Apogee Enterprises (NASDAQ:APOG – Get Rating) is scheduled to release its earnings data before the market opens on Thursday, April 7th. Analysts expect Apogee Enterprises to post earnings of $0.74 per share for the quarter. Persons interested in participating in the company’s earnings conference call can do so using this link. Shares of NASDAQ:APOG opened […]
Equities analysts expect Insight Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ:NSIT – Get Rating) to report sales of $2.41 billion for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Three analysts have provided estimates for Insight Enterprises’ earnings, with estimates ranging from $2.39 billion to $2.43 billion. Insight Enterprises reported sales of $2.19 billion in the same quarter […]
Rediff.com India (OTCMKTS:REDFY – Get Rating) and Lee Enterprises (NYSE:LEE – Get Rating) are both computer and technology companies, but which is the superior stock? We will compare the two businesses based on the strength of their profitability, institutional ownership, risk, valuation, analyst recommendations, dividends and earnings. Institutional & Insider Ownership 45.5% of Lee Enterprises […]
Shares of Circa Enterprises Inc. (CVE:CTO – Get Rating) reached a new 52-week high during trading on Monday . The company traded as high as C$1.44 and last traded at C$1.44, with a volume of 2000 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at C$1.31. The company has a quick ratio of 0.80, a current […]
Analysts expect Apogee Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ:APOG – Get Rating) to announce earnings per share of $0.74 for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks reports. Zero analysts have provided estimates for Apogee Enterprises’ earnings. Apogee Enterprises posted earnings per share of $0.63 in the same quarter last year, which would suggest a positive year-over-year growth rate of […]