Exclusive blue wine. Spectacular scenery a cable suspension bridge and gemini docks mountain. And sensational sounds showcasing a talented new kiss from like. The reports on the spanish wine makers as one of my past no favorites this year a lot of wine and ive tried reds whites roses and orange wine so i was really intrigued about this blue variety it was created by a group of youngsters who didnt have any previous experience that is just to have fun and to shape the Wine Industry a little and they buy every six well and during that fishel it came in at number twenty and all rankings of this is top stories on your likes. A drop of any one it might not look like it or be permitted to be called wine but this is a spanish wine its made from grapes pressed in the normal way it was created by five friends and who wanted to revolutionize the wine world with their product live. The bright blue color is their trademark and marketing gimmick. And then we extract. From the skin of the right grea