Democratic party, the activists, are they going to be in a good place with Hillary Clinton . Sen. Reid hillary is the nominee. I could certainly commiserate with bernie. During the conversation, i said, i dont understand the depth of your feelings, but i have some understanding. I lost to a young man in a senate race by 524 votes. I understand what you are going through. Bernie is going to be good for the party. Hes going to be good for the senators. Im confident he will be a good campaigner for Democratic Senators and the nominee. Do you get the impression after your discussions with senator sanders that after tuesday hes going to end his campaign . Sen. Reid we did not discuss. I told him that i was not pushing for anything. He can make whatever decision he feels appropriate on tuesday and thereafter. [indiscernible] sen. Reid pardon me . What is he holding out for . Sen. Reid i think he is somebody who is interested in changing the direction of the country. I think hes done that. I
Right now. So we have to be very clear about this. We do not need to wait for pg es green tariff rates to come out before we set our not to exceed rates because they are not going to be below their brown power rates and we know what the brown power rates are and we know that we just like marin and Sonoma County are going to be charging brown power rates. Pg e is not going to be able to beat that unless they go to a really anticompetitive posture which will be very challenged by pg e and not be able to get away with it. This idea that we have to wait until pg e sets its rate, they are trying to set it up so we wait for them to do that so we dont start our program and we wait until after the election and there is not enough political will to get this off the ground. I have to say this talk to wait until the end of the year to set our basic light green rate which is the rate that will establish the entire program, again the hundred percent green we are going to offer is just a separate an
I feel like its a weak ask. It sounds like we can launch this year. Lets do the light green and dark green. It sounds like you should just aim to launch this year and catch up with the rest of the bay area. Its kind of embarrassing at this point. Thank you. Are there any other members who would like to provide comment. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We are done with this item unless there is a requested action . Jason fried, the one thing that lafco may want to do is accept the report so i can communicate it to them so there might be a month eggs to motion to accept the report and let enernex done. Supervisor london breed is there a motion to accept the report . Moved by commissioner campos. Is there a second . Second by commissioner crews. Wow objection the item will move forward to accept the report. Madam clerk, can you please call item no. 5. City clerk item no. 5 status of Pacific Gas Electric Companies Application before the Califo
Advance payment practice to fund loans to subcontractors to address what we have often heard from some of our smaller subcontractors, it cleans up modernizes 14b and formalizes the transfer of chapter 14b implementation from the Human Rights Commission to the city administrator. It would keep the limit up which the city would guarantee as part of its Surety Bond Program as 750,000, it keeps the mayor as the official who resolves matters when the awarding authority and the director are unable to agree whether to divide a contract into smaller contracts to maximize the opportunity for lbes to participate. It changes 14b. 5 on puc regional projects that are 70 miles or more outside San Francisco or force the costs to be shared and it corrects a number of drafting issues that we have in the version that we had originally introduced. So, with that, what id like to do is ask bill barnes representing our city administrator to make a brief set of introductory comments and then we can move on t
Cheapest electricity in california and in much of the country is natural gas electricity. Okay. Renewables are getting a lot cheaper but they are not cheaper than natural gas right now. So we have to be very clear about this. We do not need to wait for pg es green tariff rates to come out before we set our not to exceed rates because they are not going to be below their brown power rates and we know what the brown power rates are and we know that we just like marin and Sonoma County are going to be charging brown power rates. Pg e is not going to be able to beat that unless they go to a really anticompetitive posture which will be very challenged by pg e and not be able to get away with it. This idea that we have to wait until pg e sets its rate, they are trying to set it up so we wait for them to do that so we dont start our program and we wait until after the election and there is not enough political will to get this off the ground. I have to say this talk to wait until the end of t