Atmospheric dispersion models are typically used in ‘forward mode’, meaning that source emission rates are specified and then the dispersion model is used to determine the concentration of pollutants in the air depending on the prevailing meteorology. Click to read more.
nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH, an ISO 9001:14001 certified supplier, is one of the world’s most reputable manufacturers of lasers for gas sensing applications. Click to read more.
Gasmet is known as a single source provider of gas monitoring systems with in-house technology, modular design, low measurement uncertainties and future-proof design, that represent the future of gas analysis in variety of industrial settings such as waste incineration, cement production, carbon capture and stack testing. Click to read more.
Hint Global, with over 30 years’ experience, recently introduced cutting-edge software tools designed to support emission monitoring programs. Click to read more.