problems and they won t change.g butt every week we re going to hear one of them. but victor, this is why i started off that the inmates are truly running the asylum. an they can t change. they are addicted to fanaticism. they know they re being hurtd politically. and the other group we re going to do it again. we re going to do it. it s going to have a different result, but it s not going to be a different result. and your friend i know you re very close. bill gates, the newgo a speakino a new model, victor, i had to get your thoughts on something stunning. at least i thought that gates said watch during the pandemic any engagement sales meeting, doctor , yout sales meeting, know, having a funeral. you know, people are forced to say, hey, can we doe that digitally? and we ll also do i need to go to that convention or could it be online? i think that is a a very positive things. that s a positive thing for a dweeb who doesn t want toe leave his house. it s not a positive thing for the