wafer is charged with second-degree murder and the jury will be able to consider the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter. plead not guilty. i've learned the case has gone to the jury. we'll keep you up to date on any decision that comes down on that case. one of the drivers involved. a terrifying bus crash is under arrest. police say he was impaired when the double decker tour buses collided yesterday afternoon injuring 14 people. one of the buses went flying into a crowded walking plaza. it sent a traffic light to the ground injuring several others. an amazing story about the power of working together. a man, take a look at the video, a man fell in the gap between a train and platform in the station in perth, australia. he couldn't get out. a crush of commuters helped push the train to tilt it back so he could wiggle free. that man wasn't injured at all! that's amazing! take a look at the pictures sent back to effort after history was made in space this morning. the rosetta became the first ever to enter orbit of a comment. it-- commit. it's been chasing it for ten years to study it up close and sending a robotic lander to the surface. scientists hope it will provide clues about the origin of the planet. up next actor sean joins me live about the role about an undercover agent. >> me talking about what terrorist attack? >> we'll talk with him about the new show and the online effort to keep his character alive. be sure to like news nation on facebook. we're on in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. machines will be sprayed to be made. and making something stronger... will mean making it lighter. one day, factories will work with the cloud. one day... is today. could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company? 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>> clear, sir. >> we came here to serve a warrant. we're not taking a fall for this. >> you're worried about covering your ass for a terrorist attack. >> what are you talking about? what terrorist attack? >> and sean bean joins us now. thank you so much for joining us, sean. >> hi, tamron. thank you. >> so you survived that grenade attack. we know you at least made it out of that scene. but this character has major issues here, major identity crisis going on here. >> he does indeed. on top of playing these various characters or legends, as they call them, he's also going through a big identity crisis himself. so it kind of makes it quite complex, psychological story for martin and for myself. >> we often ask actors what attracts you to a certain role. what really made you want to get into this character? >> i think that was part of the attraction. you know, one of the big things, the big draws for me was working with howard gordon, who creates it, it was developed by him. a great pedigree. and i guess the other thing was playing the characters, having the chance to play various other characters, being able to invent them, the idiosycrancies. >> you are certainly hugely popular on the internet, as you know. there's the hash tag #don'tkillseanbean. what can you tell us? >> i think it might be all right this one. well, it was when i last left him, episode 10. he survives. he's good. >> when that happened, i just thought -- i didn't want to go to work the next day. i know there's a mean going around the internet with an image of you. it says, "one does not simply predict their own demise." so we're putting that up here. your characters, they are the best. they are legendary and then they die. >> i know. i'm sorry. >> no, sorry is not good enough, sean. we need you to stick around. okay. you've given me the giggles. well, i hope so, too, because we absolutely adore you. you're an amazingly charming man. we'll be watching "legends," wednesday, august 13th. i'm happy you're not in the studio. i probably would have fainted. on that note, i'll say good-bye. >> thank you, it's been a pleasure. that does it for this edition of "news nation." i'm tamron hall. up next, "andrea mitchell reports." changes. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when healthcare becomes simpler. so let's do it. let's simplify healthcare. let's close the gap between people and care. but parallel parking isn't one you do a lof them.ings great. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? 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it's a jihadist place. >> meanwhile, the colbert bump. >> don't you dare. you were checking my name four minutes ago, you two-timers. >> ebola spreads. health officials in west africa racing to contain the deadly ebola outbreak, including a spike in cases in the capital of nigeria, the capital's largest city with a bustling international airport. nigeria's world renowned finance minister is joining me to talk about the crisis. >> our partners will do whatever we can to help with the crisis and getting


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